49 research outputs found

    La invasió verda

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    Plantes protagonistes de transtorns ambientals al territori valenci&agrave

    Una nova edició de l'Origen destinada al gran públic

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    Una nova edició de l'Origen destinada al gran públi

    The Lichen Genus Usnea On Quercus Suber In Iberian Cork-Oak Forests

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    Fifteen species of Usnea are recorded from Iberian cork-oak forests: U. ceratina, U. comma, U. dasaea, U. esperantiana, U. flammea, U. fulvoreagens, U. glabrata, U. hirta, U. mutabilis, U. rubicunda, U. subcornuta, U. subfloridana U. subscabrosa, U. substerilis and U. wasmuthii. A key for these species is provided. Details of morphology, chemistry, distribution, ecology and taxonomy are discussed. Usnea dasaea is reported as new to the Iberian Peninsula. New chemotypes of U. fulvoreagens (with squamatic acid) and U. wasmuthii (with psoromic acid) have been identified. Distribution maps of U. dasaeaand U. subcornuta in Europe are presented. A new combination, Usnea subfloridana subsp. praetervisa (Asahina) P. Clerc, is propose

    Diversidad liquénica asociada a fenómenos post-incendio en los alcornocales valenciano-castellonenses.

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    [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] estudia la colonización post-incendio de las cortezas quemadas de los alcornoques (Quercus suber L.), por líquenes epífitos,en los diferentes núcleos del alcornocal valenciano-castellonense (Asplenio onopteridis-Querco suberis sigmetum). Estos bosques, afectados por incendios diferentes, se localizan en las Sierras de Espadán y Calderona y en el Desierto de las Palmas y difieren en sus condiciones bioclimáticas, en la estructura del bosque y, consecuentemente, en la composición florística de las comunidades previas a los incendios. El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer el estado de la recolonización e identificar que factores podrían estar implicados en el proceso. La riqueza específica y la cobertura de las comunidades epífitas muestra asimetrías importantes entre áreas. Estas diferencias se relacionan con la proximidad de zonas inalteradas, que deben actuar como inóculo, y con las características bioclimáticas de cada territorio. En total, se han identificado 40 especies liquénicas: 18 crustáceas (45%), 18 foliáceas (45%) y 4 fruticulosas (10%). La sucesión secundaria está dominada por especies de amplia tolerancia ecológica que poseen estructuras de multiplicación vegetativa. Hyperphyscia adglutinata, Physcia adscendens, Ph. tenella y Scoliciosporum chloroccocum son las que aparecen más tempranamente y las más ampliamente representadas; otras, como Evernia prunastri, P. tiliacea, P. soredians,P. subrudecta, Ramalina farinacea, etc., aparecen con mayor frecuencia y desarrollo en los alcornocales que sufrieron un incendio menos intenso y con ombroclima subhúmedo.The post-fire colonization of the burned barks of cork-oaks (Quercus suber L.) by epiphytic lichens affected by fire episodes has been studied in different areas of the Valenciano-castellonense cork-oak forests (Asplenio onopteridis-Querco suberis sigmetum). These forests, which have been affected by fires of different intensity, are located in Espadán and Calderona mountains and in the Desierto de Las Palmas and differ with respect to their bioclimate and forest structure. This facts result in a different floristic composition of the epiphytic communities prior to the occurrence of fires. The aim of this paper is to determine the recolonization state and to identify the factors involved in the process. Specific richness and coverage of the epiphytic communities show differences between areas. These differences are related with the proximity to undisturbed areas and with its bioclimatic characteristics. 40 species have been identified: 18 crustose (45%), foliose (45%) and 4 fruticose lichens (10%). Secondary succession is dominated by species with wide ecological tolerance with soredia or isidia. Hyperphyscia adglutinata, Physcia adscendens, Ph. tenella and Scoliciosporum chloroccocum show the greatest colonization success; others, such as Evernia prunastri, P. tiliacea, P. soredians, P. subrudecta, Ramalina farinacea, etc., show higher frequency and thallus development in forests which were affected by less intense fires and with subhumid ombroclimate

    L’aventura cosmopolita de l'Agret

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    Una planta familiar amb curiositats sorprenent

    Redescubrimiento del liquen lobaria pulmonaria, aparentemente extinto en la Comunidad Valenciana

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    El liquen Lobaria pulmonaria, aparentemente extinto en la Comunidad Valenciana, ha sido reencontrado en estado silvestre en el norte de Castellón. El dilatado periodo transcurrido desde que fue citado por Cavanilles, en el siglo XVIII, y por J. Vilanova, en el XIX, confiere una importancia adicional a este descubrimiento.The lichen Lobaria pulmonaria, becoming considered extinct in the Valencian Community (E Spain), has been newly found in the north of Castellón. The large period since it was cited here by Cavanilles, in the 18th century, and by J. Vilanova, in the 19th century confers additional importance to this discovery

    Conservation of endangered Lupinus mariae-josephae in its natural habitat by inoculation with selected, native Bradyrhizobium strains

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    Lupinus mariae-josephae is a recently discovered endemism that is only found in alkaline-limed soils, a unique habitat for lupines, from a small area in Valencia region (Spain). In these soils, L. mariae-josephae grows in just a few defined patches, and previous conservation efforts directed towards controlled plant reproduction have been unsuccessful. We have previously shown that L. mariae-josephae plants establish a specific root nodule symbiosis with bradyrhizobia present in those soils, and we reasoned that the paucity of these bacteria in soils might contribute to the lack of success in reproducing plants for conservation purposes. Greenhouse experiments using L. mariae-josephae trap-plants showed the absence or near absence of L. mariae-josephae-nodulating bacteria in ‘‘terra rossa’’ soils of Valencia outside of L. mariaejosephae plant patches, and in other ‘‘terra rossa’’ or alkaline red soils of the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands outside of the Valencia L. mariae-josephae endemism region. Among the bradyrhizobia able to establish an efficient symbiosis with L. mariae-josephae plants, two strains, LmjC and LmjM3 were selected as inoculum for seed coating. Two planting experiments were carried out in consecutive years under natural conditions in areas with edapho-climatic characteristics identical to those sustaining natural L. mariae-josephae populations, and successful reproduction of the plant was achieved. Interestingly, the successful reproductive cycle was absolutely dependent on seedling inoculation with effective bradyrhizobia, and optimal performance was observed in plants inoculated with LmjC, a strain that had previously shown the most efficient behavior under controlled conditions. Our results define conditions for L. mariae-josephae conservation and for extension to alkaline-limed soil habitats, where no other known lupine can thrive

    Conservation of threatened species linked to ethnobotanical knowledge: the case of the Valencian lupin (Lupinus mariae-josephae)

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    S'analitza el cas de la troballa de poblacions de l'endemisme exclusiu valencià Lupinus mariae-josephae (tramussera valenciana), que es considerava presumiblement extint, gràcies a la fitotoponímia relacionada amb els seus noms populars, que va permetre el seu descobriment en diferents paratges de les províncies de València i Alacant. Actualment es coneixen 7 nuclis poblacionals de l'espècie, que està representada a 4 microreserves de flora i se n'han fet translocacions de conservació exitoses. A partir d'aquestes troballes de poblacions i experiències de conservació, l'espècie va passar temporalment de la qualificació En Perill Crític (CR) a No Amenaçada (NT) en la classificació de categories de llista roja de la UICN, i de Vulnerable a Protegida No Catalogada en el Catàleg Valencià d'Espècies de Flora Amenaçades. Actualment, es troba de nou qualificada CR.This paper analyses the discovery of a number of populations of the theoretically extinct, endemic Valencian plant Lupinus mariae-josephae (Valencian Lupin), thanks to the phyto-toponomic reporting of their popular names. This allowed for its discovery at several locations in the provinces of Valencia and Alicante. At present, seven sites with such populations are known, of which four are designated as micro-reserves. Successful conservation translocations have also been made. Following these discoveries and together with the conservation efforts, the species has temporarily passed from Critically Endangered (CR) to Not Threatened (NT) in the IUCN's red-listing categories, and from Vulnerable to Protected Not Catalogued in the Valencian Catalogue of Threatened Plant Species. Currently in now qualified as CR

    Conocer la distribución de la flora valenciana: Gonzalo Mateo y el Banco de Datos de Biodiversidad de la Comunidad Valenciana

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    El Banco de Datos de Biodiversidad de la Comunitat Valenciana (BDBCV) alberga información fundamental para conocer la distribución regional de la biota silvestre. De toda ella, la flora vascular es, sin duda, el grupo mejor caracterizado, ya que representa el 76% de los más de 2 millones de referencias acumulada actualmente en la base de datos. Entre los observadores vinculados al BDBCV, Gonzalo Mateo destaca por el volumen de citas aportadas. Este trabajo valora su contribución al conocimiento corológico de la flora vascular valenciana a través de esta plataforma digital de conocimiento y comunicación