1,969 research outputs found

    ‘I want my country back’: the resurgence of English nationalism

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    The three phases of Brexit – campaign, referendum, aftermath – have revealed three urgent problems, writes Russell Foster: the lack of public faith in establishment politics, the emotional deficit of the EU, and the return of English nationalism. All three stages have been characterised by contempt, anger and despair unseen in recent British politics and the referendum was thus fought on raw emotion. Once the genie of nationalism has been released from its bottle, it turns on those who released it and it cannot easily be put back

    Introduction and reflections on the comparative physiology of sleep and circadian rhythms

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    Circadian rhythms and the sleep/wake cycle allows us, and most life on Earth, to function optimally in a dynamic world, adjusting all aspects of biology to the varied and complex demands imposed by the 24-hour rotation of the Earth upon its axis. A key element in understanding these rhythms, and the success of the field in general, has been because researchers have adopted a comparative approach. Across all taxa, fundamental questions relating to the generation and regulation of sleep and circadian rhythms have been address using biochemical, molecular, cellular, system and computer modelling techniques. Furthermore, findings have been placed into an ecological and evolutionary context. By addressing both the “How” – mechanistic, and “Why” – evolutionary questions in parallel, the field has achieved remarkable successes, including how circadian rhythms are generated and regulated by light. Yet many key questions remain. In this special issue on the Comparative Physiology of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms, celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Journal of Comparative Physiology, important new discoveries are detailed. These findings illustrate the power of comparative physiology to address novel questions and demonstrate that sleep and circadian physiology are embedded within the biological framework of an organism

    The regulation of circadian entrainment in mice by the adenosine the A2A/A1 receptor antagonist CT1500

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    Circadian entrainment in mice relies primarily on photic cues that trigger the transcription of the core clock genes Period1/2 in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), thus aligning the phase of the clock with the dawn/dusk cycle. It has been shown previously that this pathway is directly regulated by adenosine signalling and that adenosine A2A/A1 receptor antagonists can both enhance photic entrainment and phase shift circadian rhythms of wheel-running behaviour in mice. In this study, we tested the ability of CT1500, a clinically safe adenosine A2A/A1 receptor antagonist to effect circadian entrainment. We show that CT1500 lengthens circadian period in SCN ex vivo preparations. Furthermore, we show in vivo that a single dose of CT1500 enhances re-entrainment to a shifted light dark cycle in a dose-dependent manner in mice and also phase shifts the circadian clock under constant dark with a clear time-of-day related pattern. The phase response curve shows CT1500 causes phase advances during the day and phase delays at dusk. Finally, we show that daily timed administration of CT1500 can entrain the circadian clock to a 24 h rhythm in free-running mice. Collectively, these data support the use of CT1500 in the treatment of disorders of circadian entrainment

    Functional inhibition of deep brain non-visual opsins facilitates acute long day induction of reproductive recrudescence in male Japanese quail  :Deep brain photoreceptors in birds

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    For nearly a century, we have known that brain photoreceptors regulate avian seasonal biology. Two photopigments, vertebrate ancient opsin (VA) and neuropsin (OPN5), provide possible molecular substrates for these photoreceptor pathways. VA fulfills many criteria for providing light input to the reproductive response, but a functional link has yet to be demonstrated. This study examined the role of VA and OPN5 in the avian photoperiodic response of Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica). Non-breeding male quail were housed under short days (6L:18D) and received an intracerebroventricular infusion of adeno-associated viral vectors with shRNAi that selectively inhibited either VA or OPN5. An empty viral vector acted as a control. Quail were then photostimulated (16L:8D) to stimulate gonadal growth. Two long days significantly increased pituitary thyrotrophin-stimulating hormone ÎČ-subunit (TSHÎČ) and luteinizing hormone ÎČ-subunit (LHÎČ) mRNA of VA shRNAi treated quail compared to controls. Furthermore, at one week there was a significant increase, compared to controls, in both hypothalamic gonadotrophin releasing hormone-I (GnRH-I) mRNA and paired testicular mass in VA shRNAi birds. Opn5 shRNAi facilitated the photoinduced increase in TSHÎČ mRNA at 2 days, but no other differences were identified compared to controls. Contrary to our expectations, the silencing of deep brain photoreceptors enhanced the response of the reproductive axis to photostimulation rather than preventing it. In addition, we show that VA opsin plays a dominant role in the light-dependent neuroendocrine control of seasonal reproduction in birds. Together our findings suggest the photoperiodic response involves at least two photoreceptor types and populations working together with VA opsin playing a dominant role

    Investigation of the impact of total sleep deprivation at home on the number of intrusive memories to an analogue trauma

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    Sleep enhances the consolidation of memory; however, this property of sleep may be detrimental in situations where memories of an event can lead to psychopathology, such as following a traumatic event. Intrusive memories of trauma are emotional memories that spring to mind involuntarily and are a core feature of post-traumatic stress disorder. Total sleep deprivation in a hospital setting on the first night after an analogue trauma (a trauma film) led to fewer intrusive memories compared to sleep as usual in one study. The current study aimed to test an extension of these findings: sleep deprivation under more naturalistic conditions-at home. Polysomnographic recordings show inconsistent sleep deprivation was achieved at home. Fewer intrusive memories were reported on day 1 after the trauma film in the sleep-deprived condition. On day 2 the opposite was found: more intrusive memories in the sleep-deprived condition. However, no significant differences were found with the removal of two participants with extreme values and no difference was found in the total number of intrusive memories reported in the week following the trauma film. Voluntary memory of the trauma film was found to be slightly impaired in the sleep deprivation condition. In conclusion, compared to our eariler findings using total sleep deprivation in a hospital setting, in the current study the use of inconsistent sleep deprivation at home does not replicate the pattern of results on reducing the number of intrusive memories. Considering the conditions under which sleep deprivation (naturalistic versus hospital) was achieved requires further examination

    Abundance, distribution and population trends of Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) in Gonarezhou National Park, Zimbabwe

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    The Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) is an iconic or keystone species in many aquatic ecosystems. In order to understand the abundance, distribution, and population trends of Nile crocodiles in Gonarezhou National Park (GNP), southeastern Zimbabwe, we carried out 4 annual aerial surveys, using a Super Cub aircraft, along 3 major rivers, namely, Save, Runde and Mwenezi, between 2008 and 2011. Our results show that Runde River was characterised by a significant increase in Nile crocodile abundance whereas both Save and Mwenezi rivers were characterised by non-significant increases in Nile crocodile abundance. Overall, we recorded a significant increase in total Nile crocodile population in the three major rivers of the GNP. The non-significant increase in Nile crocodiles in the Mwenezi and Save rivers was likely due to habitat loss, through siltation of large pools, and conflicts with humans, among other factors. We suggest that GNP management should consider halting crocodile egg collection in rivers with low crocodile populations and continuously monitor the crocodile population in the par
