254 research outputs found

    Architecting the Healthcare System for Stakeholder Value

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    The healthcare industry is a complex socio technical system comprised of multiple stakeholders driven by incentives, which often times are not aligned with one another, and with compromised ability to deliver to the patient the appropriate care, at the appropriate time, at the appropriate location, and at an adequate cost. In 2005, US healthcare expenses were more than 16% of the GDP, and hospital care alone accounted for the largest portion of expenditure 30.8%. As such, the strategies and operations developed and implemented by hospitals have a significant effect on access, quality, and cost of care, and thus the overarching focus of this research is hospitals. This talk will describe one of the ongoing innovative partnerships that the Lean Advancement Initiative has successful pursued with a leading multi disciplinary hospital in Boston, as we begin to explore how the emerging theoretical concept of Enterprise Architecture can help hospitals, and enterprises in general, in architecting themselves most adequately to fulfill their value proposition

    High Performing Hospital Enterprise Architecture

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    Student research poster, LAI Annual Meeting, Dana Point, C

    Polyhydroxyalkanoates production by photosynthetic mixed cultures

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    Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are natural biologically synthesized polymers that have been the subject of much interest in the last decades due to their biodegradability. Thus far, its microbial production is associated with high operational costs, which increases PHA prices and limits its marketability. To address this situation, this thesis’ work proposes the utilization of photosynthetic mixed cultures (PMC) as a new PHA production system that may lead to a reduction in operational costs. In fact, the operational strategies developed in this work led to the selection of PHA accumulating PMCs that, unlike the traditional mixed microbial cultures, do not require aeration, thus permitting savings in this significant operational cost. In particular, the first PHA accumulating PMC tested in this work was selected under non-aerated illuminated conditions in a feast and famine regime, being obtained a consortium of bacteria and algae, where photosynthetic bacteria accumulated PHA during the feast phase and consumed it for growth during the famine phase, using the oxygen produced by algae. In this symbiotic system, a maximum PHA content of 20% cell dry weight (cdw) was reached, proving for the first time, the capacity of a PMC to accumulate PHA. During adaptation to dark/light alternating conditions, the culture decreased its algae content but maintained its viability, achieving a PHA content of 30% cdw. Also, the PMC was found to be able to utilize different volatile fatty acids for PHA production, accumulating up to 20% cdw of a PHA co-polymer composed of 3-hydroxybutyrate (3HB) and 3-hydroxyvalerate (HV) monomers. Finally, a new selective approach for the enrichment of PMCs in PHA accumulating bacteria was tested. Instead of imposing a feast and famine regime, a permanent feast regime was used, thus selecting a PMC that was capable of simultaneously growing and accumulating PHA, being attained a maximum PHA content of 60% cdw, the highest value reported for a PMC thus far. The results presented in this thesis prospect the utilization of cheap, VFA-rich fermented wastes as substrates for PHA production, which combined with this new photosynthetic technology opens up the possibility for direct sunlight illumination, leading to a more cost-effective and environmentally sustainable PHA production process

    Psyllium and Laminaria partnership - An overview of possible food gel applications

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    Featured Application: Laminaria-psyllium gels with distinct texture and rheological features, designed for a wide range of food applicationsSeaweeds are a novel source of important nutritional compounds with interesting biological activities that could be processed into added-value products. In this study, two previously developed products obtained by Laminaria ochroleuca processing (liquid extract and a purée-like mixture) were processed with Psyllium gel to develop functional hydrogels. The optimization of the formulation and the characterization of the Laminaria-Psyllium gels in terms of their mechanical features have allowed the proposal of potential food applications. A beneficial interaction was found between Laminaria and Psyllium in terms of the reinforcement of texture and rheological properties. The obtained outcomes could provide new healthy gelling formulations with attractive properties to alleviate the growing market demand of eco-novel food matricesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Functional and thermorheological properties of rice flour gels for gluten-free pasta applications

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    Based on the European Commission directives on circular economy, this work explores the functional and thermorheological properties of rice flour from broken kernels, a by-product from the rice industry, in order to evaluate its possible use in food applications, back into the value chain. Chemical and hydration properties of two rice varieties (Guiana – Indica spp, Ariete – Japonica spp) were accessed, as well as the impact of the rice variety on the texture and viscoelasticity of rice flour gels (6–26%). Both rice varieties presented statistically different physicochemical properties (protein, lipid and amylose contents), and hydration properties that support the distinct texture and rheology behaviour of gels obtained. Rheology results suggested the formation of a gel-network structure with high frequency dependence, especially at lower rice concentrations. Texture results suggest that both rice varieties could be suited for development of gluten-free products that require pre-gelatinised starch, such as pasta. The effect of gelatinised rice flour (10–25%) and gelatinised flour/rice flour ratio (40:60, 50:50, 60:40) on the physical properties and cooking quality of pasta were assessed. Better overall cooking quality and texture properties were obtained for the formulation with 20% gelatinised rice flour and 50:50 rice gel:rice flour ratioinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Growth and development of the Lusitano foal on extensive systems

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    Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências Veterinárias, especialidade de Produção AnimalThe general aim of this study was to characterize the growth and development of the Lusitano foal bred and raised on extensive systems. In particular, the relationship between growth patterns and bone quality was evaluated. Additionally, nutritional status and body condition (BC) changes of the mares during the productive cycle were studied, in order to stablish appropriate scores to optimize the development of foals from pregnancy to weaning, as well as to increase the productive efficiency of the system. A longitudinal field study was conducted in four Lusitano stud-farms. Broodmares were monitored during three consecutive gestation/lactation cycles and foals were followed from birth to 42 months of age. The biomechanical properties of equine cortical bone were also assessed. Results showed that changes in broodmare body weight (BW) and BC were mainly influenced by pasture availability and quality and when the foaling season occurs in the year. The reproductive performance of mares and the growth of suckling foals were also clearly influenced by broodmare nutritional status. BC score changes at mating had a strong effect on fertility outcome of the first two estrous cycles after foaling, being highly impaired by BCS negative changes, whatever the BCS. Best fertility results were obtained with positive and greater BC changes. The Richards function was used to characterize foals’ growth patterns and growth curves were obtained for BW, withers height (WH), girth and cannon circumference. Lusitano foals showed slower BW growth rates, comparable with moderate growth levels proposed for other sport breeds. In contrast, WH growth rates were similar to those presented by early maturing breeds. The validity of the quantitative ultrasonoghraphy as a non-invasive method for the in vivo assessment of bone mechanical properties and overall bone quality was also demonstrated. Changes in foals BW and WH growth rates were associated with the presence of radiographic findings compatible with osteochondrosis (OC) lesions at the onset of training. When compared to healthy foals, OC positive foals seem to be early maturing as regards to BW, and showed a tendency for worse cortical bone quality, lower IGF-I and higher insulin and PTH concentrations. The results underline the importance of an early monitoring of foals’ growth during the first year of life in order to avoid sudden changes to the average growth rates and to promote a better osteoarticular quality of the Lusitano horse. The integrated approach in what concerns mares and foals management decisions, in particular the choice of the foaling season and the introduction of adequate feeding strategies, will be determinant for the improvement of the efficiency and profitability of the Lusitano production systems.RESUMO - O crescimento e desenvolvimento do poldro de raça Lusitana em sistemas extensivos - O presente estudo teve como principal objectivo a caracterização do crescimento e do desenvolvimento do poldro de raça Lusitana, em sistemas extensivos. Em particular, foi avaliada a relação entre os padrões de crescimento e a qualidade do tecido ósseo. O estado nutricional e evolução da condição corporal (CC) das éguas de ventre ao longo do ciclo produtivo foram igualmente estudados, no sentido de estabelecer os índices mais adequados à optimização do desenvolvimento dos poldros desde a gestação até ao desmame, bem como de aumentar a eficiência produtiva do sistema. Para o efeito foi realizado um trabalho de campo longitudinal, no qual foram acompanhados animais pertencentes a quatro coudelarias. As éguas foram avaliadas durante três ciclos produtivos (gestação/lactação) consecutivos e os poldros foram seguidos desde o desmame aos 42 meses de idade. Paralelamente foram também estudadas as propriedades biomecânicas do osso cortical do cavalo. As variações do peso vivo (PV) e da CC das éguas ao longo do ciclo produtivo foram sobretudo influenciadas pela disponibilidade e qualidade da pastagem e pela época de parto. O desempenho reprodutivo das éguas e o crescimento dos poldros lactentes foram afectados pelo estado nutricional das éguas. A variação da CC no período correspondente à cobrição teve um forte efeito na fertilidade dos dois primeiros estros, sendo esta claramente prejudicada por variações negativas da CC, independentemente da nota observada. As melhores taxas de fertilidade foram obtidas com variações positivas e mais elevadas de CC. A função de Richards foi utilizada na caracterização dos padrões de crescimento dos poldros, tendo sido obtidas curvas de crescimento para o PV, altura ao garrote (AG), perímetro torácico e perímetro da canela. No que se refere ao PV, os poldros Lusitanos apresentaram taxas de crescimento mais lentas, podendo enquadrar-se nos valores propostos para um crescimento moderado em outras raças de desporto. No entanto, as taxas de crescimento para a AG foram semelhantes às observadas em raças mais precoces. A ultrasonografia quantitativa foi confirmada como técnica não invasiva para a avaliação das propriedades biomecânicas e da qualidade do osso cortical em geral. A presença de sinais radiográficos de osteocondrose (OC) ao desbaste foi associada a alterações nas taxas de crescimento (PV e AG) dos poldros. Para além de apresentarem um índice de maturidade mais elevado para o PV, os poldros com OC revelaram uma tendência para uma menor qualidade do osso cortical, menores concentrações de IGF-I e concentrações mais elevadas de insulina e de PTH. Os resultados obtidos apontam para a importância de uma monitorização precoce do crescimento dos poldros, em particular durante o primeiro ano de vida, no sentido de evitar alterações súbitas das taxas médias de crescimento e de promover uma melhor qualidade osteoarticular no cavalo Lusitano. A abordagem integrada das opções de maneio nas éguas e nos poldros, em particular no que se refere a uma melhor gestão da época de partos e à introdução de estratégias alimentares adequadas, será determinante para a melhoria da eficiência e da produtividade dos sistemas de produção do cavalo Lusitano

    Horse Feeding and Management

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    Horses perform variety of roles in our society, serving people in several ways. Proper nutrition and feeding management are some of the main objectives to ensure the well-being and performance of horses. Thus, the link between equine health and good dietary treatment must be recognized to increase our understanding of the needs of the horse. It is important to ensure science-based knowledge is available to all stakeholders and people working in the horse industry. This book presents research papers published in the Special Issue of Animals entitled ‘Horse Nutrition and Management’

    Serious gaming supporting competence development in sustainable manufacturing

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    Becoming a sustainable global manufacturing enterprise is a challenge for almost every manufacturing organization in the world because of its multidimensional nature. Sustainability combines environmental, economic, and social dimensions and is considered to be a complex and hard to learn subject needing a lot of experience and competences. Traditional ways to create such experience and develop competences like role playing and simulations tend to take a lot of time and are expensive. On the other hand, serious gaming has proven to support learners in acquiring new and complex knowledge and is ideally suited to support problem based learning by creating engaging experiences around a contextual problem where users must apply competences to solve these presented challenges. This chapter introduces a new learning environment which is build around a gaming engine supporting the development of competences in specific subject areas. Selected competences in sustainable global manufacturing lead to the definition of scenarios, which then can be executed by a game engine, thus creating experience within the user. A knowledge ecology space allows the user to interact and reflect on learning outcomes with other participants. The subject of sustainable global manufacturing is the application case presented in this chapter showing how specific competences in this area have been identified and how a game scenario has been developed. Finally, its implementation and evaluation is discussed