97 research outputs found
Algorithms, abstraction and implementation : a massively multilevel theory of strong equivalence of complex systems
- Author
- Publication venue
- The University of Edinburgh
- Publication date
- 01/01/1991
- Field of study
This thesis puts forward a formal theory of levels and
algorithms to provide a foundation for those terms as
they are used in much of cognitive science and computer
science. Abstraction with respect to concreteness is
distinguished from abstraction with respect to detail,
resulting in three levels of concreteness and a large
number of algorithmic levels, which are levels of detail
and the primary focus of the theory.
An algorithm or ideal machine is a set of sequences of
states defining a particular level of detail. Rather
than one fundamental ideal machine to describe the
behaviour of a complex system, there are many possible
ideal machines, extending Turing's approach to reflect
the multiplicity of system descriptions required to
express more than weak input-output equivalence of
systems. Cognitive science is concerned with stronger
equivalence; e.g., do two models go through the same
states at some level of description? The state-based
definition of algorithms serves as a basis for such
strong equivalence and facilitates formal renditions of
abstraction and implementation as relations between
algorithms. It is possible to prove within the new
framework whether or not one given algorithm is a valid
implementation of another, or whether two unequal
algorithms have a common abstraction, for example. Some
implications of the theory are discussed, notably a
characterisation of connectionist versus classical
Effects of antiplatelet therapy on stroke risk by brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases: subgroup analyses of the RESTART randomised, open-label trial
- Author
- Abano Nenette
- Abbdul-saheb Mudhar
- Adedoyin Temi
- Adell Victoria
- Adesina Tolu
- Adie Katja
- Adil-Smith Jennifer
- Ahmad Nasar
- Ahmed Ashraf
- Ahmed Iman
- Al-Mayhani Talal
- Al-Shahi Salman Rustam
- Al-Shahi Salman Rustam
- Alam Mohammad Irfan
- Albazzaz Mo
- Ali Ali
- Alipio Francis
- Allen Christopher
- Allison Joanna
- Amey Isobel
- Amis Elaine
- Amlani Sageet
- Amoils Shannon
- Amor Kelly
- Anderson Rosemary
- Andole Sreeman
- Anjum Talat
- Ankolekar Sandeep
- Annamalai Arunkumar
- Anthony Alpha
- Anversha Ajmal
- Anwar Ijaz
- Anwar Sajjad
- Appleton Jason
- Argandona Lucia
- Armitage Jane
- Ashton Amy
- Atkinson Natalie
- Auld Grace
- Avis Joanne
- Aweid Basaam
- Ayres Georgina
- Azhar Khalid
- Bagnall Caroline
- Baig Farrukh
- Baigent Colin
- Bailey Duncan
- Baird Yolanda
- Bakawala Rehana
- Baker John
- Baker Pauline
- Balazikova Olga
- Balian Linda
- Baliga Vidya
- Balitska Olesia
- Ball Julie
- Ball Margaret
- Ballantine Robert
- Bamford John
- Banaras Azra
- Barber Mark
- Barbon Emma
- Barker James
- Barr Charlotte
- Barrie Elizabeth
- Barron Luke
- Barry Adrian
- Bateman Gavin
- Bates Michelle
- Bathula Rajaram
- Battersby-Wood Emma
- Bayliss Pauline
- Beadle Hannah
- Bearne Helen
- Beaty Teresa
- Beaves Emily
- Bell Angela
- Bell Jo
- Bell Murdina
- Bellfield Ruth
- Beranova Eva
- Bergin Adrian
- Bhakri Harbens
- Bhalla Ajay
- Bharaj Kiranjit
- Bhargava Maneesh
- Bhaskaran Biju
- Bhatnagar Priya
- Bhatnagar Priya
- Birchall Kathryn
- Birns Jonathan
- Black Toby
- Blades Alex
- Blair Caroline
- Blair Caroline
- Blair Gordon
- Blane Sujata
- Blank Catrin
- Blight Adrian
- Board Joanne
- Board Sarah
- Bokhari Maria
- Bond Kirsty
- Bowring Angela
- Boxall Cherish
- Breeds Joanna
- Brew Helen
- Brezitski Maria
- Bridger Hayley
- Brodie Fiona
- Brotherton Lucy
- Broughton David
- Brown Claire
- Brown Ellen
- Brown Pauline
- Brown Sarah
- Bruce David
- Buchanan David
- Buck Amanda
- Buckle Steve
- Buckle Steve
- Buckley Clare
- Bunea George
- Burger Ilse
- Burgess Laura
- Burgess Seona
- Burssens Evelyne
- Butler Adrian
- Butler Donna
- Butler Rebecca
- Butterworth-Cowin Nicola
- Button Denise
- Buxton Jean
- Byrne Anthony
- Cageao Julie
- Caine Sarah
- Campbell Robert
- Carpenter Michael
- Carpio Racquel
- Carrie Johanna
- Cassidy Tim
- Causley Chelsea
- Chadbourn Indra
- Chadha Dinesh
- Chamberlain Angela
- Chan kelly
- Chandrakumar Aberami
- Chapman Kath
- Chapman Nicola
- Charles Bethan
- Chatterjee Kausic
- Chaudhry Afnan
- Chauhan Meena
- Chenna Srikanth
- Cherian Suja
- Cheripelli Bharath Kumar
- Chopra Neha
- Choulerton James
- Choy Lillian
- Clarke Brian
- Clarke Caroline
- Clarke Judith
- Clarke Natasha
- Clarke Rebecca
- Clarke Samantha
- Clarkson Emma
- Clay Caroline
- Clayton Susan
- Clayton-Evans Lisa
- Cluckie Gillian
- Cochrane Helen
- Codd Laura
- Cohen David
- Collins Kayleigh
- Connor Lynda
- Constantin Carmen
- Cook Angela
- Cooper Martin
- Copeland Claire
- Cosier Tracey
- Courtauld Gillian
- Couser Mandy
- Coward Lucy
- Cowie Linda
- Cox Chantel
- Cox Chloe
- Cox Penelope
- Crabtree Karen
- Crawford Pam
- Crawford Susan
- Creeden Robyn
- Crisp Sarah
- Cronin Julie
- Crook Luci
- Crosbie Caroline
- Crouch Nichola
- Crown Rachel
- Crowther Hannah
- Cuddy Sarah
- Cuenoud Larissa
- Cullen Claire
- Culmsee Charlotte
- Cunningham James
- Cunningham Mishell
- Cvoro Vera
- Dacey Lynne
- Dakin Katy
- Dallol Bander
- Dangri Puneet
- Datta Prabal
- Davey Richard
- David Anette
- David Owen
- Davies Caroline
- Davies Ruth
- Davies Silvie
- Davis Fiona
- Davis Michelle
- Day Nicola
- Dayal Nilofer
- De Berker Henry
- Deary Ann
- Denic Hayley
- Dennis Martin
- Dennis Martin S
- Denniss Carol
- Devine Joseph
- Devitt Nicola
- Dewar Richard
- Dhakal Mahesh
- Dhar Saikat
- Dickinson Christina
- Dickson Christine
- Dima Sofia
- Dinsmore Lynn
- Dixon Lynn
- Dobson Tracey
- Dodd Angela
- Dodd Emily
- Doherty Mandy
- Doherty Mandy
- Donaldson Denise
- Donnelly Richard
- Doubal Fergus
- Dow Lindsey
- Downham Susan
- Doyle Clare
- Doyle Donna
- Drever Jonathan
- du Plessis Johann C
- du Plessis Johannes
- Dube Judith
- Duberley Stephen
- Dunn Linda
- Dunne Karen
- Durairaj Ramesh
- Durman Helen
- Dutta Dipankar
- Dynan Kevin
- Edwards Mandy
- Egerton Shuna
- Eglinton Charlotte
- Eglinton Charlotte
- El Tawil Salwa
- Elfandi Khaled
- Elliot Jennifer
- Elliott Emma
- Ellis Sam
- Emberson Jonathan
- Emsley Hedley
- England Timothy
- Epstein Daniel
- Erande Renuka
- Erumere Esther
- Esisi Bernard
- Esisi Bernard
- Esson Derek
- Esson Derek
- Evans Rachel
- Evans Sue
- Eveson David
- Ewing Jordan
- Fathima Razik
- Fawcett Michelle
- Feerick Shez
- Fennelly Ruth
- Ferdinand Phillip
- Findlay Paul
- Finlay Sarah
- Finney Kay
- Fitzell Pauline
- Fitzsimmons Paul
- Fletcher Glyn
- Fletcher Jo
- Fong Rosanna
- Foot Jayne
- Foote Leanne
- Ford Gary
- Foster Eliza
- Fotherby Ken
- Fox Charlotte
- Francia Nina
- Francis Jobbin
- Fraser Ruth
- Fraser Ruth
- Fuller Tracy
- Fulton Ailsa
- Furnace Jacqueline
- Gadapa Naveen
- Gainard Glyn
- Gainsborough Nicola
- Gallagher Jill
- Gallagher Louise
- Gallifent Rachel
- Gamble Ed
- Garcia Tatiana
- Gardener Léjeune
- Garfield-Smith Joanne
- Garside Mark
- Gartrell Imogen
- Gascoyne Rachel
- Gattringer Thomas
- Gautam Nikki
- Gaylard Jane
- Gbadamoshi Lukuman
- Geraghty Olivia
- Ghaly George
- Ghatala Rita
- Ghosh Sandip
- Giallombardo Elio
- Gilham Ellie
- Gilmour Danielle
- Gilzeane Nicola
- Glass Jon
- Gleave Laura
- Glover Rachel
- Godfrey Margi
- Goff Anita
- Goorah Neetish
- Gott Valerie
- Gow Heather
- Graham Carol
- Graham Ruth
- Gray Jane
- Green Carole
- Greenwood Richard
- Gregory Bindu
- Greig Jill
- Grimwood Gemma
- Grocott Jeanette
- Grue Rebecca
- Gulliver Diane
- Guo Fenglin
- Gupwell Karin
- Guthrie Lucy Belle
- Guy Helen
- Guyler Paul
- Hague Adam
- Haider Syed
- Hairsine Brigid
- Hakim Eluzai
- Hall Andrea
- Halse Omid
- Handley Dominic
- Hann Gail
- Hannon Niamh
- Hansen Christian
- Haque Mohammad
- Hardwick Anne
- Harkness Kirsty
- Harrington Frances
- Harrington-Davies Yasmin
- Harrison Louise
- Harrison Melanie
- Harrison Thomas
- Harston George
- Harvey Kirsten
- Harvey Miriam
- Hassan Ahamad
- Hassan Hardi
- Havard Diane
- Hayes Anne
- Hayhoe Helen
- Hayman Rachel
- Hays Carole
- Hazel Beth
- Hedstrom Amanda
- Hedstrom Amanda
- Hemsley Anthony
- Henry Margo
- Herman Jane
- Hervey Simon
- Hewitt Jonathan
- Hiden Joanne
- Hogan Caroline
- Hogg Valerie
- Holden Melinda
- Holmes Clare
- Homan Jane
- Hooley Michaela
- Horan Kathleen
- Horton Sarah
- Hostettler Isabel
- Hove Dionne
- Howaniec Laura
- Howard Gabriella
- Howard Joanne
- Howard Peter
- Howcroft Deborah
- Howe Jo
- Huang Xuya
- Huggett Isabel
- Hughes Chloe
- Hughes Claire
- Hughes Tom
- Humphreys Louise
- Humphries Fiona
- Hunt Benjamin
- Hunt Nicholas
- Hunter Annemarie
- Hunter Neil
- Hurford Frances
- Hurley Jennifer
- Hussain Malik
- Hutchison Aidan
- Hyams Benjamin
- Hyatt Lisa
- Imam Javed
- Ingham Andrea
- Ingram Tanya
- Innes Karen
- Iqbal Arshi
- Iqbal Mohammad Shazad
- Irvine Janice
- Ispoglou Sissy
- Ivatts Simone
- Jackson Benjamin
- Jackson Linda
- Jagger Jenny
- Jagpal Baljit
- James Ali
- James Claire
- James Martin
- Jarapa Rowilson
- Jarrett David
- Jeffs Carol
- Jelley Benjamin
- Jenkins Colin
- Jennings-Preece Karla
- Jeyaraj Naomi
- Jha Ratneshwari
- Jinks Emma
- Johnes Mary
- Johnson Sharon
- Jones Ifan
- Jones Ifan
- Jones Kirsty
- Jones Rachael
- Jones Stephanie
- Jones Terry
- Jones Val
- Jordan Carla
- Jose Deepa
- Jose Josin
- Joshi Yogish
- Joshi Yogish
- Joyson Anu
- Jupp Becky
- Justin Frances
- Kakar Puneet
- Kalathil Latheef
- Kalladka Dheeraj
- Kamara Christine
- Kambafwile Mary
- Kane Ingrid
- Kar Arindam
- Keegan Breffni
- Keeling Elizabeth
- Keenan Samantha
- Kelavkar Shyam
- Kelly Christine
- Kelly Debs
- Kelly Jim
- Kelly Siobhan
- Keltos Marketa
- Kennedy James
- Kennedy Kate
- Kenton Antony
- Kerin Lourda
- Kerr Enda
- Kerr Gillian
- Keshvara Rekha
- Khan Mohammad
- Khan Shagufta
- Khan Usman
- Khan Uzma
- Kibutu Faith
- King Sam
- Kingwell Hayley
- Kini Manohar
- Klaasen Katrina
- Knops Kerstin
- Krishnamoorthy Shrivakumar
- Krishnamurthy Ramesh
- Krishnamurthy Vinodh
- Krishnan Kailash
- Krishnan Manju
- Krommyda Magdalini
- Kullane Sagal
- Kumar Balakrishna
- Kumar Pradeep
- Kunhunny Swapna
- Lam Man Yee
- Lambert Caroline
- Landers Geraldine
- Langhorne Peter
- Lasserson Daniel
- Latter Laura
- Law Zhe
- Lawrence Tara
- Lawson Heidi
- Leason Sandra
- Lee Stephanie
- Leggett Jacqui
- Lenti Giulia
- Lerpiniere Christine
- Lerpiniere Christine
- Licenik Radim
- Lindert Ralf
- Little Victoria
- Littleton Edward
- Ljubez Anja
- Loganathan Thayalini
- Longland Barbara
- Lopez Paula
- Lovelock Caroline
- Lowe Gordon
- Lucas Linda
- Lucas Suzanne
- Luder Robert
- Lyjko Sue
- Maanoosi Mehran
- Maatouk Ahmad
- Macaden Ashish
- MacInnes Brian
- MacLennan Beverly
- Macleod Malcolm
- MacLeod Mary
- MacLiver Linda
- MacRaild Allan
- Maddula Mohana
- Madigan Barbara
- Maguire Holly
- Maguire Stuart
- Maiden Susan
- Majis Arshad
- Majmudar Nikhil
- Makawa Linetty
- Mangion David
- Manning Lisa
- Manoj Aravind
- Mardania Rina
- Marigold James Richard
- Markova Skarlet
- Marks Katherine
- Marsden Tracy
- Marshall Sally
- Martin Irene
- Mashate Sheila
- Mason Cathy
- Mate Abhijit
- Mathieson Philip
- Matias Oliver
- Matthews Christopher
- Maund Bev
- McAlpine Christine
- McArdle Damian
- Mcauley Sean
- McCann Stephanie
- McCarron Mark
- McClelland Beverley
- McCormick Katrina
- McCormick Katrina
- McDonald Shanni
- McDonald Susan
- Mcgee Joanne
- McGhee Caroline
- McGill Connor
- McGrath Aileen
- McIlmoyle James
- McKee Jacqueline
- McLoughlin Alison
- McVerry Ferghal
- Mead Denise
- Mead Gillian
- Meir Julie
- Menon Nisha
- Mercer Lily
- Metcalf Kneale
- Miller Keniesha
- Miller Richard
- Milligan Josette
- Minks David
- Minks David P.
- Miriam Skelton
- Mistri Amit
- Mitchell Jennifer
- Mitra Dipayan
- Mitra Dipayan
- Mohammed Niaz
- Mohd Nor Azlisham
- Mokoena Betty
- Moores Andrew
- Moqsith Mohammed
- Morell Jordi
- Moreton Fiona
- Morgan Debbie
- Moroney Helen
- Morse Bethan
- Moseley Sally
- Motherwell Nichola
- Moynihan Barry
- Mpelembue Mushiya
- Mudd Paul
- Muddegowda Girish
- Muir Keith
- Mukherjee Indranil
- Murali Elodie
- Murphy Peter
- Murray Gordon D
- Musarrat Kashif
- Myint Min
- Naeem Muhammad
- Naing Zin
- Nair Anand
- Nallasivan Arumugam
- Nasar Mohammad
- Nasim Ashraf
- Naylor Charde
- Needle Ann
- Nelson Sandra
- Newby David E
- Newton Sophie
- Ng Kheng Xiong
- Ngo David
- Nguyen Vinh
- Ngwako Mmua
- Ni Hlaing
- Nicholas Paul
- Nicolson Anne
- Niranchanan Rangah
- Nisar Nabeela
- Njoku Kelechi
- Nott Claire
- Nott Claire
- Nozedar Tarn
- Nyabadza Sheila
- O'Brien Eoin
- O'Brien Richard
- O'Brien Richard
- O'Connell Susan
- O'Loughlin Victoria
- O'Reilly Joanna
- O'Toole Sarah
- OConnell Janice
- Oji Nnebuife
- Orath Prabakaran Rajalakshmi
- Orefo Chukwuka
- Orugun Enoch
- Osborn Mairead
- Osborne Emily
- Oshodi Anne
- Osman Ahmed
- Ovington Catherine
- Owings Paula
- Owoyele Emmanuelle
- Owusu-Agyei Peter
- Pai Yogish
- Palmer Jeb
- Papavasileiou Vasileios
- Parakramawansha Ruwan
- Parker Richard
- Parry Anthea
- Parry-Jones Adrian
- Pasco Kath
- Patel Bhavini
- Patel Champa
- Patel Farzana
- Patel Krishna
- Patterson Chris
- Paulton Ruth
- Pawley Corinne
- Peixoto Cassilda
- Penge Justin
- Perez Jane
- Perfitt Rebekah
- Perkins Charlotte
- Perry David
- Perry Jack
- Persad Nicola
- Peters Jenny
- Pettitt Kerry
- Phiri Duke
- Pitt-Ford Alexandra
- Pitt-Kerby Tressy
- Plewa Catherine
- Poku Philip
- Ponnambath Suheil
- Poultney Una
- Pound Susan
- Power Michael
- Pressly Vanessa
- Price Fiona
- Proeschel Harald
- Punekar Shuja
- Punter Martin
- Pusalkar Aparna
- Putterill Janet
- Quinn Leanne
- Quinn Outi
- Qureshi Sammie
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- Ramshaw Alex
- Rana Pratap
- Randall Marc
- Rashed Khalid
- Rashmi Sindhu
- Ravenhill Garth
- Rayessa Rayessa
- Reckless Ian
- Reddan Julie
- Reddan Julie
- Redgrave Jessica
- Redjep Ozlem
- Remegoso Alda
- Richard Bella
- Richards Emma
- Rinkel Gabriel
- Roberts Josh
- Robinson Matthew
- Robinson Naomi
- Rodgers Alicia
- Rodrigues Mark A
- Rodriguez Aryelly
- Roffe Christine
- Roffe Jack
- Roganova Tatjana
- Rogers Emily
- Rogers Gill
- Rojas Javier
- Ross Sarah
- Roughan Caroline
- Rudd Tony
- Rudenko Hannah
- Saada Janak
- Saastamoinen Kari
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- Salehin Maqsud
- Salek-Haddadi Afraim
- Salih Isam
- Sally Moore
- Sandercock Peter A G
- Sangombe Mirriam
- Sangster Graeme
- Sanyal Ranjan
- Sarah Procter
- Sarah Procter
- Sattar Naweed
- Sattar Saira
- Saulat Afaq
- Saulat Afaq
- Schofield Christine
- Schulz Ursula
- Schumacher Natasha
- Schwarz Stefan
- Seagrave Samantha
- Sekaran Lakshmanan
- Sesay Juliana
- Sethuraman Sakthivel
- Shackcloth Daniela
- Shah Alex
- Shah Sweni
- Shahmehri Shahrzad
- Sharma Nikhil
- Sharpe Simon
- Shaw Kelly Marie
- Shaw Louise
- Sheikh Saima
- Shekhar Raj
- Shelton Faye
- Shinh Naval
- Shread Ian
- Shukla Avani
- Siddegowda Prasad
- Siddiq Muhammad
- Siddiqui Amber
- Siddiqui Anwer
- Sigsworth Andrew
- Simon Rohan
- Sims Don
- Singh Arun
- Sinha Devesh
- Skinner Helen
- Slade Peter
- Smart Amanda
- Smith Andrew
- Smith Fiona
- Smith Gemma Marie
- Smith Simon
- Smith Wilma
- Smyth Nigel
- Spencer Jayne
- Sprigg Nikola
- Sprigg Nikola
- Srinivasan Meena
- Stafford Samantha
- Stafford Samantha
- Stanners Andrew
- Steele Amy
- Stephen Jacqueline
- Stephens Claire
- Stevens Angela
- Stevens Stephanie
- Stevenson Sarah
- Stewart Kelvin
- Stocks Kathy
- Stone Andrew
- Storton Sharon
- Strain David
- Subramonian Santhosh
- Sudlow Cathie
- Sudlow Cathie L M
- Sukdeo Varthi
- Sullivan Frank
- Sultan Sulaiman
- Suttling Anne
- Sutton Claire
- Sutton Patrick
- Sutton Victoria
- Sword Jane
- Sykes Lucy
- Symonds Stuart
- Szabo Susan
- Tallantyre Emma
- Tanate Alfonso
- Tandy Jane
- Tate Margaret
- Tauro Suzanne
- Tayler Michelle
- Taylor Pat
- Taylor Vicky
- Teal Rachel
- Temple Natalie
- Thant Hlaing
- Thavanesan Kamy
- Thomas Isobel
- Thomas Kelly
- Thomas Philip
- Thomas Sarah
- Thompson Philip
- Thompson Susan
- Thompson Teresa
- Thompson-Jones Helen
- Thomson Audrey
- Thornthwaite Sarah
- Thorpe Kevin
- Tilley Victoria
- Tiwari Divya
- Tomlin Dawn
- Tomlinson Benjamin
- Treadwell Shelley
- Tribbeck Michele
- Trippier Sarah
- Triscott Claire
- Triscott Claire
- Tryambake Dinesh
- Tucker Laura
- Tucker Susan
- Turfrey Jennifer
- Tysoe Sharon
- Ullah Khalil
- Valentine Stacey
- van Someren Chloe
- Varquez Resti
- Vasileiadis Evangelos
- Vassallo Joseph
- Venter Marius
- Veraque Emelda
- Verrion Anna
- Vettimootal Johnson Venetia
- Vickers Carinna
- Walford Jamie
- Walker Allan
- Walker Marion
- Walker Pauli
- Walker Susannah
- Wallace Aine
- Wallace Rebecca
- Wallace Rebecca
- Walstow Deborah
- Walter Deborah
- Walters Ashleigh
- Wani Mushtaq
- Ward Deborah
- Wardlaw Joanna M
- Watchurst Caroline
- Waterfield Kelly
- Waterfield Kelly
- Watson Fran
- Waugh Dean
- Webb Tom
- Webber Adam
- Webster Timothy
- Weinling Marie
- Weir Nic
- Weir Pauline
- Welch Angela
- Werring David
- Werring David J
- Whitcher Alison
- White James
- White Julie
- White Philip M
- White Susan
- Whiteley William
- Whiteley William N
- Whiteman Jessica
- Whiteman Jessica
- Whiting Robert
- Whittamore Katherine
- Wiggam Ivan
- Wilding Peter
- Wilkes Gwendoline
- Wilkinson Mark
- Willberry Angela
- Williams Carol
- Williams Rebecca
- Williams-Yesson Barbara
- Willmot Mark
- Wilson David
- Wilson Duncan
- Wilson Jenny
- Wilson Lisa
- Wilson Sarah
- Wiltshire Alison
- Wood Diane
- Wood Edith
- Wood Lisa
- Woodward Stephen
- Wright Fiona
- Wroath Belinda
- Wynter Inez
- Yadava Rajendra
- Yip Brigitte
- Young Andrew
- Zachariah George
- Zahoor Tajammal
- Zoe Mellor
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 22/05/2019
- Field of study
Findings from the RESTART trial suggest that starting antiplatelet therapy might reduce the risk of recurrent symptomatic intracerebral haemorrhage compared with avoiding antiplatelet therapy. Brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases (such as cerebral microbleeds) are associated with greater risks of recurrent intracerebral haemorrhage. We did subgroup analyses of the RESTART trial to explore whether these brain imaging features modify the effects of antiplatelet therapy
Pan-Cancer Analysis of lncRNA Regulation Supports Their Targeting of Cancer Genes in Each Tumor Context
- Author
- Abdel-Rahman Mohamed H.
- Abeshouse Adam
- Adebamowo Clement
- Adebamowo Sally N.
- Agnew Kathy
- Ahn Keunsoo
- Ajani Jaffer A.
- Akbani Rehan
- Akeredolu Teniola
- Al-Ahmadie Hikmat
- Albert Monique
- Alexopoulou Iakovina
- Ally Adrian
- Alvaro Domenico
- Anderson Matthew L.
- Andry Chris
- Antenucci Anna
- Anur Pavana
- Appelbaum Elizabeth L.
- Aredes Natália D.
- Armenia Joshua
- Arnaout Angel
- Asa Sylvia L.
- Auman J. Todd
- Aymerich Marta
- Aziz Dina
- Bailey Matthew
- Balasundaram Miruna
- Balu Saianand
- Barnett Gene
- Barnholtz-Sloan Jill S.
- Barrett Wendi
- Bartlett John
- Bathe Oliver
- Baudin Eric
- Baylin Stephen
- Becker Karl-Friedrich
- Beer David
- Behera Madhusmita
- Behrens Carmen
- Bell Debra
- Bell Sue
- Bellair Michelle
- Bennett Joseph
- Benz Christopher
- Berchuck Andrew
- Berger Ashton C.
- Bergeron Alain
- Berkowitz Ross
- Bernard Brady
- Beroukhim Rameen
- Beuschlein Felix
- Bifulco Carlo
- Bigner Darell
- Birrer Michael
- Birsoy Kivanc
- Bocklage Therese
- Bodenheimer Tom
- Bondaruk Jolanta
- Bootwalla Moiz S.
- Borad Mitesh
- Borgia Jeffrey A.
- Bossler Aaron
- Botnariuc Natalia
- Boussioutas Alex
- Bowen Jay
- Bowlby Reanne
- Bowman Rayleen
- Bradford Carol
- Bragazzi Maria Consiglia
- Brat Daniel J.
- Breggia Anne
- Brewer Cathy
- Brimo Fadi
- Broaddus Russell
- Brooks Denise
- Broom Bradley M.
- Broudy Thomas
- Bryce Alan H.
- Bubley Glenn
- Bueno Raphael
- Burnette Andrew
- Caesar-Johnson Samantha J.
- Calatozzolo Chiara
- Campo Elias
- Campos Benito
- Caraman Irina
- Cardinale Vincenzo
- Carey Francis
- Carey Thomas
- Carlotti Carlos Gilberto
- Carlsen Rebecca
- Carney Michael
- Carpino Guido
- Carroll Peter R.
- Carter Candace
- Carvalho Andre L.
- Castle Erik
- Castro Patricia D.
- Catto James
- Cebulla Colleen M.
- Cernat Mircea
- Chabot John
- Chakravarty Debyani
- Chambwe Nyasha
- Chan June M.
- Chan Timothy A.
- Chandan Vishal
- Chang Kyle
- Chatila Walid K.
- Chatterjee Sujash S.
- Chemencedji Inga
- Chen Amy
- Chen Chu
- Chen Ting-Wen
- Cheng Feixiong
- Cherniack Andrew D.
- Chesla David
- Chevalier Simone
- Cheville John
- Chiu Hua-Sheng
- Cho Juok
- Chuah Eric
- Chudamani Sudha
- Chung Ki
- Cibulskis Carrie
- Clipca Adrian
- Colman Howard
- Cope Leslie
- Copland John A.
- Corcoran Niall
- Cordes Matthew G.
- Costello Tony
- Cottingham Sandra
- Couce Marta
- Covington Kyle
- Crain Daniel
- Cramer Daniel
- Creaney Jenette
- Creighton Chad J.
- Cuppini Lucia
- Curley Erin
- Cuzzubbo Stefania
- Czerniak Bogdan
- Danilova Ludmila
- Davis Amy
- de Bruijn Ino
- de Carvalho Ana C.
- de Krijger Ronald
- De Rienzo Assunta
- De Rose Agostino
- Defreitas Timothy
- Delman Keith
- Demchok John A.
- Desjardins Laurence
- Devine Karen
- Deyarmin Brenda
- Dhalla Noreen
- Dhanasekaran Renumathy
- Dhankani Varsha
- Dhir Rajiv
- Dimeco Francesco
- Ding Li
- Dinh Huyen
- Dinkin Mikhail
- Dipersio John
- Disaia Philip
- Doddapaneni Harshavardhan
- Donehower Lawrence A.
- Doruc Serghei
- Dos Santos Jose Sebastião
- Dottino Peter R.
- Drake Bettina
- Drummond Jennifer
- Drwiega Paul
- Dubina Michael
- Duell Rebecca
- Duffy Elizabeth R.
- Eckman John
- Edenfield W. Jeffrey
- Eijckenboom Wil
- Elder J. Bradley
- Engel Jay
- Eschbacher Jennifer
- Esmaeli Bita
- Evason Kimberley
- Facciolo Francesco
- Fan Cheng
- Fan Huihui
- Fantacone-Campbell J. Leigh
- Farnell Michael
- Farver Carol
- Fassnacht Martin
- Fehrenbach Ashley
- Felau Ina
- Feldman Michael
- Feltmate Colleen
- Ferguson Martin L.
- Finocchiaro Gaetano
- Flotte Thomas
- Fong Kwun M.
- Force Seth
- Forgie Ian
- Frazer Scott
- Fregnani José H.
- Fronick Catrina C.
- Fujimoto Junya
- Fulop Jordonna
- Fulton Lucinda A.
- Fulton Robert S.
- Gabra Hani
- Gabriel Stacey B.
- Galbraith Joseph
- Gao Galen F.
- Gao Jianjiong
- Gardner Johanna
- Gastier-Foster Julie M.
- Gaudio Eugenio
- Gehlenborg Nils
- Gerken Mark
- Gershenwald Jeffrey
- Getz Gad
- Ghossein Ronald
- Giama Nasra
- Gibbs Richard A.
- Gilbert Sebastien
- Gillis Ad
- Gimenez-Roqueplo Anne-Paule
- Giné Eva
- Giordano Thomas
- Girard Nicolas
- Giuliante Felice
- Glenn Pat
- Glenn Robert
- Godwin Andrew K.
- Godwin Eryn M.
- Gonzalez Ana Maria Angulo
- Goodman Marc
- Gopalan Anuradha
- Goparaju Chandra
- Gorincioi Ghenadie
- Govindan Ramaswamy
- Graefen Markus
- Grazi Gianluca
- Grizzle William E.
- Gross Benjamin E.
- Guillermo Armando López
- Gunaratne Preethi H.
- Guo Charles
- Ha Gavin
- Haddad Andrea
- Hagedorn Curt H.
- Hale Walker
- Han Yi
- Hanh Phan Thi
- Hansen Paul
- Harr Jodi
- Hartmann Arndt
- Haydu Lauren
- Hayes D. Neil
- Hayward Nicholas
- Heath Sharon
- Hegde Apurva M.
- Heiman David I.
- Heins Zachary J.
- Henderson Joel
- Hermes Beth
- Hernandez Brenda
- Herold-Mende Christel
- Hersey Peter
- Hess Julian
- Hibshoosh Hanina
- Hilty Joe
- Hinoue Toshinori
- Ho Thai
- Hoadley Katherine A.
- Holt Robert
- Hooke Jeffrey A.
- Hoon Dave
- Horowitz Neil
- Houck John
- Hovens Christopher
- Hoyle Alan P.
- Hu Hai
- Hu Jianhong
- Huland Hartwig
- Hung Nguyen Phi
- Huntsman David
- Hutter Carolyn M.
- Iacocca Mary
- Ittmann Michael
- Jacobus Laura
- Jakrot Valerie
- Janssen Klaus-Peter
- Jefferys Stuart R.
- Jimeno Antonio
- Jones Corbin D.
- Jones Steven J. M.
- Ju Zhenlin
- Juhl Hartmut
- Jungk Christin
- Junker Kerstin
- Kakavand Hojabr
- Kalkanis Steven
- Kanchi Rupa S.
- Kandoth Cyriac
- Kang Koo Jeong
- Karlan Beth Y.
- Kasaian Katayoon
- Kasapi Melpomeni
- Kastl Alison
- Kebebew Electron
- Kefford Richard
- Kelley Robin K.
- Kemp Rafael
- Kendall Sara
- Kendler Ady
- Kendrick Michael
- Khuri Fadlo
- Kibel Adam
- Kim Jaegil
- Knijnenburg Theo
- Knudson Michael
- Knutson Tina
- Kocher Jean-Pierre
- Kohl Bernard
- Kopp Karla
- Korchina Viktoriya
- Korkut Anil
- Korpershoek Esther
- Korst Robert
- Kovatich Albert J.
- Kramer Roger
- Kucherlapati Melanie H.
- Kucherlapati Raju S.
- Kumar Bahavna
- Kundra Ritika
- Kvecher Leonid
- Kycler Witold
- La Konnor
- Lacombe Louis
- Ladanyi Marc
- Lai Phillip H.
- Laird Peter W.
- Landen Charles N.
- Landrum Lisa
- Lang James
- Larson Caroline
- Latour Mathieu
- Lau Kevin
- Lawrence Michael S.
- Lazar Alexander J.
- Le Xuan
- Lechan Ronald
- Lee Darlene
- Lee Jung Il
- Lee Kenneth
- Lee Sandra
- Lehman Norman L.
- Leinonen Kalle
- Leraas Kristen M.
- Levine Douglas A.
- Lewis Lora
- Ley Timothy
- Li Jun
- Li Wei
- Liang Han
- Lichtenberg Tara M.
- Lin Pei
- Linehan W. Marston
- Ling Shiyun
- Lipp Eric
- Liptay Michael J.
- Liu Jia
- Liu Wenbin
- Liu Xiuping
- Liu Yuexin
- Logothetis Christopher
- Lohavanichbutr Pawadee
- Lolla Laxmi
- Long Georgina
- Longatto-Filho Adhemar
- Looijenga Leendert
- Lu Yiling
- Luketich James
- Luna Augustin
- Lyadov Vladimir
- Ma Deqin
- Ma Yussanne
- Madan Rashna
- Maglinte Dennis T.
- Magliocca Kelly
- Maithel Shishir
- Mallery David
- Malykh Andrei
- Mandt Randy
- Manikhas George
- Mann Graham
- Mannel Robert
- Mannelli Massimo
- Mardis Elaine R.
- Mariamidze Armaz
- Mariani Odette
- Marino Mirella
- Marks Jeffrey
- Marra Marco A.
- Martignetti John A.
- Martin Julie
- Mattei Luca
- Mayo Michael
- Mccall Shannon
- Mcgraw Mary
- Mckercher Ginette
- Mclellan Michael D.
- Mclendon Roger
- Mcpherson Christopher
- Meier Sam
- Melamed Jonathan
- Meng Shaowu
- Meric-Bernstam Funda
- Merola Roberta
- Mes-Masson Anne-Marie
- Metwalli Adam R.
- Meyerson Matthew
- Mieczkowski Piotr A.
- Mikkelsen Tom
- Milhem Mohammed
- Miller Christopher A.
- Miller Judy
- Miller Michael
- Mills Gordon B.
- Mirsaidi Cyrus
- Moiseenko Fedor
- Moncrieff Marc
- Moore Kathleen
- Moore Richard A.
- Moran Cesar
- Morgan Margaret
- Morris Scott
- Morrison Carl
- Morton Donna
- Mose Lisle E.
- Moser Catherine
- Moxley Katherine
- Moyer Jeffey
- Mungall Andrew J.
- Mungall Karen
- Mura Sergiu
- Mural Richard J.
- Murawa Dawid
- Muto Michael
- Muzny Donna
- Myers Jerome
- Nagorney David
- Nair Praveen
- Naresh Rashi
- Naska Theresa
- Nelson Mark
- Ng Kwok-Shing
- Nguyen Phuong
- Nissan Moriah G.
- Noble Michael S.
- Noss Ardene
- Noushmehr Houtan
- O'Brien Daniel
- O'Neill Brian Patrick
- Ochoa Angelica
- Olabode Oluwole
- Olson Jeffrey J.
- Omberg Larsson
- Oosterhuis Wolter
- Ostrom Quinn T.
- Owonikoko Taofeek
- Pacak Karel
- Paklina Oxana
- Pan Yinghong
- Parfitt Jeremy
- Park Joong-Won
- Parker Joel S.
- Pass Harvey
- Patel Ektaben
- Patel Tushar
- Patil Sagar L.
- Paulauskis Joseph
- Pennell Nathan A.
- Penny Robert
- Perin Alessandro
- Perou Amy H.
- Perou Charles M.
- Petersen Gloria
- Peterson Lisa
- Peto Myron
- Phillips Joanna
- Phillips Sarah M.
- Phu Bui Duc
- Piché Alain
- Pickens Alan
- Pihl Todd
- Pilarski Robert
- Pinero Edna M. Mora
- Pinto Peter A.
- Pirtac Maria
- Pollo Bianca
- Pool Mark
- Porten Sima
- Postier Russel
- Potapova Olga
- Powers James
- Prados Michael
- Prince Mark
- Que Florencia
- Quinn Michael
- Quintero-Aguilo Mario
- Rabeno Brenda
- Rai Karan
- Ramalingam Suresh
- Ramirez Nilsa C.
- Ramondetta Lois
- Rao Arvind
- Rassl Doris M.
- Rathmell W. Kimryn
- Raut Chandrajit P.
- Raymond Daniel
- Reis Rui M.
- Reuter Victor
- Reynolds Sheila
- Reznik Ed
- Rice David
- Richards William G.
- Rintoul Robert C.
- Rivera Michael
- Roach Jeffrey
- Roberts Lewis
- Robertson A. Gordon
- Robinson Bruce
- Roggin Kevin
- Roman-Roman Sergio
- Rosenthal Howard G.
- Rozek Laura
- Rubin Mark A.
- Ryan Michael
- Saad Fred
- Sadeghi Sara
- Saksena Gordon
- Sanchez-Vega Francisco
- Sander Chris
- Sankarankuty Ajith
- Santibanez Jireh
- Sastre Xavier
- Sauter Guido
- Saw Robyn
- Scapulatempo-Neto Cristovam
- Scarpace Lisa
- Schadendorf Dirk
- Schein Jacqueline E.
- Schiffman Mark
- Schilero Cathy
- Schlomm Thorsten
- Schmidt Heather K.
- Schmidt Laura S.
- Schoenfield Lynn
- Schultz Nikolaus
- Schumacher Steven E.
- Scolyer Richard
- Secord Angeles
- Seder Christopher W.
- Sekhon Harman
- Senecal Kelly
- Sepulveda Antonia
- Setdikova Galiya
- Sexton Katherine C.
- Shabunin Alexey
- Shannon Kerwin
- Sharp Alexis
- Shelley Carl Simon
- Shelton Candace
- Shelton Troy
- Shen Hui
- Sheridan Robert
- Sherman Mark
- Sheth Margi
- Shi Yan
- Shih Juliann
- Shimmel Kristen
- Shin Dong M.
- Shinbrot Eve
- Shipman Cassaundra
- Shmulevich Ilya
- Shriver Craig D.
- Sica Gabriel
- Sifri Suzanne
- Sigmund Rita
- Signoretti Sabina
- Silveira Henrique C. S.
- Simko Jeffry
- Simon Ronald
- Simons Janae V.
- Singer Samuel
- Singh Bhuvanesh
- Singh Rosy
- Singh Vivek P.
- Sipahimalani Payal
- Skelly Tara
- Sloan Andrew E.
- Slotta-Huspenina Julia
- Smallridge Robert
- Smith Jennifer
- Smith-McCune Karen
- Smolenski Kathy
- Smyrk Thomas
- Sofia Heidi J.
- Soloway Matthew G.
- Somiari Stella
- Somvanshi Sonal
- Sood Anil
- Sood Anil K.
- Spellman Paul
- Spillane Andrew
- Stancul Irina
- Stanton Melissa
- Staugaitis Susan M.
- Steele Ruth
- Stepa Serghei
- Stern Marc-Henri
- Stoehr Christine
- Stoehr Robert
- Stoop Hans
- Stretch Jonathan
- Stuart Joshua M.
- Su Tao
- Sumazin Pavel
- Sumer S. Onur
- Sun Qiang
- Sun Yichao
- Swanson Patricia
- Swisher Elizabeth
- Synott Maria
- Tam Angela
- Tamakawa Raina
- Tamboli Pheroze
- Tan Donghui
- Tang Yufang
- Tarnuzzer Roy
- Taubert Helge
- Tavobilov Mikhail
- Taylor Barry S.
- Tcaciuc Diana
- Tennstedt Pierre
- Thiessen Nina
- Thomas George
- Thompson Eric
- Thompson John
- Thompson R. Houston
- Thompson Timothy
- Thorp Richard
- Thorsson Vesteinn
- Tien Nguyen Viet
- Timmers Henri
- Tirapelli Daniela
- Tischler Arthur
- Torbenson Michael
- Troncoso Patricia
- Tsao Anne
- Tse Kane
- Tucker Kelinda
- Têtu Bernard
- Unterberg Andreas
- Urba Walter
- Valdivieso Federico
- Van Bang Nguyen
- Van Den Berg David J.
- van Kessel Kim E.
- Van Meir Erwin G.
- Van Tine Brian
- Vandenberg Scott
- Veluvolu Umadevi
- Vicha Ales
- Vidal Daniel O.
- Vocke Cathy D.
- Voet Doug
- von Deimling Andreas
- Voronina Olga
- Wach Sven
- Wakely Paul
- Waldmann Jens
- Walker Joan
- Wan Yunhu
- Wang Jing
- Wang Jioajiao
- Wang Linghua
- Wang Min
- Wang Timothy
- Wang Zhining
- Warnick Ronald
- Weinstein John N.
- Weisenberger Daniel J.
- Wentzensen Nicolas
- Westervelt Peter
- Wheeler David A.
- Wilkerson Matthew D.
- Williams Felicia
- Wilmott James
- Wilson Richard K.
- Wise Lisa
- Wistuba Ignacio
- Wiznerowicz Maciej
- Wolf Gregory
- Wolinsky Yingli
- Wong Christopher K.
- Wong Tina
- Worrell Robert
- Wu Ye
- Wullich Bernd
- Xi Liu
- Yang Hannah
- Yang Ian
- Yang Ju Dong
- Yang Liming
- Yau Christina
- Yena Peggy
- Zach Leigh Anne
- Zaren Howard
- Zelinka Tomas
- Zenklusen Jean C.
- Zhang Hailei
- Zhang Hongxin
- Zhang Hongzheng
- Zhang Jiashan (Julia)
- Zhang Jiexin
- Zhang Lizhi
- Zhang Wei
- Zhao Fengmei
- Zhou Wanding
- Zmuda Erik
- Zorman Barry
- Zuna Rosemary
- Zwarthoff Ellen C.
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2018
- Field of study
Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) are commonly dys-regulated in tumors, but only a handful are known toplay pathophysiological roles in cancer. We inferredlncRNAs that dysregulate cancer pathways, onco-genes, and tumor suppressors (cancer genes) bymodeling their effects on the activity of transcriptionfactors, RNA-binding proteins, and microRNAs in5,185 TCGA tumors and 1,019 ENCODE assays.Our predictions included hundreds of candidateonco- and tumor-suppressor lncRNAs (cancerlncRNAs) whose somatic alterations account for thedysregulation of dozens of cancer genes and path-ways in each of 14 tumor contexts. To demonstrateproof of concept, we showed that perturbations tar-geting OIP5-AS1 (an inferred tumor suppressor) andTUG1 and WT1-AS (inferred onco-lncRNAs) dysre-gulated cancer genes and altered proliferation ofbreast and gynecologic cancer cells. Our analysis in-dicates that, although most lncRNAs are dysregu-lated in a tumor-specific manner, some, includingOIP5-AS1, TUG1, NEAT1, MEG3, and TSIX, synergis-tically dysregulate cancer pathways in multiple tumorcontexts
Pan-cancer Alterations of the MYC Oncogene and Its Proximal Network across the Cancer Genome Atlas
- Author
- Abdel-Rahman Mohamed H.
- Abeshouse Adam
- Adebamowo Clement
- Adebamowo Sally N.
- Agnew Kathy
- Ahn Keunsoo
- Ajani Jaffer A.
- Akbani Rehan
- Akeredolu Teniola
- Al-Ahmadie Hikmat
- Albert Monique
- Alexopoulou Iakovina
- Ally Adrian
- Alvaro Domenico
- Anderson Matthew L.
- Andry Chris
- Angulo Gonzalez Ana Maria
- Antenucci Anna
- Anur Pavana
- Appelbaum Elizabeth L.
- Aredes Natália D.
- Armenia Joshua
- Arnaout Angel
- Asa Sylvia L.
- Auman J. Todd
- Ayer Donald E.
- Aymerich Marta
- Aziz Dina
- Bailey Matthew
- Balasundaram Miruna
- Balu Saianand
- Barnett Gene
- Barnholtz-Sloan Jill S.
- Barrett Wendi
- Bartlett John
- Bathe Oliver
- Baudin Eric
- Baylin Stephen
- Becker Karl-Friedrich
- Beer David
- Behera Madhusmita
- Behrens Carmen
- Bell Debra
- Bell Sue
- Bellair Michelle
- Bennett Joseph
- Benz Christopher
- Berchuck Andrew
- Berger Ashton C.
- Berger Ashton C.
- Bergeron Alain
- Berkowitz Ross
- Bernard Brady
- Bernard Brady
- Beroukhim Rameen
- Beuschlein Felix
- Bifulco Carlo
- Bigner Darell
- Birrer Michael
- Birsoy Kivanc
- Bocklage Therese
- Bodenheimer Tom
- Bondaruk Jolanta
- Bootwalla Moiz S.
- Borad Mitesh
- Borgia Jeffrey A.
- Bossler Aaron
- Botnariuc Natalia
- Boussioutas Alex
- Bowen Jay
- Bowlby Reanne
- Bowman Rayleen
- Bradford Carol
- Bragazzi Maria Consiglia
- Brat Daniel J.
- Breggia Anne
- Brewer Cathy
- Brimo Fadi
- Broaddus Russell
- Brooks Denise
- Broom Bradley M.
- Broudy Thomas
- Bryce Alan H.
- Bubley Glenn
- Bueno Raphael
- Burnette Andrew
- Caesar-Johnson Samantha J.
- Calatozzolo Chiara
- Campo Elias
- Campos Benito
- Caraman Irina
- Cardinale Vincenzo
- Carey Francis
- Carey Thomas
- Carlotti Carlos Gilberto
- Carlsen Rebecca
- Carney Michael
- Carpino Guido
- Carroll Peter R.
- Carter Candace
- Carvalho Andre L.
- Castle Erik
- Castro Patricia D.
- Catto James
- Cebulla Colleen M.
- Cernat Mircea
- Chabot John
- Chakravarty Debyani
- Chambwe Nyasha
- Chan June M.
- Chan Timothy A.
- Chandan Vishal
- Chang Kyle
- Chatila Walid K.
- Chemencedji Inga
- Chen Amy
- Chen Chu
- Cheng Feixiong
- Cherniack Andrew D.
- Cherniack Andrew D.
- Chesla David
- Chevalier Simone
- Cheville John
- Cho Juok
- Chuah Eric
- Chudamani Sudha
- Chung Ki
- Cibulskis Carrie
- Clipca Adrian
- Colman Howard
- Cope Leslie
- Copland John A.
- Corcoran Niall
- Cordes Matthew G.
- Costello Tony
- Cottingham Sandra
- Couce Marta
- Covington Kyle
- Crain Daniel
- Cramer Daniel
- Creaney Jenette
- Creighton Chad J.
- Cuppini Lucia
- Curley Erin
- Cuzzubbo Stefania
- Czerniak Bogdan
- Danilova Ludmila
- Davis Amy
- de Bruijn Ino
- de Carvalho Ana C.
- de Krijger Ronald
- De Rienzo Assunta
- De Rose Agostino
- Defreitas Timothy
- Delman Keith
- Demchok John A.
- Desjardins Laurence
- Devine Karen
- Deyarmin Brenda
- Dhalla Noreen
- Dhanasekaran Renumathy
- Dhankani Varsha
- Dhankani Varsha
- Dhir Rajiv
- Dimeco Francesco
- Ding Li
- Dinh Huyen
- Dinkin Mikhail
- Dipersio John
- Disaia Philip
- Doddapaneni Harshavardhan
- Donehower Lawrence A.
- Doruc Serghei
- Dos Santos Jose Sebastião
- Dottino Peter R.
- Drake Bettina
- Drummond Jennifer
- Drwiega Paul
- Dubina Michael
- Duell Rebecca
- Duffy Elizabeth R.
- Eckman John
- Edenfield W. Jeffrey
- Eijckenboom Wil
- Eisenman Robert N.
- Elder J. Bradley
- Engel Jay
- Eschbacher Jennifer
- Esmaeli Bita
- Evason Kimberley
- Facciolo Francesco
- Fan Cheng
- Fan Huihui
- Fantacone-Campbell J. Leigh
- Farnell Michael
- Farver Carol
- Fassnacht Martin
- Fehrenbach Ashley
- Felau Ina
- Feldman Michael
- Feltmate Colleen
- Ferguson Martin L.
- Finocchiaro Gaetano
- Flotte Thomas
- Fong Kwun M.
- Force Seth
- Forgie Ian
- Frazer Scott
- Fregnani José H.
- Fronick Catrina C.
- Fujimoto Junya
- Fulop Jordonna
- Fulton Lucinda A.
- Fulton Robert S.
- Gabra Hani
- Gabriel Stacey B.
- Galbraith Joseph
- Gao Galen F.
- Gao Jianjiong
- Gardner Johanna
- Gastier-Foster Julie M.
- Gaudio Eugenio
- Gehlenborg Nils
- Gerken Mark
- Gershenwald Jeffrey
- Getz Gad
- Ghossein Ronald
- Giama Nasra
- Gibbs Richard A.
- Gilbert Sebastien
- Gillis Ad
- Gimenez-Roqueplo Anne-Paule
- Giné Eva
- Giordano Thomas
- Girard Nicolas
- Giuliante Felice
- Glenn Pat
- Glenn Robert
- Godwin Andrew K.
- Godwin Eryn M.
- Goodman Marc
- Gopalan Anuradha
- Goparaju Chandra
- Gorincioi Ghenadie
- Govindan Ramaswamy
- Graefen Markus
- Grandori Carla
- Grazi Gianluca
- Grizzle William E.
- Gross Benjamin E.
- Guillermo Armando López
- Guo Charles
- Ha Gavin
- Haddad Andrea
- Hagedorn Curt H.
- Hale Walker
- Han Yi
- Hanh Phan Thi
- Hansen Paul
- Harr Jodi
- Hartmann Arndt
- Haydu Lauren
- Hayes D. Neil
- Hayward Nicholas
- Heath Sharon
- Hegde Apurva M.
- Heiman David I.
- Heins Zachary J.
- Henderson Joel
- Hermes Beth
- Hernandez Brenda
- Herold-Mende Christel
- Hersey Peter
- Hess Julian
- Hibshoosh Hanina
- Hilty Joe
- Hinoue Toshinori
- Ho Thai
- Hoadley Katherine A.
- Holt Robert
- Hooke Jeffrey A.
- Hoon Dave
- Horowitz Neil
- Houck John
- Hovens Christopher
- Hoyle Alan P.
- Hu Hai
- Hu Jianhong
- Huland Hartwig
- Hung Nguyen Phi
- Huntsman David
- Hurlin Peter J.
- Hutter Carolyn M.
- Iacocca Mary
- Ittmann Michael
- Jacobus Laura
- Jakrot Valerie
- Janssen Klaus-Peter
- Jefferys Stuart R.
- Jimeno Antonio
- Jones Corbin D.
- Jones Steven J. M.
- Ju Zhenlin
- Juhl Hartmut
- Jungk Christin
- Junker Kerstin
- Kakavand Hojabr
- Kalkanis Steven
- Kanchi Rupa S.
- Kandoth Cyriac
- Kang Koo Jeong
- Karlan Beth Y.
- Kasaian Katayoon
- Kasapi Melpomeni
- Kastl Alison
- Kebebew Electron
- Kefford Richard
- Kelley Robin K.
- Kemp Rafael
- Kendall Sara
- Kendler Ady
- Kendrick Michael
- Khuri Fadlo
- Kibel Adam
- Kim Jaegil
- Knijnenburg Theo
- Knudson Michael
- Knutson Tina
- Kocher Jean-Pierre
- Kohl Bernard
- Kopp Karla
- Korchina Viktoriya
- Korkut Anil
- Korpershoek Esther
- Korst Robert
- Kovatich Albert J.
- Kramer Roger
- Kucherlapati Melanie H.
- Kucherlapati Raju S.
- Kumar Bahavna
- Kundra Ritika
- Kvecher Leonid
- Kycler Witold
- La Konnor
- Lacombe Louis
- Ladanyi Marc
- Lai Phillip H.
- Laird Peter W.
- Landen Charles N.
- Landrum Lisa
- Lang James
- Larson Caroline
- Latour Mathieu
- Lau Kevin
- Lawrence Michael S.
- Lazar Alexander J.
- Le Xuan
- Lechan Ronald
- Lee Darlene
- Lee Jung Il
- Lee Kenneth
- Lee Sandra
- Lehman Norman L.
- Leinonen Kalle
- Leraas Kristen M.
- Levine Douglas A.
- Lewis Lora
- Ley Timothy
- Li Jun
- Li Wei
- Liang Han
- Lichtenberg Tara M.
- Lin Pei
- Linehan W. Marston
- Ling Shiyun
- Lipp Eric
- Liptay Michael J.
- Liu Jia
- Liu Wenbin
- Liu Xiuping
- Liu Yuexin
- Liu Yuexin
- Logothetis Christopher
- Lohavanichbutr Pawadee
- Lolla Laxmi
- Long Georgina
- Longatto-Filho Adhemar
- Looijenga Leendert
- Lu Yiling
- Luketich James
- Luna Augustin
- Lyadov Vladimir
- Ma Deqin
- Ma Yussanne
- Madan Rashna
- Maglinte Dennis T.
- Magliocca Kelly
- Maithel Shishir
- Mallery David
- Malykh Andrei
- Mandt Randy
- Manikhas George
- Mann Graham
- Mannel Robert
- Mannelli Massimo
- Mardis Elaine R.
- Mariamidze Armaz
- Mariani Odette
- Marino Mirella
- Marks Jeffrey
- Marra Marco A.
- Martignetti John A.
- Martin Julie
- Mattei Luca
- Mayo Michael
- Mccall Shannon
- Mcgraw Mary
- Mckercher Ginette
- Mclellan Michael D.
- Mclendon Roger
- Mcpherson Christopher
- Meier Sam
- Melamed Jonathan
- Meng Shaowu
- Meric-Bernstam Funda
- Merola Roberta
- Mes-Masson Anne-Marie
- Metwalli Adam R.
- Meyerson Matthew
- Mieczkowski Piotr A.
- Mikkelsen Tom
- Milhem Mohammed
- Miller Christopher A.
- Miller Judy
- Miller Michael
- Mills Gordon B.
- Mirsaidi Cyrus
- Moiseenko Fedor
- Moncrieff Marc
- Moore Kathleen
- Moore Richard A.
- Mora Pinero Edna M.
- Moran Cesar
- Morgan Margaret
- Morris Scott
- Morrison Carl
- Morton Donna
- Mose Lisle E.
- Moser Catherine
- Moxley Katherine
- Moyer Jeffey
- Mungall Andrew J.
- Mungall Karen
- Mura Sergiu
- Mural Richard J.
- Murawa Dawid
- Muto Michael
- Muzny Donna
- Myers Jerome
- Nagorney David
- Nair Praveen
- Naresh Rashi
- Naska Theresa
- Nelson Mark
- Ng Kwok-Shing
- Nguyen Phuong
- Nissan Moriah G.
- Noble Michael S.
- Noss Ardene
- Noushmehr Houtan
- O'Brien Daniel
- O'Neill Brian Patrick
- Ochoa Angelica
- Olabode Oluwole
- Olson Jeffrey J.
- Omberg Larsson
- Oosterhuis Wolter
- Ostrom Quinn T.
- Owonikoko Taofeek
- Pacak Karel
- Paklina Oxana
- Parfitt Jeremy
- Park Joong-Won
- Parker Joel S.
- Pass Harvey
- Patel Tushar
- Paulauskis Joseph
- Pennell Nathan A.
- Penny Robert
- Perin Alessandro
- Perou Amy H.
- Perou Charles M.
- Petersen Gloria
- Peterson Lisa
- Peto Myron
- Phillips Joanna
- Phillips Sarah M.
- Phu Bui Duc
- Piché Alain
- Pickens Alan
- Pihl Todd
- Pilarski Robert
- Pinto Peter A.
- Pirtac Maria
- Pollo Bianca
- Pool Mark
- Porten Sima
- Postier Russel
- Potapova Olga
- Powers James
- Prados Michael
- Prince Mark
- Que Florencia
- Quinn Michael
- Quintero-Aguilo Mario
- Rabeno Brenda
- Rai Karan
- Ramalingam Suresh
- Ramirez Nilsa C.
- Ramondetta Lois
- Rao Arvind
- Rassl Doris M.
- Rathmell W. Kimryn
- Raut Chandrajit P.
- Raymond Daniel
- Reis Rui M.
- Reuter Victor
- Reynolds Sheila
- Reznik Ed
- Rice David
- Richards William G.
- Richardson Anne B.
- Rintoul Robert C.
- Rivera Michael
- Roach Jeffrey
- Roberts Lewis
- Robertson A. Gordon
- Robinson Bruce
- Roggin Kevin
- Roman-Roman Sergio
- Rosenthal Howard G.
- Rozek Laura
- Rubin Mark A.
- Ryan Michael
- Saad Fred
- Sadeghi Sara
- Saksena Gordon
- Sanchez-Vega Francisco
- Sander Chris
- Sankarankuty Ajith
- Santibanez Jireh
- Sastre Xavier
- Sauter Guido
- Saw Robyn
- Scapulatempo-Neto Cristovam
- Scarpace Lisa
- Schadendorf Dirk
- Schaub Franz X.
- Schein Jacqueline E.
- Schiffman Mark
- Schilero Cathy
- Schlomm Thorsten
- Schmidt Heather K.
- Schmidt Laura S.
- Schoenfield Lynn
- Schultz Nikolaus
- Schumacher Steven E.
- Scolyer Richard
- Secord Angeles
- Seder Christopher W.
- Sekhon Harman
- Senecal Kelly
- Sepulveda Antonia
- Setdikova Galiya
- Sexton Katherine C.
- Shabunin Alexey
- Shannon Kerwin
- Sharp Alexis
- Shaw Reid
- Shelley Carl Simon
- Shelton Candace
- Shelton Troy
- Shen Hui
- Sheridan Robert
- Sherman Mark
- Sheth Margi
- Shi Yan
- Shih Juliann
- Shimmel Kristen
- Shin Dong M.
- Shinbrot Eve
- Shipman Cassaundra
- Shmulevich Ilya
- Shriver Craig D.
- Sica Gabriel
- Sifri Suzanne
- Sigmund Rita
- Signoretti Sabina
- Silveira Henrique C. S.
- Simko Jeffry
- Simon Ronald
- Simons Janae V.
- Singer Samuel
- Singh Bhuvanesh
- Singh Rosy
- Sipahimalani Payal
- Skelly Tara
- Sloan Andrew E.
- Slotta-Huspenina Julia
- Smallridge Robert
- Smith Jennifer
- Smith-McCune Karen
- Smolenski Kathy
- Smyrk Thomas
- Sofia Heidi J.
- Soloway Matthew G.
- Somiari Stella
- Sood Anil
- Spellman Paul
- Spillane Andrew
- Stancul Irina
- Stanton Melissa
- Staugaitis Susan M.
- Steele Ruth
- Stepa Serghei
- Stern Marc-Henri
- Stoehr Christine
- Stoehr Robert
- Stoop Hans
- Stretch Jonathan
- Stuart Joshua M.
- Su Tao
- Sumer S. Onur
- Sun Qiang
- Sun Yichao
- Swanson Patricia
- Swisher Elizabeth
- Synott Maria
- Tam Angela
- Tamakawa Raina
- Tamboli Pheroze
- Tan Donghui
- Tang Yufang
- Tarnuzzer Roy
- Taubert Helge
- Tavobilov Mikhail
- Taylor Barry S.
- Tcaciuc Diana
- Tennstedt Pierre
- Thiessen Nina
- Thomas George
- Thompson Eric
- Thompson John
- Thompson R. Houston
- Thompson Timothy
- Thorp Richard
- Thorsson Vesteinn
- Tien Nguyen Viet
- Timmers Henri
- Tirapelli Daniela
- Tischler Arthur
- Torbenson Michael
- Trivedi Mihir
- Troncoso Patricia
- Tsao Anne
- Tse Kane
- Tucker Kelinda
- Têtu Bernard
- Unterberg Andreas
- Urba Walter
- Valdivieso Federico
- Van Bang Nguyen
- Van Den Berg David J.
- van Kessel Kim E.
- Van Meir Erwin G.
- Van Tine Brian
- Vandenberg Scott
- Veluvolu Umadevi
- Ventura Andrea
- Vicha Ales
- Vidal Daniel O.
- Vocke Cathy D.
- Voet Doug
- von Deimling Andreas
- Voronina Olga
- Wach Sven
- Wakely Paul
- Waldmann Jens
- Walker Joan
- Wan Yunhu
- Wang Jing
- Wang Jioajiao
- Wang Linghua
- Wang Min
- Wang Timothy
- Wang Zhining
- Warnick Ronald
- Weinstein John N.
- Weisenberger Daniel J.
- Wentzensen Nicolas
- Westervelt Peter
- Wheeler David A.
- Wilkerson Matthew D.
- Williams Felicia
- Wilmott James
- Wilson Richard K.
- Wise Lisa
- Wistuba Ignacio
- Wiznerowicz Maciej
- Wolf Gregory
- Wolinsky Yingli
- Wong Christopher K.
- Wong Tina
- Worrell Robert
- Wu Ye
- Wullich Bernd
- Xi Liu
- Yang Hannah
- Yang Ian
- Yang Ju Dong
- Yang Liming
- Yau Christina
- Yena Peggy
- Zach Leigh Anne
- Zaren Howard
- Zelinka Tomas
- Zenklusen Jean C.
- Zhang Hailei
- Zhang Hongxin
- Zhang Hongzheng
- Zhang Jiashan (Julia)
- Zhang Jiexin
- Zhang Lizhi
- Zhang Wei
- Zhang Xiaoyang
- Zhao Fengmei
- Zhao Wei
- Zhou Wanding
- Zmuda Erik
- Zuna Rosemary
- Zwarthoff Ellen C.
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2018
- Field of study
Although theMYConcogene has been implicated incancer, a systematic assessment of alterations ofMYC, related transcription factors, and co-regulatoryproteins, forming the proximal MYC network (PMN),across human cancers is lacking. Using computa-tional approaches, we define genomic and proteo-mic features associated with MYC and the PMNacross the 33 cancers of The Cancer Genome Atlas.Pan-cancer, 28% of all samples had at least one ofthe MYC paralogs amplified. In contrast, the MYCantagonists MGA and MNT were the most frequentlymutated or deleted members, proposing a roleas tumor suppressors.MYCalterations were mutu-ally exclusive withPIK3CA,PTEN,APC,orBRAFalterations, suggesting that MYC is a distinct onco-genic driver. Expression analysis revealed MYC-associated pathways in tumor subtypes, such asimmune response and growth factor signaling; chro-matin, translation, and DNA replication/repair wereconserved pan-cancer. This analysis reveals insightsinto MYC biology and is a reference for biomarkersand therapeutics for cancers with alterations ofMYC or the PMN
Genomic, Pathway Network, and Immunologic Features Distinguishing Squamous Carcinomas
- Author
- Abdel-Rahman Mohamed H.
- Abeshouse Adam
- Adebamowo Clement
- Adebamowo Sally N.
- Agnew Kathy
- Ahn Keunsoo
- Ajani Jaffer A.
- Akbani Rehan
- Akbani Rehan
- Akeredolu Teniola
- Al-Ahmadie Hikmat
- Al-Ahmadie Hikmat
- Albert Monique
- Alexopoulou Iakovina
- Ally Adrian
- Alvaro Domenico
- Anderson Matthew L.
- Andry Chris
- Antenucci Anna
- Anur Pavana
- Anur Pavana
- Appelbaum Elizabeth L.
- Aredes Natália D.
- Armenia Joshua
- Arnaout Angel
- Asa Sylvia L.
- Auman J. Todd
- Aymerich Marta
- Aziz Dina
- Bailey Matthew
- Balasundaram Miruna
- Balu Saianand
- Barnett Gene
- Barnholtz-Sloan Jill S.
- Barrett Wendi
- Bartlett John
- Bathe Oliver
- Baudin Eric
- Baylin Stephen
- Becker Karl-Friedrich
- Beer David
- Behera Madhusmita
- Behrens Carmen
- Bell Debra
- Bell Sue
- Bellair Michelle
- Bennett Joseph
- Benz Christopher
- Benz Christopher
- Berchuck Andrew
- Berger Ashton C.
- Bergeron Alain
- Berkowitz Ross
- Bernard Brady
- Beroukhim Rameen
- Beuschlein Felix
- Bifulco Carlo
- Bigner Darell
- Birrer Michael
- Birsoy Kivanc
- Bocklage Therese
- Bodenheimer Tom
- Bondaruk Jolanta
- Bootwalla Moiz S.
- Borad Mitesh
- Borgia Jeffrey A.
- Bossler Aaron
- Botnariuc Natalia
- Boussioutas Alex
- Bowen Jay
- Bowlby Reanne
- Bowlby Reanne
- Bowman Rayleen
- Bradford Carol
- Bragazzi Maria Consiglia
- Brat Daniel J.
- Breggia Anne
- Brennan Kevin
- Brewer Cathy
- Brimo Fadi
- Broaddus Russell
- Brooks Denise
- Broom Bradley M.
- Broudy Thomas
- Bryce Alan H.
- Bubley Glenn
- Bueno Raphael
- Bullman Susan
- Burnette Andrew
- Byers Lauren Averett
- Caesar-Johnson Samantha J.
- Calatozzolo Chiara
- Campbell Joshua D.
- Campo Elias
- Campos Benito
- Caraman Irina
- Cardinale Vincenzo
- Carey Francis
- Carey Thomas
- Carlotti Carlos Gilberto
- Carlsen Rebecca
- Carney Michael
- Carpino Guido
- Carroll Peter R.
- Carter Candace
- Carvalho Andre L.
- Castle Erik
- Castro Patricia D.
- Catto James
- Cebulla Colleen M.
- Cernat Mircea
- Chabot John
- Chakravarty Debyani
- Chambwe Nyasha
- Chan June M.
- Chan Timothy A.
- Chandan Vishal
- Chang Kyle
- Chatila Walid K.
- Chemencedji Inga
- Chen Amy
- Chen Chu
- Chen Jianhong
- Chen Ting-Wen
- Chen Zhong
- Cheng Feixiong
- Cheng Hui
- Cherniack Andrew D.
- Cherniack Andrew D.
- Chesla David
- Chevalier Simone
- Cheville John
- Chiu Hua-Sheng
- Cho Juok
- Chuah Eric
- Chudamani Sudha
- Chung Ki
- Cibulskis Carrie
- Clipca Adrian
- Coarfa Cristian
- Colman Howard
- Cope Leslie
- Copland John A.
- Corcoran Niall
- Cordes Matthew G.
- Costello Tony
- Cottingham Sandra
- Couce Marta
- Covington Kyle
- Crain Daniel
- Cramer Daniel
- Creaney Jenette
- Creighton Chad J.
- Creighton Chad J.
- Cuppini Lucia
- Curley Erin
- Cuzzubbo Stefania
- Czerniak Bogdan
- Danilova Ludmila
- Davis Amy
- de Bruijn Ino
- de Carvalho Ana C.
- de Krijger Ronald
- De Rienzo Assunta
- De Rose Agostino
- Defreitas Timothy
- Delman Keith
- Demchok John A.
- Desjardins Laurence
- Devine Karen
- Deyarmin Brenda
- Dhalla Noreen
- Dhanasekaran Renumathy
- Dhankani Varsha
- Dhir Rajiv
- Diao Lixia
- Dimeco Francesco
- Ding Li
- Dinh Huyen
- Dinkin Mikhail
- Dipersio John
- Disaia Philip
- Doddapaneni Harshavardhan
- Donehower Larry
- Donehower Lawrence A.
- Doruc Serghei
- Dos Santos Jose Sebastião
- Dottino Peter R.
- Drake Bettina
- Drill Esther
- Drummond Jennifer
- Drwiega Paul
- Dubina Michael
- Duell Rebecca
- Duffy Elizabeth R.
- Eckman John
- Edenfield W. Jeffrey
- Eijckenboom Wil
- Elder J. Bradley
- Engel Jay
- Eschbacher Jennifer
- Esmaeli Bita
- Evason Kimberley
- Facciolo Francesco
- Fan Cheng
- Fan Huihui
- Fan Huihui
- Fantacone-Campbell J. Leigh
- Farnell Michael
- Farver Carol
- Fassnacht Martin
- Fehrenbach Ashley
- Felau Ina
- Feldman Michael
- Feltmate Colleen
- Ferguson Martin L.
- Finocchiaro Gaetano
- Flores Elsa R.
- Flotte Thomas
- Fong Kwun M.
- Force Seth
- Forgie Ian
- Frazer Scott
- Fregnani José H.
- Fronick Catrina C.
- Fujimoto Junya
- Fulop Jordonna
- Fulton Lucinda A.
- Fulton Robert S.
- Gabra Hani
- Gabriel Stacey B.
- Galbraith Joseph
- Gao Galen F.
- Gao Jianjiong
- Gardner Johanna
- Gastier-Foster Julie M.
- Gaudio Eugenio
- Gay Carl M.
- Gehlenborg Nils
- Gerken Mark
- Gershenwald Jeffrey
- Getz Gad
- Gevaert Olivier
- Ghossein Ronald
- Giama Nasra
- Gibbs Richard A.
- Gilbert Sebastien
- Gillis Ad
- Gimenez-Roqueplo Anne-Paule
- Giné Eva
- Giordano Thomas
- Girard Nicolas
- Giuliante Felice
- Glenn Pat
- Glenn Robert
- Godwin Andrew K.
- Godwin Eryn M.
- Gonzalez Ana Maria Angulo
- Goodman Marc
- Gopalan Anuradha
- Goparaju Chandra
- Gorincioi Ghenadie
- Govindan Ramaswamy
- Graefen Markus
- Grazi Gianluca
- Grizzle William E.
- Gross Benjamin E.
- Guillermo Armando López
- Gunaratne Preethi
- Guo Charles
- Ha Gavin
- Haddad Andrea
- Hagedorn Curt H.
- Hale Walker
- Han Yi
- Hanh Phan Thi
- Hansen Paul
- Harr Jodi
- Hartmann Arndt
- Haydu Lauren
- Hayes D. Neil
- Hayes D. Neil
- Hayward Nicholas
- Heath Sharon
- Hegde Apurva
- Hegde Apurva M.
- Heiman David I.
- Heins Zachary J.
- Henderson Joel
- Hermes Beth
- Hernandez Brenda
- Herold-Mende Christel
- Hersey Peter
- Hess Julian
- Hibshoosh Hanina
- Hilty Joe
- Hinoue Toshinori
- Ho Thai
- Hoadley Katherine A.
- Hoadley Katherine A.
- Holt Robert
- Hooke Jeffrey A.
- Hoon Dave
- Horowitz Neil
- Houck John
- Hovens Christopher
- Hoyle Alan P.
- Hu Hai
- Hu Jianhong
- Huland Hartwig
- Hung Nguyen Phi
- Huntsman David
- Hutter Carolyn M.
- Iacocca Mary
- Ittmann Michael
- Jacobus Laura
- Jakrot Valerie
- Janssen Klaus-Peter
- Jefferys Stuart R.
- Jimeno Antonio
- Jones Corbin D.
- Jones Steven J. M.
- Ju Zhenlin
- Juhl Hartmut
- Jungk Christin
- Junker Kerstin
- Kakavand Hojabr
- Kalkanis Steven
- Kanchi Rupa S.
- Kanchi Rupa S.
- Kandoth Cyriac
- Kang Koo Jeong
- Karlan Beth Y.
- Kasaian Katayoon
- Kasapi Melpomeni
- Kastl Alison
- Kebebew Electron
- Kefford Richard
- Kelley Robin K.
- Kemp Rafael
- Kendall Sara
- Kendler Ady
- Kendrick Michael
- Khuri Fadlo
- Kibel Adam
- Kim Jaegil
- Knijnenburg Theo
- Knudson Michael
- Knutson Tina
- Kocher Jean-Pierre
- Kohl Bernard
- Kopp Karla
- Korchina Viktoriya
- Korkut Anil
- Korpershoek Esther
- Korst Robert
- Kovatich Albert J.
- Kramer Roger
- Kucherlapati Melanie H.
- Kucherlapati Raju S.
- Kumar Bahavna
- Kundra Ritika
- Kvecher Leonid
- Kycler Witold
- La Konnor
- Lacombe Louis
- Ladanyi Marc
- Lai Phillip H.
- Laird Peter W.
- Laird Peter W.
- Landen Charles N.
- Landrum Lisa
- Lang James
- Larson Caroline
- Latour Mathieu
- Lau Kevin
- Lawrence Michael S.
- Lazar Alexander J.
- Lazar Alexander J.
- Le Xuan
- Lechan Ronald
- Lee Darlene
- Lee Jung Il
- Lee Kenneth
- Lee Sandra
- Lehman Norman L.
- Leinonen Kalle
- Leraas Kristen M.
- Levine Douglas A.
- Lewis Lora
- Ley Timothy
- Li Jun
- Li Wei
- Liang Han
- Lichtenberg Tara M.
- Lin Pei
- Linehan W. Marston
- Ling Shiyun
- Lipp Eric
- Liptay Michael J.
- Liu Jia
- Liu Wenbin
- Liu Xiuping
- Liu Yuexin
- Liu Yuexin
- Logothetis Christopher
- Lohavanichbutr Pawadee
- Lolla Laxmi
- Long Georgina
- Longatto-Filho Adhemar
- Looijenga Leendert
- Lu Yiling
- Luketich James
- Luna Augustin
- Lyadov Vladimir
- Ma Deqin
- Ma Wencai
- Ma Yussanne
- Madan Rashna
- Maglinte Dennis T.
- Magliocca Kelly
- Maithel Shishir
- Mallery David
- Malykh Andrei
- Mandt Randy
- Manikhas George
- Mann Graham
- Mannel Robert
- Mannelli Massimo
- Mardis Elaine R.
- Mariamidze Armaz
- Mariani Odette
- Marino Mirella
- Marks Jeffrey
- Marra Marco A.
- Martignetti John A.
- Martin Julie
- Mattei Luca
- Mayo Michael
- Mccall Shannon
- Mcgraw Mary
- Mckercher Ginette
- Mclellan Michael D.
- Mclendon Roger
- Mcpherson Christopher
- Meier Sam
- Melamed Jonathan
- Meng Shaowu
- Meric-Bernstam Funda
- Merola Roberta
- Mes-Masson Anne-Marie
- Metwalli Adam R.
- Meyerson Matthew
- Mieczkowski Piotr A.
- Mikkelsen Tom
- Milhem Mohammed
- Miller Christopher A.
- Miller Judy
- Miller Michael
- Mills Gordon B.
- Mirsaidi Cyrus
- Moiseenko Fedor
- Moncrieff Marc
- Moore Kathleen
- Moore Richard A.
- Moran Cesar
- Morgan Margaret
- Morris Scott
- Morrison Carl
- Morton Donna
- Mose Lisle E.
- Moser Catherine
- Moxley Katherine
- Moyer Jeffey
- Mungall Andrew J.
- Mungall Karen
- Mungall Karen L.
- Mura Sergiu
- Mural Richard J.
- Murawa Dawid
- Muto Michael
- Muzny Donna
- Myers Jerome
- Nagorney David
- Nair Praveen
- Naresh Rashi
- Naska Theresa
- Nelson Mark
- Ng Kwok-Shing
- Nguyen Phuong
- Nissan Moriah G.
- Noble Michael S.
- Noss Ardene
- Noushmehr Houtan
- O'Brien Daniel
- O'Neill Brian Patrick
- Ochoa Angelica
- Ojesina Akinyemi I.
- Olabode Oluwole
- Olson Jeffrey J.
- Omberg Larsson
- Oosterhuis Wolter
- Ostrom Quinn T.
- Owonikoko Taofeek
- Pacak Karel
- Paklina Oxana
- Parfitt Jeremy
- Park Joong-Won
- Parker Joel S.
- Pass Harvey
- Patel Tushar
- Paulauskis Joseph
- Pedamallu Chandra Sekhar
- Pennell Nathan A.
- Penny Robert
- Perin Alessandro
- Perou Amy H.
- Perou Charles M.
- Petersen Gloria
- Peterson Lisa
- Peto Myron
- Peto Myron
- Phillips Joanna
- Phillips Sarah M.
- Phu Bui Duc
- Piché Alain
- Pickens Alan
- Pickering Curtis R.
- Pihl Todd
- Pilarski Robert
- Pinero Edna M. Mora
- Pinto Peter A.
- Pirtac Maria
- Pollo Bianca
- Pool Mark
- Porten Sima
- Postier Russel
- Potapova Olga
- Powers James
- Prados Michael
- Prince Mark
- Prunello Marcos
- Que Florencia
- Quinn Michael
- Quintero-Aguilo Mario
- Rabeno Brenda
- Rader Janet S.
- Rai Karan
- Ramalingam Suresh
- Ramirez Nilsa C.
- Ramondetta Lois
- Rao Arvind
- Rassl Doris M.
- Rathmell W. Kimryn
- Raut Chandrajit P.
- Raymond Daniel
- Reis Rui M.
- Reuter Victor
- Reynolds Sheila
- Reznik Ed
- Rice David
- Richards William G.
- Rintoul Robert C.
- Rivera Michael
- Roach Jeffrey
- Roberts Lewis
- Robertson A. Gordon
- Robertson A. Gordon
- Robinson Bruce
- Roggin Kevin
- Roman-Roman Sergio
- Rosenthal Howard G.
- Rozek Laura
- Rubin Mark A.
- Rustgi Anil K.
- Ryan Michael
- Saad Fred
- Sadeghi Sara
- Sadeghi Sara
- Saksena Gordon
- Sanchez-Vega Francisco
- Sander Chris
- Sankarankuty Ajith
- Santibanez Jireh
- Sastre Xavier
- Sauter Guido
- Saw Robyn
- Scapulatempo-Neto Cristovam
- Scarpace Lisa
- Schadendorf Dirk
- Schein Jacqueline E.
- Schiffman Mark
- Schilero Cathy
- Schlomm Thorsten
- Schmidt Heather K.
- Schmidt Laura S.
- Schoenfield Lynn
- Schultz Andre
- Schultz Nikolaus
- Schumacher Steven E.
- Scolyer Richard
- Secord Angeles
- Seder Christopher W.
- Sekhon Harman
- Senecal Kelly
- Sepulveda Antonia
- Setdikova Galiya
- Sexton Katherine C.
- Shabunin Alexey
- Shannon Kerwin
- Sharp Alexis
- Shelley Carl Simon
- Shelton Candace
- Shelton Troy
- Shen Hui
- Shen Hui
- Shen Ronglei
- Sheridan Robert
- Sherman Mark
- Sheth Margi
- Shi Yan
- Shih Juliann
- Shih Juliann
- Shimmel Kristen
- Shin Dong M.
- Shinbrot Eve
- Shipman Cassaundra
- Shmulevich Ilya
- Shriver Craig D.
- Sica Gabriel
- Sifri Suzanne
- Sigmund Rita
- Signoretti Sabina
- Silveira Henrique C. S.
- Simko Jeffry
- Simon Ronald
- Simons Janae V.
- Singer Samuel
- Singh Bhuvanesh
- Singh Rosy
- Sipahimalani Payal
- Skelly Tara
- Sloan Andrew E.
- Slotta-Huspenina Julia
- Smallridge Robert
- Smith Jennifer
- Smith-McCune Karen
- Smolenski Kathy
- Smyrk Thomas
- Sofia Heidi J.
- Soloway Matthew G.
- Somiari Stella
- Sood Anil
- Spellman Paul
- Spillane Andrew
- Stancul Irina
- Stanton Melissa
- Staugaitis Susan M.
- Steele Ruth
- Stepa Serghei
- Stern Marc-Henri
- Stoehr Christine
- Stoehr Robert
- Stoop Hans
- Stretch Onathan
- Stuart Joshua M.
- Stuart Joshua M.
- Su Tao
- Sumazin Pavel
- Sumer S. Onur
- Sun Qiang
- Sun Yichao
- Swanson Patricia
- Swisher Elizabeth
- Synott Maria
- Tam Angela
- Tamakawa Raina
- Tamboli Pheroze
- Tan Donghui
- Tang Yufang
- Tarnuzzer Roy
- Taubert Helge
- Tavobilov Mikhail
- Taylor Alison M.
- Taylor Barry S.
- Tcaciuc Diana
- Tennstedt Pierre
- Thiessen Nina
- Thomas George
- Thompson Eric
- Thompson John
- Thompson R. Houston
- Thompson Timothy
- Thorp Richard
- Thorsson Vesteinn
- Tien Nguyen Viet
- Timmers Henri
- Tirapelli Daniela
- Tischler Arthur
- Torbenson Michael
- Troncoso Patricia
- Tsai Kenneth Y.
- Tsao Anne
- Tse Kane
- Tucker Kelinda
- Têtu Bernard
- Unterberg Andreas
- Urba Walter
- Valdivieso Federico
- Van Bang Nguyen
- Van Den Berg David J.
- van Kessel Kim E.
- Van Meir Erwin G.
- Van Tine Brian
- Van Waes Carter
- Vandenberg Scott
- Veluvolu Umadevi
- Vicha Ales
- Vidal Daniel O.
- Vocke Cathy D.
- Voet Doug
- von Deimling Andreas
- Voronina Olga
- Wach Sven
- Wakely Paul
- Waldmann Jens
- Walker Joan
- Walter Vonn
- Wan Yunhu
- Wang Chen
- Wang Jing
- Wang Jing
- Wang Jioajiao
- Wang Linghua
- Wang Min
- Wang Timothy
- Wang Zhining
- Warnick Ronald
- Weinstein John N.
- Weinstein John N.
- Weisenberger Daniel J.
- Wentzensen Nicolas
- Westervelt Peter
- Wheeler David A.
- Wilkerson Matthew D.
- Williams Felicia
- Wilmott James
- Wilson Richard K.
- Wise Lisa
- Wistuba Ignacio
- Wiznerowicz Maciej
- Wolf Gregory
- Wolinsky Yingli
- Wong Christopher K.
- Wong Christopher K.
- Wong Tina
- Worrell Robert
- Wu Ye
- Wullich Bernd
- Xi Liu
- Yang Hannah
- Yang Ian
- Yang Ju Dong
- Yang Liming
- Yau Christina
- Yau Christina
- Yena Peggy
- Zach Leigh Anne
- Zaren Howard
- Zelinka Tomas
- Zenklusen Jean C.
- Zhang Hailei
- Zhang Hongxin
- Zhang Hongzheng
- Zhang Jiashan (Julia)
- Zhang Jiexin
- Zhang Lizhi
- Zhang Wei
- Zhao Fengmei
- Zhou Jane H.
- Zhou Wanding
- Zmuda Erik
- Zuna Rosemary
- Zuna Rosemary
- Zwarthoff Ellen C.
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2018
- Field of study
This integrated, multiplatform PanCancer Atlas study co-mapped and identified distinguishing
molecular features of squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) from five sites associated with smokin
Spatial Organization and Molecular Correlation of Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes Using Deep Learning on Pathology Images
- Author
- Abdel-Rahman Mohamed H.
- Abeshouse Adam
- Adebamowo Clement
- Adebamowo Sally N.
- Agnew Kathy
- Ahn Keunsoo
- Ajani Jaffer A.
- Akbani Rehan
- Akeredolu Teniola
- Al-Ahmadie Hikmat
- Albert Monique
- Alexopoulou Iakovina
- Ally Adrian
- Alvaro Domenico
- Anderson Matthew L.
- Andry Chris
- Antenucci Anna
- Anur Pavana
- Appelbaum Elizabeth L.
- Aredes Natália D.
- Armenia Joshua
- Arnaout Angel
- Asa Sylvia L.
- Auman J. Todd
- Aymerich Marta
- Aziz Dina
- Bailey Matthew
- Balasundaram Miruna
- Balu Saianand
- Barnett Gene
- Barnholtz-Sloan Jill S.
- Barrett Wendi
- Bartlett John
- Bathe Oliver
- Batiste Rebecca
- Baudin Eric
- Baylin Stephen
- Becker Karl-Friedrich
- Beer David
- Behera Madhusmita
- Behrens Carmen
- Bell Debra
- Bell Sue
- Bellair Michelle
- Bennett Joseph
- Benz Christopher
- Berchuck Andrew
- Berger Ashton C.
- Bergeron Alain
- Berkowitz Ross
- Bernard Brady
- Beroukhim Rameen
- Beuschlein Felix
- Bifulco Carlo
- Bigner Darell
- Birrer Michael
- Birsoy Kivanc
- Bocklage Therese
- Bodenheimer Tom
- Bondaruk Jolanta
- Bootwalla Moiz S.
- Borad Mitesh
- Borgia Jeffrey A.
- Bossler Aaron
- Botnariuc Natalia
- Boussioutas Alex
- Bowen Jay
- Bowlby Reanne
- Bowman Rayleen
- Bradford Carol
- Bragazzi Maria Consiglia
- Brat Daniel J.
- Breggia Anne
- Brewer Cathy
- Brimo Fadi
- Broaddus Russell
- Brooks Denise
- Broom Bradley M.
- Broudy Thomas
- Bryce Alan H.
- Bubley Glenn
- Bueno Raphael
- Burnette Andrew
- Caesar-Johnson Samantha J.
- Calatozzolo Chiara
- Campo Elias
- Campos Benito
- Caraman Irina
- Cardinale Vincenzo
- Carey Francis
- Carey Thomas
- Carlotti Carlos Gilberto
- Carlsen Rebecca
- Carney Michael
- Carpino Guido
- Carroll Peter R.
- Carter Candace
- Carvalho Andre L.
- Castle Erik
- Castro Patricia D.
- Catto James
- Cebulla Colleen M.
- Cernat Mircea
- Chabot John
- Chakravarty Debyani
- Chambwe Nyasha
- Chan June M.
- Chan Timothy A.
- Chandan Vishal
- Chang Kyle
- Chatila Walid K.
- Chemencedji Inga
- Chen Amy
- Chen Chu
- Cheng Feixiong
- Cherniack Andrew D.
- Chesla David
- Chevalier Simone
- Cheville John
- Cho Juok
- Chuah Eric
- Chudamani Sudha
- Chung Ki
- Cibulskis Carrie
- Clipca Adrian
- Colman Howard
- Cope Leslie
- Copland John A.
- Corcoran Niall
- Cordes Matthew G.
- Costello Tony
- Cottingham Sandra
- Couce Marta
- Covington Kyle
- Crain Daniel
- Cramer Daniel
- Creaney Jenette
- Creighton Chad J.
- Cuppini Lucia
- Curley Erin
- Cuzzubbo Stefania
- Czerniak Bogdan
- Danilova Ludmila
- Davis Amy
- de Bruijn Ino
- de Carvalho Ana C.
- de Krijger Ronald
- De Rienzo Assunta
- De Rose Agostino
- Defreitas Timothy
- Delman Keith
- Demchok John A.
- Desjardins Laurence
- Devine Karen
- Deyarmin Brenda
- Dhalla Noreen
- Dhanasekaran Renumathy
- Dhankani Varsha
- Dhir Rajiv
- Dimeco Francesco
- Ding Li
- Dinh Huyen
- Dinkin Mikhail
- Dipersio John
- Disaia Philip
- Doddapaneni Harshavardhan
- Donehower Lawrence A.
- Doruc Serghei
- Dos Santos Jose Sebastião
- Dottino Peter R.
- Drake Bettina
- Drummond Jennifer
- Drwiega Paul
- Dubina Michael
- Duell Rebecca
- Duffy Elizabeth R.
- Eckman John
- Edenfield W. Jeffrey
- Eijckenboom Wil
- Elder J. Bradley
- Engel Jay
- Eschbacher Jennifer
- Esmaeli Bita
- Evason Kimberley
- Facciolo Francesco
- Fan Cheng
- Fan Huihui
- Fantacone-Campbell J. Leigh
- Farnell Michael
- Farver Carol
- Fassnacht Martin
- Fehrenbach Ashley
- Felau Ina
- Feldman Michael
- Feltmate Colleen
- Ferguson Martin L.
- Finocchiaro Gaetano
- Flotte Thomas
- Fong Kwun M.
- Force Seth
- Forgie Ian
- Frazer Scott
- Fregnani José H.
- Fronick Catrina C.
- Fujimoto Junya
- Fulop Jordonna
- Fulton Lucinda A.
- Fulton Robert S.
- Gabra Hani
- Gabriel Stacey B.
- Galbraith Joseph
- Gao Galen F.
- Gao Jianjiong
- Gardner Johanna
- Gastier-Foster Julie M.
- Gaudio Eugenio
- Gehlenborg Nils
- Gerken Mark
- Gershenwald Jeffrey
- Getz Gad
- Ghossein Ronald
- Giama Nasra
- Gibbs Richard A.
- Gilbert Sebastien
- Gillis Ad
- Gimenez-Roqueplo Anne-Paule
- Giné Eva
- Giordano Thomas
- Girard Nicolas
- Giuliante Felice
- Glenn Pat
- Glenn Robert
- Godwin Andrew K.
- Godwin Eryn M.
- Gonzalez Ana Maria Angulo
- Goodman Marc
- Gopalan Anuradha
- Goparaju Chandra
- Gorincioi Ghenadie
- Govindan Ramaswamy
- Graefen Markus
- Grazi Gianluca
- Grizzle William E.
- Gross Benjamin E.
- Guillermo Armando López
- Guo Charles
- Gupta Rajarsi
- Ha Gavin
- Haddad Andrea
- Hagedorn Curt H.
- Hale Walker
- Han Yi
- Hanh Phan Thi
- Hansen Paul
- Harr Jodi
- Hartmann Arndt
- Haydu Lauren
- Hayes D. Neil
- Hayward Nicholas
- Heath Sharon
- Hegde Apurva M.
- Heiman David I.
- Heins Zachary J.
- Henderson Joel
- Hermes Beth
- Hernandez Brenda
- Herold-Mende Christel
- Hersey Peter
- Hess Julian
- Hibshoosh Hanina
- Hilty Joe
- Hinoue Toshinori
- Ho Thai
- Hoadley Katherine A.
- Holt Robert
- Hooke Jeffrey A.
- Hoon Dave
- Horowitz Neil
- Hou Le
- Houck John
- Hovens Christopher
- Hoyle Alan P.
- Hu Hai
- Hu Jianhong
- Huland Hartwig
- Hung Nguyen Phi
- Huntsman David
- Hutter Carolyn M.
- Iacocca Mary
- Ittmann Michael
- Jacobus Laura
- Jakrot Valerie
- Janssen Klaus-Peter
- Jefferys Stuart R.
- Jimeno Antonio
- Jones Corbin D.
- Jones Steven J. M.
- Ju Zhenlin
- Juhl Hartmut
- Jungk Christin
- Junker Kerstin
- Kakavand Hojabr
- Kalkanis Steven
- Kanchi Rupa S.
- Kandoth Cyriac
- Kang Koo Jeong
- Karlan Beth Y.
- Kasaian Katayoon
- Kasapi Melpomeni
- Kastl Alison
- Kebebew Electron
- Kefford Richard
- Kelley Robin K.
- Kemp Rafael
- Kendall Sara
- Kendler Ady
- Kendrick Michael
- Khuri Fadlo
- Kibel Adam
- Kim Jaegil
- Knijnenburg Theo
- Knudson Michael
- Knutson Tina
- Kocher Jean-Pierre
- Kohl Bernard
- Kopp Karla
- Korchina Viktoriya
- Korkut Anil
- Korpershoek Esther
- Korst Robert
- Kovatich Albert J.
- Kramer Roger
- Kucherlapati Melanie H.
- Kucherlapati Raju S.
- Kumar Bahavna
- Kundra Ritika
- Kurc Tahsin
- Kvecher Leonid
- Kycler Witold
- La Konnor
- Lacombe Louis
- Ladanyi Marc
- Lai Phillip H.
- Laird Peter W.
- Landen Charles N.
- Landrum Lisa
- Lang James
- Larson Caroline
- Latour Mathieu
- Lau Kevin
- Lawrence Michael S.
- Lazar Alexander J.
- Lazar Alexander J.
- Le Xuan
- Lechan Ronald
- Lee Darlene
- Lee Jung Il
- Lee Kenneth
- Lee Sandra
- Lehman Norman L.
- Leinonen Kalle
- Leraas Kristen M.
- Levine Douglas A.
- Lewis Lora
- Ley Timothy
- Li Jun
- Li Wei
- Liang Han
- Lichtenberg Tara M.
- Lin Pei
- Linehan W. Marston
- Ling Shiyun
- Lipp Eric
- Liptay Michael J.
- Liu Jia
- Liu Wenbin
- Liu Xiuping
- Liu Yuexin
- Logothetis Christopher
- Lohavanichbutr Pawadee
- Lolla Laxmi
- Long Georgina
- Longatto-Filho Adhemar
- Looijenga Leendert
- Lu Yiling
- Luketich James
- Luna Augustin
- Lyadov Vladimir
- Ma Deqin
- Ma Yussanne
- Madan Rashna
- Maglinte Dennis T.
- Magliocca Kelly
- Maithel Shishir
- Mallery David
- Malykh Andrei
- Mandt Randy
- Manikhas George
- Mann Graham
- Mannel Robert
- Mannelli Massimo
- Mardis Elaine R.
- Mariamidze Armaz
- Mariani Odette
- Marino Mirella
- Marks Jeffrey
- Marra Marco A.
- Martignetti John A.
- Martin Julie
- Mattei Luca
- Mayo Michael
- Mccall Shannon
- Mcgraw Mary
- Mckercher Ginette
- Mclellan Michael D.
- Mclendon Roger
- Mcpherson Christopher
- Meier Sam
- Melamed Jonathan
- Meng Shaowu
- Meric-Bernstam Funda
- Merola Roberta
- Mes-Masson Anne-Marie
- Metwalli Adam R.
- Meyerson Matthew
- Mieczkowski Piotr A.
- Mikkelsen Tom
- Milhem Mohammed
- Miller Christopher A.
- Miller Judy
- Miller Michael
- Mills Gordon B.
- Mirsaidi Cyrus
- Moiseenko Fedor
- Moncrieff Marc
- Moore Kathleen
- Moore Richard A.
- Moran Cesar
- Morgan Margaret
- Morris Scott
- Morrison Carl
- Morton Donna
- Mose Lisle E.
- Moser Catherine
- Moxley Katherine
- Moyer Jeffey
- Mungall Andrew J.
- Mungall Karen
- Mura Sergiu
- Mural Richard J.
- Murawa Dawid
- Muto Michael
- Muzny Donna
- Myers Jerome
- Nagorney David
- Nair Praveen
- Naresh Rashi
- Naska Theresa
- Nelson Mark
- Ng Kwok-Shing
- Nguyen Phuong
- Nguyen Vu
- Nissan Moriah G.
- Noble Michael S.
- Noss Ardene
- Noushmehr Houtan
- O'Brien Daniel
- O'Neill Brian Patrick
- Ochoa Angelica
- Olabode Oluwole
- Olson Jeffrey J.
- Omberg Larsson
- Oosterhuis Wolter
- Ostrom Quinn T.
- Owonikoko Taofeek
- Pacak Karel
- Paklina Oxana
- Parfitt Jeremy
- Park Joong-Won
- Parker Joel S.
- Pass Harvey
- Patel Tushar
- Paulauskis Joseph
- Pennell Nathan A.
- Penny Robert
- Perin Alessandro
- Perou Amy H.
- Perou Charles M.
- Petersen Gloria
- Peterson Lisa
- Peto Myron
- Phillips Joanna
- Phillips Sarah M.
- Phu Bui Duc
- Piché Alain
- Pickens Alan
- Pihl Todd
- Pilarski Robert
- Pinero Edna M. Mora
- Pinto Peter A.
- Pirtac Maria
- Pollo Bianca
- Pool Mark
- Porten Sima
- Postier Russel
- Potapova Olga
- Powers James
- Prados Michael
- Prince Mark
- Que Florencia
- Quinn Michael
- Quintero-Aguilo Mario
- Rabeno Brenda
- Rai Karan
- Ramalingam Suresh
- Ramirez Nilsa C.
- Ramondetta Lois
- Rao Arvind
- Rao Arvind U. K.
- Rassl Doris M.
- Rathmell W. Kimryn
- Raut Chandrajit P.
- Raymond Daniel
- Reis Rui M.
- Reuter Victor
- Reynolds Sheila
- Reznik Ed
- Rice David
- Richards William G.
- Rintoul Robert C.
- Rivera Michael
- Roach Jeffrey
- Roberts Lewis
- Robertson A. Gordon
- Robinson Bruce
- Roggin Kevin
- Roman-Roman Sergio
- Rosenthal Howard G.
- Rozek Laura
- Rubin Mark A.
- Ryan Michael
- Saad Fred
- Sadeghi Sara
- Saksena Gordon
- Saltz Joel
- Samaras Dimitris
- Sanchez-Vega Francisco
- Sander Chris
- Sankarankuty Ajith
- Santibanez Jireh
- Sastre Xavier
- Sauter Guido
- Saw Robyn
- Scapulatempo-Neto Cristovam
- Scarpace Lisa
- Schadendorf Dirk
- Schein Jacqueline E.
- Schiffman Mark
- Schilero Cathy
- Schlomm Thorsten
- Schmidt Heather K.
- Schmidt Laura S.
- Schoenfield Lynn
- Schultz Nikolaus
- Schumacher Steven E.
- Scolyer Richard
- Secord Angeles
- Seder Christopher W.
- Sekhon Harman
- Senecal Kelly
- Sepulveda Antonia
- Setdikova Galiya
- Sexton Katherine C.
- Shabunin Alexey
- Shannon Kerwin
- Sharma Ashish
- Sharp Alexis
- Shelley Carl Simon
- Shelton Candace
- Shelton Troy
- Shen Hui
- Sheridan Robert
- Sherman Mark
- Sheth Margi
- Shi Yan
- Shih Juliann
- Shimmel Kristen
- Shin Dong M.
- Shinbrot Eve
- Shipman Cassaundra
- Shmulevich Ilya
- Shmulevich Ilya
- Shriver Craig D.
- Shroyer Kenneth R.
- Sica Gabriel
- Sifri Suzanne
- Sigmund Rita
- Signoretti Sabina
- Silveira Henrique C. S.
- Simko Jeffry
- Simon Ronald
- Simons Janae V.
- Singer Samuel
- Singh Bhuvanesh
- Singh Pankaj
- Singh Rosy
- Sipahimalani Payal
- Skelly Tara
- Sloan Andrew E.
- Slotta-Huspenina Julia
- Smallridge Robert
- Smith Jennifer
- Smith-McCune Karen
- Smolenski Kathy
- Smyrk Thomas
- Sofia Heidi J.
- Soloway Matthew G.
- Somiari Stella
- Sood Anil
- Spellman Paul
- Spillane Andrew
- Stancul Irina
- Stanton Melissa
- Staugaitis Susan M.
- Steele Ruth
- Stepa Serghei
- Stern Marc-Henri
- Stoehr Christine
- Stoehr Robert
- Stoop Hans
- Stretch Onathan
- Stuart Joshua M.
- Su Tao
- Sumer S. Onur
- Sun Qiang
- Sun Yichao
- Swanson Patricia
- Swisher Elizabeth
- Synott Maria
- Tam Angela
- Tamakawa Raina
- Tamboli Pheroze
- Tan Donghui
- Tang Yufang
- Tarnuzzer Roy
- Taubert Helge
- Tavobilov Mikhail
- Taylor Barry S.
- Tcaciuc Diana
- Tennstedt Pierre
- Thiessen Nina
- Thomas George
- Thompson Eric
- Thompson John
- Thompson R. Houston
- Thompson Timothy
- Thorp Richard
- Thorsson Vesteinn
- Thorsson Vésteinn
- Tien Nguyen Viet
- Timmers Henri
- Tirapelli Daniela
- Tischler Arthur
- Torbenson Michael
- Troncoso Patricia
- Tsao Anne
- Tse Kane
- Tucker Kelinda
- Têtu Bernard
- Unterberg Andreas
- Urba Walter
- Valdivieso Federico
- Van Arnam John
- Van Bang Nguyen
- Van Den Berg David J.
- van Kessel Kim E.
- Van Meir Erwin G.
- Van Tine Brian
- Vandenberg Scott
- Veluvolu Umadevi
- Vicha Ales
- Vidal Daniel O.
- Vocke Cathy D.
- Voet Doug
- von Deimling Andreas
- Voronina Olga
- Wach Sven
- Wakely Paul
- Waldmann Jens
- Walker Joan
- Wan Yunhu
- Wang Jing
- Wang Jioajiao
- Wang Linghua
- Wang Min
- Wang Timothy
- Wang Zhining
- Warnick Ronald
- Weinstein John N.
- Weisenberger Daniel J.
- Wentzensen Nicolas
- Westervelt Peter
- Wheeler David A.
- Wilkerson Matthew D.
- Williams Felicia
- Wilmott James
- Wilson Richard K.
- Wise Lisa
- Wistuba Ignacio
- Wiznerowicz Maciej
- Wolf Gregory
- Wolinsky Yingli
- Wong Christopher K.
- Wong Tina
- Worrell Robert
- Wu Ye
- Wullich Bernd
- Xi Liu
- Yang Hannah
- Yang Ian
- Yang Ju Dong
- Yang Liming
- Yau Christina
- Yena Peggy
- Zach Leigh Anne
- Zaren Howard
- Zelinka Tomas
- Zenklusen Jean C.
- Zhang Hailei
- Zhang Hongxin
- Zhang Hongzheng
- Zhang Jiashan (Julia)
- Zhang Jiexin
- Zhang Lizhi
- Zhang Wei
- Zhao Fengmei
- Zhao Tianhao
- Zhou Wanding
- Zmuda Erik
- Zuna Rosemary
- Zwarthoff Ellen C.
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2018
- Field of study
Beyond sample curation and basic pathologic characterization, the digitized H&E-stained images
of TCGA samples remain underutilized. To highlight this resource, we present mappings of tumorinfiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) based on H&E images from 13 TCGA tumor types. These TIL
maps are derived through computational staining using a convolutional neural network trained to
classify patches of images. Affinity propagation revealed local spatial structure in TIL patterns and
correlation with overall survival. TIL map structural patterns were grouped using standard
histopathological parameters. These patterns are enriched in particular T cell subpopulations
derived from molecular measures. TIL densities and spatial structure were differentially enriched
among tumor types, immune subtypes, and tumor molecular subtypes, implying that spatial
infiltrate state could reflect particular tumor cell aberration states. Obtaining spatial lymphocytic
patterns linked to the rich genomic characterization of TCGA samples demonstrates one use for
the TCGA image archives with insights into the tumor-immune microenvironment
International genome-wide meta-analysis identifies new primary biliary cirrhosis risk loci and targetable pathogenic pathways.
- Author
- Abigail Hynes
- Aditya Mandal
- Adrian Barnardo
- Aftab Ala
- Agostino Colli
- Alan Shepherd
- Alan Watson
- Alastair McNair
- Alberto Mattalia
- Alexandra McKay
- Alice Wright
- Alison Brind
- Alison Loftus
- Alison Paton
- Alistair King
- Allister Grant
- Altaf Palegwala
- Amir Shah
- Amit Singhal
- Ana Lleo
- Andrea Broad
- Andrea Crosignani
- Andrea Galli
- Andrew Austin
- Andrew Bathgate
- Andrew Bell
- Andrew Burroughs
- Andrew Chilton
- Andrew Davis
- Andrew Douds
- Andrew Douglass
- Andrew Fraser
- Andrew Gibbins
- Andrew Higham
- Andrew L Mason
- Andrzej Piotrowicz
- Andy Li
- Angelo Andriulli
- Anna Fouracres
- Annarosa Floreani
- Anne Eastick
- Anton Gunasekera
- Antonio Benedetti
- Antonio Picciotto
- Aruna Dias
- Ashis Mukhopadhya
- Ashley Brown
- Asifabbas Naqvi
- Athar Saeed
- Bal Shinder
- Barbara Coco
- Barbara Foglieni
- Barbara Hoeroldt
- Becky Holbrook
- Beverley Longhurst
- Bob Grover
- Brian D. Juran
- Bridget Bird
- Bridget Gunson
- Bronwen Williams
- Bruce R Bacon
- Caradog Thomas
- Carl A. Anderson
- Carlo Ferrari
- Carly Brown
- Carmela Cursaro
- Carol Thomas
- Carole Collins
- Carole Foale
- Caroline Cowley
- Caroline Hamilton
- Caroline Lawlor
- Caroline Mulvaney-Jones
- Caroline Palmer
- Carolyn MacNicol
- Caron Innes
- Casey S. Greene
- Catherine Gray
- Catherine Vincent
- Charles Grimley
- Charles Millson
- Chin Lye Ch'ng
- Chris Evans
- Chris Ford
- Christine Dickson
- Christopher Healey
- Christopher Hovell
- Christopher I. Amos
- Christopher Macdonald
- Christopher Shallcross
- Christopher Shorrock
- Claire Duggan
- Claudio Tiribelli
- Craig Lammert
- Cristina Barlassina
- Cynthia Levy
- D Williams
- Dakai Zhu
- Daniel Forton
- Daniele Cusi
- Daniele Prati
- Darren Clement
- David C. Qian
- David Elphick
- David Gorard
- David Jones
- David Neal
- David Ramanaden
- David Tyrer
- Dawn Sirdefield
- Deb Ghosh
- Debashis Das
- Delyth Braim
- Denise Gocher
- Denise O'Donnell
- Dermot Gleeson
- Diane Simpson
- Domenico Alvaro
- Donna Cotterill
- Douglas Thorburn
- Earl Williams
- Eileen Marshall
- Eleanor Dungca
- Elizabeth J Atkinson
- Elizabeth Tanqueray
- Elva Wilhelmsen
- Emily Archer
- Emma Durant
- Emma Grieve
- Emma Gunter
- Erik M Schlicht
- Ervin Shpuza
- Estelle Nambela
- Esther Unitt
- Fabio Macaluso
- Fabio Marra
- Faiz Ali
- Federica Malinverno
- Filomena Morisco
- Fiona Gordon
- Fiona Wright
- Floriano Rosina
- Florin Muscariu
- Frances Hines
- Francesca Bernuzzi
- Gang Xie
- Gary Bray
- Gayle Clifford
- Geeta Prasad
- George Abouda
- George Bird
- George F. Mells
- George Lipscomb
- George MacFaul
- Giancarlo Spinzi
- Gianfranco Elia
- Gideon M. Hirschfield
- Gill Watts
- Giovanni Casella
- Glynis Stansfield
- Gordon Wood
- Graeme Alexander
- Graham Butcher
- Graham Foster
- Grazia A Niro
- Gregory Whatley
- Greta Van Duyvenvoorde
- Guan Lim
- Gwen Baxter
- Hannah Dewhurst
- Harriet Gordon
- Harriet Mitchison
- Heather J. Cordell
- Helen Doyle
- Helen Fairlamb
- Helen Sweeting
- Helen Wooldridge
- Hemant Gupta
- Henry C Bodenheimer Jr
- Hilary Pateman
- Howard Curtis
- Howard Klass
- Hyder Hussaini
- Hye-Jeong Lee
- Ian Drake
- Ian Gee
- Ian Gooding
- Ian Rees
- Ilaria Bianchi
- Ilaria Sogno
- Imran Patanwala
- Imroz Salam
- Isobel Amey
- Jaber Gasem
- Jacky Orpe
- Jacqueline Brighton
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- James Gotto
- James Neuberger
- Jane Bowles
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- Janeane Hails
- Janette Curtis
- Janie Keggans
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- M. Eric Gershwin
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- Mohamed Dawwas
- Mousa Hani S
- Natalie Taylor
- Natalie Wheatley
- Neil Fisher
- Nicholas Sharer
- Nicola Lancaster
- Nikki White
- Noma Ncube
- null null
- null null
- null null
- Nurani Sivaramakrishnan
- Oza Chirag
- Paolo Muratori
- Parizade Raymode
- Patrick Goggin
- Paul Banim
- Paul Kitchen
- Paul Richardson
- Paul Southern
- Paula Townshend
- Peter Bramley
- Peter K Gregersen
- Peter Mills
- Phillipa Desousa
- Pier Maria Battezzati
- Pierluigi Toniutto
- Piero L Almasio
- Piero Portincasa
- Pietro Andreone
- Pietro Invernizzi
- Piotr Milkiewicz
- Pradeep Sanghi
- Pranab Gyawali
- PuiChing Chan
- Purushothaman Premchand
- Rachel Abrahams
- Raj Srirajaskanthan
- Ray Mathew
- Ray Shidrawi
- Rebecca Bishop
- Rebecca Casey
- Rebecca Cloudsdale
- Rebecca Jones
- Renzo Montanari
- Reuben Ayres
- Richard Aspinall
- Richard Evans
- Richard Marley
- Richard Miller
- Richard N. Sandford
- Richard Sturgess
- Robert P Myers
- Robert Przemioslo
- Roberta Lazzari
- Roger McCorry
- Roland Ede
- Roman Galaska
- Rory Harvey
- Rosanna Fontana
- Rose Damant
- Rupert Ransford
- Ruth Penn
- Saket Singhal
- Sally Batham
- Sally-Ann Rolls
- Sallyanne Pearson
- Samantha Ducker
- Sambit Sen
- Samir Vyas
- Sandra Greer
- Sanjiv Jain
- Sarah Besley
- Sarah Jones
- Sarah Thornthwaite
- Sass Levi
- Savino Bruno
- Senayon Desmennu
- Sharat Misra
- Sherill Tripoli
- Silvia Colombo
- Simon Dyer
- Simon Panter
- Simon Rushbrook
- Simon Taylor-Robinson
- Simon Whalley
- Simon Williams
- Sonia Rossi
- Sonia Tarallo
- Sophie Holder
- Stephen D Ryder
- Steve Pereira
- Steven Mann
- Stewart Campbell
- Subramaniam Ramakrishnan
- Subrata Saha
- Sue Glenn
- Sue Walsh
- Sunil Dolwani
- Susan Congreave
- Susan Gallagher
- Susan Jones
- Susan Lord
- Susan Slininger
- Sushma Saksena
- Suzie Marriott
- Syed Shaukat
- Talal Valliani
- Theodore Ngatchu
- Thiriloganathan Mathialahan
- Tim Harding
- Tobias Balschun
- Toby Delahooke
- Tom Lee
- Tom Yapp
- Tracey Shewan
- Udi Shmueli
- Valentina Liakina
- Valeria Silvestre
- Velimir A Luketic
- Victoria Lambourne
- Vincenzo O Palmieri
- Vincenzo Ronca
- Voi Shim Wong
- William Stableforth
- Yafang Li
- Yeng Ang
- Yolanda Baird
- Younghun Han
- Publication venue
- Nat Commun
- Publication date
- 01/01/2015
- Field of study
Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) is a classical autoimmune liver disease for which effective immunomodulatory therapy is lacking. Here we perform meta-analyses of discovery data sets from genome-wide association studies of European subjects (n=2,764 cases and 10,475 controls) followed by validation genotyping in an independent cohort (n=3,716 cases and 4,261 controls). We discover and validate six previously unknown risk loci for PBC (Pcombined<5 × 10(-8)) and used pathway analysis to identify JAK-STAT/IL12/IL27 signalling and cytokine-cytokine pathways, for which relevant therapies exist
Effects of antiplatelet therapy after stroke due to intracerebral haemorrhage (RESTART): a randomised, open-label trial
- Author
- Abano Nenette
- Abbdul-saheb Mudhar
- Adedoyin Temi
- Adell Victoria
- Adesina Tolu
- Adie Katja
- Adil-Smith Jennifer
- Ahmad Nasar
- Ahmed Ashraf
- Ahmed Iman
- Al-Mayhani Talal
- Al-Shahi Salman Rustam
- Alam Mohammad Irfan
- Albazzaz Mo
- Ali Ali
- Alipio Francis
- Allen Christopher
- Allison Joanna
- Amey Isobel
- Amis Elaine
- Amlani Sageet
- Amoils Shannon
- Amor Kelly
- Anderson Rosemary
- Andole Sreeman
- Anjum Talat
- Ankolekar Sandeep
- Annamalai Arunkumar
- Anthony Alpha
- Anversha Ajmal
- Anwar Ijaz
- Anwar Sajjad
- Appleton Jason
- Argandona Lucia
- Armitage Jane
- Ashton Amy
- Atkinson Natalie
- Auld Grace
- Avis Joanne
- Aweid Basaam
- Ayres Georgina
- Azhar Khalid
- Bagnall Caroline
- Baig Farrukh
- Baigent Colin
- Bailey Duncan
- Baird Yolanda
- Bakawala Rehana
- Baker John
- Baker Pauline
- Balazikova Olga
- Balian Linda
- Baliga Vidya
- Balitska Olesia
- Ball Julie
- Ball Margaret
- Ballantine Robert
- Bamford John
- Banaras Azra
- Barber Mark
- Barbon Emma
- Barker James
- Barr Charlotte
- Barrie Elizabeth
- Barron Luke
- Barry Adrian
- Bateman Gavin
- Bates Michelle
- Bathula Rajaram
- Battersby-Wood Emma
- Bayliss Pauline
- Beadle Hannah
- Bearne Helen
- Beaty Teresa
- Beaves Emily
- Bell Angela
- Bell Jo
- Bell Murdina
- Bellfield Ruth
- Beranova Eva
- Bergin Adrian
- Bhakri Harbens
- Bhalla Ajay
- Bharaj Kiranjit
- Bhargava Maneesh
- Bhaskaran Biju
- Bhatnagar Priya
- Birchall Kathryn
- Birns Jonathan
- Black Toby
- Blades Alex
- Blair Caroline
- Blair Caroline
- Blair Gordon
- Blane Sujata
- Blank Catrin
- Blight Adrian
- Board Joanne
- Board Sarah
- Bokhari Maria
- Bond Kirsty
- Bowring Angela
- Boxall Cherish
- Breeds Joanna
- Brew Helen
- Brezitski Maria
- Bridger Hayley
- Brodie Fiona
- Brotherton Lucy
- Broughton David
- Brown Claire
- Brown Ellen
- Brown Pauline
- Brown Sarah
- Bruce David
- Buchanan David
- Buck Amanda
- Buckle Steve
- Buckle Steve
- Buckley Clare
- Bunea George
- Burger Ilse
- Burgess Laura
- Burgess Seona
- Burssens Evelyne
- Butler Adrian
- Butler Donna
- Butler Rebecca
- Butterworth-Cowin Nicola
- Button Denise
- Buxton Jean
- Byrne Anthony
- Cageao Julie
- Caine Sarah
- Campbell Robert
- Carpenter Michael
- Carpio Racquel
- Carrie Johanna
- Cassidy Tim
- Causley Chelsea
- Chadbourn Indra
- Chadha Dinesh
- Chamberlain Angela
- Chan Kelly
- Chandrakumar Aberami
- Chapman Kath
- Chapman Nicola
- Charles Bethan
- Chatterjee Kausic
- Chaudhry Afnan
- Chauhan Meena
- Chenna Srikanth
- Cherian Suja
- Cheripelli Bharath Kumar
- Chopra Neha
- Choulerton James
- Choy Lillian
- Clarke Brian
- Clarke Caroline
- Clarke Judith
- Clarke Natasha
- Clarke Rebecca
- Clarke Samantha
- Clarkson Emma
- Clay Caroline
- Clayton Susan
- Clayton-Evans Lisa
- Cluckie Gillian
- Cochrane Helen
- Codd Laura
- Cohen David
- Collins Kayleigh
- Connor Lynda
- Constantin Carmen
- Cook Angela
- Cooper Martin
- Copeland Claire
- Cosier Tracey
- Courtauld Gillian
- Couser Mandy
- Coward Lucy
- Cowie Linda
- Cox Chantel
- Cox Chloe
- Cox Penelope
- Crabtree Karen
- Crawford Pam
- Crawford Susan
- Creeden Robyn
- Crisp Sarah
- Cronin Julie
- Crook Luci
- Crosbie Caroline
- Crouch Nichola
- Crown Rachel
- Crowther Hannah
- Cuddy Sarah
- Cuenoud Larissa
- Cullen Claire
- Culmsee Charlotte
- Cunningham James
- Cunningham Mishell
- Cvoro Vera
- Dacey Lynne
- Dakin Katy
- Dallol Bander
- Dangri Puneet
- Datta Prabal
- Davey Richard
- David Anette
- David Owen
- Davies Caroline
- Davies Ruth
- Davies Silvie
- Davis Fiona
- Davis Michelle
- Day Nicola
- Dayal Nilofer
- De Berker Henry
- Deary Ann
- Denic Hayley
- Dennis MS
- Denniss Carol
- Devine Joseph
- Devitt Nicola
- Dewar Richard
- Dhakal Mahesh
- Dhar Saikat
- Dickinson Christina
- Dickson Christine
- Dima Sofia
- Dinsmore Lynn
- Dixon Lynn
- Dobson Tracey
- Dodd Angela
- Dodd Emily
- Doherty Mandy
- Doherty Mandy
- Donaldson Denise
- Donnelly Richard
- Doubal Fergus
- Dow Lindsey
- Downham Susan
- Doyle Clare
- Doyle Donna
- Drever Jonathan
- du Plessis Johannes
- Dube Judith
- Duberley Stephen
- Dunn Linda
- Dunne Karen
- Durairaj Ramesh
- Durman Helen
- Dutta Dipankar
- Dynan Kevin
- Edwards Mandy
- Egerton Shuna
- Eglinton Charlotte
- Eglinton Charlotte
- El Tawil Salwa
- Elfandi Khaled
- Elliot Jennifer
- Elliott Emma
- Ellis Sam
- Emberson Jonathan
- Emsley Hedley
- England Timothy
- Epstein Daniel
- Erande Renuka
- Erumere Esther
- Esisi Bernard
- Esisi Bernard
- Esson Derek
- Esson Derek
- Evans Rachel
- Evans Sue
- Eveson David
- Ewing Jordan
- Fathima Razik
- Fawcett Michelle
- Feerick Shez
- Fennelly Ruth
- Ferdinand Phillip
- Findlay Paul
- Finlay Sarah
- Finney Kay
- Fitzell Pauline
- Fitzsimmons Paul
- Fletcher Glyn
- Fletcher Jo
- Fong Rosanna
- Foot Jayne
- Foote Leanne
- Ford Gary
- Foster Eliza
- Fotherby Ken
- Fox Charlotte
- Francia Nina
- Francis Jobbin
- Fraser Ruth
- Fraser Ruth
- Fuller Tracy
- Fulton Ailsa
- Furnace Jacqueline
- Gadapa Naveen
- Gainard Glyn
- Gainsborough Nicola
- Gallagher Jill
- Gallagher Louise
- Gallifent Rachel
- Gamble Ed
- Garcia Tatiana
- Gardener Léjeune
- Garfield-Smith Joanne
- Garside Mark
- Gartrell Imogen
- Gascoyne Rachel
- Gattringer Thomas
- Gautam Nikki
- Gaylard Jane
- Gbadamoshi Lukuman
- Geraghty Olivia
- Ghaly George
- Ghatala Rita
- Ghosh Sandip
- Giallombardo Elio
- Gilham Ellie
- Gilmour Danielle
- Gilzeane Nicola
- Glass Jon
- Gleave Laura
- Glover Rachel
- Godfrey Margi
- Goff Anita
- Goorah Neetish
- Gott Valerie
- Gow Heather
- Graham Carol
- Graham Ruth
- Gray Jane
- Green Carole
- Greenwood Richard
- Gregory Bindu
- Greig Jill
- Grimwood Gemma
- Grocott Jeanette
- Grue Rebecca
- Gulliver Diane
- Guo Fenglin
- Gupwell Karin
- Guthrie Lucy Belle
- Guy Helen
- Guyler Paul
- Hague Adam
- Haider Syed
- Hairsine Brigid
- Hakim Eluzai
- Hall Andrea
- Halse Omid
- Handley Dominic
- Hann Gail
- Hannon Niamh
- Hansen Christian
- Haque Mohammad
- Hardwick Anne
- Harkness Kirsty
- Harrington Frances
- Harrington-Davies Yasmin
- Harrison Louise
- Harrison Melanie
- Harrison Thomas
- Harston George
- Harvey Kirsten
- Harvey Miriam
- Hassan Ahamad
- Hassan Hardi
- Havard Diane
- Hayes Anne
- Hayhoe Helen
- Hayman Rachel
- Hays Carole
- Hazel Beth
- Hedstrom Amanda
- Hedstrom Amanda
- Hemsley Anthony
- Henry Margo
- Herman Jane
- Hervey Simon
- Hewitt Jonathan
- Hiden Joanne
- Hogan Caroline
- Hogg Valerie
- Holden Melinda
- Holmes Clare
- Homan Jane
- Hooley Michaela
- Horan Kathleen
- Horton Sarah
- Hostettler Isabel
- Hove Dionne
- Howaniec Laura
- Howard Gabriella
- Howard Joanne
- Howard Peter
- Howcroft Deborah
- Howe Jo
- Huang Xuya
- Huggett Isabel
- Hughes Chloe
- Hughes Claire
- Hughes Tom
- Humphreys Louise
- Humphries Fiona
- Hunt Benjamin
- Hunt Nicholas
- Hunter Annemarie
- Hunter Neil
- Hurford Frances
- Hurley Jennifer
- Hussain Malik
- Hutchison Aidan
- Hyams Benjamin
- Hyatt Lisa
- Imam Javed
- Ingham Andrea
- Ingram Tanya
- Innes Karen
- Iqbal Arshi
- Iqbal Mohammad Shahzad
- Irvine Janice
- Ispoglou Sissy
- Ivatts Simone
- Jackson Benjamin
- Jackson Linda
- Jagger Jenny
- Jagpal Baljit
- James Ali
- James Claire
- James Martin
- Jarapa Rowilson
- Jarrett David
- Jeffs Carol
- Jelley Benjamin
- Jenkins Colin
- Jennings-Preece Karla
- Jeyaraj Naomi
- Jha Ratneshwari
- Jinks Emma
- Johnes Mary
- Johnson Sharon
- Jones Ifan
- Jones Ifan
- Jones Kirsty
- Jones Rachael
- Jones Stephanie
- Jones Terry
- Jones Val
- Jordan Carla
- Jose Deepa
- Jose Josin
- Joshi Yogish
- Joyson Anu
- Jupp Becky
- Justin Frances
- Kakar Puneet
- Kalathil Latheef
- Kalladka Dheeraj
- Kamara Christine
- Kambafwile Mary
- Kane Ingrid
- Kar Arindam
- Keegan Breffni
- Keeling Elizabeth
- Keenan Samantha
- Kelavkar Shyam
- Kelly Christine
- Kelly Debs
- Kelly Jim
- Kelly Siobhan
- Keltos Marketa
- Kennedy James
- Kennedy Kate
- Kenton Antony
- Kerin Lourda
- Kerr Enda
- Kerr Gillian
- Keshvara Rekha
- Khan Mohammad
- Khan Shagufta
- Khan Usman
- Khan Uzma
- Kibutu Faith
- King Sam
- Kingwell Hayley
- Kini Manohar
- Klaasen Katrina
- Knops Kerstin
- Krishnamoorthy Shrivakumar
- Krishnamurthy Ramesh
- Krishnamurthy Vinodh
- Krishnan Kailash
- Krishnan Manju
- Krommyda Magdalini
- Kullane Sagal
- Kumar Balakrishna
- Kumar Pradeep
- Kunhunny Swapna
- Lam Man Yee
- Lambert Caroline
- Landers Geraldine
- Langhorne Peter
- Lasserson Daniel
- Latter Laura
- Law Zhe
- Lawrence Tara
- Lawson Heidi
- Leason Sandra
- Lee Stephanie
- Leggett Jacqui
- Lenti Giulia
- Lerpiniere Christine
- Lerpiniere Christine
- Licenik Radim
- Lindert Ralf
- Little Victoria
- Littleton Edward
- Ljubez Anja
- Loganathan Thayalini
- Longland Barbara
- Lopez Paula
- Lovelock Caroline
- Lowe Gordon
- Lucas Linda
- Lucas Suzanne
- Luder Robert
- Lyjko Sue
- Maanoosi Mehran
- Maatouk Ahmad
- Macaden Ashish
- MacInnes Brian
- MacLennan Beverly
- MacLeod Mary
- Macleod MR
- MacLiver Linda
- MacRaild Allan
- Maddula Mohana
- Madigan Barbara
- Maguire Holly
- Maguire Stuart
- Maiden Susan
- Majis Arshad
- Majmudar Nikhil
- Makawa Linetty
- Mangion David
- Manning Lisa
- Manoj Aravind
- Mardania Rina
- Marigold James Richard
- Markova Skarlet
- Marks Katherine
- Marsden Tracy
- Marshall Sally
- Martin Irene
- Mashate Sheila
- Mason Cathy
- Mate Abhijit
- Mathieson Philip
- Matias Oliver
- Matthews Christopher
- Maund Bev
- McAlpine Christine
- McArdle Damian
- Mcauley Sean
- McCann Stephanie
- McCarron Mark
- McClelland Beverley
- McCormick Katrina
- McCormick Katrina
- McDonald Shanni
- McDonald Susan
- Mcgee Joanne
- McGhee Caroline
- McGill Connor
- McGrath Aileen
- McIlmoyle James
- McKee Jacqueline
- McLoughlin Alison
- McVerry Ferghal
- Mead Denise
- Mead Gillian
- Meir Julie
- Menon Nisha
- Mercer Lily
- Metcalf Kneale
- Miller Keniesha
- Miller Richard
- Milligan Josette
- Minks David
- Miriam Skelton
- Mistri Amit
- Mitchell Jennifer
- Mitra Dipayan
- Mohammed Niaz
- Mohd Nor Azlisham
- Mokoena Betty
- Moores Andrew
- Moqsith Mohammed
- Morell Jordi
- Moreton Fiona
- Morgan Debbie
- Moroney Helen
- Morse Bethan
- Moseley Sally
- Motherwell Nichola
- Moynihan Barry
- Mpelembue Mushiya
- Mudd Paul
- Muddegowda Girish
- Muir Keith
- Mukherjee Indranil
- Murali Elodie
- Murphy Peter
- Murray GD
- Musarrat Kashif
- Myint Min
- Naeem Muhammad
- Naing Zin
- Nair Anand
- Nallasivan Arumugam
- Nasar Mohammad
- Nasim Ashraf
- Naylor Charde
- Needle Ann
- Nelson Sandra
- Newby DE
- Newton Sophie
- Ng Kheng Xiong
- Ngo David
- Nguyen Vinh
- Ngwako Mmua
- Ni Hlaing
- Nicholas Paul
- Nicolson Anne
- Niranchanan Rangah
- Nisar Nabeela
- Njoku Kelechi
- Nott Claire
- Nott Claire
- Nozedar Tarn
- Nyabadza Sheila
- O'Brien Eoin
- O'Brien Richard
- O'Brien Richard
- O'Connell Janice
- O'Connell Susan
- O'Loughlin Victoria
- O'Reilly Joanna
- O'Toole Sarah
- Oji Nnebuife
- Orath Prabakaran Rajalakshmi
- Orefo Chukwuka
- Orugun Enoch
- Osborn Mairead
- Osborne Emily
- Oshodi Anne
- Osman Ahmed
- Ovington Catherine
- Owings Paula
- Owoyele Emmanuelle
- Owusu-Agyei Peter
- Pai Yogish
- Palmer Jeb
- Papavasileiou Vasileios
- Parakramawansha Ruwan
- Parker Richard
- Parry Anthea
- Parry-Jones Adrian
- Pasco Kath
- Patel Bhavini
- Patel Champa
- Patel Farzana
- Patel Krishna
- Patterson Chris
- Paulton Ruth
- Pawley Corinne
- Peixoto Cassilda
- Penge Justin
- Perez Jane
- Perfitt Rebekah
- Perkins Charlotte
- Perry David
- Perry Jack
- Persad Nicola
- Peters Jenny
- Pettitt Kerry
- Phiri Duke
- Pitt-Ford Alexandra
- Pitt-Kerby Tressy
- Plewa Catherine
- Poku Philip
- Ponnambath Suheil
- Poultney Una
- Pound Susan
- Power Michael
- Pressly Vanessa
- Price Fiona
- Proeschel Harald
- Punekar Shuja
- Punter Martin
- Pusalkar Aparna
- Putterill Janet
- Quinn Leanne
- Quinn Outi
- Qureshi Sammie
- Ragab Suzanne
- Raghunathan Senthil
- Rahman Bithi
- Rai Baljinder
- Raj Sonia
- Rajapakse Anoja
- Rajkumar Chakravarthi
- Ramachandran Sankaranarayana
- Ramadan Hawraman
- Ramshaw Alex
- Rana Pratap
- Randall Marc
- Rashed Khalid
- Rashmi Sindhu
- Ravenhill Garth
- Rayessa Rayessa
- Reckless Ian
- Reddan Julie
- Reddan Julie
- Redgrave Jessica
- Redjep Ozlem
- Remegoso Alda
- Richard Bella
- Richards Emma
- Rinkel Gabriel
- Roberts Josh
- Robinson Matthew
- Robinson Naomi
- Rodgers Alicia
- Rodriguez Aryelly
- Roffe Christine
- Roffe Jack
- Roganova Tatjana
- Rogers Emily
- Rogers Gill
- Rojas Javier
- Ross Sarah
- Roughan Caroline
- Rudd Tony
- Rudenko Hannah
- Saada Janak
- Saastamoinen Kari
- Sajid Mahmud
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- Salehin Maqsud
- Salek-Haddadi Afraim
- Salih Isam
- Sally Moore
- Sandercock PAG
- Sangombe Mirriam
- Sangster Graeme
- Sanyal Ranjan
- Sarah Procter
- Sarah Procter
- Sattar Naweed
- Sattar Saira
- Saulat Afaq
- Saulat Afaq
- Schofield Christine
- Schulz Ursula
- Schumacher Natasha
- Schwarz Stefan
- Seagrave Samantha
- Sekaran Lakshmanan
- Sesay Juliana
- Sethuraman Sakthivel
- Shackcloth Daniela
- Shah Alex
- Shah Sweni
- Shahmehri Shahrzad
- Sharma Nikhil
- Sharpe Simon
- Shaw Kelly Marie
- Shaw Louise
- Sheikh Saima
- Shekhar Raj
- Shelton Faye
- Shinh Naval
- Shread Ian
- Shukla Avani
- Siddegowda Prasad
- Siddiq Muhammad
- Siddiqui Amber
- Siddiqui Anwer
- Sigsworth Andrew
- Simon Rohan
- Sims Don
- Singh Arun
- Sinha Devesh
- Skinner Helen
- Slade Peter
- Smart Amanda
- Smith Andrew
- Smith Fiona
- Smith Gemma Marie
- Smith Simon
- Smith Wilma
- Smyth Nigel
- Spencer Jayne
- Sprigg N
- Srinivasan Meena
- Stafford Samantha
- Stafford Samantha
- Stanners Andrew
- Steele Amy
- Stephen J
- Stephens Claire
- Stevens Angela
- Stevens Stephanie
- Stevenson Sarah
- Stewart Kelvin
- Stocks Kathy
- Stone Andrew
- Storton Sharon
- Strain David
- Subramonian Santhosh
- Sudlow CLM
- Sukdeo Varthi
- Sullivan Frank
- Sultan Sulaiman
- Suttling Anne
- Sutton Claire
- Sutton Patrick
- Sutton Victoria
- Sword Jane
- Sykes Lucy
- Symonds Stuart
- Szabo Susan
- Tallantyre Emma
- Tanate Alfonso
- Tandy Jane
- Tate Margaret
- Tauro Suzanne
- Tayler Michelle
- Taylor Pat
- Taylor Vicky
- Teal Rachel
- Temple Natalie
- Thant Hlaing
- Thavanesan Kamy
- Thomas Isobel
- Thomas Kelly
- Thomas Philip
- Thomas Sarah
- Thompson Philip
- Thompson Susan
- Thompson Teresa
- Thompson-Jones Helen
- Thomson Audrey
- Thornthwaite Sarah
- Thorpe Kevin
- Tilley Victoria
- Tiwari Divya
- Tomlin Dawn
- Tomlinson Benjamin
- Treadwell Shelley
- Tribbeck Michele
- Trippier Sarah
- Triscott Claire
- Triscott Claire
- Tryambake Dinesh
- Tucker Laura
- Tucker Susan
- Turfrey Jennifer
- Tysoe Sharon
- Ullah Khalil
- Valentine Stacey
- van Someren Chloe
- Varquez Resti
- Vasileiadis Evangelos
- Vassallo Joseph
- Venter Marius
- Veraque Emelda
- Verrion Anna
- Vettimootal Johnson Venetia
- Vickers Carinna
- Walford Jamie
- Walker Allan
- Walker Marion
- Walker Pauli
- Walker Susannah
- Wallace Aine
- Wallace Rebecca
- Wallace Rebecca
- Walstow Deborah
- Walter Deborah
- Walters Ashleigh
- Wani Mushtaq
- Ward Deborah
- Wardlaw JM
- Watchurst Caroline
- Waterfield Kelly
- Waterfield Kelly
- Watson Fran
- Waugh Dean
- Webb Tom
- Webber Adam
- Webster Timothy
- Weinling Marie
- Weir Nic
- Weir Pauline
- Welch Angela
- Werring DJ
- Whitcher Alison
- White James
- White Julie
- White PM
- White Susan
- Whiteley WN
- Whiteman Jessica
- Whiteman Jessica
- Whiting Robert
- Whittamore Katherine
- Wiggam Ivan
- Wilding Peter
- Wilkes Gwendoline
- Wilkinson Mark
- Willberry Angela
- Williams Carol
- Williams Rebecca
- Williams-Yesson Barbara
- Willmot Mark
- Wilson David
- Wilson Duncan
- Wilson Jenny
- Wilson Lisa
- Wilson Sarah
- Wiltshire Alison
- Wood Diane
- Wood Edith
- Wood Lisa
- Woodward Stephen
- Wright Fiona
- Wroath Belinda
- Wynter Inez
- Yadava Rajendra
- Yip Brigitte
- Young Andrew
- Zachariah George
- Zahoor Tajammal
- Zoe Mellor
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 29/06/2019
- Field of study
Antiplatelet therapy reduces the risk of major vascular events for people with occlusive vascular disease, although it might increase the risk of intracranial haemorrhage. Patients surviving the commonest subtype of intracranial haemorrhage, intracerebral haemorrhage, are at risk of both haemorrhagic and occlusive vascular events, but whether antiplatelet therapy can be used safely is unclear. We aimed to estimate the relative and absolute effects of antiplatelet therapy on recurrent intracerebral haemorrhage and whether this risk might exceed any reduction of occlusive vascular events.
The REstart or STop Antithrombotics Randomised Trial (RESTART) was a prospective, randomised, open-label, blinded endpoint, parallel-group trial at 122 hospitals in the UK. We recruited adults (≥18 years) who were taking antithrombotic (antiplatelet or anticoagulant) therapy for the prevention of occlusive vascular disease when they developed intracerebral haemorrhage, discontinued antithrombotic therapy, and survived for 24 h. Computerised randomisation incorporating minimisation allocated participants (1:1) to start or avoid antiplatelet therapy. We followed participants for the primary outcome (recurrent symptomatic intracerebral haemorrhage) for up to 5 years. We analysed data from all randomised participants using Cox proportional hazards regression, adjusted for minimisation covariates. This trial is registered with ISRCTN (number ISRCTN71907627).
Between May 22, 2013, and May 31, 2018, 537 participants were recruited a median of 76 days (IQR 29–146) after intracerebral haemorrhage onset: 268 were assigned to start and 269 (one withdrew) to avoid antiplatelet therapy. Participants were followed for a median of 2·0 years (IQR [1·0– 3·0]; completeness 99·3%). 12 (4%) of 268 participants allocated to antiplatelet therapy had recurrence of intracerebral haemorrhage compared with 23 (9%) of 268 participants allocated to avoid antiplatelet therapy (adjusted hazard ratio 0·51 [95% CI 0·25–1·03]; p=0·060). 18 (7%) participants allocated to antiplatelet therapy experienced major haemorrhagic events compared with 25 (9%) participants allocated to avoid antiplatelet therapy (0·71 [0·39–1·30]; p=0·27), and 39 [15%] participants allocated to antiplatelet therapy had major occlusive vascular events compared with 38 [14%] allocated to avoid antiplatelet therapy (1·02 [0·65–1·60]; p=0·92).
These results exclude all but a very modest increase in the risk of recurrent intracerebral haemorrhage with antiplatelet therapy for patients on antithrombotic therapy for the prevention of occlusive vascular disease when they developed intracerebral haemorrhage. The risk of recurrent intracerebral haemorrhage is probably too small to exceed the established benefits of antiplatelet therapy for secondary prevention
International genome-wide meta-analysis identifies new primary biliary cirrhosis risk loci and targetable pathogenic pathways
- Author
- 94
- Abigail Hynes 159
- Aditya Mandal
- Adrian Barnardo 182
- Aftab Ala 138
- Agostino Colli 45
- Alan Shepherd 213
- Alan Watson 81
- Alastair McNair 175
- Alberto Mattalia 54
- Alexandra McKay 132
- Alice Wright 245
- Alison Brind 294
- Alison Loftus 91
- Alison Paton 119
- Alistair King
- Allister Grant
- Almasio 33 Piero L.
- Altaf Palegwala 98
- Amir Shah 189
- Amit Singhal
- Amos 2 Christopher I.
- Ana Lleo 12
- Anderson 8 Carl A.
- Andrea Broad 139
- Andrea Crosignani 39
- Andrew Austin 119
- Andrew Bell 305
- Andrew Burroughs 249
- Andrew Chilton 166
- Andrew Douds 243
- Andrew Gibbins 122
- Andrew Higham 293
- Andrew Bathgate
- Andrew Davis
- Andrew Douglass
- Andrew Fraser
- Andrzej Piotrowicz
- Andy Li 303
- Angelo Andriulli 37
- Anna Fouracres 247
- Annarosa Floreani 51
- Anne Eastick
- Anton Gunasekera
- Antonio Benedetti 40
- Antonio Picciotto 59
- Aruna Dias 82
- Ashis Mukhopadhya
- Ashley Brown
- Asifabbas Naqvi
- Athar Saeed 139
- Atkinson 19 Elizabeth J.
- Bacon 28 Bruce R.
- Bal Shinder 258
- Barbara Coco 43
- Barbara Foglieni 11
- Barbara Hoeroldt 244
- Becky Holbrook 222
- Beverley Longhurst 240
- Bob Grover 151
- Bodenheimer Jr 29 Henry C.
- Bridget Bird 191
- Bridget Gunson 287
- Bronwen Williams
- Caradog Thomas
- Carlo Ferrari 49
- Carly Brown 270
- Carmela Cursaro 36
- Carol Thomas 156
- Carole Collins 300
- Carole Foale 138
- Caroline Cowley 182
- Caroline Mulvaney Jones
- Caroline Hamilton
- Caroline Lawlor
- Caroline Palmer
- Carolyn MacNicol 163
- Caron Innes
- Catherine Vincent 31
- Catherine Gray
- Chan 19 Landon L.
- Charles Grimley
- Charles Millson
- Chin Lye Ch’
- Chris Evans 190
- Chris Ford
- Christine Dickson 239
- Christopher Healey 71
- Christopher Hovell 122
- Christopher Shorrock 90
- Christopher Shallcross
- Claire Duggan 159
- Claudio Tiribelli 48
- Cordell Heather J.
- Craig Lammert 7
- Cristina Barlassina 38
- Cynthia Levy 32
- Dakai Zhu 2
- Daniel Forton 275
- Daniele Prati 11
- Daniele Cusi
- Darren Clement 294
- David Elphick 106
- David Jones 188
- David Ramanaden 86
- David Tyrer 252
- David Gorard
- David Neal
- Dawn Sirdefield
- Deb Ghosh
- Debasish Das 166
- Delyth Braim
- Denise Gocher 289
- Denise O’
- Dermot Gleeson
- Diane Simpson 239
- Domenico Alvaro 35
- Donna Cotterill 305
- Douglas Thorburn 249
- Earl Williams 246
- Eileen Marshall 249
- Eleanor Dungca 107
- Elizabeth Tanqueray 221
- Elva Wilhelmsen 165
- Emily Archer 271
- Emma Grieve 196
- Emma Gunter 246
- Emma Durant
- Eric Gershwin 15 M.
- Ervin Shpuza
- Estelle Nambela
- Esther Unitt 289
- Fabio Macaluso 34
- Faiz Ali 156
- Federica Malinverno 46
- Filomena Morisco 57
- Fiona Gordon 288
- Fiona Wright 189
- Floriano Rosina 60
- Florin Muscariu
- Floyd James A. B.
- Frances Hines
- Francesca Bernuzzi 41
- Galli Andrea
- Gang Xie
- Gary Bray 272
- Gayle Clifford 270
- Geeta Prasad 285
- George Lipscomb 91
- George MacFaul 187
- George Abouda
- George Bird
- Giancarlo Spinzi 61
- Gianfranco Elia 49
- Gill Watts 285
- Giovanni Casella 44
- Glynis Stansfield 163
- Gordon Wood 140
- Graeme Alexander 101
- Graham Foster 80
- Graham Butcher
- Greene Casey S.
- Gregersen Peter K.
- Gregory Whatley 280
- Greta Van Duyvenvoorde 90
- Guan Lim 135
- Gwen Baxter 191
- Hannah Dewhurst 246
- Harriet Gordon 145
- Harriet Mitchison 107
- Helen Doyle 109
- Helen Wooldridge 117
- Helen Fairlamb
- Helen Sweeting
- Hemant Gupta
- Hilary Pateman
- Hirschfield Gideon M.
- Howard Curtis
- Howard Klass
- Hyder Hussaini 247
- Hye Jeong Lee 167
- Ian Gooding 108
- Ian Rees 157
- Ian Drake
- Ian Gee
- Ilaria Bianchi 41
- Ilaria Sogno 41
- Imran Patanwala 252
- Imroz Salam 158
- Isobel Amey 304
- Jaber Gasem 87
- Jacky Orpe 256
- Jacqueline Brighton 138
- James Featherstone 147
- James Gotto 314
- James Neuberger 287
- Jane Bowles 318
- Jane Collier 231
- Jane Gitahi 288
- Jane Maiden 98
- Jane Metcalf
- Janeane Hails 101
- Janette Curtis 278
- Janie Keggans 191
- Janine Musselwhite
- Javaid Subhani 83
- Jayne Jones 260
- Jean Kordula
- Jeff Butterworth
- Jennie Kendall
- Jennifer Morrison 222
- Jeremy Shearman 271
- Jeremy Tibble 93
- Jessica Whiteman
- Jia Qu 25
- Jill Conder 293
- Jinyi Zhang 23
- Jo Ridpath 147
- Joanna Allison
- Joanna Sayer
- Jocelyn Fraser 304
- John Dillon 214
- John Ramage 146
- John Mclindon
- Jonathan Booth 245
- Jonathan Brown
- Joy Sadeghian 153
- Joy Wilkins 164
- Julia Maltby 253
- Julie Colley 258
- Julie Browning
- Julie Tregonning
- Juliette Verheyden
- Juran 7 Brian D.
- Kapil Kapur 79
- Karen Hogben 122
- Karen Warner
- Karin Young 196
- Kate Martin 252
- Kate Ocker 199
- Katharine Pollock
- Kathryn Houghton 188
- Katie Seward 92
- Katie Spurdle
- Keith Elliott 79
- Keith George 265
- Kelly Amor 255
- Kerenza Boulton 265
- Kerry Flahive 140
- Kevin Yoong 183
- Kimberley Netherton 283
- Kirsten Walker
- Kirsty Martin
- Konrad Koss 126
- LaiTing Tan 135
- Lazaridis 7 Konstantinos N.
- Leonie Grellier 164
- Linda Jones 245
- Linda March 238
- Linda Kent
- Lisa Morgan 302
- Liz Farrington 247
- Lizzie Stafford 231
- Lola Dali kemmery 253
- Lorenzo Morini 56
- Lorraine Hankey 122
- Lory Saveria Croce ` 48
- Louise Winter 312
- Lourdes Cumlat 306
- Luca Fabris 50
- Lucie Hobson
- Luigi Muratori 36
- Luketic 27 Velimir A.
- Lyn Graves 247
- Lynn Currie
- Lynn O’
- Maggie Hughes
- Mandy Carnahan
- Marco Carbone 101
- Marco Marzioni 40
- Marek Czajkowski
- Maria Consiglia Bragazzi 42
- Maria Francesca Donato 46
- Maria Hayes 240
- Maria Vinci 65
- Maria Hamilton
- Mariam Nasseri 151
- Marie Green 254
- Marie Quinn 303
- Marina Leoni 249
- Mario Strazzabosco
- Marisa Mills 260
- Mariza de Andrade 19
- Mark Ainsworth 231
- Mark Cox 295
- Mark Narain 159
- Mark Wright 286
- Mark Aldersley
- Mark Wilkinson
- Markus Gess 170
- Marra Fabio
- Marta Spreafico 11
- Martin Lombard 252
- Martin Prince 104
- Martyn Carter
- Mary Crossey
- Mary Ninkovic
- Mason 21 Andrew L.
- Massimo Colombo 46
- Massimo Zuin
- Matthew Brookes 254
- Matthew Cowan 279
- Matthew Cramp 238
- Matthew Foxton 105
- Maurizia Brunetto 43
- Mauro Podda 41
- Maxton Pitcher
- Mazn Karmo 109
- Mcdonald Mupudzi 286
- Melanie Harrison 70
- Melanie Kent
- Mells George F.
- Mervyn Davies
- Mesbah Rahman 68
- Metod Oblak 300
- Michael Heneghan 167
- Mike Mendall
- Minesh Patel
- Mohamed Dawwas 101
- Morley Katherine I.
- Mousa Hani S. 41
- Myers 22 Robert P.
- Natalie Taylor 265
- Natalie Wheatley 108
- Neil Fisher 123
- Nicholas Sharer 239
- Nicola Lancaster
- Nikki White
- Niro 37 Grazia A.
- Noma Ncube
- Nurani Sivaramakrishnan 186
- Odin 26 Joseph A.
- Oza Chirag
- Palmieri 58 Vincenzo O.
- Paolo Muratori 36
- Parizade Raymode 166
- Patrick Goggin 240
- Paul Banim 165
- Paul Kitchen 182
- Paul Richardson 252
- Paul Southern 92
- Paula Townshend
- Peter Bramley
- Peter Mills
- Phillipa Desousa
- Pier Maria Battezzati 39
- Pierluigi Toniutto 64
- Piero Portincasa 58
- Pietro Andreone 36
- Pietro Invernizzi
- Piotr Milkiewicz 24
- Pradeep Sanghi
- Pranab Gyawali 77
- PuiChing Chan 296
- Purushothaman Premchand 78
- Qian 2 David C.
- Rachel Abrahams 117
- Raj Srirajaskanthan 176
- Ray Shidrawi 153
- Ray Mathew
- Rebecca Bishop
- Rebecca Casey
- Rebecca Cloudsdale
- Rebecca Jones
- Renzo Montanari 55
- Reuben Ayres 248
- Richard Aspinall 240
- Richard Evans 88
- Richard Marley 80
- Richard Miller 183
- Richard Sturgess 70
- Robert Przemioslo 216 Christopher Macdonald
- Roberta Lazzari 51
- Roger McCorry 85
- Roland Ede
- Roman Galaska 71
- Rory Harvey 84
- Rosanna Fontana 37
- Rose Damant 98
- Rupert Ransford 313
- Ruth Penn
- Ryder Stephen D.
- Saket Singhal 258
- Sally Ann Rolls 156
- Sally Batham
- Sallyanne Pearson 244
- Samantha Ducker 188
- Sambit Sen 179
- Samir Vyas 257
- Sandford Richard N.
- Sandra Greer 312
- Sanjiv Jain 283
- Sarah Jones 159
- Sarah Besley
- Sarah Thornthwaite
- Sass Levi
- Savino Bruno 41
- Schlicht 7 Erik M.
- Seldin 15 Michael F.
- Senayon Desmennu
- Sharat Misra
- Sherill Tripoli
- Silvia Colombo 47
- Siminovitch Katherine A.
- Simon Panter 270
- Simon Rushbrook 215
- Simon Taylor Robinson 162
- Simon Williams 163
- Simon Dyer
- Simon Whalley
- Sonia Rossi 41
- Sonia Tarallo 60
- Sophie Holder
- Steve Pereira 284
- Steven Mann
- Stewart Campbell
- Subramaniam Ramakrishnan 296
- Subrata Saha 191
- Sue Glenn 106
- Sue Walsh 280
- Sunil Dolwani
- Susan Gallagher 294
- Susan Lord 118
- Susan Congreave
- Susan Jones
- Susan Slininger
- Sushma Saksena
- Suzie Marriott 248
- Syed Shaukat 152
- Talal Valliani 216
- Tarocchi Mirko
- Theodore Ngatchu
- Thiriloganathan Mathialahan 89
- Tim Harding
- Tobias Balschun 20
- Toby Delahooke
- Tom Yapp 69
- Tom Lee
- Tracey Shewan 279
- Udi Shmueli 221
- Valentina Liakina 30
- Valeria Silvestre 105
- Victoria Lambourne 253
- Vincenzo Ronca 41
- Voi Shim Wong 306
- William Stableforth 247
- Williams 197 D.
- Yafang Li
- Yeng Ang 312
- Yolanda Baird 304
- Younghun Han
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 01/01/2015
- Field of study
Effects of antiplatelet therapy after stroke due to intracerebral haemorrhage (RESTART): a randomised, open-label trial
- Author
- Abano Nenette
- Abbdul-saheb Mudhar
- Adedoyin Temi
- Adell Victoria
- Adesina Tolu
- Adie Katja
- Adil-Smith Jennifer
- Ahmad Nasar
- Ahmed Ashraf
- Ahmed Iman
- Al-Mayhani Talal
- Al-Shahi Salman Rustam
- Alam Mohammad Irfan
- Albazzaz Mo
- Ali Ali
- Alipio Francis
- Allen Christopher
- Allison Joanna
- Amey Isobel
- Amis Elaine
- Amlani Sageet
- Amoils Shannon
- Amor Kelly
- Anderson Rosemary
- Andole Sreeman
- Anjum Talat
- Ankolekar Sandeep
- Annamalai Arunkumar
- Anthony Alpha
- Anversha Ajmal
- Anwar Ijaz
- Anwar Sajjad
- Appleton Jason
- Argandona Lucia
- Armitage Jane
- Ashton Amy
- Atkinson Natalie
- Auld Grace
- Avis Joanne
- Aweid Basaam
- Ayres Georgina
- Azhar Khalid
- Bagnall Caroline
- Baig Farrukh
- Baigent Colin
- Bailey Duncan
- Baird Yolanda
- Bakawala Rehana
- Baker John
- Baker Pauline
- Balazikova Olga
- Balian Linda
- Baliga Vidya
- Balitska Olesia
- Ball Julie
- Ball Margaret
- Ballantine Robert
- Bamford John
- Banaras Azra
- Barber Mark
- Barbon Emma
- Barker James
- Barr Charlotte
- Barrie Elizabeth
- Barron Luke
- Barry Adrian
- Bateman Gavin
- Bates Michelle
- Bathula Rajaram
- Battersby-Wood Emma
- Bayliss Pauline
- Beadle Hannah
- Bearne Helen
- Beaty Teresa
- Beaves Emily
- Bell Angela
- Bell Jo
- Bell Murdina
- Bellfield Ruth
- Beranova Eva
- Bergin Adrian
- Bhakri Harbens
- Bhalla Ajay
- Bharaj Kiranjit
- Bhargava Maneesh
- Bhaskaran Biju
- Bhatnagar Priya
- Birchall Kathryn
- Birns Jonathan
- Black Toby
- Blades Alex
- Blair Caroline
- Blair Caroline
- Blair Gordon
- Blane Sujata
- Blank Catrin
- Blight Adrian
- Board Joanne
- Board Sarah
- Bokhari Maria
- Bond Kirsty
- Bowring Angela
- Boxall Cherish
- Breeds Joanna
- Brew Helen
- Brezitski Maria
- Bridger Hayley
- Brodie Fiona
- Brotherton Lucy
- Broughton David
- Brown Claire
- Brown Ellen
- Brown Pauline
- Brown Sarah
- Bruce David
- Buchanan David
- Buck Amanda
- Buckle Steve
- Buckle Steve
- Buckley Clare
- Bunea George
- Burger Ilse
- Burgess Laura
- Burgess Seona
- Burssens Evelyne
- Butler Adrian
- Butler Donna
- Butler Rebecca
- Butterworth-Cowin Nicola
- Button Denise
- Buxton Jean
- Byrne Anthony
- Cageao Julie
- Caine Sarah
- Campbell Robert
- Carpenter Michael
- Carpio Racquel
- Carrie Johanna
- Cassidy Tim
- Causley Chelsea
- Chadbourn Indra
- Chadha Dinesh
- Chamberlain Angela
- Chan Kelly
- Chandrakumar Aberami
- Chapman Kath
- Chapman Nicola
- Charles Bethan
- Chatterjee Kausic
- Chaudhry Afnan
- Chauhan Meena
- Chenna Srikanth
- Cherian Suja
- Cheripelli Bharath Kumar
- Chopra Neha
- Choulerton James
- Choy Lillian
- Clarke Brian
- Clarke Caroline
- Clarke Judith
- Clarke Natasha
- Clarke Rebecca
- Clarke Samantha
- Clarkson Emma
- Clay Caroline
- Clayton Susan
- Clayton-Evans Lisa
- Cluckie Gillian
- Cochrane Helen
- Codd Laura
- Cohen David
- Collins Kayleigh
- Connor Lynda
- Constantin Carmen
- Cook Angela
- Cooper Martin
- Copeland Claire
- Cosier Tracey
- Courtauld Gillian
- Couser Mandy
- Coward Lucy
- Cowie Linda
- Cox Chantel
- Cox Chloe
- Cox Penelope
- Crabtree Karen
- Crawford Pam
- Crawford Susan
- Creeden Robyn
- Crisp Sarah
- Cronin Julie
- Crook Luci
- Crosbie Caroline
- Crouch Nichola
- Crown Rachel
- Crowther Hannah
- Cuddy Sarah
- Cuenoud Larissa
- Cullen Claire
- Culmsee Charlotte
- Cunningham James
- Cunningham Mishell
- Cvoro Vera
- Dacey Lynne
- Dakin Katy
- Dallol Bander
- Dangri Puneet
- Datta Prabal
- Davey Richard
- David Anette
- David Owen
- Davies Caroline
- Davies Ruth
- Davies Silvie
- Davis Fiona
- Davis Michelle
- Day Nicola
- Dayal Nilofer
- De Berker Henry
- Deary Ann
- Denic Hayley
- Dennis MS
- Denniss Carol
- Devine Joseph
- Devitt Nicola
- Dewar Richard
- Dhakal Mahesh
- Dhar Saikat
- Dickinson Christina
- Dickson Christine
- Dima Sofia
- Dinsmore Lynn
- Dixon Lynn
- Dobson Tracey
- Dodd Angela
- Dodd Emily
- Doherty Mandy
- Doherty Mandy
- Donaldson Denise
- Donnelly Richard
- Doubal Fergus
- Dow Lindsey
- Downham Susan
- Doyle Clare
- Doyle Donna
- Drever Jonathan
- du Plessis Johannes
- Dube Judith
- Duberley Stephen
- Dunn Linda
- Dunne Karen
- Durairaj Ramesh
- Durman Helen
- Dutta Dipankar
- Dynan Kevin
- Edwards Mandy
- Egerton Shuna
- Eglinton Charlotte
- Eglinton Charlotte
- El Tawil Salwa
- Elfandi Khaled
- Elliot Jennifer
- Elliott Emma
- Ellis Sam
- Emberson Jonathan
- Emsley Hedley
- England Timothy
- Epstein Daniel
- Erande Renuka
- Erumere Esther
- Esisi Bernard
- Esisi Bernard
- Esson Derek
- Esson Derek
- Evans Rachel
- Evans Sue
- Eveson David
- Ewing Jordan
- Fathima Razik
- Fawcett Michelle
- Feerick Shez
- Fennelly Ruth
- Ferdinand Phillip
- Findlay Paul
- Finlay Sarah
- Finney Kay
- Fitzell Pauline
- Fitzsimmons Paul
- Fletcher Glyn
- Fletcher Jo
- Fong Rosanna
- Foot Jayne
- Foote Leanne
- Ford Gary
- Foster Eliza
- Fotherby Ken
- Fox Charlotte
- Francia Nina
- Francis Jobbin
- Fraser Ruth
- Fraser Ruth
- Fuller Tracy
- Fulton Ailsa
- Furnace Jacqueline
- Gadapa Naveen
- Gainard Glyn
- Gainsborough Nicola
- Gallagher Jill
- Gallagher Louise
- Gallifent Rachel
- Gamble Ed
- Garcia Tatiana
- Gardener Léjeune
- Garfield-Smith Joanne
- Garside Mark
- Gartrell Imogen
- Gascoyne Rachel
- Gattringer Thomas
- Gautam Nikki
- Gaylard Jane
- Gbadamoshi Lukuman
- Geraghty Olivia
- Ghaly George
- Ghatala Rita
- Ghosh Sandip
- Giallombardo Elio
- Gilham Ellie
- Gilmour Danielle
- Gilzeane Nicola
- Glass Jon
- Gleave Laura
- Glover Rachel
- Godfrey Margi
- Goff Anita
- Goorah Neetish
- Gott Valerie
- Gow Heather
- Graham Carol
- Graham Ruth
- Gray Jane
- Green Carole
- Greenwood Richard
- Gregory Bindu
- Greig Jill
- Grimwood Gemma
- Grocott Jeanette
- Grue Rebecca
- Gulliver Diane
- Guo Fenglin
- Gupwell Karin
- Guthrie Lucy Belle
- Guy Helen
- Guyler Paul
- Hague Adam
- Haider Syed
- Hairsine Brigid
- Hakim Eluzai
- Hall Andrea
- Halse Omid
- Handley Dominic
- Hann Gail
- Hannon Niamh
- Hansen Christian
- Haque Mohammad
- Hardwick Anne
- Harkness Kirsty
- Harrington Frances
- Harrington-Davies Yasmin
- Harrison Louise
- Harrison Melanie
- Harrison Thomas
- Harston George
- Harvey Kirsten
- Harvey Miriam
- Hassan Ahamad
- Hassan Hardi
- Havard Diane
- Hayes Anne
- Hayhoe Helen
- Hayman Rachel
- Hays Carole
- Hazel Beth
- Hedstrom Amanda
- Hedstrom Amanda
- Hemsley Anthony
- Henry Margo
- Herman Jane
- Hervey Simon
- Hewitt Jonathan
- Hiden Joanne
- Hogan Caroline
- Hogg Valerie
- Holden Melinda
- Holmes Clare
- Homan Jane
- Hooley Michaela
- Horan Kathleen
- Horton Sarah
- Hostettler Isabel
- Hove Dionne
- Howaniec Laura
- Howard Gabriella
- Howard Joanne
- Howard Peter
- Howcroft Deborah
- Howe Jo
- Huang Xuya
- Huggett Isabel
- Hughes Chloe
- Hughes Claire
- Hughes Tom
- Humphreys Louise
- Humphries Fiona
- Hunt Benjamin
- Hunt Nicholas
- Hunter Annemarie
- Hunter Neil
- Hurford Frances
- Hurley Jennifer
- Hussain Malik
- Hutchison Aidan
- Hyams Benjamin
- Hyatt Lisa
- Imam Javed
- Ingham Andrea
- Ingram Tanya
- Innes Karen
- Iqbal Arshi
- Iqbal Mohammad Shahzad
- Irvine Janice
- Ispoglou Sissy
- Ivatts Simone
- Jackson Benjamin
- Jackson Linda
- Jagger Jenny
- Jagpal Baljit
- James Ali
- James Claire
- James Martin
- Jarapa Rowilson
- Jarrett David
- Jeffs Carol
- Jelley Benjamin
- Jenkins Colin
- Jennings-Preece Karla
- Jeyaraj Naomi
- Jha Ratneshwari
- Jinks Emma
- Johnes Mary
- Johnson Sharon
- Jones Ifan
- Jones Ifan
- Jones Kirsty
- Jones Rachael
- Jones Stephanie
- Jones Terry
- Jones Val
- Jordan Carla
- Jose Deepa
- Jose Josin
- Joshi Yogish
- Joyson Anu
- Jupp Becky
- Justin Frances
- Kakar Puneet
- Kalathil Latheef
- Kalladka Dheeraj
- Kamara Christine
- Kambafwile Mary
- Kane Ingrid
- Kar Arindam
- Keegan Breffni
- Keeling Elizabeth
- Keenan Samantha
- Kelavkar Shyam
- Kelly Christine
- Kelly Debs
- Kelly Jim
- Kelly Siobhan
- Keltos Marketa
- Kennedy James
- Kennedy Kate
- Kenton Antony
- Kerin Lourda
- Kerr Enda
- Kerr Gillian
- Keshvara Rekha
- Khan Mohammad
- Khan Shagufta
- Khan Usman
- Khan Uzma
- Kibutu Faith
- King Sam
- Kingwell Hayley
- Kini Manohar
- Klaasen Katrina
- Knops Kerstin
- Krishnamoorthy Shrivakumar
- Krishnamurthy Ramesh
- Krishnamurthy Vinodh
- Krishnan Kailash
- Krishnan Manju
- Krommyda Magdalini
- Kullane Sagal
- Kumar Balakrishna
- Kumar Pradeep
- Kunhunny Swapna
- Lam Man Yee
- Lambert Caroline
- Landers Geraldine
- Langhorne Peter
- Lasserson Daniel
- Latter Laura
- Law Zhe
- Lawrence Tara
- Lawson Heidi
- Leason Sandra
- Lee Stephanie
- Leggett Jacqui
- Lenti Giulia
- Lerpiniere Christine
- Lerpiniere Christine
- Licenik Radim
- Lindert Ralf
- Little Victoria
- Littleton Edward
- Ljubez Anja
- Loganathan Thayalini
- Longland Barbara
- Lopez Paula
- Lovelock Caroline
- Lowe Gordon
- Lucas Linda
- Lucas Suzanne
- Luder Robert
- Lyjko Sue
- Maanoosi Mehran
- Maatouk Ahmad
- Macaden Ashish
- MacInnes Brian
- MacLennan Beverly
- MacLeod Mary
- Macleod MR
- MacLiver Linda
- MacRaild Allan
- Maddula Mohana
- Madigan Barbara
- Maguire Holly
- Maguire Stuart
- Maiden Susan
- Majis Arshad
- Majmudar Nikhil
- Makawa Linetty
- Mangion David
- Manning Lisa
- Manoj Aravind
- Mardania Rina
- Marigold James Richard
- Markova Skarlet
- Marks Katherine
- Marsden Tracy
- Marshall Sally
- Martin Irene
- Mashate Sheila
- Mason Cathy
- Mate Abhijit
- Mathieson Philip
- Matias Oliver
- Matthews Christopher
- Maund Bev
- McAlpine Christine
- McArdle Damian
- Mcauley Sean
- McCann Stephanie
- McCarron Mark
- McClelland Beverley
- McCormick Katrina
- McCormick Katrina
- McDonald Shanni
- McDonald Susan
- Mcgee Joanne
- McGhee Caroline
- McGill Connor
- McGrath Aileen
- McIlmoyle James
- McKee Jacqueline
- McLoughlin Alison
- McVerry Ferghal
- Mead Denise
- Mead Gillian
- Meir Julie
- Menon Nisha
- Mercer Lily
- Metcalf Kneale
- Miller Keniesha
- Miller Richard
- Milligan Josette
- Minks David
- Miriam Skelton
- Mistri Amit
- Mitchell Jennifer
- Mitra Dipayan
- Mohammed Niaz
- Mohd Nor Azlisham
- Mokoena Betty
- Moores Andrew
- Moqsith Mohammed
- Morell Jordi
- Moreton Fiona
- Morgan Debbie
- Moroney Helen
- Morse Bethan
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- Zoe Mellor
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 29/06/2019
- Field of study
Antiplatelet therapy reduces the risk of major vascular events for people with occlusive vascular disease, although it might increase the risk of intracranial haemorrhage. Patients surviving the commonest subtype of intracranial haemorrhage, intracerebral haemorrhage, are at risk of both haemorrhagic and occlusive vascular events, but whether antiplatelet therapy can be used safely is unclear. We aimed to estimate the relative and absolute effects of antiplatelet therapy on recurrent intracerebral haemorrhage and whether this risk might exceed any reduction of occlusive vascular events.
The REstart or STop Antithrombotics Randomised Trial (RESTART) was a prospective, randomised, open-label, blinded endpoint, parallel-group trial at 122 hospitals in the UK. We recruited adults (≥18 years) who were taking antithrombotic (antiplatelet or anticoagulant) therapy for the prevention of occlusive vascular disease when they developed intracerebral haemorrhage, discontinued antithrombotic therapy, and survived for 24 h. Computerised randomisation incorporating minimisation allocated participants (1:1) to start or avoid antiplatelet therapy. We followed participants for the primary outcome (recurrent symptomatic intracerebral haemorrhage) for up to 5 years. We analysed data from all randomised participants using Cox proportional hazards regression, adjusted for minimisation covariates. This trial is registered with ISRCTN (number ISRCTN71907627).
Between May 22, 2013, and May 31, 2018, 537 participants were recruited a median of 76 days (IQR 29–146) after intracerebral haemorrhage onset: 268 were assigned to start and 269 (one withdrew) to avoid antiplatelet therapy. Participants were followed for a median of 2·0 years (IQR [1·0– 3·0]; completeness 99·3%). 12 (4%) of 268 participants allocated to antiplatelet therapy had recurrence of intracerebral haemorrhage compared with 23 (9%) of 268 participants allocated to avoid antiplatelet therapy (adjusted hazard ratio 0·51 [95% CI 0·25–1·03]; p=0·060). 18 (7%) participants allocated to antiplatelet therapy experienced major haemorrhagic events compared with 25 (9%) participants allocated to avoid antiplatelet therapy (0·71 [0·39–1·30]; p=0·27), and 39 [15%] participants allocated to antiplatelet therapy had major occlusive vascular events compared with 38 [14%] allocated to avoid antiplatelet therapy (1·02 [0·65–1·60]; p=0·92).
These results exclude all but a very modest increase in the risk of recurrent intracerebral haemorrhage with antiplatelet therapy for patients on antithrombotic therapy for the prevention of occlusive vascular disease when they developed intracerebral haemorrhage. The risk of recurrent intracerebral haemorrhage is probably too small to exceed the established benefits of antiplatelet therapy for secondary prevention
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