94 research outputs found

    Hierarchical data-driven modelling of binary black hole mergers

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    [eng]Throughout history, human beings have received and interpreted information from distant stars and galaxies through electromagnetic waves (light). Until 2015 this was the dominant way for observing astrophysical events happening in our cosmos. However, on September 14'th 2015 a new window to the universe was opened thanks to the rst direct gravitational wave detection, a goal pursued for several decades by the LIGO/Virgo scienti c collaboration. Gravitational waves are tiny space-time oscillations propagating at the speed of light. They are a prediction of the Einstein theory of gravity and we need the most catastrophic astrophysical events to detect them. The rst observation of gravitational waves described the inspiral, merger and ringdown of two black holes with 36 and 29 solar masses located at 1300 billion light-years, where about the 5% of the total mass was radiated as gravitational waves and becoming the most powerful astrophysical event ever observed. The event was called GW150914, consistently with its the arrival date and was publicly announced on February 11'th 2016 by the LIGO Virgo collaboration. This has not been the only event observed during this thesis project. Relying on statistical criteria arguments, we can certify the observation of one additional event also compatible with the coalescense of a pair of black holes tagged as GW151226 plus a third one called LVT151012 likely from astrophysical origin but that did not reach the statistical signi cance required to be con rmed. The coalescense of binary black hole systems are an optimal candidate for the observation and study of gravitational waves. The current observations suggest that these kind of events could dominate the future ground based detections. Then, we need to optimise the theoretical waveform models to characterise the future observations. In this thesis we have given the rst steps towards a new upgrading of the nonprecessing gravitational waves models. These models result from the matching of the well known post-Newtonian (PN) and e ective-one-body (EOB) analytic formulations to the computationally expensive numerical solutions of the Einstein equations. They are de ned in the frequency domain and depend on the ratio of the two black hole masses (mass-ratio) and some e ective spin e that results from the combination of the components of the spins orthogonal to the orbital plane thus reducing the physical parameter space to only two dimensions. Then, although this current prescription have been demonstrated to be su cient for the searches of the gravitational waves in the data, they are not so optimal for the statistical inference of the spins of each BH, which is partially caused by the inherent degeneracy introduced by the e ective spin. The focus of this work has been the extension of the one-spin phenomenological models to its two-spin version by adding the subdominant e ects carried by the spin di erence terms = 1 � 2. To that end, we have employed the data of more than 400 simulations of binary black hole systems generated by four di erent codes (BAM, SpEC, LAZEV, MAYA), 23 of them generated throughout this thesis by means of the BAM code. This involved the di cult task of evolving, extracting the waves and the data postprocessing of each case. Then, we have rede ned the strategy for building higher than two dimensional ansaetze to add subdominant e ects and where we have also included the results of the extreme mass ratio limit. All this analysis has resulted in the prescription of new phenomenological models for the nal mass, nal spin and peak luminosity. The new models have been shown to improve the old descriptions of these quantities while they have clearly revealed the possible impact of the subdominant e ects in the near future phenomenological models

    Acute Paraplegia with Cognitive Alterations After Bilateral Infarcts in Cerebral Small Vessel Disease

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    Cerebral small vessel disease (SVD) affects the small arteries, arterioles, venules and capillaries in the brain and can be identified clinically and/or radiologically. We describe the case of a 71-year-old man with sporadic cerebral SVD who presented with acute paraplegia with urinary incontinence and recent cognitive impairment that developed after the occurrence of ischaemic lesions

    Wernicke Encephalopathy in Elderly Related to Severe Malnutrition

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    Wernicke encephalopathy (WE) is the main neurologic complication of thiamine deficiency. Thiamine is a cofactor for several key enzymes important in energy metabolism. WE is a little-recognised and underdiagnosed condition, and the prevalence in the elderly is unknown. The classic triad of WE includes encephalopathy, oculomotor dysfunction, and gait ataxia. Diagnosis is clinical, and early treatment with thiamine is fundamental in preventing coma and death. In the cases reported in the literature, the cause of WE was fasting or malnutrition in 10.2% of cases. WE may in some cases constitute a public health problem. Being the prevalence unknown, we alert clinicians to keep severe malnutrition in elderly as a form of precipitation of WE. We review the cases published in the literature

    Influencia de la función tiroidea previamente desconocida en el ictus isquémico agudo

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    [ES] Introducción: Todavía no está estudiado el papel de la función tiroidea en el ictus isquémico. Hipótesis: Proponemos que la enfermedad tiroidea es un factor de riesgo de ictus isquémico presentando las siguientes hipótesis de trabajo: 1. El hipertiroidismo es factor de riesgo de ictus isquémico de etiologia cardioembólica. 2. El hipotiroidismo es factor de riesgo de ictus isquémico de etiologia aterotrombótica. Objetivos: Estudiar la relación que existe entre la función tiroidea y el ictus isquémico agudo. Analizar si existen diferencias entre los controles y casos (ictus isquémico agudo) en la función tiroidea y en las variables estudiadas. Analizar las diferencias entre los diferentes subgrupos de ictus: normotiroideo, hipertiroideo, hipertiroideo subclínico, hipotiroideo, hipotiroideo subclínico y síndrome eutiroideo enfermo. Material y métodos: Estudio de casos (354 pacientes) y control (131 pacientes), de base hospitalar, de corte transversal, observacional, de pacientes admitidos en la Unidad de Ictus por ictus isquémico agudo en los últimos 2 años. Fueron analizadas las siguientes variables: sexo, edad, factores de riesgo vascular (FRV), escala NIHSS, territorios vasculares, perfil tiroideo, perfil lipídico, ácido úrico, NT-proBNP, PCR y Vs en la primera semana del Ictus, tratamiento tiroideo y mortalidad. Fueron excluidos fármacos, enfermedades severas, alcoholismo, y tabaquismo (interfieren con la función tiroidea) Resultados: Se detectan diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre pacientes y controles en las alteraciones de la función tiroidea y para las variables: NT-proBNP, PCR, Vs, Colesterol, LDL-C, HDL-C y Triglicéridos. Se observan diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los diferentes subgrupos de ictus para las variables: sexo, edad, NIHSS, perfil lipídico (excepto el colesterol total), tratamiento tiroideo y mortalidad, pero no fue encontrada en los FRV. Conclusiones: Este es el primer estudio caso-control que analiza la relación que existe entre la función tiroidea global y el ictus isquémico agudo en sujetos adultos, sin límite de edad. Esta alta prevalencia de disfunción tiroidea (44,1 %), previamente desconocida en los pacientes con ictus isquémico agudo contribuye en la etiopatogenia (ictus embólico versus aterotrombótico) y puede tener consecuencias clínicas (evolución, pronóstico y tratamiento del ictus). Estos datos han de tomarse con cautela ya que se trata de una muestra hospitalaria. Dado el bajo coste de la función tiroidea y su amplia disponibilidad, proponemos screening de la función tiroidea en todo paciente con ictus y/o FA (aunque no haya sufrido un ictus) independientemente de la edad. Asimismo, también en cualquier paciente con hiperlipemia, haya o no presentado un ictus, especialmente si es mujer y mayor de 50 años. Más estudios son necesarios para elucidar el papel de la función tiroidea en el ictus isquémico

    Impact of safety workers training in accident results

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    Accidents in construction sector have become a serious problem that is continuously growing and whose analysis is hampered by the characteristics of the sector, which limits access to the necessary data to allow to study the phenomenon, draw conclusions and make targeted proposals to reduce work accidents. The aim of this article is to analyse the preventive workers's training and some different organizational and economic characteristics of the companies in the sector to see their effect on accident rates as well as on labour efficiency. At a European level statistics on accidents in the sector indicate that the incidence rate of accidents is progressively decreasing but continues at very high levels. At national level, incidence rates have risen after the economic crisis and the Balearic Islands is the region with the highest incidence rate in Spain, with an increase of 24.61% in three years (2013-2016). To this end, 570 companies from the construction sector in the Balearic Islands has been selected. Building a panel data of 11 years (2007-2017) with all these companies data, with training, economic and accidents data, we aim to find empirical evidence in the relationship among safety training policy of a company, its accident rate and its economic performance. Using Poisson linear and quadratic regression methods, we test whether or not there exist a relationship between training in firms and their accident rate. The variables that are included in this study are, on the one hand, the training on safety received by the workers, considering the different levels of training established by the applicable regulations and some economic characteristics of the companies, on the other, the accidents occurred in these companies during the time of this study. The results show evidence of a relationship between the level of training of the companies and their accident rates. This study also aims to provide new empirical evidence on the relationship between safety training and level of safety at work and the subsequent accidents

    Visión crítica de las guías de función diastólica: verdades y mentiras

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    After the initial experience with invasive studies, pulsed Doppler and other echocardiographic techniques extended the study of the diastole to general practice. The demonstration of cases of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction increased the interest in diastole evaluation. The 2016 Recommendations for evaluation of left ventricular diastolic function is the new update of the practice guidelines for this topic. The new document restores the preponderance of the mitral filling pattern and decreases the role of the annular tissue Doppler and does not include any of the deformation parameters that in 2009 seemed promising. This article discusses the data provided by the new guidelines from the point of view of pathophysiology.Tras los iniciales estudios por cateterismo, la incorporación del Doppler pulsado y posteriormente de otras técnicas de imagen al ecocardiograma, permitieron el estudio de la diástole a todos los pacientes cardiológicos. La aparición de casos de insuficiencia cardíaca con fracción de eyección preservada incrementa su aportación. Las guías del año 2016 reordenan las del año 2009, restaurando la preponderancia del llenado mitral y reduciendo la importancia del Doppler tisular del anillo, sin poder incorporar los parámetros de deformación que en 2009 parecían prometedores. En este artículo se comentan y discuten losdatos aportados por las nuevas guías a la luz de la fisiopatologí

    La vegetació aquàtica submergida de S'Albufera de Mallorca

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    Al segle passat, i amb l'objectiu de dessecar S'Albufera, s'enturaren estanys i es construí un sistema de canals que condueixen les aigües de forma regular cap a la mar: la majoria d'estanys del que actualment es parc natural quedaren dessecats. Actualment S'Albufera és un gradient ambiental amb diferents aportaments d'aigua. Consequentment, hi ha una diversitat d'hàbitats colonitzats per moltes espècies i és un lloc ideal per als estudis de les toleràncies ambientals de les espècies. S'estudiaren onze espècies de carofícies i deu de plantes vasculars submergides, respecte a set variables ambientals mitjançant un test de significació. Se n'obtingué una visió global mitjançant una anàlisi de components principals per a variables, les quals formen l'espai multidimensional on s'han projectat els hàbitats físico-químics de les espècies. D'aquesta anàlisi es poden extreure conclusions sobre les preferències d'hàbitat de les espècies, Nitellopsis obtusa, Tolypella glomerata, Chara globularis, C. connivens i C. aspera apareixen en aigües mesohalines, mesotròtiques 0 oligotròfiques. C. major i C. vulgaris accepten un cert nivell d'eutrofia i C galioides, C. hispida i C. canescens es presenten en llocs amb nivells baixos d'eutròfia. Lamprothamnium papulosum ocupa llocs altament salinitzats i poc eutrofitzats. A l'àrea d'estudi i en referència als paràmetres estudiats es pot dir que C. canescens, C. globularis, C. vulgaris, Tolypella glomerata, Lamprothamnium papulosum, C. hispida i C. galioides són espècies amb una tolerància global àmplia i C. connivens, Nitellopsis obtusa i C. major són molt menys tolerants. Myriophyllum spicatum, Najas marina, Potamogeton crispus, P. pectinatus i Zannichellia pedunculata són espècies àmpliament distribuïdes a S'Albufera. Ceratophyllum submersum i Ruppia maritima var. brevirrostris s'han de considerar estenoiques dins l'ambient d'estudi. La tolerància de Ceratophyllum submersum a la salinitat es significativament baixa mentre que la de Ruppia cirrhosa i R. maritima var. brevirrostris significativament alta. Ceratophyllum submersum té una distribució significativament negativa respecte a les altes concentracions de clorofil·la a fitoplanctònica i a les altes concentracions de fosfats. Ceratophyllum demersum i C. submersum es presenten principalment als llocs rics amb composts de nitrogen, mentre que Ruppia cirrhosa es presenta en llocs on hi ha baixes concentracions de nitrats a l'aigua.In the last century and with the aims of dessication of the S'Albufera were filled up many lagoons and a canal system was made. Now the S'Albufera is a graded system of coastal marshes with several sources of water input. Consequently there is a diversity of habitats colonized by many species and it is an ideal site for the study of environmental tolerances. Eleven species of Characeae and ten species of submerged vascular plants have been analyzed for seven environmental variables by means of a significance test. A synthetic view has been obtained through a principal component analysis for variables which form the multidimensional space where we project the species physico-chemical habitat. From such analysis we can obtain conclusions on the relative habitat preferences of the Characeae and of the submerged vascular plats of the S'Albufera. Nitellopsis obtusa, Tolypella glomerata, Chara globularis, C. connivens and C. aspera appear in mesohaline and mesotrophic or oligotrophic zones. C. major and C. vulgaris accept some degree of eutrophy and C galioides, C. hispida and C. canescens low levels of eutrophy. Lamprothamnium papulosum appears over strongly salinized sites which are poorly eutrophied. In the study area and in relation to parameters under study, we regard C. canescens, C. globularis, C. vulgaris, Tolypella glomerata, Lamprothamnium papulosum, C. hispida and C. galioides as species with a wide global tolerance and C. connivens, Nitellopsis obtusa and C. major as being decreasingly tolerant. Myriophyllum spicatum, Najas marina, Potamogeton crispus, P. pectinatus and Zannichellia pedunculata are widely distributed in the S'Albufera. Ceratophyllum submersum and Ruppia maritima var. brevirrostris are considered stenoic. The tolerance of Ceratophyllum submersum to salt is significantly low and that of Ruppia cirrhosa and R. maritima var. brevirrostris significantly high. Ceratophyllum submersum has a significantly negative distribution with regard to phytoplanctonic chlorophyll a and phosphate concentrations. Ceratophyllum demersum and C. submersum primarily occur in nitrate-rich waters whereas Ruppia cirrhosa primarily occurs in low nitrate waters