12 research outputs found

    Comparison of disordered eating between young athletes and non-athletes

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    Objective: To compare factors of disordered eating to non-athlete and athlete groups aesthetic, endurance or weight class division sports. Methods: One hundred and eighty-seven athletes and 200 subjects who comprised the non-athlete group were participated. We used the Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26) to evaluate the disordered eating. We conducted multivariate analysis of covariance to compare the EAT-26 subscales according to group and sex. Results: The results showed that all the scores of the EAT-26 subscales were higher in females compared to males, regardless of group (p < 0,05). Furthermore, the EAT-26 subscales were similar between athletes and non-athletes in females and in males, showed up high scores for the Diet and Self-control Oral subscales in the non-athlete group when compared to athletes (p < 0,05). Conclusion: The athletes did not show higher scores on the EAT-26 subscales when compared to the non-athlete group.Objetivo: Comparar o comportamento de risco para transtornos alimentares (CRTA) entre não atletas e atletas de esportes estéticos, endurance ou com divisão de classe de peso. Métodos: Participaram 187 adolescentes atletas e 200 sujeitos que compuseram o grupo de não atletas. Foi utilizado o Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26) para avaliar o CRTA. Conduziu-se análise multivariada de covariância para comparar as subescalas do EAT-26 segundo o grupo e o sexo. Resultados: Os resultados demonstraram que todos os escores das subescalas do EAT-26 foram maiores no sexo feminino quando comparado ao masculino, independente do grupo (p < 0,05). Ademais, as subescalas do EAT-26 foram semelhantes entre atletas e não atletas do sexo feminino, e no masculino evidenciaram-se maiores pontuações para as subescalas Dieta e Autocontrole Oral no grupo de não atletas quando comparado aos atletas (p < 0,05). Conclusão: Os atletas não apresentaram maiores escores nas subescalas do EAT-26 quando comparados ao grupo de não atletas

    Percepções de profissionais sobre o agente comunitário de Saúde no cuidado ao idoso dependente

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    The community health worker (CHW) is a link between professionals in the Family Health Strategy (FHS) and the community. This study aimed to analyze healthcare personnel’s and managers’ perceptions of the role of the CHW in caring for frail elderly. A qualitative study was conducted from a hermeneutic-dialectic perspective with 38 professionals caring for elderly people in municipalities in the five regions of Brazil. The results showed the CHW as a facilitator of the access of frail elderly to the health care network, gaps in Continuing Education and a shortage of these professionals to meet the demand in primary care. The respondents attached great importance to the work of the CHW and valued their participation in the Family Health Strategy, but they highlighted the lack of knowledge and difficulties in supplying the adequate amount in health care services and in the care for frail elderly and family members. It may be concluded that healthcare personnel and managers consider the CHW to be a great work force with essential performance in the care for frail elderly and their caregivers. The number of CHW is insufficient in relation to the FHS and they lack training to deal with the various types of dependence.O Agente Comunitário de Saúde (ACS) é um elo entre os profissionais da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) e a comunidade. Objetivou-se analisar as percepções de profissionais da atenção e da gestão em saúde sobre as atribuições do ACS no cuidado ao idoso dependente. Realizou-se um estudo qualitativo, na perspectiva hermenêutica-dialética, com 38 profissionais que atuavam na saúde do idoso em municípios das cinco regiões do Brasil. Os resultados identificaram o ACS como facilitador do acesso do idoso dependente à rede de atenção em saúde, lacunas na Educação Permanente e o número reduzido desses profissionais para atender a demanda na atenção primária. Os respondentes atribuíram grande importância à atuação do ACS, valorizaram a sua participação na Estratégia Saúde da Família, mas apontaram a deficiência de conhecimento e dificuldades para suprir a quantidade adequada nos serviços de atenção à saúde e na assistência do idoso com dependência e familiares. Conclui-se que os profissionais e gestores da saúde consideram os ACS uma grande força de trabalho e com atuação imprescindível junto ao idoso dependente e seus cuidadores. O número de ACS é insuficiente em relação à ESF e falta capacitação para lidar com os variados tipos de dependência

    Effect of uncaria tomentosa extract on purinergic enzyme activities in lymphocytes of rats submitted to experimental adjuvant arthritis model

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    Background: Considering that adjuvant arthritis is an experimental model of arthritis widely used for preclinical testing of numerous anti-arthritic agents, which were taken by a large number of patients worldwide, it is of great interest to investigate the therapeutic action of compounds with anti-inflammatory properties, such as Uncaria tomentosa extract. Moreover, there are no studies demonstrating the effect of U. tomentosa on the metabolism of adenine nucleotides published so far. Thus, the purpose of the present study is to investigate the effects of U. tomentosa extract on E-NTPDase and E-ADA activities in lymphocytes of Complete Freund’s Adjuvant (CFA) arthritis induced rats. Methods: To evaluate the effect of U. tomentosa extract on the activity of E-NTPDase and ADA in lymphocytes, the rats were submitted to an experimental adjuvant arthritis model. Peripheral lymphocytes were isolated and E-NTPDase and E-ADA activities were determined. Data were analyzed by a one- or two-way ANOVA. Post hoc analyses were carried out by the Student-Newman-Keuls (SNK) Multiple Comparison Test. Results: E-NTPDase activity was increased in arthritic untreated. Arthritic rats which received U. tomentosa extract, presented similar results to the control group. However, results obtained for adenosine hydrolysis by E-ADA were not altered in arthritic rats. U. tomentosa extract did not alter E-NTPDase and E-ADA activity in healthy animals. Conclusions: The present investigation supports the hypothesis that the increased E-NTPDase activity verified in arthritic rats might be an attempt to maintain basal levels of ATP and ADP in the extracellular medium, since the arthritis induction causes tissue damage and, consequently, large amounts of ATP are released into this milieu. Also, it highlights the possibility to use U. tomentosa extract as an adjuvant to treat arthritis

    Effect of uncaria tomentosa extract on purinergic enzyme activities in lymphocytes of rats submitted to experimental adjuvant arthritis model

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    Background: Considering that adjuvant arthritis is an experimental model of arthritis widely used for preclinical testing of numerous anti-arthritic agents, which were taken by a large number of patients worldwide, it is of great interest to investigate the therapeutic action of compounds with anti-inflammatory properties, such as Uncaria tomentosa extract. Moreover, there are no studies demonstrating the effect of U. tomentosa on the metabolism of adenine nucleotides published so far. Thus, the purpose of the present study is to investigate the effects of U. tomentosa extract on E-NTPDase and E-ADA activities in lymphocytes of Complete Freund’s Adjuvant (CFA) arthritis induced rats. Methods: To evaluate the effect of U. tomentosa extract on the activity of E-NTPDase and ADA in lymphocytes, the rats were submitted to an experimental adjuvant arthritis model. Peripheral lymphocytes were isolated and E-NTPDase and E-ADA activities were determined. Data were analyzed by a one- or two-way ANOVA. Post hoc analyses were carried out by the Student-Newman-Keuls (SNK) Multiple Comparison Test. Results: E-NTPDase activity was increased in arthritic untreated. Arthritic rats which received U. tomentosa extract, presented similar results to the control group. However, results obtained for adenosine hydrolysis by E-ADA were not altered in arthritic rats. U. tomentosa extract did not alter E-NTPDase and E-ADA activity in healthy animals. Conclusions: The present investigation supports the hypothesis that the increased E-NTPDase activity verified in arthritic rats might be an attempt to maintain basal levels of ATP and ADP in the extracellular medium, since the arthritis induction causes tissue damage and, consequently, large amounts of ATP are released into this milieu. Also, it highlights the possibility to use U. tomentosa extract as an adjuvant to treat arthritis

    Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde 2019: histórico, métodos e perspectivas

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    This article presents the history and construction of the National Health Survey (PNS) 2019, a household survey conducted in partnership with the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The objective was to provide the country with information on the determinants, conditions and health needs of the Brazilian population. The expected sample was 108,525 households, considering a non-response rate of 20%. The questionnaire had three parts: (i) regarding the household; (ii) to all residents of the household, focusing on the collection of socioeconomic and health information; and (iii) aimed at the selected resident (15 years or more) for whom lifestyles, chronic diseases, violence, among other topics were investigated, and anthropometric measures (sub-sample) were measured. The PNS information will serve as a basis for the (re)formulation of health policies, as well as support for existing actions and programs of the Unified Health System.Este artigo apresenta o histórico e a construção da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde (PNS) 2019, inquérito de base domiciliar realizado em parceria com a fundação Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. O objetivo da PNS 2019 foi dotar o país de informações sobre os determinantes, condicionantes e necessidades de saúde da população brasileira. A amostra prevista foi de 108.525 domicílios particulares, considerando-se uma taxa de não resposta de 20%. Seu questionário continha três partes, orientadas para (i) o domicílio, (ii) todos os moradores do domicílio, com enfoque na coleta de informações socioeconômicas e de saúde, e (iii) o morador selecionado (idade ≥15 anos), sobre o qual investigou-se estilos de vida, doenças crônicas, violências, entre outros temas, e aferiu-se medidas antropométricas (subamostra). As informações da PNS 2019 servirão de base para a (re)formulação de políticas de saúde e subsídio a ações e programas existentes do Sistema Único de Saúde

    Improvement the nutritional status of pre-school children following intervention with a supplement containing iron, zinc, copper, vitamin A, vitamin C and prebiotic

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    Abstract This study investigated the effects of a vitamin and mineral fortified powder product supplemented with inulin, on the iron and vitamin A status of 110 pre-schools childrens in Viçosa, MG, Brazil. The 2 to 5-year-old children were submitted to anthropometric (weight and height), biochemical (erythrocytes, hemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume &#8211; MCV, mean corpuscular hemoglobin - MCH, serum iron, ferritin and serum retinol) and dietary (direct food weighing, 24 h recall, and food intake record) evaluations, at the beginning and at the end of a 45-day intervention. The supplement (30 g) was provided daily as part of the afternoon snack, diluted in 100 mL of water, 5 times/week and it supplied 30% of the recommended daily doses of iron, zinc, copper and vitamins A and C. Dietary and biochemical data was compared by the Wilcoxon test, and anthropometric data by the paired t-test. Values of z-scores for weight and height, erythrocytes, hemoglobin, MCV, MCH and ferritin were significantly higher after intervention; no change was observed in serum retinol. The prebiotic-containing supplement significantly increased the intake of energy, macro and micronutrients, and was effective in improving the iron and anthropometric status

    Análise do valor energético e do conteúdo de sódio em rótulos de alimentos congelados/ Analysis of energy value and sodium content in frozen food labels

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    Os produtos industrializados congelados têm sido muito consumidos pela população brasileira devido à sua praticidade tornando-se importante avaliar o valor nutricional e a quantidade de sódio contida nestes alimentos. O presente trabalho analisou o valor energético e o teor de sódio apresentados na rotulagem nutricional de 344 produtos dentre eles 47 lasanhas, 63 pratos prontos, 44 pizzas, 34 pães de queijo, 18 sanduíches, 54 alimentos empanados e 84 salgados, disponíveis nas gôndolas de grandes redes de supermercados de Belo Horizonte-MG. Os resultados demonstraram que o valor energético médio das porções dos grupos de alimentos analisados variou de 126,8 Kcal para o grupo dos salgados a 402,8 Kcal para o grupo dos sanduíches, o que representa um percentual de valor diário que varia de 6,34% a 20,14%, respectivamente. A análise do teor de sódio demonstrou que o grupo dos salgados e pães de queijo apresentou em média 291mg de sódio por porção seguido do grupo das pizzas e empanados com 468,9mg e 690,3mg. Os grupos das lasanhas, pratos prontos e sanduíches apresentaram valores superiores a 900mg de sódio por porção. A análise do teor de sódio em percentual do valor diário demonstrou que salgados e pães de queijo fornecem mais de 10% do valor diário de sódio em uma porção do produto enquanto pratos prontos, lasanhas e sanduíches ultrapassam 40% do valor diário recomendado. Conclui-se que o consumo de ultraprocessados deve ser desencorajado, visto expõe a população a vários riscos podendo aumentar a ocorrência de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis. A legislação de alimentos processados e ultraprocessados deve ser atualizada devendo os órgãos competentes fiscalizar o cumprimento e a adequação do valor energético e de sódio existente nestes produto

    Fatores de risco intrínsecos para quedas entre idosos institucionalizados

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    Objective: The objective of the study is to investigate the intrinsic risk factors for falls among elderly people from two Long Stay Institutions (ILP) in the countryside of Minas Gerais/Brazil. Methods: Twenty elderly people with a mean age of 79 years (between 60-100 years) were evaluated. Tinetti and Barthel scales were applied to assess body balance and functional independence, respectively. The Downton scale for the analysis of the risk of falls; esthesiometry, dynamometry and manual muscle strength test to estimate, respectively, the sensitivity of the hands and feet, the hand grip strength and the strength of the muscles of the lower limbs. The statistical analysis used was the t-student test, Pearson's correlation test, analysis of variance (ANOVA-one way), considering a significance level of 5%. Results: The general mean score on the Dowton scale was 4.68 (p&lt;0.05); that of body balance was 14.57 points (p&lt;0.05), the Barthel scale was 72.36 points (p&lt;0.05); the handgrip strength was 2.73 kg/m² (±3.64) and the mean strength in the lower limbs was 3.7 kg/m2 (p&lt;0.05). Conclusion: It is concluded that the evaluated elderly have a high risk of falls and the parameters most compromised and responsible for this risk are polypharmacy, imbalance, muscle weakness, loss of sensitivity and functional dependence.Objetivo: Investigar os fatores de risco intrínsecos para queda entre idosos de duas Instituições de Longa Permanência (ILP) no interior de Minas Gerais/Brasil. Métodos: Foram avaliados 20 idosos com idade média de 79 anos (entre 60-100 anos). Foram aplicadas as escalas de Tinetti e Barthel para avaliação do equilíbrio corporal e independência funcional, respectivamente. A escala de Downton para análise do risco de quedas; a estesiometria, a dinamometria e o teste manual de força muscular para estimar respectivamente, a sensibilidade das mãos e pés, a força de preensão palmar e a força dos músculos de membros inferiores. A análise estatística utilizada foi o teste t-student, o teste de correlação de Pearson, a análise de variância (ANOVA-one way), considerando nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: A média geral do escore da escala de Dowton foi de 4,68 (p&lt;0,05); a do equilíbrio corporal foi de 14,57 pontos (p&lt;0,05), a escala de Barthel foi de 72,36 pontos (p&lt;0,05); a força de preensão palmar foi de 2,73 kg/m² (±3,64) e a média de força em membros inferiores foi de 3,7 kg/m2 (p&lt;0,05). Conclusão: Conclui-se que os idosos avaliados apresentam alto risco de quedas sendo os parâmetros mais comprometidos e responsáveis por este risco, a polifarmácia, desequilíbrio, fraqueza muscular, perda de sensibilidade e dependência funcional