400 research outputs found

    Current differential line protection using a pattern recognition method

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    This paper presents a new approach to a numerical current differential protection for the transmission lines. The current differential algorithm uses a pattern recognition method. First the acquired current signals are transformed into “dqo” components by applying the Park transformation. The transformed currents will originate typical patterns according the fault type. Using a pattern recognition algorithm the different faulty conditions are identified. Several tests under different fault conditions were performed. The obtained results allow verifying the effectiveness of the proposed approach


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    Using environmentally friendly conditions, the nucleophilic ring-opening reaction of 6-azabicyclo[3.1.0]hex-3-en-2-ol with 1-methyl-1H-tetrazole-5-thiol provided a novel thiol-incorporated aminocyclopentitol, (1R,4S,5S)-5-((3-hydroxypropyl)amino)-4-((1-methyl-1H-tetrazol-5-yl)thio)cyclopent-2-en-1-ol, in excellent yield (95%). The newly synthesized compound was analyzed and characterized via 1H, 13C-NMR, HSQC, and mass spectral data.This research was funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) (reference number: PTDC/QUI-QOR/32008/2017). The project leading to this application received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 951996.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A current differential line protection using a synchronous reference frame approach

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    This paper presents a new approach for a current differential protection of the transmission lines. This approach is based on the Park transformation or ABC-dqo transformation. Using the ABC-dqo transformation the three phase quantities are transformed into a synchronous rotating reference frame. In this way, the line currents of the three phase system are measured and transformed into three dc components. So, immunity to problems such as sampling misalignment and time delay of the communication channel will be improved. Several test results are presented in order to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Distribution automation on LV and MV using distributed intelligence

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    Nowadays, the electrical energy distribution network is considered to be a critical infrastructure in industrially developed societies. Its protection regarding safety and security threats is increasing awareness and concern.The fact that this infrastructure is geographically spread across large areas brings difficult technological challenges for fault management (real-time prevention, detection, precise location and isolation of anomalies). The distribution automation and fault location in the distribution network is a key task for any operator. Distribution Automation (DA) and electric network monitoring and sensing can reduce outage and repair times, optimise voltage profiles and improve asset management. Advanced DA processes real-time information from sensors, smart meters, Distributed Generation (DG) and network topology for fault location, automatic reconfiguration of feeders, voltage and reactive power optimisation. This paper addresses this subject and describes the technology and functionalities being implemented on a DA pilot project promoted by EDP Distribuição (EDP Group), Portugal and under InovGrid initiative together with EFACEC and Silver Spring Networks (SSN)

    Fault location in an electrical energy distribution infrastructure with a wireless sensor network

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    This paper presents a detailed analysis of the applicability of wireless systems in the localization of faults in the energy distribution network. The hardware and software architectures of the envisaged sensor solution will also be described and finally, the integration of this system into Smart Grids will be discussed in terms of automatic fault analysis. A pilot system has been tested in a subset of the Portuguese energy distribution infrastructure operated by EDP Energias de Portugal. It presents a new approach to a fault locator system for the power network. The purpose is to obtain faster and more reliable information about the disruptions in the power distribution network and their location. Furthermore, the wireless sensors allow remote detection of medium and low voltage (MV/LV) power transformer hotspots in order to identify emerging malfunction as well as detection of intrusion in the MV/LV power transformers

    Assessment of skills to facilitate the learning of reading and writing: a study in the 1st year of schooling in the context of the covid-19 pandemic

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    This paper presents the results of a quantitative study based on the assessment of competencies to facilitate the learning of reading and writing at the beginning of the 1st year of schooling. This study is part of the "Promoting Reading and Writing" project, which has been underway since 2018 in 11 school clusters of the Intermunicipal Community of Terras de Trás-os-Montes - Portugal. This project's main goals are to conduct screenings in the first four years of schooling to detect risks in the learning of reading and writing skills of the children involved, at an early stage of the school year and to train the respective teachers in the teaching of reading and writing to improve their classroom practices, in order to contribute to the success of all their students in these skills. In the screening carried out in the school year 2020/2021 (in the context of the Covid-19 Pandemic and after months of distance learning), 544 students from the eleven school clusters involved participated. The data collection tool used for this screening was the Know, Act and Change (Conhecer, Atuar e Mudar (CAM)) tests - Version 3 (2020) which, for the 1st year of schooling: (i) assesses knowledge of letters, (ii) identification of the final syllable, (iii) cultural knowledge of the printed word, (iv) identification of the initial phoneme and, consequently, (v) provides information on phonological awareness (identification of the final syllable plus identification of the initial phoneme). After the analysis of results, using descriptive statistics, it was possible to verify (based on data presented throughout the text) that regarding letter knowledge, most students were at the highest level of performance, and the data collected is in line with others that the team collected in previous years. As regards the identification of the final syllable, the results are not as good as in the previous item, with almost 40% (39.34%) of the scores obtained being in the two lowest levels ("very fragile" and "fragile. Regarding cultural knowledge of the printed word, 91.91% have no relevant difficulties in this competence, as they get between 7 and 12 answers right (12 being the maximum result). With regard to the identification of the initial phoneme, where more than half (51.47%) of the scores were placed in the two lowest levels, and phonological awareness, where 41% of the scores were placed in the same two levels, the greatest weakness in the area of these competences is evident. These results highlight that, on the one hand, no negative effect is visible from the changes forcibly introduced because of the Covid-19 Pandemic about letter knowledge and cultural knowledge of print. On the other hand, there is an added need for great attention and particular and intentional action in the development of phonological competence, remembering that this development is crucial for learning to read and write. The reflection and training with the teachers involved also included sessions whose objective was to work with different digital technologies (namely Storyjumper and vizia.com), from which they could develop reading and writing activities that promoted learning, in person or remotely. We would highlight yet the importance of professionals keeping a close eye on those students who are not in the majority group and who present a risk in one or more of the skills assessed. It is mainly to these students that our work with these teachers was directed.This work has been supported by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UIDB/05777/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Plano de negócios para comércio e distribuição de alimentos saudáveis

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    Orientador : Cleverson Renan da CunhaMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Curso de Especialização MBA em Gestão Estratégica.Inclui referênciasO Presente plano de negócios tem como objetivo apresentar a viabilização de um projeto para instalação de unidade de negócios para a produção de suplementos alimentares, focando alguns nichos de mercado, e concebendo produtos que atendam a legislação brasileira, e as mesmo tempo, tragam o equilíbrio entre saúde e bem estar, buscando-se desta forma melhorar a qualidade de vida dos consumidores, visto que fundamentalmente hoje, o Brasil e quase todos os países do mundo, buscam revisar seus códigos e legislações para a manufatura de produtos alimentícios, buscando-se reduzir as estatísticas e os conseqüentes gastos públicos relacionados a doenças causadas pela alimentação e qualidade de vida. Da mesma forma é crescente o aumento na demanda de produtos que tragam benefícios a saúde, e este é um mercado ainda na fase inicial do seu ciclo de vida, onde a demanda é muito superior a oferta. Entre os principais fatores que aumentaram a procura por estes tipos de produtos estão: aumento de renda e aumento do nível de escolaridade e instrução da população, estilos de vida e busca por maior longevidade e perspectiva de vida maior

    Transmission lines protection based on the current eigenvalues differential concept

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    This work presents a new approach for a current differential protection of the transmission lines. The proposed approach is based on the Clarke-Concordia transformation and principal component analysis. First the acquired current signals are transformed into “αβo” components by applying the Clarke-Concordia transformation. This allows obtaining typical patterns. To identify these patterns a principal component analysis is performed. Several tests under different fault conditions were performed. The obtained results allow verifying the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Vibration propagation in discrete element particle models of rock

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    Vibrations in rock masses can be a significant hazard, leading to human discomfort and structural damage. Recent cases of subway excavation or tunnel excavation near existing dams in Portugal have raised again the importance of this topic. Traditional statistical tools have been used to study wave propagation in rock, but fall short when rock fracturing or faulting radically changes the way vibration propagates. Numerical models such as finite-element or finite-difference models also have some insufficiencies, namely in the way discontinuities are represented. We propose the utilization of bonded particle models based on the Particle Discrete Element Method. Synthetic rock samples are generated and their static elastic properties are calibrated by manipulating micro-properties (assembly organization and normal and shear contact stiffness). The static and dynamic properties of the rock cores are tested and the complete elastic response of the model is evaluated and discussed

    Hábitos de estudio y coeficiente de inteligencia de los oficiales alumnos del Diplomado en Liderazgo y Gestión del Grupo de Artillería en la Escuela de Artillería del Ejército 2017

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    El objetivo de la presente investigación fue determinar de qué manera se relaciona los hábitos de estudio con el coeficiente de inteligencia de los oficiales alumnos del Diplomado en Liderazgo y Gestión del Grupo de Artillería, en la Escuela de Artillería del Ejército - 2017. El enfoque fue de una investigación cuantitativa, de tipo descriptivo correlacional, de diseño no experimental. La población estuvo compuesta por 32 oficiales alumnos y la muestra fue de tipo censal, a quienes se les aplicó dos instrumentos: el Inventario de Hábitos de Estudio de Gilbert Wrenn, que consta de 28 preguntas, con tres alternativas de respuesta, tipo Likert; y el Test de Dominós de Edgar Anstey integrado por 48 problemas pictóricos. Se realizó el análisis correspondiente a los resultados de la encuesta sobre hábitos de estudios llegando a la demostración empírica de que un 40.6% de los oficiales alumnos mantienen hábitos de estudios entre EXCELENTE y BUENO; en cuanto al coeficiente de inteligencia, el 6.3% y 34.4% tienen niveles MUY SUPERIOR y SUPERIOR, respectivamente; esto fue ampliamente corroborado y contrastado empleando el chi cuadrado. Se concluyó que los hábitos de estudio se relacionan significativamente con el coeficiente de inteligencia de los oficiales alumnos del Diplomado en Liderazgo y Gestión del Grupo de Artillería, en la Escuela de Artillería del Ejército - 2017.Tesi