166 research outputs found

    A methodology for future empirical research

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    Aprendizaje de las Ciencias Sociales a través del Constructivismo: una Alternativa en mi Formación Docente

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    Mi Proyecto Pedagógico Personal, surge de la problemática observada en las diferentes instituciones donde realicé mi práctica docente. Esto hizo que me decidiera por el modelo pedagógico constructivista, el enfoque curricular critico social y el tipo de investigación etnográfico; elementos que fueron articulados de manera clara paso a paso dentro del proyecto pedagógico, dejando un gran resultado a nivel profesional y personal por cuanto sirvieron de herramientas formativa, para todos los miembros de la comunidad educativa que participaron activamente en este proceso. Refiriéndome a padres de familia docentes, educandos ya que en mi caso personal la actitud de los directivos de la institución fue un tanto apática frente al desarrollo de las actividades. Inicialmente se percibía un miedo eminente al cambio de metodología, pero posteriormente fuimos creando espacios de aceptación por part

    Revisión de las propiedades psicométricas de las versiones larga y reducida de la Escala sobre Ideología de Género

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    La ideología de género es un constructo de gran relevancia en el análisis psicológico del género, que se ha mostrado relacionado con multitud de comportamientos, creencias y actitudes de hombres y de mujeres, especialmente con aquellos relacionados con la discriminación de género. Tras definir el constructo que se pretende medir, en este estudio instrumental se revisan los estudios realizados para la elaboración y evaluación de las propiedades psicométricas de las versiones larga y reducida de la Escala de Ideología de Género (EIG). Los estudios revisados muestran que: a) los valores del coeficiente alfa para ambas versiones varían entre 0,70 y 0,90; b) el patrón general de las medias de las puntuaciones totales se inclina hacia el polo igualitario de la escala; y c) las evidencias convergentes y discriminantes de las mediciones aportadas por ambas versiones de la EIG son coherentes con la teoría sobre el constructo. Por último, se apuntan futuras investigaciones sobre la estructura factorial de las escalas y la utilidad predictiva del constructo ideología de género.Gender ideology is a very important construct in the psychological study of gender. Research has shown that gender ideology is related to many behaviours, believes, and attitudes of men and women, specially with those related to gender discrimination. Firstly, the construct ‘gender identity’ is defined. Secondly, in this article studies conducted to elaborate and evaluate the psychometric properties of the long and the short versions of the Gender Ideology Scale are revised. Results of these instrumental studies show the following: a) alpha coefficients for both versions range from.70 to .90; b) the general pattern of total scores is biased toward the equalitarian pole of the scale; and c) convergent and discriminant evidences related to the use of both versions are consistent with the theory about gender ideology. Finally, future research about the scale factorial structure and the predictive utility of the construct gender ideology are suggested.A ideologia de género é um construto de grande relevância na análise psicológica do género, que se tem mostrado relacionado com uma variedade de comportamentos, crenças e atitudes de homens e mulheres, especialmente com aqueles relacionados com a discriminação de género. Depois de se definir o construto que se pretende medir, neste estudo instrumental revêem-se os estudos realizados para a elaboração e avaliação das propriedades psicométricas das versões larga e reduzida da Escala de Ideologia de Género (EIG). Os estudos revistos mostram que: a) os valores do coeficiente alfa para ambas as versões variam entre 0,70 e 0,90; b) o padrão geral das médias de pontuações totais inclina-se para o pólo igualitário da escala; e c) as evidências convergentes e discriminantes das medições fornecidas por ambas as versões da EIG são coerentes com a teoria sobre o construto. Por último, indicam-se futuras investigações sobre a estrutura factorial das escalas e a utilidade preditiva do construto ideologia de género.Este trabajo se ha realizado dentro del proyecto de investigación “Diferencias de poder y género: aspectos psicosociales” (Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, referencia SEJ2004-02817/PSIC)

    Strong predictors of offender drivers: drug and alcohol addiction and the inability to dissociate binge alcohol or drug consumption from driving. Revoking their driver’s licence may not be enough

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    The causes underlying traffic offender behaviour might be the tip of the iceberg that represents a persistent burden on global health and serves to detect other serious social, family, work problems. Better understanding and prevention of recidivism following a First-time driving under the influence conviction and analysis of High Risk offender driver behaviors are needed. This study seeks to identify the factors that predict an offender driver profile, analysing not only drivers’ general use of alcohol and/or drugs, but also their ability to dissociate the use of alcohol and other substances from driving. A total of 315 drivers — 97 offenders (95.9 % men) and 218 non-offenders (47.2 % men) responded to a battery of self-report evaluation questionnaires on: alcohol use habits (measured with the AUDIT); drug use (measured with the DAST-20); the ability of dissociating alcohol and substance use from driving; educational level; self-reported traffic violations, errors and lapses (measured with the DBQ, Driver Behaviour Questionnaire); and sociodemographic questions. The model showed good fit indicators (R2 = 0.74). It also displayed good predictive power: (1). It correctly classified 91 % of participants as offender or non-offender drivers. (2). More specifically, its sensitivity was 88 %, having correctly classified offenders as offenders. And its specificity was 92 %, having correctly classified non-offenders as non-offenders. The findings underscores that not only is alcohol use a key predictor of offending behaviour, but so is drug use. These addictions are a health problem, and their consequences are more serious when the afflicted individual drives a vehicle. This article makes evident that repeat offenders have a lower ability of dissociating alcohol and substance use from driving than do non-offender drivers. Non-offenders are shown to be more capable than offenders of dissociating consumption from driving: offender drivers are unable to dissociate the consumption of more than 5 spirit drinks, or the consumption of cannabis, from driving. More than half of non-offender drivers admitted to driving after having had 1 or 2 beers. Along these same lines, we found that offenders believe they have fewer lapses than non-offenders. This could be due to the optimism bias of bold offender drivers, who overestimate their abilities and underestimate their lapses. We also found that offender drivers have a lower educational level. Revoking the High Risk offender’s driver’s licence may not be enough. Instead, High Risk Offenders should be given the support they need to give up the consumption of alcohol and drugs, at least while driving. This could be achieved if they receive motivational interventions and are referred for detoxification treatment.Plan Nacional de Drogas, Ministerio de Sanidad, Consumo y Bienestar Social (MCBS), PND-020-019 and the Grants: PID2020-113878, PID-2021-12944-IOO, PYC20RE022, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033Junta de Andalucía and the “European Union

    Hábitos, preferencias y habilidades culinarias de estudiantes de primer curso de la universidad de Huelva

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    Introduction: Students attending university are at a critical period for the development and consolidation of future lifestyles. The objective of this study was to know the eating habits, food preferences and culinary skills of first-year students on different degree courses at the University of Huelva. Material and Method: Cross-sectional descriptive study in academic year 2015-2016 of a sample of 756 students. Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet was measured by the KIDMED questionnaire. The rest of the variables were measured by an ad hoc questionnaire. Data analysis was performed using the PSPP programme, calculating arithmetic means, standard deviations and percentages for the descriptive analysis, with Chi-square test and ANOVA for the relational analysis. Results: 20.4% of students have an optimal level of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet, compared to 65.3% % with an average level and 14.3% with low adherence. Favourite foods cited were chicken (62.2%), pasta (58.2%), pork (50.4%) and chips (45.9%). The types of food the students knew how to prepare included pasta (93.8%), egg and chips (90.2%), precooked pizza (88.7%), fruit juices (86.1%) and grilled meat (85.8%). Conclusions: Huelva university students diet is very similar to that of other university populations studied. We found a preference for meat and foods rich in carbohydrates, to the detriment of fruit and vegetables. A lack of culinary skills was observed, which could explain the deterioration in eating habits; this is a pointer to future interventions.Introducción: Los estudiantes universitarios se encuentran en un periodo crítico para el desarrollo y consolidación de estilos de vida futuros. El objetivo fue conocer los hábitos alimentarios, preferencias alimentarias y habilidades culinarias del alumnado de primer curso de las distintas titulaciones de la Universidad de Huelva. Material y Método: Estudio descriptivo transversal durante el año académico 2015-2016 de una muestra final de 756 alumnos. La adherencia a la Dieta Mediterránea se ha medido a través del cuestionario KIDMED. El resto de variables se han recogido mediante un cuestionario ad hoc. El análisis de datos se realizó mediante el PSPP, calculándose medias, desviaciones típicas y porcentajes para el análisis descriptivo, prueba de Chi-cuadrado y ANOVA para el análisis relacional. Resultados: El 20,4% del alumnado tiene un nivel óptimo de adherencia a la Dieta Mediterránea, frente al 65,3% que posee un nivel medio y un 14,3% bajo. Los alimentos preferidos son pollo (62,2%), pasta (58,2%), cerdo (50,4%) y las patatas fritas (45,9%). Entre los alimentos que saben preparar están la pasta, (93,8%), patatas con huevo (90.2 %), pizza precocinada (88.7 %), zumo (86.1 %) y carne a la plancha (85.8 %). Conclusiones: La dieta de los estudiantes onubenses es muy similar a la de otras poblaciones universitarias estudiadas. Se encontró preferencia por las carnes y alimentos ricos en glúcidos, en detrimento de la fruta y la verdura. Se observó un déficit en las habilidades culinarias, lo cual podría explicar el deterioro del patrón alimentario de éstos y orientar futuras intervenciones

    A systematic review of perception system and simulators for autonomous vehicles research

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    This paper presents a systematic review of the perception systems and simulators for autonomous vehicles (AV). This work has been divided into three parts. In the first part, perception systems are categorized as environment perception systems and positioning estimation systems. The paper presents the physical fundamentals, principle functioning, and electromagnetic spectrum used to operate the most common sensors used in perception systems (ultrasonic, RADAR, LiDAR, cameras, IMU, GNSS, RTK, etc.). Furthermore, their strengths and weaknesses are shown, and the quantification of their features using spider charts will allow proper selection of different sensors depending on 11 features. In the second part, the main elements to be taken into account in the simulation of a perception system of an AV are presented. For this purpose, the paper describes simulators for model-based development, the main game engines that can be used for simulation, simulators from the robotics field, and lastly simulators used specifically for AV. Finally, the current state of regulations that are being applied in different countries around the world on issues concerning the implementation of autonomous vehicles is presented.This work was partially supported by DGT (ref. SPIP2017-02286) and GenoVision (ref. BFU2017-88300-C2-2-R) Spanish Government projects, and the “Research Programme for Groups of Scientific Excellence in the Region of Murcia" of the Seneca Foundation (Agency for Science and Technology in the Region of Murcia – 19895/GERM/15)

    Prácticas alimentarias del alumnado de secundaria durante la jornada escolar en Andalucía asociadas a la oferta del entorno

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    Fundamento: El análisis del contexto ambiental es imprescindible para estudiar las prácticas alimentarias en adolescentes. Se describen las prácticas alimentarias durante la jornada escolar del alumnado usuario de los comercios de alimentos circundantes a los centros de educación secundaria en Andalucía y las características de los mismos.Métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal, sobre una muestra de 8068 estudiantes y 95 centros de secundaria. Muestreo aleatorio polietápico por conglomerado: estratificado por provincia y tamaño de hábitat y sistemático por aulas. El tipo de establecimiento, oferta alimentaria, distancia y visualización desde el centro y demanda del alumnado se realizó mediante observación directa y entrevistas, y las características socio-demográficas y las prácticas alimentarias a través de cuestionario. Resultados: Los centros tienen establecimientos cercanos con oferta alimentaria dirigida al alumnado (72,63%). Predominan bares y cafeterías (55), tiendas de comestibles (54) y quioscos de chucherías (23). La oferta de chucherías, bollería y bocadillos se constata en todos los establecimientos. El 25,73% del alumnado compra su merienda escolar en estos comercios, encontrando relaciones significativas en el consumo de golosinas y paquetes de fritos envasados frente al alumnado que no sale del instituto durante la hora del recreo.Conclusiones: El número y las características de la oferta de los establecimientos circundantes a los centros educativos obligan a profundizar en la influencia sobre las prácticas alimentarias del alumnado para establecer medidas de salud pública que controlen la oferta insalubre detectada

    How Effective Are Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Reducing Stress and Weight? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Stress contributes to the development and maintenance of obesity. Mindfulness-based therapies are being used to reduce stress and promote weight reduction and maintenance. This study aimed to determine the efficacy of mindfulness-based interventions for stress and weight reduction in the short, medium, and long term. Searches on PsycINFO, Medline, CINAHL, Scopus, WOS, and Science Direct were conducted until March 2021. Intervention studies with a sample of adults were included; these evaluated a mindfulness-based intervention and used stress and weight or body mass index as outcome variables. These criteria were met by 13 articles. A meta-analysis of 8 of the 13 articles was performed with a random-effects or fixed-effects model, depending on the level of heterogeneity between studies. Mindfulness-based interventions had a small effect on stress reduction over a 3-month period: effect size (standardized mean difference) = −0.29 (95% CI: −0.49, −0.10). However, no significant evidence was found for stress reduction from 3 months onwards, nor for weight or body mass index reduction in any period. Mindfulness-based interventions are effective in reducing stress in the short term, but not in the medium or long term, nor are they effective for weight or body mass index. More robust and longer study designs are needed to determine their effects.This research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education, as allocated to the intern E.S.-C., with reference number [FPU18/04620]

    Manejo del dolor infantil por los profesionales de enfermería

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    Introducción: La sensación de dolor es subjetiva y en el caso de la infancia se hace más compleja su valoración debido a las dificultades que los niños tienen para comunicarse. Por tanto, se tiende a infravalorar su dolor y el tratamiento es inadecuado. Este artículo está centrado en los profesionales de Enfermería que cuidan a diario a niños que están sometidos a situaciones dolorosas por estar ingresados o padecer alguna alteración de salud. El objetivo es evaluar el grado de conocimiento de los profesionales de Enfermería sobre el dolor infantil. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio cuasiexperimental de tipo pretest-postest, en el que se distinguieron 3 Fases: I: Medida del grado de conocimiento sobre el dolor pediátrico mediante un cuestionario ya validado. II: Intervención formativa para mejorar los conocimientos, la actitud y las habilidades necesarias para el manejo adecuado del dolor. III: Evaluación de la intervención y del nivel de conocimientos tras la misma. Resultados: El resultado global más importante es que el 57% de los profesionales poseen un nivel de conocimientos considerado “Alto” y el 30% posee un nivel “Medio”. Este nivel de conocimientos es mayor en las unidades de Neonatología e inferior en las unidades de Maternidad. Conclusiones: La experiencia y la especialización suponen una cualidad para el conocimiento sobre el manejo del dolor infantil. Los profesionales necesitan más tiempo para la formación especializada y la formación mejora el conocimiento sobre el manejo del dolor infantil.Introduction: The pain sensation is subjective and in the case of the childhood it becomes more complex its valuation due to the difficulties that the children have to communicate. Therefore, he/she couches to undervalue their pain and the treatment is inadequate. This article, it is centered in the professionals of Infirmary that take care to newspaper to children that are subjected to painful situations to be entered or to suffer some alteration of health. The objective is to evaluate the grade of the professionals' of Infirmary knowledge on the infantile pain. Metodology: It is a study pretest-postest cuasiexperimental, in which is distinguished 3 Phases: I: Measured of the grade of knowledge on the pediatric pain by means of a questionnaire already validated. II: formative Intervention to improve the knowledge, the attitude and the abilities necessary for the appropriate handling of the pain. III: Evaluation of the intervention and of the level of knowledge after the same one. Results: The most important global result is that 57% of the professionals possesses a "High" considered level of knowledge and 30% it possesses a "Half" level. This level of knowledge is bigger in the units of Neonatología, and inferior in the of Maternity unidade. Conclusions: The experience and the specialization suppose a quality for the knowledge on the handling of the infantile pain. The professionals need more time for the specialized formation. and the formation improves the knowledge on the handling of the infantile pain