257 research outputs found

    Spectroscopic signature of phosphate crystallization in Erbium-doped optical fibre preforms

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    In rare-earth-doped silica optical fibres, the homogeneous distribution of amplifying ions and part of their spectroscopic properties are usually improved by adding selected elements, such as phosphorus or aluminum, as structural modifier. In erbium ion (Er3+) doped fibres, phosphorus preferentially coordinates to Er3+ ions to form regular cages around it. However, the crystalline structures described in literature never gave particular spectroscopic signature. In this article, we report emission and excitation spectra of Er3+ in a transparent phosphorus-doped silica fibre preform. The observed line features observed at room and low temperature are attributed to ErPO4 crystallites

    Ultrasonic techniques for repair of aircraft structures with bonded composite patches

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    This is a paper on a research and development project to demonstrate a novel ultrasonic process for the field application of boron/epoxy (B/Ep) patches for repair of aircraft structures. The first phase of the project was on process optimization and testing to develop the most practical ultrasonic processing techniques. Accelerated testing and aging behavior of precured B/Ep patches, which were ultrasonically bonded to simulated B-52 wing panel assemblies, were performed by conducting flight-by-flight spectrum loading fatigue tests. The spectrum represented 2340 missions/flights or 30 years of service. The effects of steady-state applied temperature and prior exposure of the B/Ep composite patches were evaluated. Representative experimental results of this phase of the project are presented

    Entanglement entropy in collective models

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    We discuss the behavior of the entanglement entropy of the ground state in various collective systems. Results for general quadratic two-mode boson models are given, yielding the relation between quantum phase transitions of the system (signaled by a divergence of the entanglement entropy) and the excitation energies. Such systems naturally arise when expanding collective spin Hamiltonians at leading order via the Holstein-Primakoff mapping. In a second step, we analyze several such models (the Dicke model, the two-level BCS model, the Lieb-Mattis model and the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model) and investigate the properties of the entanglement entropy in the whole parameter range. We show that when the system contains gapless excitations the entanglement entropy of the ground state diverges with increasing system size. We derive and classify the scaling behaviors that can be met.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    A new and rare actinote hübner (Lepidoptera : Nymphalidae: Heliconiinae : Acraeini) from southeastern Brazil

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    The present paper describes a new species of Actinote (Nymphalidae, Heliconiinae, Acraeini), Actinote keithbrowni Freitas, Francini & Mielke sp. nov., from southeastern Brazil, based on morphological and molecular data. The new species is very similar in wing pattern to Actinote eberti, within what we term the “light-gray mimicry complex.” The host plants and immature stages of the new species are unknown. Actinote keithbrowni sp. nov. is one of the rarest species of Actinote from Brazil: in total, only eight individuals of this species are known from a narrow region of the Itatiaia massif despite years of collecting effort in that region since the 1940s495696703CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP303834/2015-3; 304639/2014-20012011/50225-3; 2013/50297-0; 2015/24663-4AVLF acknowledges support from Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo – (FAPESP) (Biota-Fapesp grants 2011/50225-3, 2013/50297-0) and from the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) (303834/2015-3). LMM acknowledges FAPESP (PhD scholarship - 2015/24663-4). AHBR thanks Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brazil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001. OHHM acknowledges support from the – CNPq (304639/2014-2

    Deletion of small ankyrin 1 (SANK1) isoforms results in structural and functional alterations in aging skeletal muscle fibers

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    Muscle-specific ankyrins 1 (sAnk1) are a group of small ankyrin 1 isoforms, of which sAnk1.5 is the most abundant. sAnk1 are localized in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) membrane from where they interact with obscurin, a myofibrillar protein. This interaction appears to contribute to stabilize the SR close to the myofibrils. Here we report the structural and functional characterization of skeletal muscles from sAnk1 knockout mice (KO). Deletion of sAnk1 did not change the expression and localization of SR proteins in 4- to 6-mo-old sAnk1 KO mice. Structurally, the main modification observed in skeletal muscles of adult sAnk1 KO mice (4\u20136 mo of age) was the reduction of SR volume at the sarcomere A band level. With increasing age (at 12\u201315 mo of age) extensor digitorum longus (EDL) skeletal muscles of sAnk1 KO mice develop prematurely large tubular aggregates, whereas diaphragm undergoes significant structural damage. Parallel functional studies revealed specific changes in the contractile performance of muscles from sAnk1 KO mice and a reduced exercise tolerance in an endurance test on treadmill compared with control mice. Moreover, reduced Q\u3b3 charge and L-type Ca2+ current, which are indexes of affected excitation-contraction coupling, were observed in diaphragm fibers from 12- to 15-mo-old mice, but not in other skeletal muscles from sAnk1 KO mice. Altogether, these findings show that the ablation of sAnk1, by altering the organization of the SR, renders skeletal muscles susceptible to undergo structural and functional alterations more evident with age, and point to an important contribution of sAnk1 to the maintenance of the longitudinal SR architecture

    Reef fish and benthic assemblages of the Trindade and Martin Vaz Island group, southwestern Atlantic

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    O conjunto insular de Trindade e Martin Vaz (CITMV) está localizado a aproximadamente 1.120 km da costa brasileira. Apesar de sua importância, salientada pela presença de diversas espécies endêmicas de peixes, não existem informações detalhadas sobre as assembléias de peixes e bentos do CITMV. É apresentada aqui a primeira caracterização quantitativa das assembléias de peixes e bentos do CITMV em um gradiente de profundidade entre 5 e 45 m. Informações qualitativas adicionais sobre assembléias recifais entre 45 e 100 m foram obtidas utilizando-se técnicas avançadas de mergulho (TRIMIX) e um veículo de operação remota (VOR). Assim como outras ilhas oceânicas brasileiras, a CITMV possui assembléias depauperadas de peixes e bentos, possivelmente devido ao seu isolamento e pequeno tamanho em comparação ao continente. A profundidade foi o fator que mais afetou a estrutura das assembléias de peixes, com a densidade da maioria das espécies declinando com o aumento da profundidade. Os recifes profundos (>; 45 m) foram caracterizados pela presença de bancos extensivos de rodolitos e recifes rochosos esparsamente cobertos por algas coralináceas incrustantes, corais negros (Cirripathes sp.) e alguns corais massivos e em de forma de placa. Peixes parcialmente ou obrigatoriamente planctívoros (e.g. Cephalopholis furcifer and Clepticus brasiliensis) também dominaram em recifes profundos. Características similares foram registradas para recifes mesofóticos ao longo do Atlântico Ocidental. Evidências de sobrepesca (obtidas aqui e em outros estudos recentes), a presença de quatro espécies de peixes endêmicas e com distribuição restrita, e o aumento no número de espécies novas ainda não descritas, indicam que a adoção de medidas de conservação baseadas no princípio da precaução é urgentemente necessária para garantir a manutenção dos ecossistemas frágeis e únicos do CITMV.The Trindade and Martin Vaz island group (TMVIG) is located at about 1,120 km off the Brazilian coast. Despite its importance, highlighted by the presence of several endemic fish species, the TMVIG lacks detailed information on the structure of fish and benthic assemblages. Presented here is the first quantitative assessment of reef fish and benthic assemblages of the TMVIG in a depth gradient ranging from 5 to 45 m. Additional qualitative information on reef assemblages between 45 and 100 m was obtained using advanced gas diving techniques (TRIMIX) and a remotely operated vehicle (ROV). Similarly to other Brazilian oceanic islands, the TMVIG possesses depauperated fish and benthic assemblages, possibly due to its isolation and small size in comparison to the mainland. Depth was the most important factor affecting the structure of fish assemblages, with the density of most fish species declining with depth. Deep reefs (>; 45 m) were characterized by the presence of extensive rhodolith beds and rocky reefs sparsely covered with crustose coralline algae, black coral (Cirripathes sp.) and a few massive or plate-like reef corals. Part-time or obligatory planktivorous fishes (e.g. Cephalopholis furcifer and Clepticus brasiliensis) also dominated deep reefs. Similar characteristics were recorded in mesophotic reef ecosystems across the Western Atlantic. Evidence of overfishing (obtained here and in other recent studies), the presence of four endemic and restricted range fish species, as well as the increase in number of new (and still undescribed) endemic taxa, indicates that the adoption of precautionary conservation measures are urgently needed in order to maintain the fragile and unique ecosystems of the TMVIG

    Population expansion of the invasive Pomacentridae Chromis limbata (Valenciennes, 1833) in Southern Brazilian coast: long-term monitoring, fundamental niche availability and new records

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    Human-mediated species invasions are recognized as a leading cause of global biotic homogenization and extinction. Studies on colonization events since early stages, establishment of new populations and range extension are scarce because of their rarity, difficult detection and monitoring. Chromis limbata is a reef-associated and non-migratory marine fish from the family Pomacentridae found in depths ranging between 3 and 45 m. The original distribution of the species encompassed exclusively the eastern Atlantic, including the Azores, Madeira and the Canary Islands. It is also commonly reported from West Africa between Senegal and Pointe Noire, Congo. In 2008, vagrant individuals of C. limbata were recorded off the east coast of Santa Catarina Island, South Brazil (27° 41' 44″ S, 48° 27' 53″ W). This study evaluated the increasing densities of C. limbata populations in Santa Catarina State shoreline. Two recent expansions, northwards to São Paulo State and southwards to Rio Grande do Sul State, are discussed, and a niche model of maximum entropy (MaxEnt) was performed to evaluate suitable C. limbata habitats. Brazilian populations are established and significantly increasing in most sites where the species has been detected. The distributional boundaries predicted by the model are clearly wider than their known range of occurrence, evidencing environmental suitability in both hemispheres from areas where the species still does not occur. Ecological processes such as competition, predation and specially habitat selectivity may regulate their populations and overall distribution range. A long-term monitoring programme and population genetics studies are necessary for a better understanding of this invasion and its consequences to natural communities.CNPq, Grant/Award Number: CNPq 475367/2006-5; ECOPERE-SE Project; FAPES, Grant/Award Number: PROFIX program No 10/2018 -T.O.: 348/2018; FAPESC, Grant/Award Number: Biodiversidade Marinha do Estado de Santa Catarina Project PI: A.L. FAPESC 4302/2010-8; FAPESC/CNPq, Grant/Award Number: SISBIOTA-Mar project PI: S.R.F. CNPq 563276/2010-0; FAPESC 6308/2011-8; Petrobras (BR), Grant/Award Number: MAArE Project; King Abdullah University of Science and Technology; Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superiorinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio