9,426 research outputs found

    A Bistochastic Nonparametric Estimator

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    We explore the relevance of adopting a bistochastic nonparametric estimator. This estimator has two main implications. First, the estimator reduces variability according to the robust criterion of second-order stochastic (and Lorenz) dominance. This is a universally criterion in risk and welfare economics, which expands the applicability of nonparametric estimation in economics, for instance to the measurement of economic discrimination. Second, the bistochastic estimator produces smaller errors than do positive-weights nonparametric estimators, in terms of the bias-variance trade-off. This result is verified in a general simulation exercise. This improvement is due to a significant reduction in boundary bias, which makes the estimator itself useful in empirical applications. Finally, consistency, preservation of the mean value, and multidimensional extension are some other useful properties of this estimator.nonparametric estimation, second-order stochastic dominance, bistochastic estimator

    Poverty in Dictator Games: Awakening Solidarity

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    This paper investigates the effect of poverty and good intentions on dictator game giving. Previous experimental studies in which information was supplied to dictators about recipients have shown that dictator giving increases overall in this context. We develop a new design of standard informed dictator games with three main variants: 1) three recipients are used instead of one; 2) dictators are informed that their recipients are poor; 3) dictators give donations in the form of medicines instead of money. We have found that 46% of the experimental subjects (dictators) give the full amount of money (100% of the endowment) in the “poverty” treatment, while in the “medicines” treatment this percentage increases to 72%. Such extremely generous behavior has seldom been observed in the previous literature on dictator games.dictator giving, poverty effect, good intentions effect, medicines.

    Technology Adoption in Nonrenewable Resource Management

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    Nonrenewable resource scarcity has been a traditional concern when designing optimal growth models. Technological change has played an important role in those models, since its presence is assumed to mitigate the depletion effect on extraction paths over time. We formalize the general problem of a competitive nonrenewable resource extracting firm to analyze optimal extraction behavior and technology adoption when adoption is costly, both in a deterministic and a stochastic environment, when the firm either anticipates adoption or not. Based on a quadratic extraction cost function, our results do not support the traditional view according to which the firm will only incur in an adoption cost when the stock is depleted enough.nonrenewable resources; technology adoption; depletion effect; cost of adoption.

    La familia de Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo, yerno de Velázquez: consideraciones sobre los personajes del cuadro "La familia del pintor"

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    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo revisar y completar los aspectos conocidos de la vida del pintor, Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo, empezando por sus orígenes familiares y lugar de nacimiento, así como identificar los personajes que aparecen representados en el cuadro La Familia del Pintor. Esta identificación permite precisar la cronología de la obra.This article offers a revision of some well-known data about the painter Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo, as, for example, his family origins and place of birth. It offers also an identification of the persons represented in his painting The family of the painter. This identification makes possible to establish accurately the date of this work


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    This article determines the effect of rounding (pointing-off) of grade percentages to the nearest whole number on the probability distribution of regrading in the peanut industry. Results show that rounding causes graders to have to regrade an extra 4% of samples even when they follow all directions and make no mistakes. When rounding was not used, the sample weight had little effect on the probability of regrading. With rounding, the probability of regrading was reduced by beginning with a larger than 500-gram sample. Thus, rounding provides an incentive to take overweight samples in order to avoid regrading. Overweight samples can overestimate the value of peanuts. A low-cost way to improve peanut grading accuracy would be to round to tenths rather than whole numbers.grading, normal-jump distribution, peanuts, regrading, rounding, Crop Production/Industries,

    The family as a deciding factor in the choice of teaching

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    Aproximación a la situación de las mujeres en la legislación educativa del siglo XIX. La influencia de la familia en la elección del magisterio como actividad laboral. El Archivo de la Universidad de Cádiz como base de la documentación utilizada.Approach to the situation of women in the educational legislation of the 19 th century. The influence of the family in the choice of teaching as a work activity. The General Archive of the UCA as the basis of the documentation used


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    A theoretical model is developed to explain the economics of determining price slides for feeder cattle. The contract is viewed as a dynamic game with continuous strategies where the buyer and seller are the players. The model provides a solution for the price slide that guarantees an unbiased estimate of cattle weight. An empirical model using Superior Livestock Auction (SLA) data shows price slides used are smaller than those needed to cause the producer to give unbiased estimates of weight. Consistent with the model's predictions, producers slightly underestimate cattle weights.Demand and Price Analysis,

    Biographical dictionary of the Cathedral of Cordoba (i): the members of the chapter in early modern age

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    Esta publicación recoge la primera parte del estudio biográfico de un conjunto representativo de los miembros del cabildo de una catedral española, la de Córdoba, entre finales del siglo XV y los primeros años del XIX. Para ello, he optado por el formato de entradas simplificadas con los datos básicos sobre el origen, la filiación, los estudios y la carrera de varios cientos de eclesiásticos.This paper presents the first part of the biographical study of a representative number of the members of a Spanish cathedral chapter, that of Cordoba, between the last fifteenth century and the first years of the nineteenth century. To do that, I chose a format of simplified entries with basic information on the origin, parentage, studies and career of several hundred churchmen

    Religiosidad femenina y herejía: monjas y beatas «luteranas» ante la Inquisición de Sevilla en tiempos del Emperador

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    Resumen: Durante la represión del luteranismo en Sevilla (1557-1565), las mujeres representaron un porcentaje importante de los condenados. Y entre las supliciadas destacan mujeres que desempeñaron un papel y un rol central en la difusión de las nuevas doctrinas. Nos centraremos más particularmente en el caso de las religiosas y beatas procesadas en aquella ocasión. Palabras clave: Sevilla, Siglo XVI, Luteranismo, Inquisición, mujeres Abstract: During the repression of Lutherian heresy in Seville (1557-1565), women represented a significant percentage of the convicted. And among the persons sentenced to death, women played a central role in the spread of the new doctrines. We will focus more particularly on the case of religious and «beatas» judged on that occasion. Keywords: Seville, XVIth century, Lutheranisme, Inquisition, wome

    La religiosidad de la mujer en Castilla durante la época pretridentina

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