42 research outputs found

    Proposal of the Strategy Development of the Czech Manufacturer Supplying Measuring and Control Technics for Nuclear Power Plants in Selected EU Countries

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    Tato práce má za cíl navrhnout a vypracovat strategii rozvoje společnosti ZPA Nová Paka, a.s., která působí jako výrobce a dodavatel měřící a regulační techniky, na vybrané trhy jaderné energetiky v EU. Teoretická část práce se zabývá rozborem základních předpokladů strategického rozvoje, analýzami vnějších a vnitřních faktorů a analýzou rizik. Analytická část práce obsahuje komplexní analýzu prostředí za pomocí metody SLEPT, Porterův model 5 sil pro analýzu konkurence v odvětví a 7S analýzu vnitřního prostředí. Uvedené návrhy povedou ke snížení rizika souvisejícího s touto strategií a možnosti generování zisku po návratnosti vložených prostředků.This thesis aims to propose and formulate the growth strategy for ZPA Nová Paka, a.s. company, that produces and sales measurement and control technologies for selected nuclear energy markets in the EU. The theoretical part deals with a basic strategic growth premise analysis, an analysis of the external and internal factors and a risk analysis. The analytic part contains a complex macro-environmental SLEPT analysis, a Porter five forces model analysis of branch competition and a 7S analysis of the internal environment. These results will purpose a means of reducing the strategy-related risks and options of generating profit after the return of the investments.

    Eye movements in scene perception while listening to slow and fast music

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    To date, there is insufficient knowledge of how visual exploration of outdoor scenes may be influenced by the simultaneous processing of music. Eye movements during viewing various outdoor scenes while listening to music at either a slow or fast tempo or in silence were measured. Significantly shorter fixations were found for viewing urban scenes compared with natural scenes, but there was no interaction between the type of scene and the acoustic conditions. The results revealed shorter fixation durations in the silent control condition in the range 30 ms, compared to both music conditions but, in contrast to previous studies, these differences were non-significant. Moreover, we did not find differences in eye movements between music conditions with a slow or fast tempo. It is supposed that the type of musical stimuli, the specific tempo, the specific experimental procedure, and the engagement of participants in listening to background music while processing visual information may be important factors that influence attentional processes, which are manifested in eye-movement behavior.

    Geologische Untersuchungen an der Neubaustrecke Dresden-Prag: Geologische Untersuchungen an der Eisenbahn-Neubaustrecke Dresden-Prag (2011 - 2020)

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    In der Schriftenreihe werden alle Ergebnisse der geologischen Untersuchungen vorgestellt, die seit 2011 im Umfeld der geplanten Eisenbahnneubaustrecke Dresden-Prag durchgeführt worden sind. Der geplante mindestens 25 km lange, grenzüberschreitende Erzgebirgsbasistunnel durchquert verschiedene Gesteine und komplexe Störungszonen. Untersuchungsschwerpunkt waren die geologischen, tektonischen und hydrogeologischen Verhältnisse im grenznahen Raum des geplanten Trassenkorridos. Die Veröffentlichung richtet sich an Behörden, Institutionen, Ingenieur- und Planungsbüros, die sich mit der Umsetzung der Neubaustrecke beschäftigen sowie an die geologisch interessierte Fachwelt und Öffentlichkeit. Redaktionsschluss: 28.08.202

    Possibilities of eCall Utilization for ultralight Airplanes

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    ústav dopravní technik

    From microstructures to large-scale crustal deformations in collisional orogen: multidisciplinary approach

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    The thesis aims to compile response of deep-seated rocks to continental collision in the root zone of Variscan orogen exposed in Bohemian Massif. It treats the orogenic processes from the scale of microscopic grains constituting rocks through scale of individual outcrops to an overall view of ~4000 km2 large domain of the high-grade rocks. The thesis is divided into three chapters. The first represents an article summarizing study of structurally most complex area - Blanský les granulite massif - published in the Mineralogy and Petrology journal (2006). The second chapter unravels regional evolution of the south Bohemian Moldanubian domain and correlates the presented results with suitable studies from other orogenic regions or with numerical models of continental collisions. The related article will be submitted to Tectonics journal in June 2007. The last section focuses on the mechanisms of deformation in the felsic granulites and extrapolates the results to rheology of the Variscan lower crust and behavior of common felsic rocks under HT HP conditions. The corresponding paper will be submitted to Journal of Metamorphic Geology in the autumn 2007. The Bohemian massif represents the easternmost exposure of Variscan orogen in Europe. During the 380-300 Ma complex subduction - collision a ~300km..

    Deformace v kolizním orogénu od mikrostruktur po měřítko kontinentální kůry: multidisciplinární výzkum

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    .Cť,0) :|.. .(.) O .='5 l .= .-.: o >o d "5 ? .= c c,y'V Í, a 9! .- c'= c .- .o : tr 9 - É o N V) -c tr EEˊ:E=Tˇi;eˇrˇ:EˊF.EˇtE=EEˇEˇETˇ:H;rˇeˇBEˊ.1eˇEsˇEˊE.ıˊsˇeˇıˊEigEˇrˇzˇ:g.E.g E É* : E = Ťi;ě ř:ÉF.Ě tE = E ĚĚE Ť :H ;řěBÉ.1ěE€š€ÉE.íšěíEig€Ěř ž : g.E.g g.i* 3:,3 í.E.ť:'i€ŤiE*E E.! € :; il = = € E ; € € E'ř E š'E = ÉĚ á i Ě ř,d.€ :'ů.v .íE : P Ť B:i qášF!95 íEá*Eš Ěša,5EÉ Ť Ě E: €'g'E ĚEI !;Ě };:3 ĚĚíř *'i € É€Ž E E,u E ; : i É€ s ;[ = .i F .E,Ů ř šE ; € Ě i'g .n Ea;,Ě : ;€ :g í1! ř5 E i € E E É* 3 N :.ii: íF á].. R.E Ť i Fř H ; F"€ ; a; s i š#E.H -u gE E í?ĚEiĚ;;Eť;EĚ;EĚĚEEi;ĚĚššE* E š.='j; E E.=:iE,; š žg i,F'E ÉěĚ E t ; g: i ;E E E'e g i.* a i : : gřě ii E E"€ ni E*::r ř5;s=ř EĚ.;€ěř;áigE Ě'3EĚ'E Hz Ě = E E i € Ě Éě E .= i E Éíť9 i i * *1 ě * .s ťE Ť = € € E á s € E ÉÉ: éE é9, š€' * ,= : : € .E P -c > -o ! .= o > ř Ň = a = tr tr o > > .o ř tr o. |n qÉ tr gE áiĚšaggglgt gĚgg giřÉ * gĚE š€ÉEH E.9.EEĚ;Eag;.1 'H.H: ĚF'gĚ is =E Ě 5 ššĚ) EiEĚ E]iĚB.řiBŤřĚE iĚi EEáE Es iBÉÉ!=* ;šĚšř5=Ě Ě Ě.a Eěá;2= 3. él ě€: ÉE ši* = E € E ..E 9 3.9 ř,c € € ě :H eá ;.c :i,9 € :'gEÉ ÉgÉá ;;E.E ;řša€.rEÉ,ř .i€ÉE É.ťp :ĚĚř 3řH,i *É:::;řš'gĚEĚ: óš :E šřěE \n ii.Í:€Eť.EšiĚE'iš€E E;'š: 퀀 iE : í;Ě Ť € Ěř ě iE * eŤ Ě .i; .l a€ š.E * Ě;; .it : i5 .E € ; áá.! E Ě :; í'í;.iaĚ iE3EEĚE;Ě;E=;.í€.: ií Eš{EĚEiĚ;É.š€: ěE É:H íE!E Éíts.ÉĚÉÉ* gš.' *E gESˇTˇEˇEEEˇ!EaˊEˇEEE;rˇrˇTˇEˇiieˇgEsˇaˊrˇtˇiEˇE *ŠŤĚ€EEĚ!Eá€ĚEEE ; řřŤ ĚiiěgEšá řťiĚEi5 ťEqgiEii g€ ;Ei;ig...The thesis aims to compile response of deep-seated rocks to continental collision in the root zone of Variscan orogen exposed in Bohemian Massif. It treats the orogenic processes from the scale of microscopic grains constituting rocks through scale of individual outcrops to an overall view of ~4000 km2 large domain of the high-grade rocks. The thesis is divided into three chapters. The first represents an article summarizing study of structurally most complex area - Blanský les granulite massif - published in the Mineralogy and Petrology journal (2006). The second chapter unravels regional evolution of the south Bohemian Moldanubian domain and correlates the presented results with suitable studies from other orogenic regions or with numerical models of continental collisions. The related article will be submitted to Tectonics journal in June 2007. The last section focuses on the mechanisms of deformation in the felsic granulites and extrapolates the results to rheology of the Variscan lower crust and behavior of common felsic rocks under HT HP conditions. The corresponding paper will be submitted to Journal of Metamorphic Geology in the autumn 2007. The Bohemian massif represents the easternmost exposure of Variscan orogen in Europe. During the 380-300 Ma complex subduction - collision a ~300km...Ústav petrologie a strukturní geologieInstitute of Petrology and Structural GeologyPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Viewing Natural vs. Urban Images and Emotional Facial Expressions: An Exploratory Study

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    There is a large body of evidence that exposure to simulated natural scenes has positive effects on emotions and reduces stress. Some studies have used self-reported assessments, and others have used physiological measures or combined self-reports with physiological measures; however, analysis of facial emotional expression has rarely been assessed. In the present study, participant facial expressions were analyzed while viewing forest trees with foliage, forest trees without foliage, and urban images by iMotions’ AFFDEX software designed for the recognition of facial emotions. It was assumed that natural images would evoke a higher magnitude of positive emotions in facial expressions and a lower magnitude of negative emotions than urban images. However, the results showed only very low magnitudes of facial emotional responses, and differences between natural and urban images were not significant. While the stimuli used in the present study represented an ordinary deciduous forest and urban streets, differences between the effects of mundane and attractive natural scenes and urban images are discussed. It is suggested that more attractive images could result in more pronounced emotional facial expressions. The findings of the present study have methodological relevance for future research. Moreover, not all urban dwellers have the possibility to spend time in nature; therefore, knowing more about the effects of some forms of simulated natural scenes surrogate nature also has some practical relevance