259 research outputs found

    Impaired regulation of emotion: Neural correlates of reappraisal and distraction in bipolar disorder and unaffected relatives

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    Deficient emotion regulation has been proposed as a crucial pathological mechanism in bipolar disorder (BD). We therefore investigated emotion regulation impairments in BD, the related neural underpinnings and their etiological relevance for the disorder. Twenty-two euthymic patients with bipolar-I disorder and 17 unaffected first-degree relatives of BD-I patients, as well as two groups of healthy gender-, age- and education-matched controls (N=22/17, respectively) were included. Participants underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging while applying two different emotion regulation techniques, reappraisal and distraction, when presented with emotional images. BD patients and relatives showed impaired downregulation of amygdala activity during reappraisal, but not during distraction, when compared with controls. This deficit was correlated with the habitual use of reappraisal. The negative connectivity of amygdala and orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) observed during reappraisal in controls was reversed in BD patients and relatives. There were no significant differences between BD patients and relatives. As being observed in BD patients and unaffected relatives, deficits in emotion regulation through reappraisal may represent heritable neurobiological abnormalities underlying BD. The neural mechanisms include impaired control of amygdala reactivity to emotional stimuli and dysfunctional connectivity of the amygdala to regulatory control regions in the OFC. These are, thus, important aspects of the neurobiological basis of increased vulnerability for BD

    Wirkungsorientierte Schulen! Skeptische Überlegungen zur gegenwärtigen Reformdiskussion

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    Die im folgenden grundsätzlich gedachte und aus einer pädagogischen Perspektive argumentierende Auseinandersetzung mit \u27Reformvorschlägen\u27 im Zuge des New Public Managements will gerade mit ihrer Grundsätzlichkeit die von Dubs beklagte Polarisierung der Diskussion (Dubs, 1996, S. 335) überwinden helfen. Ich gehe also davon aus, dass sowohl die Akteure des New Public Management im Bildungsbereich als auch deren Widersacher, einige reformpädagogische Akteure, zentrale Bestimmungen dessen was pädagogisches Handeln ausmacht, verfehlt haben. nDazu möchte ich zunächst skizzieren, welche Rahmenbedingungen zum \u27Erfolg\u27 des New Public Managements führen (1) und welche Funktion ein solches Konzept erfüllt. Danach wird untersucht, ob die Schule eine Dienstleistungseinrichtung ist und worin ihre Funktionalität (2) besteht. Anschliessend wird die Handlungslogik der Profession dargelegt (3). Erst nach diesen Vergewisserungen wird aufgezeigt, wie sich die Handlungslogik von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern ändert, wenn sie ökonomischen Steuerungsimperativen folgt (4). Abschliessend werden die auf der Grundlage des New Public Managements gemachten Vorschläge zur Schulautonomie (5) und zur Leitung von Schulen (6) untersucht. Abschliessend resümiere ich die Differenzen zwischen einem pädagogischen und einem ökonomischen Denken (7)

    Representações contemporâneas de São João Maria

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    WELTER, Tânia. O Profeta São João Maria continua encantando no meio do povo: Um estudo sobre os discursos contemporâneos a respeito de João Maria em Santa Catarina. Tese Antropologia Social. Florianópolis: PPGAS/UFSC, 200

    Comparison of bioassays to biotype grape phylloxera (Daktulosphaira vitifoliae Fitch) on Vitis ssp.

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    Grape phylloxera biotypes exist throughout viticultural regions causing substantial economic losses. In the past different biotyping assays were employed to determine host adaption and potential harm of phylloxera strains or field populations. Standardised and efficient laboratory assays are required to define biotypes according to their aggressivity as well as to make accurate pest management and quarantine decisions. We aim to provide information on the consistency of the three most commonly used assays to accurately identify grape phylloxera biotype. Two phylloxera biotypes (A, C) were tested on two host plants (rootstock 'Teleki 5C' V. berlandieri x V. riparia and V. vinifera 'Riesling') using three assays: Simple isolation chamber, excised root bioassay and aseptic dual culture bioassay. Insect number, life table and plant-based response parameters (root galling) were compared. The simple isolation chamber and aseptic dual culture bioassay produced consistent results, whereas the excised root bioassay did not. We demonstrated that biotype results depend on whether the technique used is tuberosity- or nodosity-based. Pest management decision based on a single assay may inaccurately assess the phylloxera aggressivity potential. Thus, we recommend using two assay types which allows comparison of both root gall types

    Different DNA extraction methods can cause different AFLP profiles in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.)

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    Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) is widely used for DNA fingerprinting and it has been broadly applied in population genetics. Since it is based on restriction digestion and PCR-based amplification it can be influenced by different chemical compounds commonly found in the isolated DNA. DNA extraction procedures may alter the AFLP banding profiles through DNA quality. Hence the DNA extraction method is crucial to produce reproducible AFLP-banding profiles.In this work two sets of AFLP analyses were performed on 62 Pinot noir, 6 Pinot blanc and 4 Pinot gris (Vitis vinifera L.) clones, and profiles obtained after three different DNA extraction methods were compared. AFLP profiles were different for the same genotypes due to the DNA extraction method used.

    Aseptic dual culture of grape (Vitis spp.) and grape phylloxera (Daktulosphaira vitifoliae FITCH)

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    An aseptic dual culture of grape phylloxera (Daktulosphaira vitifoliae FITCH) and grape vine (Vitis spp.) was developed. This method permits continuous observation of phylloxera feeding and the whole plant response on a dynamic basis. The plant/parasite interaction of three testplants (V. vinifera L., var. Riesling, SO 4 (V. berlandieri PLANCH. X V. riparia L.) and V. riparia, var. Gloire de Montpellier) are demonstrated by observing post-infectious reactions of the host- and population dynamics of the parasite. Different stages of phylloxera could be observed including nymphs, winged phylloxera (alatae) and sexual male phylloxera. Several potential applications for this aseptic dual culture are demonstrated

    Génétique des populations et lutte contre le phylloxéra

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    Dans le passé, le phylloxéra était le ravageur le plus important de nos vignobles. Cependant, le greffage de variétés européennes sur des porte-greffes américains tolérants au puceron a permis d’enrayer ses dégâts à la fin du XIXe siècle. Malgré ce succès, le phylloxéra est encore présent dans toutes les régions de Suisse et provoque ponctuellement la formation massive de galles foliaires, en particulier sur les cépages interspécifiques. Nous donnons ici un aperçu de la structure génétique des populations locales de phylloxéra et présentons les résultats de deux essais de lutte

    Populationsgenetik und Bekämpfung der Reblaus

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    Die Reblaus war gegen Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts wohl der gefährlichste Rebschädling. Durch Pfropfung anfälliger europäischer Sorten auf reblaustolerante amerikanische Unterlagen konnte die Gefahr gebannt werden. Aber auch heute noch kommt die Reblaus fast überall in der Schweiz vor und bildet auf interspezifischen Rebsorten oft massiv Blattgallen. Der Beitrag gibt Einblick in die genetische Struktur dieser Reblauspopulationen und in die Ergebnisse von zwei Wirkungsversuchen