1,095 research outputs found


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    The article discusses the need for the development of one of the directions of quasilifikatsionnogo growth of teachers professional educational organizations. It is represented as the creation and improvement of organic to contemporary period efficient technologies familiarizing students to the social and cultural values. Author's attention drawn to meaningful for self- learning and the development of society value professional work discusses the problem of familiarizing students to this value through the creation of pedagogical conditions for the realization of its significance.В статье рассматривается необходимость развития одного из направлений квалификационного роста преподавателей профессиональных образовательных организаций. Оно представлено как создание и совершенствование органичных для современного периода технологий эффективного приобщения обучающихся к социокультурным ценностям. Внимание автора обращено на значимую для самореализации обучающихся и для развития общества ценность профессиональной деятельности. Обсуждается проблема приобщения обучающихся к этой ценности посредством создания педагогических условий для осознании ее значимости

    Axiological aspect formation professional-moral culture of student

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    This article discusses one of the areas of moral development students of higher education institutions is to familiarize them with the polyvariant nature of domestic moral culture and understanding of the importance to individuals and society of its value. Particular attention is drawn to the consideration of moral values of traditional culture and the need for educating the axiological aspects of interaction between the subjects of the educational process for the formation of the professional responsibility of students professional responsibility, traditional moral cultureВ статье рассматривается одно из направлений нравственного развития студентов высших образовательных организаций, заключающееся в ознакомлении их с поливариантным характером отечественной нравственной культуры и пониманием ими значимости для личности и общества ее ценности. Особое внимание обращается на рассмотрение ценности традиционной нравственной культуры и на необходимость разработки аксиологического аспекта воспитывающего взаимодействия субъектов образовательного процесса для формирования профессиональной ответственности обучающихс

    Approximation of holomorphic mappings on strongly pseudoconvex domains

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    Let D be a relatively compact strongly pseudoconvex domain in a Stein manifold, and let Y be a complex manifold. We prove that the set A(D,Y), consisting of all continuous maps from the closure of D to Y which are holomorphic in D, is a complex Banach manifold. When D is the unit disc in C (or any other topologically trivial strongly pseudoconvex domain in a Stein manifold), A(D,Y) is locally modeled on the Banach space A(D,C^n)=A(D)^n with n=dim Y. Analogous results hold for maps which are holomorphic in D and of class C^r up to the boundary for any positive integer r. We also establish the Oka property for sections of continuous or smooth fiber bundles over the closure of D which are holomorphic over D and whose fiber enjoys the Convex approximation property. The main analytic technique used in the paper is a method of gluing holomorphic sprays over Cartan pairs in Stein manifolds, with control up to the boundary, which was developed in our paper "Holomorphic curves in complex manifolds" (Duke Math. J. 139 (2007), no. 2, 203--253)


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    This article discusses the spiritual and moral development and education of students in institutions of higher education . As one of the purposes of the content of spiritual and moral education of students of the authors consider it necessary to consider the formation of their professional and moral culture. The article suggested definition of the essence of professional moral culture specialist. The most effective form of spiritual and moral development of students, we create conditions in teachers teaching students self-organization. The problem of the wise use of the faculty of the most effective conditions for modern forms of student selfmotivation, viz. report them to the axiological aspect essence and significance of moral culture for professional activity , and for all other aspects of his life.В статье рассматриваются проблемы духовно-нравственного развития и воспитания студентов в организациях высшего профессионального образования. В качестве одной из целей содержания духовно-нравственного воспитания студентов авторы считают необходимым рассмотрение формирования их профессионально-нравственной культуры. В статье предложено определение сущности профессионально-нравственной культуры специалиста. В качестве наиболее эффективной формы духовно-нравственного развития студентов рассмотрено создание преподавателями педагогических условий в организации самовоспитания студентов. Обсуждается проблема разумного использования профессорско-преподавательским составом наиболее эффективной для современных условий формы мотивирования студенческого самовоспитания, а именно, донесение до них аксиологического аспекта сущности и значимости нравственной культуры как для профессиональной деятельности человека, так и для всех иных аспектов его жизнедеятельности

    Probing seed black holes using future gravitational-wave detectors

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    Identifying the properties of the first generation of seeds of massive black holes is key to understanding the merger history and growth of galaxies. Mergers between ~100 solar mass seed black holes generate gravitational waves in the 0.1-10Hz band that lies between the sensitivity bands of existing ground-based detectors and the planned space-based gravitational wave detector, the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA). However, there are proposals for more advanced detectors that will bridge this gap, including the third generation ground-based Einstein Telescope and the space-based detector DECIGO. In this paper we demonstrate that such future detectors should be able to detect gravitational waves produced by the coalescence of the first generation of light seed black-hole binaries and provide information on the evolution of structure in that era. These observations will be complementary to those that LISA will make of subsequent mergers between more massive black holes. We compute the sensitivity of various future detectors to seed black-hole mergers, and use this to explore the number and properties of the events that each detector might see in three years of observation. For this calculation, we make use of galaxy merger trees and two different seed black hole mass distributions in order to construct the astrophysical population of events. We also consider the accuracy with which networks of future ground-based detectors will be able to measure the parameters of seed black hole mergers, in particular the luminosity distance to the source. We show that distance precisions of ~30% are achievable, which should be sufficient for us to say with confidence that the sources are at high redshift.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables, accepted for proceedings of 13th GWDAW meetin

    Stein structures and holomorphic mappings

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    We prove that every continuous map from a Stein manifold X to a complex manifold Y can be made holomorphic by a homotopic deformation of both the map and the Stein structure on X. In the absence of topological obstructions the holomorphic map may be chosen to have pointwise maximal rank. The analogous result holds for any compact Hausdorff family of maps, but it fails in general for a noncompact family. Our main results are actually proved for smooth almost complex source manifolds (X,J) with the correct handlebody structure. The paper contains another proof of Eliashberg's (Int J Math 1:29--46, 1990) homotopy characterization of Stein manifolds and a slightly different explanation of the construction of exotic Stein surfaces due to Gompf (Ann Math 148 (2):619--693, 1998; J Symplectic Geom 3:565--587, 2005). (See also the related preprint math/0509419).Comment: The original publication is available at http://www.springerlink.co

    Do diurnal cortisol levels mediate the association between sleep disturbances and cognitive impairment?

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    Previous research found an association between sleep disturbances and cognitive deficits on the one hand, and between increased cortisol levels and poor cognitive performance on the other hand. We hypothesized that cortisol may, at least partially, mediate the link between sleep disturbances and cognitive impairment (CI). We analyzed data from 440 nondemented subjects aged ≥65 years (72.4 ± 4.5 years old, 55.7% women) participating at the population-based CoLaus/PsyCoLaus study, who underwent cognitive evaluation, complete polysomnography and cortisol measures during the day. Subjects with CI (N = 207, 47.05% of the sample) had lower sleep efficiency, less deep sleep (stage N3) and rapid eye movement sleep, and higher apnea/hypopnea index and oxygen desaturation index. After adjustment for possible confounders, oxygen desaturation index (≥4% and ≥6% per hour of sleep) were significantly associated with impaired cognitive performance. The results of Sobel's test for mediation using the regressions between the sleep-related variables and cortisol values, and between the cortisol and the Clinical Dementia Rating score were not significant (all p > 0.05). Our data suggest that sleep-disordered breathing is associated with CI, but that this association is not mediated by increased diurnal cortisol levels

    Sensitivity Studies for Third-Generation Gravitational Wave Observatories

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    Advanced gravitational wave detectors, currently under construction, are expected to directly observe gravitational wave signals of astrophysical origin. The Einstein Telescope, a third-generation gravitational wave detector, has been proposed in order to fully open up the emerging field of gravitational wave astronomy. In this article we describe sensitivity models for the Einstein Telescope and investigate potential limits imposed by fundamental noise sources. A special focus is set on evaluating the frequency band below 10Hz where a complex mixture of seismic, gravity gradient, suspension thermal and radiation pressure noise dominates. We develop the most accurate sensitivity model, referred to as ET-D, for a third-generation detector so far, including the most relevant fundamental noise contributions.Comment: 13 pages, 7 picture