77 research outputs found


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    Abstract: This paper aims to provide new perspectives on reading poetrywith the support of Relevance Theory and Rhetoric. While studyingdramatic monologue, we will focus on the poem as a persuasive text andon the characteristics of enunciation. Last, two poems by José Hierro andPedro Provencio will be analyzed.Resumen: El objetivo de este artículo es aportar nuevas perspectivassobre la lectura de la poesía con la ayuda de la teoría de la relevancia y laretórica. Con el monólogo dramático como punto de referencia, se prestaráatención al estatuto del poema como texto persuasivo y a la naturaleza dela enunciación. Para terminar, se analizarán dos poemas de José Hierro yPedro Provencio. Abstract: This paper aims to provide new perspectives on reading poetrywith the support of Relevance Theory and Rhetoric. While studyingdramatic monologue, we will focus on the poem as a persuasive text andon the characteristics of enunciation. Last, two poems by José Hierro andPedro Provencio will be analyzed

    Los epítetos denigratorios en las columnas sobre el lenguaje: el caso de Jaime Campmany

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    Resumen El principal objetivo de este trabajo es el estudio de un tema muy popular en el columnismo lingüístico de corte conservador en España: la reivindicación del uso de los epítetos denigratorios en la esfera pública. Con la interpretación presuposicional del epíteto denigratorio y el análisis crítico del discurso como principales instrumentos metodológicos se realizará un análisis de contenido de un corpus de CSL (columnas sobre el lenguaje) publicadas por Jaime Campmany en ABC entre 1993 y 2005. Todas tienen en común que reflexionan sobre el lenguaje para referirse al colectivo LGBT. Los resultados del análisis confirman que la reivindicación metalingüística del epíteto denigratorio se usa para ocultar uno de sus efectos más insidiosos: la aparición de una presuposición de contenido discriminatorio en el terreno común del intercambio comunicativo.   Abstract This paper aims to provide new insights into the study of a very popular topic in conservative journalistic discourses about language in Spain: the vindication of the use of slurs in the public sphere. With the help of Critical Discourse Analysis and the presuppositional account of slurs and thick terms, a corpus of 33 opinion articles on language written by Jaime Campmany and published in the conservative journal ABC from 1993 to 2005 will be analyzed. All the texts discuss the use of derogatory terms for the LGBT community. The results of the content analysis will confirm that the metalinguistic vindication of slurs conceals its most insidious effect: they encode an evaluative discriminatory presupposition that becomes common ground among the conversation participants.  Abstract This paper aims to provide new insights into the study of a very popular topic in conservative journalistic discourses about language in Spain: the vindication of the use of slurs in the public sphere. With the help of Critical Discourse Analysis and the presuppositional account of slurs and thick terms, a corpus of 33 opinion articles on language written by Jaime Campmany and published in the conservative journal ABC from 1993 to 2005 will be analyzed. All the texts discuss the use of derogatory terms for the LGBT community. The results of the content analysis will confirm that the metalinguistic vindication of slurs conceals its most insidious effect: they encode an evaluative discriminatory presupposition that becomes common ground among the conversation participants. Resumen El principal objetivo de este trabajo es el estudio de un tema muy popular en el columnismo lingüístico de corte conservador en España: la reivindicación del uso de los epítetos denigratorios en la esfera pública. Con la interpretación presuposicional del epíteto denigratorio y el análisis crítico del discurso como principales instrumentos metodológicos se realizará un análisis de contenido de un corpus de CSL (columnas sobre el lenguaje) publicadas por Jaime Campmany en ABC entre 1993 y 2005. Todas tienen en común que reflexionan sobre el lenguaje para referirse al colectivo LGBT. Los resultados del análisis confirman que la reivindicación metalingüística del epíteto denigratorio se usa para ocultar uno de sus efectos más insidiosos: la aparición de una presuposición de contenido discriminatorio en el terreno común del intercambio comunicativo

    A ver si desaparecen los yerbajos: ethos retórico e ideologías lingüísticas en las columnas de opinión de Valentín García Yebra

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    Resumen Este trabajo se presenta como una nueva aportación sobre la figura del intelectual como transmisor de ideologías lingüísticas en los medios de comunicación a través de textos que reflexionan tanto sobre el estatus simbólico del lenguaje como sobre su uso correcto. Para ello, se ha analizado un corpus de 155 columnas firmadas por Valentín García Yebra, lingüista, filólogo y traductor de gran prestigio en el mundo hispánico, y publicadas entre 1965 y 2003 en periódicos de amplia difusión.Con la ayuda la Retórica, la Lingüística Cognitiva y el Análisis Crítico del Discurso, se han estudiado dos aspectos: por un lado, las estrategias retóricas que utiliza el estudioso para crear una imagen textual que resulte atractiva para sus lectores y, por otro, el concepto de lengua española que trata de transmitir en sus escritos y su relación con la vida social. Riassunto Questo lavoro si presenta come un nuovo contributo sul ruolo dell’intellettuale come diffusore di ideologie linguistiche nei mass media attraverso testi che riguardano sia lo status simbolico del linguaggio sia il corretto uso dello stesso. Con tale obiettivo, è stato analizzato un corpus di 155 columnas scritte tra il 1965 e il 2003 da Valentín García Yebra, linguista, filologo e traduttore di grande prestigio del mondo ispanico, e pubblicate in Spagna presso giornali di ampia diffusione. Con l’aiuto della Retorica, della Linguistica Cognitiva e dell’Analisi Critica del Discorso, abbiamo studiato due dimensioni: da una parte, le strategie retoriche che usa lo studioso spagnolo per creare un’immagine testuale attraente per i suoi lettori e, dall’altra, l’idea di lingua castigliana che cerca di trasmettere nei suoi lavori e il suo rapporto con la vita sociale

    Palabra y poética en Francisco Pino

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    El primer objetivo de nuestro trabajo ha sido la definición sin apriorismos de la poética de Francisco Pino y de su imagen en el campo literario a través del análisis de la bibliografía crítica existente y de los escritos del autor. De esta forma, hemos individuado un entendimiento de la poesía como persecución de la trascendencia que va de la mano con una consideración romántica del poeta como elegido en contacto con una visión epifánica que lo separa de los demás hombres. Las consecuencias de esta poética serán, por un lado, una concepción del lenguaje fundada en su radical insuficiencia para la expresión de lo inefable y, por otro, y a pesar de ello, la posibilidad de utilizar el mismo como potente instrumento de indagación capaz de revelarnos aspectos inéditos de la realidad.Departamento de Literatura Española y Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparad

    Serum HER-2 concentration is associated with insulin resistance and decreases after weight loss

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>HER2/<it>neu </it>is a member of the epidermal growth factor receptor family easily detectable in the serum of cancer patients. We aimed to evaluate circulating HER-2 concentrations in association with insulin resistance in healthy and obese subjects.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Insulin sensitivity (minimal model) and serum HER-2 concentrations were evaluated in a cross sectional study in men (cohort 1, n = 167) and longitudinally after weight loss in obese subjects (cohort 2, n = 30).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Serum HER-2 concentrations were positively associated with BMI and waist circumference (both r = 0.18, p = 0.02), post-load glucose (r = 0.28, p = 0.001) and fasting triglycerides (r = 0.26, p = 0.001); and negatively associated with insulin sensitivity (r = -0.29, p = 0.002, n = 109). Subjects with type 2 diabetes showed significantly increased soluble serum HER-2 concentrations. In different multivariate regression models, fasting triglycerides emerged as the factor that independently contributed to 10-11% of serum HER-2 variance.</p> <p>Serum HER-2 concentrations correlated significantly with fasting triglycerides and insulin sensitivity index in subjects from cohort 2. Weight loss led to a significant decrease of serum HER-2 concentrations. The change in serum HER-2 concentrations were significantly associated with the change in percent body fat and fasting triglycerides in young (below the median age of the cohort) subjects.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Serum HER-2 concentrations might be implicated in the pathophysiology of insulin resistance and associated comorbidities.</p

    Circulating omentin concentration increases after weight loss

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Omentin-1 is a novel adipokine expressed in visceral adipose tissue and negatively associated with insulin resistance and obesity. We aimed to study the effects of weight loss-induced improved insulin sensitivity on circulating omentin concentrations.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Circulating omentin-1 (ELISA) concentration in association with metabolic variables was measured in 35 obese subjects (18 men, 17 women) before and after hypocaloric weight loss.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Baseline circulating omentin-1 concentrations correlated negatively with BMI (r = -0.58, p < 0.001), body weight (r = -0.35, p = 0.045), fat mass (r = -0.67, p < 0.001), circulating leptin (r = -0.7, p < 0.001) and fasting insulin (r = -0.37, p = 0.03). Circulating omentin-1 concentration increased significantly after weight loss (from 44.9 ± 9.02 to 53.41 ± 8.8 ng/ml, p < 0.001). This increase in circulating omentin after weight loss was associated with improved insulin sensitivity (negatively associated with HOMA value and fasting insulin, r = -0.42, p = 0.02 and r = -0.45, p = 0.01, respectively) and decreased BMI (r = -0.54, p = 0.001).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>As previously described with adiponectin, circulating omentin-1 concentrations increase after weight loss-induced improvement of insulin sensitivity.</p

    Serum HER-2 concentration is associated with insulin resistance and decreases after weight loss.

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    HER2/neu is a member of the epidermal growth factor receptor family easily detectable in the serum of cancer patients. We aimed to evaluate circulating HER-2 concentrations in association with insulin resistance in healthy and obese subjects. METHODS: Insulin sensitivity (minimal model) and serum HER-2 concentrations were evaluated in a cross sectional study in men (cohort 1, n = 167) and longitudinally after weight loss in obese subjects (cohort 2, n = 30). RESULTS: Serum HER-2 concentrations were positively associated with BMI and waist circumference (both r = 0.18, p = 0.02), post-load glucose (r = 0.28, p = 0.001) and fasting triglycerides (r = 0.26, p = 0.001); and negatively associated with insulin sensitivity (r = -0.29, p = 0.002, n = 109). Subjects with type 2 diabetes showed significantly increased soluble serum HER-2 concentrations. In different multivariate regression models, fasting triglycerides emerged as the factor that independently contributed to 10-11% of serum HER-2 variance.Serum HER-2 concentrations correlated significantly with fasting triglycerides and insulin sensitivity index in subjects from cohort 2. Weight loss led to a significant decrease of serum HER-2 concentrations. The change in serum HER-2 concentrations were significantly associated with the change in percent body fat and fasting triglycerides in young (below the median age of the cohort) subjects. CONCLUSIONS: Serum HER-2 concentrations might be implicated in the pathophysiology of insulin resistance and associated comorbidities

    Study of caveolin-1 gene expression in whole adipose tissue and its subfractions and during differentiation of human adipocytes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Context</p> <p>Caveolins are 21-24 kDa integral membrane proteins that serve as scaffolds to recruit numerous signaling molecules. Specific subclasses of caveolae carry out specific functions in cell metabolism. In particular, triglycerides are synthesized at the site of fatty acid entry in one of these caveolae classes.</p> <p>Objective and Methods</p> <p>We studied the expression of caveolin-1 (<it>CAV-1</it>) gene in association with metabolic variables in 90 visceral and 55 subcutaneous adipose tissue samples from subjects with a wide range of fat mass, in the stromovascular fraction (SVC) and isolated adipocytes, and during differentiation of human adipocytes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p><it>CAV-1 </it>gene expression was significantly decreased in visceral adipose tissue (v-<it>CAV-1</it>) of obese subjects. v-<it>CAV-1 </it>was positively associated with several lipogenic genes such as acetyl-coA carboxylase (<it>ACACA</it>, r = 0.34, p = 0.004) and <it>spot-14 </it>(r = 0.33, p = 0.004). In non-obese subjects v-<it>CAV-1 </it>also correlated with fatty acid synthase (<it>FAS</it>, r = 0.60, p < 0.0001). Subcutaneous (sc) adipose tissue (s<it>c-CAV-1</it>) gene expression was not associated with these lipogenic factors when obese and non-obese subjects were studied together. In obese subjects, however, sc-<it>CAV-1 </it>was associated with fatty acid synthase (<it>FAS</it>, r = 0.36, p = 0.02), sterol regulatory element binding protein-1c (<it>SREBP-1c </it>(r = 0.58, p < 0.0001), <it>ACACA </it>(r = 0.33, p = 0.03), <it>spot-14 </it>(r = 0.36, p = 0.02), <it>PPAR-γ co-activator-1 </it>(<it>PGC-1</it>, r = 0.88, n = 19). In these obese subjects, <it>sc-CAV-1 </it>was also associated with fasting triglycerides (r = -0.50, p < 0.0001).</p> <p><it>CAV-1 </it>expression in mature adipocytes was significantly higher than in stromal vascular cells. <it>CAV-1 </it>gene expression in adipocytes from subcutaneous adipose tissue (but not in adipocytes from visceral adipose tissue) was significatively associated with fasting triglycerides. <it>CAV-1 </it>gene expression did not change significantly during differentiation of human preadipocytes from lean or obese subjects despite significant increase of FAS gene expression.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Decreased <it>CAV-1 </it>gene expression was simultaneously linked to increased triglycerides and decreased lipogenic gene expression among obese subjects, paralleling the observations of hypertriglyceridemia in <it>CAV-1 </it>knockout mice. However, the regulation of <it>CAV-1 </it>gene expression seems independent of the adipogenic program.</p

    Circulating omentin concentration increases after weight loss

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    Omentin-1 is a novel adipokine expressed in visceral adipose tissue and negatively associated with insulin resistance and obesity. We aimed to study the effects of weight loss-induced improved insulin sensitivity on circulating omentin concentrations. METHODS: Circulating omentin-1 (ELISA) concentration in association with metabolic variables was measured in 35 obese subjects (18 men, 17 women) before and after hypocaloric weight loss. RESULTS: Baseline circulating omentin-1 concentrations correlated negatively with BMI (r = -0.58, p < 0.001), body weight (r = -0.35, p = 0.045), fat mass (r = -0.67, p < 0.001), circulating leptin (r = -0.7, p < 0.001) and fasting insulin (r = -0.37, p = 0.03). Circulating omentin-1 concentration increased significantly after weight loss (from 44.9 +/- 9.02 to 53.41 +/- 8.8 ng/ml, p < 0.001). This increase in circulating omentin after weight loss was associated with improved insulin sensitivity (negatively associated with HOMA value and fasting insulin, r = -0.42, p = 0.02 and r = -0.45, p = 0.01, respectively) and decreased BMI (r = -0.54, p = 0.001). CONCLUSION: As previously described with adiponectin, circulating omentin-1 concentrations increase after weight loss-induced improvement of insulin sensitivity