73 research outputs found


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    Objectives: This research presents a critique of smart cities, to conceive a technological city opposed to the corporate colonization of digital networks, to algorithmic governmentality and to surveillance capitalism.Methodology: literature review with qualitative approach and dialectical procedure.Results: We conclude that the role of participatory citizen should be resumed through the (re)appropriation of information and communication technologies, creating a city sensitive to social differences.Contributions: The article proposes that, even though the Internet brings the promise of broadening the means of access to political participation, the reality points to a scenario permeated by the exploitation of personal data and the reduction of the citizen's questioning role to a mere consumer.Keywords: smart city; sensitive city; human rights; participation; technology. RESUMOObjetivos: Esta pesquisa apresenta uma crítica às cidades inteligentes, para se conceber uma cidade tecnológica oposta à colonização corporativa das redes digitais, à governamentalidade algorítmica e ao capitalismo de vigilância.Metodologia: revisão bibliográfica com abordagem qualitativa e procedimento dialético.Resultados: Conclui-se que o papel de cidadão participativo deve ser retomado por meio da (re)apropriação das tecnologias da informação e comunicação, criando uma cidade sensível às diferenças sociais.Contribuições: O artigo propõe que, por mais que a internet traga a promessa de ampliação dos meios de acesso à participação política, a realidade aponta para um cenário permeado pela exploração dos dados pessoais e pela redução do papel questionador do cidadão, tornado mero consumidor.Palavras-chave: cidade inteligente; cidade sensível; direitos humanos; participação; tecnologia. 

    Freedom of expression and the metaverse: on the importance of content creation for the emergence of a complex environment

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    This research analyzes the importance of the freedom of expression in the creation of the metaverse, in a context of increasing power of Big Techs in the digital environment. As its results, technical knowledge related to many areas and creativity are fundamental for the creation of the metaverse. Thus, its creation must be democratized. Public policies ensuring ways to access content creation must be developed, and such a democratization must be based on freedom of expression. And limitations to the exercise of such freedom must not be subjected to private interests of huge corporations, nor moderated solely by technological tools. Methodology: hypothetical-deductive method of procedure, with a qualitative and transdisciplinary approach, and a bibliographic review research technique

    Machines and morality:: juridical and philosophical considerations

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    This article studies the possibilities of giving morality to machines and autonomous systems. Its hypothesis is that the design strategies for the development of machines that make moral judgments should take into account a vast complex of contingencies, which are related to each context in which they are implemented — being its user/recipient, its developer, and the purposes for which its use is intended, the most important ones. As a result, it is clear that machines, currently, are not self-conscious yet, but a posture influenced by ethical behaviorism and hybrid design, combining pre-programmed moral postulates and machine learning for the contextualization of each machine, can contribute with possibilities for giving them moral status. Methodology: hypothetical-deductive procedure method, with a qualitative approach and bibliographic review research techniqueThis article studies the possibilities of giving morality to machines and autonomous systems. Its hypothesis is that the design strategies for the development of machines that make moral judgments should take into account a vast complex of contingencies, which are related to each context in which they are implemented — being its user/recipient, its developer, and the purposes for which its use is intended, the most important ones. As a result, it is clear that machines, currently, are not self-conscious yet, but a posture influenced by ethical behaviorism and hybrid design, combining pre-programmed moral postulates and machine learning for the contextualization of each machine, can contribute with possibilities for giving them moral status. Methodology: hypothetical-deductive procedure method, with a qualitative approach and bibliographic review research technique


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    This article studies the right to explainability, which is extremely important in times of fast technological evolution and use of deep learning for the most varied decision-making procedures based on personal data. Its main hypothesis is that the right to explanation is totally linked to the due process of Law and legality, being a safeguard for those who need to contest automatic decisions taken by algorithms, whether in judicial contexts, in general Public Administration contexts, or even in private entrepreneurial contexts.. Through hypothetical-deductive procedure method, qualitative and transdisciplinary approach, and bibliographic review technique, it was concluded that opacity, characteristic of the most complex systems of deep learning, can impair access to justice, due process legal and contradictory. In addition, it is important to develop strategies to overcome opacity through the work of experts, mainly (but not only). Finally, Brazilian LGPD provides for the right to explanation, but the lack of clarity in its text demands that the Judiciary and researchers also make efforts to better build its regulation

    The applicability of the Internet of Things (IoT) between fundamental rights to health and to privacy

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    This work aims to study main insecurities and uncertainties regarding to IoT, verifying its impact to the exercise of the fundamental rights to healthcare and to privacy. Its specific objectives are: i) to present promises of IoT to healthcare and treatments; ii) to expose risks and uncertainties identified with IoT until the present moment; iii) to analyze ethical and legal principles (mainly in Brazil) concerning to IoT uses. Its main hypothesis is that healthcare can be revolutionarily improved with IoT, but despite of all of that revolution in good practices, good technologies of security, securitized by public policies and legal practices, have also to be implemented and improved by scholars, jurists and politicians. Methodology: hypothetical-deductive method of research, with a qualitative and transdisciplinar method of approach, and a bibliographical research technique. Results: IoT/IoMT presents a great potential of actualization of the fundamental right to health, but the security of the collection and storage of sensitive data should be the first concern in the development of systems involving such technologies, since there is an immense potential of disrespect to the fundamental right to the privacy of individuals from their use, not only by private third parties, but also, by the State

    O impacto da introdução da inteligência artificial na advocacia: as habilidades e a ética profissional necessárias ao futuro advogado

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    Este artigo estuda a aplicação da inteligência artificial (IA) no ambiente profissional da advocacia, analisando vantagens, riscos e perspectivas profissionais futuras. Como resultados da pesquisa, tem-se que um profissionalismo adaptativo, resiliente e que demanda por capacidades transdisciplinares e humanas dos advogados, de modo complexo, é o que se espera do advogado bem-sucedido no futuro com a IA. Nesse sentido, o campo profissional sofrerá diversas transformações no que tange a atividades de caráter repetitivo e formal, devendo ser mais valorizadas, para além do conhecimento técnico-jurídico em consonância com o desenvolvimento tecnológico, as atividades de consultoria e aconselhamento jurídico. No que tange à ética profissional, essas tecnologias, seus potenciais e riscos, devem ser compreendidos pelos profissionais, de forma que venham a perceber que seu uso pode vir a ser obrigatório pelas regras de conduta ética profissional (em razão da precisão que podem vir a oferecer ao aconselhamento jurídico), mas muito das codificações da deontologia profissional atuais deverá ser alterado em razão das especificidades da IA. Utilizou-se neste trabalho o método hipotético-dedutivo, com abordagem qualitativa e transdisciplinar e técnica de pesquisa bibliográfico-documental.This article studies the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in the professional environment of lawyers, analyzing advantages, risks, and future professional perspectives. As results of the research, it was found that an adaptive, resilient professionalism that demands transdisciplinary and human capabilities of lawyers, in a complex way, is what is expected of the successful lawyer in the future with AI. In this sense, the professional field will undergo several changes with regard to activities of a repetitive and formal character, and the activities that should be more valued from now on, in addition to technical-legal knowledge in line with the technological development, are consultancy and legal advice. With regard to professional ethics, these technologies, as well as their potentials and risks, must be understood by professionals, so that they become aware that their use may be mandated by the rules of professional ethical conduct (due to the precision they bring to legal advice), but much of the current codifications of professional ethics should be changed due to the specificities of AI. This work used the hypothetico-deductive method, a qualitative and transdisciplinary approach, and bibliographic-documentary research technique


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    This paper aims to study the sense of smell and its importance to society, focusing on legal interpretations as a case to demonstrate the irritations between different social systems (science and law, mainly). Its general hypothesis is that some modern conceptions, even though dressed in all scientific and methodic appearance through centuries, are preconceptions biased by social interests; and these preconceptions based several paradigms of knowledge through times, being that Law reasoning in jurisprudence about smell has absorbed this socially constructed conceptions that are being denied by the most actual science. Its specific objectives are: i) to show what is the olfaction in human brain and psyche, according to the most current scientific discoveries; ii) to demonstrate that olfaction not only has a historical and cultural meaning, but also, that Modernity distorted its meaning in a non scientific way; iii) to study the jurisprudence of a specific important Court (Brazilian Superior Justice Court, or Superior Tribunal de Justiça, STJ, originally), in order to demonstrate that this modern preconceptions still take part on the decisional process nowadays. The research has used mainly three research methods: i) phenomenological-hermeneutical research; ii) historical-evolutive and anthropological research; iii) inductive method; its approach is transdisciplinar, quantitative and qualitative. Its technique of research is bibliographical and documental

    Governance, rational choice and New Public Management (NPM): a general view (and some critics)

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    This article aims to study the New Public Management (NPM), one of the main trends associated to neoliberalism. It studies governance to show its general, wider and abstract scope. It also focuses on the Rational Choice as an important theory about governance, a basis for NPM. And it observes the neoliberal foundations of NPM, showing critical aspects of its real practice. Methodology: hypothetical-deductive method of research, with a qualitative and critical approach and bibliographic-documental research technique. As results of this research, we can conclude that: i) the ideological usage of NPM has been expressed in a culture of minimal state and government - but in practice, such culture, when embossing implemented reforms, seldom reverted the role of the state, destroyed social safety nets, and placed the tax burden on the working majority rather than on the wealthy elite; ii) advocates for NPM have Western-shaped minds, generally making erroneous assumptions about institutions and cultures, which may be present in Anglo-American countries, but not in other culturally different ones; iii) in practice, NPM reforms were imposed to low-income countries by donor institutions to adjust their states for good governance - but those reforms did not solve problems with inefficiency and corruption. This work is original and valuable because it shows that even when public policies highlight the importance of less state intervention, solid norms and institutions are always necessary, and because it helps demystifying discourses that simply put that less state/more market politics can be valuable everywhere

    A inteligência artificial como pessoa?: responsabilidade e personalidade de entes artificiais e o direito brasileiro

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    Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à Lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra.Localização na estante: 347.19:004.8(81) F727


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    Campo de estudo: Sociologia do Direito. Objetivo geral: relacionar o risco nanotecnológico a um sentido sistêmico do princípio da precaução, operacionalizando-se decisões sobre a referida matéria. Metodologia: sistêmico-construtivista. Resultados: 1) princípios, na teoria dos sistemas autopoiéticos, não são fundamentos do Direito, mas sim, estratégias para a decisão; 2) o princípio da precaução, na dogmática jurídica brasileira, tem recebido diversas interpretações, destacando-se, na práxis judiciária cível, a inversão do ônus da prova em desfavor do empreendedor em atividades potencialmente poluidoras de riscos ainda não totalmente conhecidos pela ciência; 3) numa cultura jurídica de alta valorização dos princípios, estratégias de relacionamento sintático entre princípios e regras possibilitam uma decidibilidade mais efetiva acerca do trato de matérias tão complicadas quanto o risco nanotecnológico. Conclusão: é de se salientar não apenas a possibilidade de utilização do princípio da precaução como parâmetro jurídico decisório, mas também – e fundamentalmente –sua invocação quando da necessidade de decisão pelo sistema, não podendo ser converter semanticamente na proibição do arriscado