132 research outputs found

    O brincar livre na sala de aula de Educação Infantil: concepções de alunas formandas da Licenciatura em Pedagogia

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    O presente artigo apresenta pesquisa sobre concepções de alunas formandas de Licenciatura em Pedagogia em relação à brincadeira livre na sala de aula de Educação Infantil. Os achados contribuem para fazer avançar a compreensão sobre a posição dos professores a respeito, apontando lacunas na formação lúdica realizada na universidade e dificuldades próprias dos estabelecimentos de ensino de Educação Infantil em relação a essa prática. Mais amplamente, levam a refletir sobre a ambiguidade da situação da brincadeira na Educação e no próprio currículo de formação de professores, tão propalada e, ao mesmo tempo, nela raramente presente

    Memória, cidade e educação das sensibilidades

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    O livro Memória, Cidade e Educação das Sensibilidades, organizado pelas pesquisadoras Maria Elena Bernardes e Maria Carolina Bovério Galzerani, é de atualidade premente em suas interlocuções e nos sentidos que movimenta. Os diferentes temas da coletânea surgem como fundantes de novas historicidades e respondem aos desejos e trajetos capazes de revelar um complexo processo da problematização das fontes, pautado por percepções e intuições que permitem ampliar a dimensão do ser sujeito e seus vínculos com a ação.

    Planificación estratégica en las empresas públicas de República Dominicana, caso CDEEE

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    The planning of companies of the State involves a series of strategic guidelines that should reconcile the good administrative practices, as well as the assurance of the quality of the processes used to ensure that the use of public resources are used in the right way. The problem in the electricity sector in the Dominican Republic has forced the government to consider a scheme that allows you to provide a permanent solution to the difficulties of generation, purchase and distribution of energy, as well as the improvement of the service structure. For this was implemented in 2013 a new strategic planning model based on structural axes, which are analyzed in this article.La planificación de las empresas del Estado implica una serie de lineamientos estratégicos que deberían conciliar las buenas prácticas administrativas, así como el aseguramiento de la calidad de los procesos utilizados para garantizar que el uso de los recursos públicos se emplea de la manera correcta. La problemática en el sector eléctrico de la República Dominicana ha obligado al gobierno a plantearse un esquema que le permita dar una solución permanente a las dificultades de generación, compra y distribución de la energía, así como el mejoramiento de la estructura de servicios. Para ello se implementó en el 2013 un nuevo modelo de planificación estratégica basada en ejes estructurales, que son objeto de análisis en el presente artículo

    Memória e Cotidiano em Porecatu/PR

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    O presente paper é fruto do projeto de pesquisa, extensão e ensino Memória Coletiva e Patrimônio Cultural em Porecatu, registrado na Pró- reitoria de Extensão da Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Tem como objetivo inventariar, compreender, registrar e preservar bens materiais e simbólicos significativos para os moradores de uma cidade de pequeno porte na região norteparanaense, por meio de um trabalho de antropólogos, historiadores e arquitetos. Sensibilizando grupos de moradores de diversos perfis socioculturais com ações como memórias de famílias; memórias e politica; trabalho e memórias; gênero feminino e memórias; festa, lazer e memórias; educação patrimonial; bens materiais e memórias; fotografias e memórias -, com o apoio das secretarias de cultura e educação do município-, busca reconstituir a história local por intermédio das experiências e das concepções de seus moradores no passado e no presente. O estudo ancora-se em um caminho teórico que trata de cidade, memória e patrimônio cultural. Os dados são coletados por meio de técnicas de pesquisa qualitativa, característicos da etnografia. O envolvimento com diferentes grupos de moradores da cidade- ao ouvir e registrar seus depoimentos, bem como vivenciar seu cotidiano- tem permitido reconstituir o passado por meio das memórias, assim como compreender como moradores no presente vivenciam o cotidiano e (re) significam a cidade. Porecatu é uma cidade nascida com a expansão da agricultura do café no norteparanaense e a aquisição de terras por intermédio de iniciativas individuais. A formação da Usina Central do Paraná impulsionou o processo migratório para a Porecatu, bem como moldou a paisagem urbana e rural da cidade. As diferentes memórias e vivências cotidianas são reveladoras de grupos de elite e ao mesmo tempo de grupos de classes populares, responsáveis pela construção da cidade, e modos de vida, marcadores de seu perfil sociocultural- de sua história- sintonizados com aspectos da sociedade mundial

    The role of asymmetric interactions on the effect of habitat destruction in mutualistic networks

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    Plant-pollinator mutualistic networks are asymmetric in their interactions: specialist plants are pollinated by generalist animals, while generalist plants are pollinated by a broad involving specialists and generalists. It has been suggested that this asymmetric ---or disassortative--- assemblage could play an important role in determining the equal susceptibility of specialist and generalist plants under habitat destruction. At the core of the argument lies the observation that specialist plants, otherwise candidates to extinction, could cope with the disruption thanks to their interaction with generalist pollinators. We present a theoretical framework that supports this thesis. We analyze a dynamical model of a system of mutualistic plants and pollinators, subject to the destruction of their habitat. We analyze and compare two families of interaction topologies, ranging from highly assortative to highly disassortative ones, as well as real pollination networks. We found that several features observed in natural systems are predicted by the mathematical model. First, there is a tendency to increase the asymmetry of the network as a result of the extinctions. Second, an entropy measure of the differential susceptibility to extinction of specialist and generalist species show that they tend to balance when the network is disassortative. Finally, the disappearance of links in the network, as a result of extinctions, shows that specialist plants preserve more connections than the corresponding plants in an assortative system, enabling them to resist the disruption.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Phleboviruses detection in Phlebotomus perniciosus from a human leishmaniasis focus in South-West Madrid region, Spain

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    Phlebotomus-borne (PhB-) viruses are distributed in large areas of the Old World and are widespread throughout the Mediterranean basin, where recent investigations have indicated that virus diversity is higher than initially suspected. Some of these viruses are causes of meningitis, encephalitis and febrile illnesses. In order to monitor the viral presence and the infection rate of PhB-viruses in a recently identified and well characterized human zoonotic leishmaniasis focus in southwestern Madrid, Spain, a sand fly collection was carried out. Methods Sand fly insects were collected in four stations using CDC light traps during 2012–2013 summer seasons. Screening for Phlebovirus presence both via isolation on Vero cells and via polymerase chain reaction (PCR), using degenerated primers targeting a portion of the L segment, was performed. The serological identity and phylogenetic relationships on the three genomic segments of the viral isolates were carried out. Results Six viral isolates belonging to different serological complexes of the genus Phlebovirus were obtained from fifty pools on a total of 963 P. perniciosus (202 females). Phylogenetic analysis and serological assays allowed the identification of two isolates of Toscana virus (TOSV) B genotype, three isolates strongly related to Italian Arbia virus (ARBV), and one isolate of a novel putative Phlebovirus related to the recently characterized Arrabida virus in South Portugal, tentatively named Arrabida-like virus. Positive male sand fly pools suggested that transovarial or venereal transmission could occur under natural conditions. Conclusions Our findings highlighted the presence of different Phlebovirus species in the South-West area of the Madrid Autonomous Community where an outbreak of cutaneous and visceral human leishmaniasis has been recently described. The evidence of viral species never identified before in Spain, as ARBV and Arrabida-like virus, and TOSV B genotype focus stability was demonstrated. Environmental aspects such as climate change, growing urbanization, socio-economic development could have contributed to the genesis of this wide ecological niche of PhB-viruses and Leishmania spp. The potential role of vertebrates as reservoir for the phleboviruses identified and the possibility of Phleboviruses-Leishmania co-infection in the same sand fly should be assessed. Furthermore the PhB-viruses impact on human health should be implemented.This study was funded by EU grant FP7-261504 EDENext and is catalogued by the EDENext Steering Committee as EDENext432 (http://www.edenext.eu). The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.S

    Physiological and anatomical behaviour of two contrasting maize hybrids grown at high density sowing

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    This study evaluated the physiological and anatomical traits of two contrasting maize hybrids subjected to high density sowing inorder to explain yield stability through yield component analysis and the relation between the grain yield capacities per plantaccording to individual growth. Experiment factors were two commercially important maize hybrids: DK190MGRR2 andDK670MG, which behave differently under stress, and two levels of plant density: 7 and 11 plant/m2high and recommended densityto favour the conditions of water stress respectively. The experiment was carried out in the west of Argentina under rainfedconditions and five replications. Physiological parameters (pigments and endogenous content of phytohormones, injury of cellmembranes, yield components) and anatomical parameters (stomatal bevhaviour, foliar and peduncles anatomy, xylem and phloemarea in vascular bundles) were analyzed. In this study, both maize hybrids showed a differential response to both sowing densities.The DK670 showed an increased yield (24 and 10 % at 7 and 11 plant/m2, respectively) due to enhanced individual yieldcomponents. This hybrid was differentiated by a higher stomatal density (7±1 in the abaxial side) and pigment amount (20%, mainlychl a) which led to a better photosynthetic ability. In addition, this hybrid showed the capacity to compensate damages derived fromstress, mesophyll leaf thickness and closer bundles associated with tolerance to drought, and abundance in endogenousphytohormones to cope with stress. The description of these characteristics in response to different plant densities is novel results,especially those related to anatomical analysis under the different treatments. This research shows that the ability of hybrids to takeadvantage of abundance of resources at lower populations is an imperative need for over-seasonal potential yield accomplishment.This could help select more appropriate management practices and contribute to production areas.Fil: Travaglia, Claudia Noemi. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Fisicoquímicas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Espósito, Gabriel Pablo. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Agronomía y Veterinaria; ArgentinaFil: Balboa, Guillermo Raul. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Agronomía y Veterinaria; ArgentinaFil: Masciarelli, Oscar Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Fisicoquímicas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Fortuna, Julieta Belén. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Agronomía y Veterinaria; ArgentinaFil: Cardozo, Paula Gabriela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Fisicoquímicas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Reinoso, Herminda Elmira. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Fisicoquímicas y Naturales; Argentin

    La responsabilidad del estado por la acción u omisión de sus entidades, frente a la contaminación ambiental por emisión de gases en el municipio de San José de Cúcuta

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    Este artículo de investigación analiza la responsabilidad del estado colombiano derivada de la acción u omisión de las entidades competentes, en relación a la contaminación ambiental por emisión de gases en el municipio de San José de Cúcuta; individualizando las diversas situaciones en las que se presenta esta contaminación; se identifican las medidas ambientales que han sido tomadas por la administración municipal y la corporación autónoma regional de la frontera nororiental, en adelante corponor, examinando las herramientas o instrumentos constitucionales y legales que se han consagrado en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano, para hacer efectiva la protección del medio ambiente de nuestra ciudad.This research article analyzes the responsibility of the colombian state derived from the action or omission of the competent entities in relation to the environmental pollution caused by gas emissions in the municipality of San José de Cúcuta; individualizing the various situations in which this pollution is present; it identifies the environmental measures that have been taken by the municipal administration and the regional autonomous corporation of the northeastern border, hereinafter corponor, examining the tools or constitutional and legal instruments that have been enshrined in the colombian legal system, to make effective the protection of the environment of our city
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