606 research outputs found

    Evaluación técnica de alternativas de pretratamiento y sacarificación de bagazo de cerveza

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    El siguiente TFG facilita los datos obtenidos de la simulación del proceso de obtención de biobutanol a partir de bagazo de cerveza mediante el software comercial Aspen Plus®. El proceso consta de una etapa de pretratamiento ácido, seguida de una hidrólisis enzimática del sólido pretratado, una detoxificación con CaO del líquido de pretratamiento y fermentación de tipo ABE mediante el microorganismo C.beijerinckii. La capacidad de tratamiento de la planta es de 2000 kg bagazo seco /día. Los productos finales son: Butanol (57,5kg/ t bagazo seco), y acetona (21,15kg/ t bagazo seco). El coste capital de la planta estimado es de 7,2 M€ y el coste de operación anual es de 1,8 M€.Departamento de Ingeniería Química y Tecnología del Medio AmbienteGrado en Ingeniería Químic

    Análisis y Propuesta de Modelos de Madurez para la Gestión de Riesgo

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    En este Trabajo Fin de Máster se aborda el estudio de los Modelos de Madurez para la Gestión del Riesgo con el objetivo de la realización de una propuesta que pueda ser aplicada por las organizaciones del entorno de Castilla y León. Para ello, se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica sobre los Modelos de Madurez para la Gestión del Riesgo realizados hasta la actualidad, realizando un análisis de los Modelos más relevantes lanzados en los últimos años. Adicionalmente se ha realizado una propuesta de Modelo de Madurez sencillo, integral y general, destinada a ser aplicada por las organizaciones del entorno de Castilla y León. El objetivo es ofrecer una hoja de ruta a las organizaciones y mejorar las competencias empresariales del entorno en Gestión de Riesgos. Dicho Modelo consiste en 6 Niveles de Madurez y se evaluarán a través de Autoevaluación. Por último, se han ofrecido una serie de herramientas auxiliares para el uso, la monitorización y el seguimiento y un ejemplo de Cuadro de Mando que facilita en gran medida la aplicación del Modelo.In this Master's Thesis, the study of Maturity Models for Risk Management is addressed with the aim of making a proposal that can be applied by organizations in the Castilla y León area. For this, a bibliographical review has been carried out on the Maturity Models for Risk Management created to date, carrying out a study of the most relevant Models implemented in recent years. Additionally, a proposal for a simple, comprehensive, and general Maturity Model has been made, intended to be applied by organizations in the Castilla y León environment. The aim is to offer a roadmap to organizations and improving the business skills of the environment in Risk Management. The Maturity Model will consist of 6 Maturity Levels and will be evaluated through Self-Assessment. Finally, a series of auxiliary tools for use, monitoring and follow-up have been offered, as well as an example of a Dashboard that greatly facilitates the application of the Model.Departamento de Organización de Empresas y Comercialización e Investigación de MercadosMáster en Dirección de Proyecto

    miR-127 protects proximal tubule cells against ischemia/reperfusion : identification of Kinesin family member 3B as miR-127 target

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    Ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) is at the basis of renal transplantation and acute kidney injury. Molecular mechanisms underlying proximal tubule response to I/R will allow the identification of new therapeutic targets for both clinical settings. microRNAs have emerged as crucial and tight regulators of the cellular response to insults including hypoxia. Here, we have identified several miRNAs involved in the response of the proximal tubule cell to I/R. Microarrays and RT-PCR analysis of proximal tubule cells submitted to I/R mimicking conditions in vitro demonstrated that miR-127 is induced during ischemia and also during reperfusion. miR-127 is also modulated in a rat model of renal I/R. Interference approaches demonstrated that ischemic induction of miR-127 is mediated by Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1alpha (HIF-1α) stabilization. Moreover, miR-127 is involved in cell-matrix and cell-cell adhesion maintenance, since overexpression of miR-127 maintains focal adhesion complex assembly and the integrity of tight junctions. miR-127 also regulates intracellular trafficking since miR-127 interference promotes dextran-FITC uptake. In fact, we have identified the Kinesin Family Member 3B (KIF3B), involved in cell trafficking, as a target of miR-127 in rat proximal tubule cells. In summary, we have described a novel role of miR-127 in cell adhesion and its regulation by HIF-1α. We also identified for the first time KIF3B as a miR-127 target. Both, miR-127 and KIF3B appear as key mediators of proximal epithelial tubule cell response to I/R with potential al application in renal ischemic damage management

    Research on nonlinear and quantum optics at the photonics and quantum information group of the University of Valladolid

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    We outline the main research lines in Nonlinear and Quantum Optics of the Group of Photonics and Quantum Information at the University of Valladolid. These works focus on Optical Solitons, Quantum Information using Photonic Technologies and the development of new materials for Nonlinar Optics. The investigations on optical solitons cover both temporal solitons in dispersion managed fiber links and nonparaxial spatial solitons as described by the Nonlinear Helmholtz Equation. Within the Quantum Information research lines of the group, the studies address new photonic schemes for quantum computation and the multiplexing of quantum data. The investigations of the group are, to a large extent, based on intensive and parallel computations. Some associated numerical techniques for the development of the activities described are briefly sketched

    Sostenibilidad de la industria del futbol en España tras la aplicación del Fair Play Financiero

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    La finalidad de este trabajo de fin de grado es estudiar cómo ha influido la normativa de “Financial Fair Play”implantada por la UEFA en 2011 en las posibilidades de crecimiento equilibrado de los clubes de La Liga.Debido a la situación de una gran parte de los clubes europeos, la UEFA, el mayor organismo futbolístico europeo, se vio obligado a intervenir implantando esta nueva norma, con el objetivo de arreglar los desequilibrios financieros de los clubes y acabar con su riesgo de desaparición.Tras ya casi 10 años desde su implantación tomaremos una muestra de 14 equipos con la que hemos hecho uso del modelo de crecimiento equilibrado Bijon, además de todos los datos agregados de los que disponemos, para ver cuál es la situación actual de estos principales equipos de La Liga y cómo el Fair Play Financiero ha cambiado su tipología de crecimiento comparando su etapa Pre FFP y Post FFP. Tras el análisis hemos observado que para un gran número de clubes, la implementación de la normativa FFP, ha ayudado a mejorar su tipología de crecimiento, ya que la mayoría de los clubes ha mejorado su estructura de financiación aumentado sus posibilidades de crecimiento sostenible. En algunos casos veremos que siguen sin encontrarse en una posición favorable pero sí que se observa cómo en casi la totalidad de los clubes analizados ha tenido mejorías en las rentabilidades.<br /

    Hepatic Oxi-Inflammation and Neophobia as Potential Liver-Brain Axis Targets for Alzheimer's Disease and Aging, with Strong Sensitivity to Sex, Isolation, and Obesity

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    Altres ajuts: Memorial Mercedes Llort Sender, 2021/80/09241941.8; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, UAB-GE-260408Research on Alzheimer's disease (AD) has classically focused on alterations that occur in the brain and their intra- and extracellular neuropathological hallmarks. However, the oxiinflammation hypothesis of aging may also play a role in neuroimmunoendocrine dysregulation and the disease's pathophysiology, where the liver emerges as a target organ due to its implication in regulating metabolism and supporting the immune system. In the present work, we demonstrate organ (hepatomegaly), tissue (histopathological amyloidosis), and cellular oxidative stress (decreased glutathione peroxidase and increased glutathione reductase enzymatic activities) and inflammation (increased IL-6 and TNFα) as hallmarks of hepatic dysfunction in 16-month-old male and female 3xTgAD mice at advanced stages of the disease, and as compared to age- and sex-matched non-transgenic (NTg) counterparts. Moreover, liver-brain axis alterations were found through behavioral (increased neophobia) and HPA axis correlations that were enhanced under forced isolation. In all cases, sex (male) and isolation (naturalistic and forced) were determinants of worse hepatomegaly, oxidative stress, and inflammation progression. In addition, obesity in old male NTg mice was translated into a worse steatosis grade. Further research is underway determine whether these alterations could correlate with a worse disease prognosis and to establish potential integrative system targets for AD research

    Virtual Worlds to enhance Ambient-Assisted Living

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    In this paper we discuss about the integration of Ambient-Assisted Living (AAL) with virtual worlds. The integration of sensors from the AAL environment (e.g. vital signs, motion sensors) in the Virtual World can enhance the provision of in-world eHealth services, such as telerehabilitation, and taking advance of the social nature of virtual worlds. An implementation of a virtual world integrated in an AAL environment for tele-rehabilitation is described in this paper. At this time, all of the system’s modules have been developed and we are currently integrating them in a fully functional version. The system will be tested with real users during 2010 in the Sport Medical Unit of The University of Seville. This paper describes the architecture and functionalities of the system.Junta de Andalucía P06-TIC-229

    The carboxyl terminus of human cytomegalovirus-encoded 7 transmembrane receptor US28 camouflages agonism by mediating constitutive endocytosis

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    US28 is one of four 7 transmembrane (7TM) chemokine receptors encoded by human cytomegalovirus and has been shown to both signal and endocytose in a ligand-independent, constitutively active manner. Here we show that the constitutive activity and constitutive endocytosis properties of US28 are separable entities in this viral chemokine receptor. We generated chimeric and mutant US28 proteins that were altered in either their constitutive endocytic (US28Δ300, US28Δ317, US28-N

    A pilot study identifying a set of microRNAs as precise diagnostic biomarkers of acute kidney injury

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    In the last decade, Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) diagnosis and therapy have not notably improved probably due to delay in the diagnosis, among other issues. Precocity and accuracy should be critical parameters in novel AKI biomarker discovery. microRNAs are key regulators of cell responses to many stimuli and they can be secreted to the extracellular environment. Therefore, they can be detected in body fluids and are emerging as novel disease biomarkers. We aimed to identify and validate serum miRNAs useful for AKI diagnosis and management. Using qRT-PCR arrays in serum samples, we determined miRNAs differentially expressed between AKI patients and healthy controls. Statistical and target prediction analysis allowed us to identify a panel of 10 serum miRNAs. This set was further validated, by qRT-PCR, in two independent cohorts of patients with relevant morbi-mortality related to AKI: Intensive Care Units (ICU) and Cardiac Surgery (CS). Statistical correlations with patient clinical parameter were performed. Our results demonstrated that the 10 selected miRNAs (miR-101-3p, miR-127-3p, miR-210-3p, miR-126-3p, miR-26b-5p, miR-29a-3p, miR-146a-5p, miR-27a-3p, miR-93-3p and miR-10a-5p) were diagnostic biomarkers of AKI in ICU patients, exhibiting areas under the curve close to 1 in ROC analysis. Outstandingly, serum miRNAs estimated before CS predicted AKI development later on, thus becoming biomarkers to predict AKI predisposition. Moreover, after surgery, the expression of the miRNAs was modulated days before serum creatinine increased, demonstrating early diagnostic value. In summary, we have identified a set of serum miRNAs as AKI biomarkers useful in clinical practice, since they demonstrate early detection and high diagnostic value and they recognize patients at risk