1,276 research outputs found

    Etude démographique d'une population de magots (Macaca sylvanus) dans la région d'Azrou dans le moyen Atlas marocain.

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    Le singe magot (Macaca sylvanus) vit dans les biotopes forestiers d’Algérie et du Maroc. On le retrouve surtout dans les cédraies du moyen Atlas, où il vit en groupes structurés. Une forte pression anthropique tel que le surpaturage et l’exploitation forestière, menace cet écosystème. L’étude montre que les dernières populations de singe présentent un faible taux de renouvellement des effectifs. La proportion anormalement faible de jeunes menace la survie de l’espèce. Ce déficit de jeunes individus est expliqué par l’anthropisation des groupes et le braconnage sur les jeunes

    Données sur les transferts du 137Cs et du 60Co dans un écosystème fluvial : le Rhône

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    L'étude radioécologique du Rhône permet d'évaluer qualitativement et quantitativement les radionucléides présents dans le fleuve. Les études menées in situ posent des questions concernant les modalités de transfert des radionucléides. Dans ce travail des expériences sont mises au point, afin d'analyser les mécanismes de bioconcentration dans les écosystèmes aquatiques. Pour le césium-137 les échanges entre l'eau, le sédiment et divers organismes aquatiques ont permis d'élaborer un modèle mathématique que l'on peut confronter aux valeurs mesurées sur le terrain. En ce qui concerne le Cobalt-60 les auteurs décrivent des expériences permettant l'évaluation de la contribution relative de l'eau et de la nourriture dans l'accumulation du radionucléide par un poisson.The radioecology of the Rhone Basin has been studied for the last 15 years. This has been an opportunity to make a quantitative and qualitative evaluation of radionuclides as a function of their different sources. Special attention is given to 137Cs (present both in fallout and liquid wastes) and 60Co, which characterize the liquid wastes of pressurised water reactors. In order to assess the transfer and bioconcentration of these two radionuclides in freshwater ecosystems, several experimental studies were undertaken.The 137Cs transfer studies were carried out with a 5-component experimental ecosystem and the data were included in a mathematical model. For 60Co, the experimental study concerns the relative contribution of water and food in the accumulation of the radionuclide by Cyprinus carpio.Water, sediment, plants and fishes were taken from 60 sampling stations set up along the river (figure 1). Water was filtrated, then percolated on resin columns. Sediment, plants and fishes were dried and burnt to ashes in an oven at 500° C. Radioactivity was measured by gamma spectrometry and radiochemistry.137Cs experimental transfers were studied between water, sediment, midge larvae, daphnid and carp. These components were taken in pairs in order to estimate the radionuclide transfer from one to the other. Thus ten experiments were carried out (figure 2). In order to study the relative importance of food and water as 60Co sources for the carp, an experiment was carried out simultaneously on three homogeneous groups of ten juvenile fishes. The individuals of the first group were maintained in separate aquaria and offered 45 daily rations of labelled food over a 63-day period. Bach carp of the other two groups was placed in a compartment of a large tank with contaminated water. One group was fed with radioactive food, the other with non-radioactive food (table 1).Natural radioactivity remained steady all along the river. It ranged around 1 Bq.l-1 in water, 2250 Bq.kg-1 DW in sediment, 1700 Bq.kg-1 DW in aquatic plants, 110 Bq.kg-1 WW in fish. The fallout impact was characterized by 137Cs presence. PWR liquid wastes contained mainly, 58Co, 60Co, 134 Cs, 137Cs. The Chernobyl fallout gave an increase of Cs and the presence of 103Ru and 106RU+Rh specially during May and June 1986 which later decreased (tables 2, 3 and 4).137Cs transfer between water and sediment was very fast and important. Less than 2 % of the radionuclide was released from sediment into a non-radioactive water. During the transfer from water to chironomids the larvae radioactivity increased steadily (figure 3). Conversely, the transfer from the sediment to larvae did not seem to depend on the contact time. The transfer from water to carp was regular without any steady state during the 63 days of the experiment (figure 3). Then the fish concentration factor was less than 5. For 42 days, the transfer factor from sediment to carp was 3.6.10-3. The retention factor from food to carp was 0.03 when fishes were fed with daphnids and 0.13 with chironomids. An experiment showed that the various ways of 137Cs transfer could have an added impact. Thus the carp radioactivity was the sum of the separate transfers. Water was responsible for 4 % of the fish 137 Cs concentration, sediment for 45 % and chironomids for 51 %.It is possible to include the different kinetic equations in a mathematical model. If the radioactivity of one of the components is known, the nuclide concentration can be computed in others, as a relation of the contact time, the quantity and quality of ingested food, etc... This model gives a concentration factor for juvenile carp of 1000 in 180 days and 500 for 3-year old fish. Considering the field conditions (e.g. seasonal nutritive cycles) the computed concentration factor in fish was between 200 and 350. For a 1 mBq.l-1 137Cs concentration in water, the model gave a concentration of 0.2 to 0.35 Bq.kg-1 WW in carp, which was the 137Cs radioactivity level measured in the Rhone fish before the Chernobyl accident.During the 60Co accumulation phase, the mean weight of the fish in the three groups increased exponentially and the resultant relative weight gain was 52-59 % after 63 days (table 5).The 60Co accumulation kinetics showed that the steady state should be reached after 165 days for fish exposed to 60Co in food, 92 days for fish exposed to radiocobalt in water and 120 days for fish exposed to 60Co in both sources (figure 4). According to the 60Co concentration in the fish in the three treated groups, the accumulation from water accounted for 75 % of the total radioactivity and the accumulation of the radionuclide from both water and food was in addition.Depuration of 60Co from carp was a relatively intensive process reflecting a high Co turnover. Biological half-lives for loss from the long-lived compartment ranged from 35d in fish previously contaminated by food, to 87d in fish previously contaminated by food, to 87d in fish previously contaminated by water (figure 5).137Cs and 60Co are the most concentrated radionuclides in liquid wastes of the pressurised water reactors, and they are often measured in the aquatic ecosystem components. Though it accounts for the highest fraction of total radioactivity in the liquid wastes, 60Co cobalt is not the most concentrated radionuclide in fish. Experimental studies show that it is primarily transferred from the water so it is logical that its concentration in fish remains at a low level. Conversely the 137Cs has a low concentration in water but as it is transferred simultaneously from water, sediment and food, its concentration in fish is still important. Moreover its 30 years half-life means that the cesium contamination of fish is a long and important process, all the more so as the source terms can add their own effects during time and space

    « Carthagène Veracruz, villes-ports dans la mondialisation », Villes en parallèle no 47-48

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    La revue Villes en parallèle, dirigé par Galia et Guy Burgel, propose dans sa dernière livraison un regard sur la ville port, latino-américaine en l’occurrence. Depuis 1978, à raison d’un numéro par an en moyenne, Villes en parallèle se fait l’écho des questions soulevées par les mutations des espaces urbains à travers le monde : la ville comme espace social, les approches marxistes en géographie urbaine, le logement des pauvres, dans les années 1980, puis, plus tard, la ville soviétique d’av..

    La gobernanza portuaria en transiciĂłn: Los impactos de la difusiĂłn del modelo de Land Lord Port

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    International audienceDurante los anos noventa se difuso a traves del mundo el modelo de gestion portuario llamado de Land Lord Port. El movimiento de liberalizacion de las actividades se inicio bajo la influencia del New Public Management e encuentro en sur america un laboratorio de applicacion. El autor postula varios cambios en el metabolismo portuaria como consecuencias de la adopcion de este modelo. Cambios en la estructuracion de la conflictividad portuaria de los cuales se puede formular la hipotesis de una diminucion del conflicto social a la favor de un aumento de los conflictos de naturaleza institucional. Cambios en terminos de cooperacion entre los distintos actores del hecho portuario. En los puertos, se puede asi observar algunos procesos de dinamizacion del sector privado. Constituido en entidades de defensa de sus intereses pero tambien de regulacion de las profesiones, las Uniones Maritimas francesas o organizaciones tales como Uniport Bilbao en Espana, renovan la nocion de comunidad portuaria y intentan dar materialidad a la idea de plaza portuaria. A fuera de los puertos, se inicia al mismo tiempo cooperacion interportuaria, hacia la constitucion de cluster, asociando el sector publico, caracterizando de hecho procesos de hybridacion y cuestionando el papel de los organismos portuarios en sus territorios

    The Interplay of WNT and PPARÎł Signaling in Vascular Calcification

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    Vascular calcification (VC), the ectopic deposition of calcium phosphate crystals in the vessel wall, is one of the primary contributors to cardiovascular death. The pathology of VC is determined by vascular topography, pre-existing diseases, and our genetic heritage. VC evolves from inflammation, mediated by macrophages, and from the osteochondrogenic transition of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) in the atherosclerotic plaque. This pathologic transition partly resembles endochondral ossification, involving the chronologically ordered activation of the β-catenin-independent and -dependent Wingless and Int-1 (WNT) pathways and the termination of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ) signal transduction. Several atherosclerotic plaque studies confirmed the differential activity of PPARγ and the WNT signaling pathways in VC. Notably, the actively regulated β-catenin-dependent and -independent WNT signals increase the osteochondrogenic transformation of VSMC through the up-regulation of the osteochondrogenic transcription factors SRY-box transcription factor 9 (SOX9) and runt-related transcription factor 2 (RUNX2). In addition, we have reported studies showing that WNT signaling pathways may be antagonized by PPARγ activation via the expression of different families of WNT inhibitors and through its direct interaction with β-catenin. In this review, we summarize the existing knowledge on WNT and PPARγ signaling and their interplay during the osteochondrogenic differentiation of VSMC in VC. Finally, we discuss knowledge gaps on this interplay and its possible clinical impact

    La MĂ©tamorphose des pierres. Les remplois, entre rebut et souvenir

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    « Cette matière qui porte en elle les souvenirs du groupe et maintient la pérennité de la tradition n’est pas la matière inerte, mais la matière innervée par les pensées et les sentiments des hommes d’autrefois (Roger Bastide, « Mémoire collective et sociologie du bricolage », L’Année sociologique, 1970, p. 65-108). » On a longtemps considéré avec condescendance le remploi anarchique et a priori anodin des œuvres lapidaires. Que penser en effet de ces œuvres erratiques dont la réutilisation semble de toute évidence hasardeuse et pragmatique ? Il importe pourtant de s’interroger sur l’objet-remploi, sur les raisons qui ont conduit à cette nouvelle insertion et à ce nouveau statut. L’objet traverse de multiples existences et cristallise par là même de multiples histoires, de multiples mémoires. Au-delà, ce sont les mentalités des contemporains qu’il faut sonder et le regard qu’ils portent sur ces œuvres ; regard qui conditionne leurs utilisations, leurs réutilisations, leurs disparitions, leurs conservations… C’est en scrutant ces mécanismes complexes que l’on pourra tendre à une véritable « biographie » de ces objets. C’est justement ce que nous entendons explorer : de quelle façon l’objet-remploi se métamorphose et se charge de sens

    L'Uruguay et son insertion régionale : le rôle des ports dans la structuration du territoire

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    Since its creation, in the late 1980's, Mercosur has been a driving force in the territorial reorganisation of which transport is one of the key elements. Placed at the heart of this integration, Uruguay, with it's restricted internal market, has ambitions to become the crossroad of the region, but remains for the moment, at in the same position as Paraguay, one of the bypassed regions of the southern cone. The small Eastern Republic of Urguay who's existence is due to the strong rivality between its two powerful neigbours who were incapable of finding agreement on the division of the River plate estuary, has become an insular state because of it's role as a buffer. In the current context of internationalisation and economic integration in South America, Uruguay occupies an important position nontheless. The positive aspect of the situation is that the country benefits from a series of contact traditionally undertaken by ports and coastal areas due to its proximity to the Argentinian market. The Uruguayan coast is subject to pressure today due to the liberalization of the national economy. This reawaking of the coast is not without risk however : the requirement of massive and private investment. If the insertion of Uruguay as an important regional player is due to the value of its coastal access and notably by the reactivation of its ports, this one cannot be achieved without a territorial strategy which pricniples are necessary based on society choices.Le Mercosur constitue, depuis son lancement à la fin des années 1980, un puissant facteur de recomposition territoriale dont les transports sont les éléments moteurs. Placé au coeur du dispositif d'intégration, l'Uruguay, au marché intérieur particulièrement étroit, ambitionne d'en devenir le carrefour, mais demeure pour l'instant, au même titre que le Paraguay, un des espaces contournés du Cône sud. La petite République Orientale, dont l'existence trouve son origine dans la rivalité entre entre ses deux puissants voisins, incapables de s'entendre sur le partage de l'estuaire de le Plata, hérite du caractère insulaire que sa vocation d'Etat tampon lui confère. Dans le contexte actuel de l'internationalisation des échanges et de l'intégration économique sud-américaine, l'Uruguay bénéficie cependant d'une position remarquable. Cette rente de situation s'articule autour d'une série de contacts, traditionnellement assumés par des espaces littoraux où des sites portuaires et balnéaires de qualité bénéficient de la proximité du marché argentin. A la croisée de multiples usages, la rive uruguayenne subit aujourd'hui toutes sortes de pressions, réactivées par le désengagement de l'Etat et la mise en oeuvre de processus d'ouverture économique. Ce réveil du rivage comporte toutefois une part de risque : celui d'apports capitalistiques massifs mais ponctuels, essentiellement basés sur les seules logiques du retour sur investissement. Si l'insertion régionale de l'Uruguay passe par la mise en valeur de son interface littorale, et notamment par la réactivation de ses ports commerciaux longtemps restés en sommeil, celle-ci ne peut s'établir en l'absence d'une stratégie territoriale d'aménagement dont les principes reposent en partie sur des choix de société

    Development of a real-time algorithm for the measurement and the compensation of harmonics of the grid and implementation in the processor of the intelligent charging station

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    Zur Versorgung der von der Bundesregierung angestrebten Flotte von Elektrofahrzeugen muss die entsprechende Infrastruktur geschaffen werden. Daraus ergibt sich die Möglichkeit den Energiefluss zwischen Netz und Batterie des Elektrofahrzeuges gezielt über eine ansteuerbare Ladesäule zu beeinflussen. Die Intelligente Ladesäule ist dauerhaft mit dem Netz verbunden und kann für den Netzbetreiber ein dezentrales Stellglied zur Beeinflussung des Energieflusses sein und zusätzlich zur Verbesserung der Netzspannungsqualität beitragen. Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich daher mit der Funktions-entwicklung zur „Kompensation von Netzoberschwingungen“ mit Hilfe des Wechselrichters der Intelligenten Ladesäule. Das Hauptziel ist die Entwicklung eines echtzeitfähigen Algorithmus zur Oberschwingungserfassung, die der Regelung als Istwerte dienen, um über das phasennegierte Einprägen der Ströme, die Spannungsoberschwingungen im Netz zu kompensieren

    Band unfolding with a general transformation matrix: from code implementation to interpretation of photoemission spectra

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    Unfolding of a supercell band structure into a primitive Brillouin zone is important for understanding implications of structural distortions, disorder, defects, solid solutions on materials electronic structure. Necessity of the band unfolding is also recognised in interpretation of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) measurements. We describe an extension of the fold2Bloch package by implementing an arbitrary transformation matrix used to establish a relation between primitive cell and supercell. This development allows us to overcome limitations of supercells constructed exclusively by scaling of primitive cell lattice vectors. It becomes possible to transform between primitive and conventional cells as well as include rotations. The fold2Bloch is publicaly available from a GitHub repository as a FORTRAN code. It interfaces with the all-electron full-potential WIEN2k and the pseudopotential VASP density functional theory packages. The fold2Bloch is supplemented by additional pre- and post-processing utilities that aid in generating k points in the supercell (such that they later fall onto a desired path in the primitive Brillouin zone after unfolding) and plotting the unfolded band structure. We selected Sr2_2IrO4_4 as an illustrative example and, for the first time, present its properly unfolded band structure in direct comparison with ARPES measurements. In addition, critical importance of the band unfolding for interpretation of SrIrO3_3 ARPES data is illustrated and discussed as a perspective.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables, supporting information is not include

    Le passé morcelé : du rebut, du matériau et de l’œuvre d’art

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    Les pratiques de récupération ont longtemps été déconsidérées. D’une certaine façon, en effet, ces pratiques signent bien souvent la perte, sinon la disparition. La fonction initiale des éléments récupérés est totalement bouleversée : ces éléments faisaient partie d’un tout, désormais irrémédiablement morcelé. Une pensée créatrice et directrice avait créé ces arrangements. Dorénavant, n’en subsistent que quelques fragments, mis en valeur dans la construction ou au contraire durablement bannis. Les pratiques de récupération sont-elles pour autant un simple expédient ? Loin de là : les matériaux sont collectés avec soin et, après avoir subi ou non un certain nombre de modifications, sont valorisés, c’est-à-dire transformés afin d’être réinsérés dans un nouveau cycle d’existence.Recovery practices have long been discredited. In a way, these practices often signify loss, if not disappearance. The initial function of the recovered elements is completely disrupted: these elements were part of a whole, now irreparably fragmented. A creative and directing mind had created these arrangements. From now on, only a few fragments remain, highlighted in the construction or on the contrary durably banned. Are recovery practices a simple expedient? Far from it: materials are collected with care and, after having undergone a number of modifications or not, are valued, that is to say transformed in order to be reinserted in a new cycle of existence
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