13,609 research outputs found

    The potential for gamma-emitting radionuclides to contribute to an understanding of erosion processes in South Africa

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    Several research projects undertaken by the authors and others over the last 14 years have used fallout and geogenic radionuclides for understanding erosion processes and sediment yield dynamics in South Africa over the last 100–200 years as European settlers colonised the interior plains and plateaux of the country and imported new livestock and farming techniques to the region. These projects have used two fallout radionuclides (210Pb and 137Cs) to date sediments accumulating in reservoirs, farm dams, wetlands, alluvial fans and floodouts and have used other fallout nuclides (7Be) and long-lived geogenic radionuclides (e.g. 40K, 235U) as part of a composite fingerprint exploring contemporary sediment sources and changes to sources through time. While successful in many parts of the world, applying these techniques in Southern Africa has posed a number of challenges often not encountered elsewhere. Here we explore some of the benefits and challenges in using gamma-emitting radionuclides, especially 137Cs, in these landscapes. Benefits include the potential for discriminating gully sidewall from topsoil sources, which has helped to identify contemporary gully systems as sediment conduits, rather than sources, and for providing a time-synchronous marker horizon in a range of sedimentary environments that has helped to develop robust chronologies. Challenges include the spatial variability in soil cover on steep rocky hillslopes, which is likely to challenge assumptions about the uniformity of initial fallout nuclide distribution, the paucity of stable (non-eroding) sites in order to estimate atmospheric fallout inventories, and the limited success of 210Pb dating in some rapidly accumulating high altitude catchments where sediments often comprise significant amounts of sand and gravel. Despite these challenges we present evidence suggesting that the use of gamma-emitting radionuclides can make a significant contribution to our understanding of erosion processes and sediment yield dynamics. Future research highlighted in the conclusion will try to address current challenges and outline new projects established to address them more fully

    Vortex pairing in two-dimensional Bose gases

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    Recent experiments on ultracold Bose gases in two dimensions have provided evidence for the existence of the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) phase via analysis of the interference between two independent systems. In this work we study the two-dimensional quantum degenerate Bose gas at finite temperature using the projected Gross-Pitaevskii equation classical field method. While this describes the highly occupied modes of the gas below a momentum cutoff, we have developed a method to incorporate the higher momentum states in our model. We concentrate on finite-sized homogeneous systems in order to simplify the analysis of the vortex pairing. We determine the dependence of the condensate fraction on temperature and compare this to the calculated superfluid fraction. By measuring the first order correlation function we determine the boundary of the Bose-Einstein condensate and BKT phases, and find it is consistent with the superfluid fraction decreasing to zero. We reveal the characteristic unbinding of vortex pairs above the BKT transition via a coarse-graining procedure. Finally, we model the procedure used in experiments to infer system correlations [Hadzibabic et al., Nature 441, 1118 (2006)], and quantify its level of agreement with directly calculated in situ correlation functions.Comment: published versio

    Cloudbus Toolkit for Market-Oriented Cloud Computing

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    This keynote paper: (1) presents the 21st century vision of computing and identifies various IT paradigms promising to deliver computing as a utility; (2) defines the architecture for creating market-oriented Clouds and computing atmosphere by leveraging technologies such as virtual machines; (3) provides thoughts on market-based resource management strategies that encompass both customer-driven service management and computational risk management to sustain SLA-oriented resource allocation; (4) presents the work carried out as part of our new Cloud Computing initiative, called Cloudbus: (i) Aneka, a Platform as a Service software system containing SDK (Software Development Kit) for construction of Cloud applications and deployment on private or public Clouds, in addition to supporting market-oriented resource management; (ii) internetworking of Clouds for dynamic creation of federated computing environments for scaling of elastic applications; (iii) creation of 3rd party Cloud brokering services for building content delivery networks and e-Science applications and their deployment on capabilities of IaaS providers such as Amazon along with Grid mashups; (iv) CloudSim supporting modelling and simulation of Clouds for performance studies; (v) Energy Efficient Resource Allocation Mechanisms and Techniques for creation and management of Green Clouds; and (vi) pathways for future research.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables, Conference pape

    Steering in computational science: mesoscale modelling and simulation

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    This paper outlines the benefits of computational steering for high performance computing applications. Lattice-Boltzmann mesoscale fluid simulations of binary and ternary amphiphilic fluids in two and three dimensions are used to illustrate the substantial improvements which computational steering offers in terms of resource efficiency and time to discover new physics. We discuss details of our current steering implementations and describe their future outlook with the advent of computational grids.Comment: 40 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in Contemporary Physic

    Two dimensional self-avoiding walk with hydrogen-like bonding: Phase diagram and critical behaviour

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    The phase diagram for a two-dimensional self-avoiding walk model on the square lattice incorporating attractive short-ranged interactions between parallel sections of walk is derived using numerical transfer matrix techniques. The model displays a collapse transition. In contrast to the standard θ\theta-point model, the transition is first order. The phase diagram in the full fugacity-temperature plane displays an additional transition line, when compared to the θ\theta-point model, as well as a critical transition at finite temperature in the hamiltonian walk limit.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figures. To appear in Journal of Physics

    A grid-based infrastructure for distributed retrieval

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    In large-scale distributed retrieval, challenges of latency, heterogeneity, and dynamicity emphasise the importance of infrastructural support in reducing the development costs of state-of-the-art solutions. We present a service-based infrastructure for distributed retrieval which blends middleware facilities and a design framework to ‘lift’ the resource sharing approach and the computational services of a European Grid platform into the domain of e-Science applications. In this paper, we give an overview of the DILIGENT Search Framework and illustrate its exploitation in the field of Earth Science

    Confidence trick: the interpretation of confidence intervals

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    The frequent misinterpretation of the nature of confidence intervals by students has been well documented. This article examines the problem as an aspect of the learning of mathematical definitions and considers the tension between parroting mathematically rigorous, but essentially uninternalized, statements on the one hand and expressing imperfect but developing understandings on the other. A small-scale study among schoolteachers sought comments on four definitions expressing differing understandings of confidence intervals, and these are examined and discussed. The article concludes that some student wordings could be regarded as less inaccurate than they might seem at first sight and presents a case for accepting a wider range of more intuitive understandings as a work in progress

    Interferon Alpha Induces Sustained Changes in NK Cell Responsiveness to Hepatitis B Viral Load Suppression In Vivo

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    This work was supported by funding from The NIHR Academic Clinical Fellowship scheme and a Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Training fellowship (107389/Z/15/Z) awarded to USG; a Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator award (101848/Z/ 13/Z) to MKM and a Barts and The London Charity award (No. 723/1795) to PTFK

    Slow imbalance relaxation and thermoelectric transport in graphene

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    We compute the electronic component of the thermal conductivity (TC) and the thermoelectric power (TEP) of monolayer graphene, within the hydrodynamic regime, taking into account the slow rate of carrier population imbalance relaxation. Interband electron-hole generation and recombination processes are inefficient due to the non-decaying nature of the relativistic energy spectrum. As a result, a population imbalance of the conduction and valence bands is generically induced upon the application of a thermal gradient. We show that the thermoelectric response of a graphene monolayer depends upon the ratio of the sample length to an intrinsic length scale l_Q, set by the imbalance relaxation rate. At the same time, we incorporate the crucial influence of the metallic contacts required for the thermopower measurement (under open circuit boundary conditions), since carrier exchange with the contacts also relaxes the imbalance. These effects are especially pronounced for clean graphene, where the thermoelectric transport is limited exclusively by intercarrier collisions. For specimens shorter than l_Q, the population imbalance extends throughout the sample; the TC and TEP asymptote toward their zero imbalance relaxation limits. In the opposite limit of a graphene slab longer than l_Q, at non-zero doping the TC and TEP approach intrinsic values characteristic of the infinite imbalance relaxation limit. Samples of intermediate (long) length in the doped (undoped) case are predicted to exhibit an inhomogeneous temperature profile, whilst the TC and TEP grow linearly with the system size. In all cases except for the shortest devices, we develop a picture of bulk electron and hole number currents that flow between thermally conductive leads, where steady-state recombination and generation processes relax the accumulating imbalance.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure