91 research outputs found

    Reconfiguração de sistemas de distribuição

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    -Os sistemas de distribuição de energia elétrica são normalmente operados de forma radial para facilitar fatores inerentes à proteção, tais como,coordenação de relés e atenuação de correntes de curto-circuito. Normalmente, os sistemas de distribuição, são compostos por cargas comerciais,residenciais e industriais. Desta forma, os picos de carga nas subestações transformadoras ou nos alimentadores, ocorrem em diferentes instantesdo dia. Nestas condições, em uma determinada hora do dia, pode-se encontrar em um mesmo sistema, alimentadores poucos carregados ealimentadores muito carregados. Portanto, transferindo-se cargas de um alimentador muito carregado para um outro alimentador pouco carregado,ou simplesmente alterando a configuração do sistema, pode-se obter melhorias das condições de operação do sistema como um todo, tais como:diminuição das perdas de potência ativa, melhoria do perfil de tensão etc. Para a solução deste problema foi desenvolvido um algoritmo passo apasso utilizando Fluxo de Potência Ótimo (FPO) com equações de radialidade e utilizando índices para a escolha da abertura das chaves


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    Paralympic boccia is a sport for people with motor impairment in the four limbs that can be adapted to the school environment, allowing children with severe physical disabilities to interact with other students, as a bridge for socialization. Knowing this, the aim of this study was to analyze the research developed in recent years on Paralympic Boccia ball at school and list the benefits found. For the development of the study, the procedures of a Bibliographical Research were used, using as a search criterion the phrase “Paralympic Boccia at school”. Ten papers addressing the topic were found. In addition to the inclusion, the positive aspects discovered were motor improvement; development of logical reasoning; and playful use of sport for fun. Although the number of works is low, their geographical coverage shows that this sport is widespread in Brazil and the observed benefits demonstrate that the Paralympic movement must continue as one of the pillars in the construction of a society for all. Received on: 2021/03/25 Reformulated on: 2021/04/09 Accepted: 2021/04/14A bocha paralímpica é um esporte para pessoas com comprometimento motor nos quatro membros que pode ser adaptada para o ambiente escolar, permitindo que as crianças com deficiência física severa interajam com os demais alunos, como ponte de socialização. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as pesquisas desenvolvidas nos últimos anos sobre bocha paralímpica na escola e elencar os benefícios encontrados. Para o desenvolvimento do estudo foram utilizados os procedimentos de uma Pesquisa Bibliográfica, empregando como critério de busca a frase “bocha paralímpica na escola”. Dez trabalhos que abordam o tema foram encontrados. Além da inclusão, os aspectos positivos descobertos foram aprimoramento motor; desenvolvimento do raciocínio lógico; e uso lúdico do esporte para o divertimento. Apesar do número pequeno de trabalhos, a abrangência geográfica deles mostra que esse esporte está bem difundido pelo Brasil e os benefícios observados demostram que o movimento paralímpico deve continuar como um dos pilares na construção de uma sociedade para todos. Recebido em: 25/03/2021 Reformulado em: 09/04/2021 Aceito em: 14/04/2021


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    Currently, Autism Spectrum Disorder has gained greater visibility. Being a global developmental disorder and knowing its implications for children's lives, emerged the need for new therapies and approaches to address the needs of autistic children has arisen in a way that can fully develop. In this context comes the equine therapy with a proposal of therapy linked to psychomotricity, in which, through psychomotor development, socialization, learning and affectivity, these children can have greater autonomy in the ir lives. In this way, the general objective of this work is to verify the contribution of Equoterapia in the psychomotor development of the child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) from the perspective of the Physical Education teacher and the Psychologist. As methodology, we applied an open questionnaire to five professionals who work in equine therapy centers in São Paulo and work or have worked with children with ASD. For the treatment of the data we used the thematic analysis where we chose five themes to analyze. As results we could observe that as the literature states, Equine therapy, under the view of psychologists and physical education teacher, brings affective, cognitive and motor benefits to ASD practitioners, although the centers use heterogeneous approach and evaluative methods. Regardless of the factors questioned in this work, it was evident the dedication of all the professionals involved and, above all, the incredible experience of seeing these children perceiving a new world with the horse and through this the process of self-discovery as people in the world.   Received on: 2021/07/27 Reformulated on: 2021/10/14 Accepted: 2021/11/02Atualmente o Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) vem ganhando maior visibilidade. Tratando-se de um transtorno global do desenvolvimento e, conhecendo suas implicações para a vida das crianças, surgiu a necessidade de novas terapias e abordagens para atender as necessidades de crianças autistas de forma a se desenvolverem plenamente. Neste contexto surge a Equoterapia com uma proposta de terapia vinculada à psicomotricidade, na qual, através do desenvolvimento psicomotor, sociabilização, aprendizado e afetividade, essas crianças possam ter maior autonomia em suas vidas. O Objetivo geral deste trabalho é verificar a contribuição da Equoterapia no desenvolvimento psicomotor da criança com TEA sob a perspectiva do professor de Educação Física e do Psicólogo. Como metodologia, aplicamos um questionário aberto para cinco profissionais que atuam em centros de equoterapia de São Paulo e trabalham, ou já trabalharam, com crianças com TEA. Para o tratamento dos dados utilizamos a análise temática onde escolhemos cinco categorias temáticas para analisar. Como resultados pudemos observar que assim como a literatura afirma, a Equoterapia, sob a visão dos psicólogos e professor de educação física, traz benefícios afetivos, cognitivos e motores para os praticantes com TEA, embora os centros utilizem métodos de abordagem e avaliativos heterogêneos. Independentemente dos fatores questionados neste trabalho, ficou evidente a dedicação de todos os profissionais envolvidos e, principalmente, a experiência incrível de ver essas crianças percebendo um mundo novo com o cavalo e através disso o processo de autodescoberta como pessoas no mundo. Recebido em: 27/07/2021Reformulado em: 14/10/2021Aceito em: 02/11/202

    Usefulness of High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin T to Predict Long-Term Outcome in Patients with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

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    Since the first report of an association between cardiac troponin (cTn) and adverse outcome in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HD), there is a paucity in confirmative data. We performed a prospective, prespecified 5-year follow-up cohort study of 135 HC patients who participated in a national multicenter project and underwent clinical evaluation, MRI (cine, LGE and T2-weighted imaging) and biomarker assessment (high-sensitivity cTnT (hs-cTnT), N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide, soluble tumorgenicity suppressor-2, Galectin-3, Growth differentiation factor-15, C-terminal Propeptide of Type I Collagen (CICP)). An elevated hs-cTnT concentration was defined as ≥14ng/L. Follow-up was systematically performed for the primary endpoint: a composite of sudden cardiac death, heart failure related death, stroke-related death, heart failure hospitalization, hospitalization for stroke, spontaneous sustained ventricular tachycardia (VT) or appropriate ICD discharge, and progression to NYHA class III-IV. Elevated hs-cTnT was present in 33 of 135 (24%) HC patients. During a median follow-up of 5.0 years (IQR: 4.9-5.1) 18 patients reached the primary endpoint. Using Cox regression analysis, elevated hs-cTnT was univariately associated with the primary endpoint (HR: 3.4 (95%CI: 1.4-8.7, p=0.009). Also female sex, previous syncope, previous non-sustained VT, reduced LV ejection fraction (&lt;50%) and CICP were associated with the primary endpoint. In multivariable analysis, elevated hs-cTnT remained independently associated with outcome (aHR: 4.7 (95%CI: 1.8-12.6, p = 0.002). In conclusion, this 5-year follow-up study is the first to prospectively confirm the association of elevated hs-cTnT and adverse outcomes. In addition to established clinical variables, cTn seems the biomarker of interest to further improve risk prediction in HC, which should be evaluated in larger prospective registries.</p

    Exercise and myocardial injury in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

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    Objective: Troponin and high signal intensity on T2-weighted (HighT2) cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging (CMRi) are both markers of myocardial injury in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). The interplay between exercise and disease development remains uncertain in HCM. We sought to assess the occurrence of postexercise troponin rises and its determinants. Methods: Multicentre project on patients with HCM and mutation carriers without hypertrophy (controls). Participants performed a symptom limited bicycle test with hs-cTnT assessment pre-exercise and 6 hours postexercise. Pre-exercise CMRi was performed in patients with HCM to assess measures of hypertrophy and myocardial injury. Depending on baseline troponin (13 ng/L), a rise was defined as a >50% or >20% increase, respectively. Results: Troponin rises occurred in 18% (23/127) of patients with HCM and 4% (2/53) in mutation carriers (p=0.01). Comparing patients with HCM with and without a postexercise troponin rise, maximum heart rates (157±19 vs 143±23, p=0.004) and maximal wall thickness (20 mm vs 17 mm, p=0.023) were higher in the former, as was the presence of late gadolinium enhancement (85% vs 57%, p=0.02). HighT2 was seen in 65% (13/20) and 19% (15/79), respectively (p<0.001). HighT2 was the only independent predictor of troponin rise (adjusted odds ratio 7.9; 95% CI 2.7 to 23.3; p<0.001). Conclusions: Postexercise troponin rises were seen in about 20% of patients with HCM, almost five times more frequent than in mutation carriers. HighT2 on CMRi may identify a group of particularly vulnerable patients, supporting the concept that HighT2 reflects an active disease state, prone to additional injury after a short episode of high oxygen demand

    Author response

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    The DEAH-box helicase Prp43 is a key player in pre-mRNA splicing as well as the maturation of rRNAs. The exact modus operandi of Prp43 and of all other spliceosomal DEAH-box RNA helicases is still elusive. Here, we report crystal structures of Prp43 complexes in different functional states and the analysis of structure-based mutants providing insights into the unwinding and loading mechanism of RNAs. The Prp43ATP-analogRNA complex shows the localization of the RNA inside a tunnel formed by the two RecA-like and C-terminal domains. In the ATP-bound state this tunnel can be transformed into a groove prone for RNA binding by large rearrangements of the C-terminal domains. Several conformational changes between the ATP- and ADP-bound states explain the coupling of ATP hydrolysis to RNA translocation, mainly mediated by a ?-turn of the RecA1 domain containing the newly identified RF motif. This mechanism is clearly different to those of other RNA helicases

    Isolation and characterization of post-splicing lariat–intron complexes

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    Pre-mRNA splicing occurs in a large complex spliceosome. The steps of both spliceosome assembly and splicing reaction have been extensively analyzed, and many of the factors involved have been identified. However, the post-splicing intron turnover process, especially in vertebrates, remains to be examined. In this paper, we developed a two-tag affinity purification method for purifying lariat intron RNA–protein complexes obtained from an in vitro splicing reaction. Glycerol gradient sedimentation analyses revealed that there are at least two forms of post-splicing intron complexes, which we named the ‘Intron Large (IL)’ and the ‘Intron Small (IS)’ complexes. The IL complex contains U2, U5 and U6 snRNAs and other protein splicing factors, whereas the IS complex contains no such U snRNAs or proteins. We also showed that TFIP11, a human homolog of yeast Ntr1, is present in the IL complex and the TFIP11 mutant protein, which lacks the interaction domain with hPrp43 protein, caused accumulation of the IL complex and reduction of IS complex formation in vitro. Taken together, our results strongly suggest that TFIP11 in cooperation with hPrp43 mediates the transition from the IL complex to the IS complex, leading to efficient debranching and turnover of excised introns

    Ribonucleoprotein Particles Containing Non-Coding Y RNAs, Ro60, La and Nucleolin Are Not Required for Y RNA Function in DNA Replication

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    BACKGROUND: Ro ribonucleoprotein particles (Ro RNPs) consist of a non-coding Y RNA bound by Ro60, La and possibly other proteins. The physiological function of Ro RNPs is controversial as divergent functions have been reported for its different constituents. We have recently shown that Y RNAs are essential for the initiation of mammalian chromosomal DNA replication, whereas Ro RNPs are implicated in RNA stability and RNA quality control. Therefore, we investigate here the functional consequences of RNP formation between Ro60, La and nucleolin proteins with hY RNAs for human chromosomal DNA replication. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We first immunoprecipitated Ro60, La and nucleolin together with associated hY RNAs from HeLa cytosolic cell extract, and analysed the protein and RNA compositions of these precipitated RNPs by Western blotting and quantitative RT-PCR. We found that Y RNAs exist in several RNP complexes. One RNP comprises Ro60, La and hY RNA, and a different RNP comprises nucleolin and hY RNA. In addition about 50% of the Y RNAs in the extract are present outside of these two RNPs. Next, we immunodepleted these RNP complexes from the cytosolic extract and tested the ability of the depleted extracts to reconstitute DNA replication in a human cell-free system. We found that depletion of these RNP complexes from the cytosolic extract does not inhibit DNA replication in vitro. Finally, we tested if an excess of recombinant pure Ro or La protein inhibits Y RNA-dependent DNA replication in this cell-free system. We found that Ro60 and La proteins do not inhibit DNA replication in vitro. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We conclude that RNPs containing hY RNAs and Ro60, La or nucleolin are not required for the function of hY RNAs in chromosomal DNA replication in a human cell-free system, which can be mediated by Y RNAs outside of these RNPs. These data suggest that Y RNAs can support different cellular functions depending on associated proteins

    Prediction of Extensive Myocardial Fibrosis in Nonhigh Risk Patients With Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

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    In nonhigh risk patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HC), the presence of extensive late gadolinium enhancement (LGE(ext)) at cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging has been proposed as a risk modifier in the decision process for implantable cardioverter defibrillator implantation. With a pretest risk of about 10%, a strategy that alters the likelihood of LGE(ext) could markedly affect efficacious CMR imaging. Our aim was to study the potential of clinical variables and biomarkers to predict LGE(ext). In 98 HC patients without any clear indication for implantable cardioverter defibrillator implantation, we determined the discriminative values of a set of clinical variables and a panel of biomarkers (hs-cTnT, NTproBNP, GDF-15, and Gal-3, CICP) for LGE, t that is, LGE >15% of the left ventricular mass. LGE(ext) was present in 10% (10/98) of patients. The clinical prediction model contained a history of nonsustained ventricular tachycardia, maximal wall thickness and reduced systolic function (c-statistic: 0.868,

    Proteomic analysis of in vivo-assembled pre-mRNA splicing complexes expands the catalog of participating factors

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    Previous compositional studies of pre-mRNA processing complexes have been performed in vitro on synthetic pre-mRNAs containing a single intron. To provide a more comprehensive list of polypeptides associated with the pre-mRNA splicing apparatus, we have determined the composition of the bulk pre-mRNA processing machinery in living cells. We purified endogenous nuclear pre-mRNA processing complexes from human and chicken cells comprising the massive (>200S) supraspliceosomes (a.k.a. polyspliceosomes). As expected, RNA components include a heterogeneous mixture of pre-mRNAs and the five spliceosomal snRNAs. In addition to known pre-mRNA splicing factors, 5′ end binding factors, 3′ end processing factors, mRNA export factors, hnRNPs and other RNA binding proteins, the protein components identified by mass spectrometry include RNA adenosine deaminases and several novel factors. Intriguingly, our purified supraspliceosomes also contain a number of structural proteins, nucleoporins, chromatin remodeling factors and several novel proteins that were absent from splicing complexes assembled in vitro. These in vivo analyses bring the total number of factors associated with pre-mRNA to well over 300, and represent the most comprehensive analysis of the pre-mRNA processing machinery to date