469 research outputs found

    Organic Carbon Burial following the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO) in the central - western Tethys

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    We present trace metal geochemistry and stable isotope records for the middle Eocene Alano di Piave section, NE Italy, deposited during magnetochron C18n in the marginal Tethys Ocean. We identify a \sim 500 kyr long carbon isotope perturbation event we infer to be the middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO) confirming the northern hemisphere expression and global occurrence of MECO. Interpreted peak climatic conditions are followed by the rapid deposition of two organic rich intervals (\le3\% TOC) and contemporaneous positive δ13\delta^{13}C excursions. These two intervals are associated with increases in the concentration of sulphur and redox-sensitive trace metals, and low concentrations of Mn, as well as coupled with the occurrence of pyrite. Together these changes imply low, possibly dysoxic, bottom water O2_{2} conditions promoting increased organic carbon burial. We hypothesize that this rapid burial of organic carbon lowered global {\it p}CO2_{2} following the peak warming and returned the climate system to the general Eocene cooling trend

    A (Re)Invenção dos Espaços Públicos: o lazer em Vitória (ES)

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    Desde a gênese, as cidades se estruturam a partir de uma relação dual entre a propriedade privada e os espaços públicos. Estes espaços materializam, em termos urbanísticos, respectivamente as esferas privada e pública, em torno das quais se dividem as atividades da vida humana. Os espaços públicos, lugar de representação e interação social, ao longo dos séculos foram submetidos a um processo de transformação contínuo, reflexo das alterações da sociedade que dele se apropriam, os transformado em territórios de realização de atividades cotidianas. Em alguns períodos, contudo, essas transformações se fazem mais abruptamente, ocasionando reconfigurações físicas ou simbólicas nesses espaços. No período atual, as transformações nos espaços públicos, mais especificamente nos espaços livres que se prestam a realização do lazer, têm como vetor a coexistência e a sobreposição de territorialidades distintas: os espaços pseudo-públicos ou interiorizados e o ciberespaço. Essa simultaneidade se configura como um fator de transformação sócio-espacial, tendo em vista que proporcionam a formação de uma multiterritorialidade efetiva no que tange às atividades de lazer. A partir de análise bibliográfica e dos dados obtidos por meio de atividades empíricas num conjunto de 14 bairros, agrupados sob a denominação de Baía Noroeste de Vitória, este estudo ocupa-se das interações entre o espaço público tradicionalmente vinculado ao lazer e espaços contemporaneamente incorporados para tal finalidade. As inter-relações na apropriação desses espaços são consideradas sob a óptica de um público específico, composto por adolescentes e jovens residentes na região de estudo. Palavras - chave: Espaços Livres Públicos; Espaços Interiorizados; Ciberespaço; Lazer; Adolescentes e Jovens

    Mode and tempo of the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum in an expanded section from the Venetian pre-Alps.

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    The central part of the Piave River valley in the Venetian pre-Alps of NE Italy exposes an expanded and continuous marine sediment succession that encompasses the Paleocene series and the Paleocene to Eocene transition. The Paleocene through lowermost Eocenemsuccession is >100 m thick and was depositednat middle to lower bathyal depths in a hemipelagic, near-continental setting in the central western Tethys. In the Forada section, the Paleocene succession of limestone-marl couplets is sharply interrupted by an ~3.30- m-thick unit of clays and marls (clay marl unit). The very base of this unit represents the biostratigraphic Paleocene-Eocene boundary, and the entire unit coincides with the main carbon isotope excursion of the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum event. Concentrations of hematite and biogenic carbonate, δ13C measurements, and abundance of radiolarians, all oscillate in a cyclical fashion and are interpreted to represent precession cycles. The main excursion interval spans fi ve complete cycles, that is, 105 ± 10 k.y. The overlying carbon isotope recovery interval, which is composed of six distinct limestone-marl couplets, is interpreted to represent six precessional cycles with a duration of 126 ± 12 k.y. The entire carbon isotope excursion interval in Forada has a total duration of ~231 ± 22 k.y., which is 5%–10% longer than previous estimates derived from open ocean sites (210–220 k.y.). Geochemical proxies for redox conditions indicate oxygenated conditions before, during, and after the carbon isotope excursion event. The Forada section exhibits a nonstepped sharp decrease in δ13C (−2.35‰) at the base of the clay marl unit. The hemipelagic, near-continental depositional setting of Forada and the sharply elevated sedimentation rates throughout the clay marl unit argue for continuous rather than interrupted deposition and show that the initial nonstepped carbon isotope shift was not caused by a hiatus. A single sample at the base of the unit lacks biogenic carbonate. Preservation of carbonate thereafter improves progressively up-section in the clay marl unit, which is consistent with a prodigiously abrupt and rapid acidifi cation of the oceans followed by a slower, successive deepening of the carbonate compensation depth. Increased sedimentation rates through the clay marl unit (approximately the main interval of the carbon isotope excursion) are consistent with an intensifi ed hydrological cycle driven by supergreenhouse conditions and enhanced weathering and transport of terrigenous material to this near-continental, hemipelagic environment in the central western Tethys. The sharp transition in lithology from the clay marl unit to the overlying limestonemarl couplets in the recovery interval and the coincident shift toward heavier δ13C values suggest that the silicate pump and continental weathering, the cause of the enhanced terrigenous fl ux to Forada, stopped abruptly. This implies that the source of the light CO2 ceased to be added to the ocean-atmosphere system at the top of the clay marl unit

    Scramble Suit: A Profile Differentiation Countermeasure to Prevent Template Attacks

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    Ensuring protection against side channel attacks is a crucial requirement in the design of modern secure embedded systems. Profiled side channel attacks, the class to which template attacks and machine learning attacks belong, derive a model of the side channel behavior of a device identical to the target one, and exploit the said model to extract the key from the target, under the hypothesis that the side channel behaviors of the two devices match. We propose an architectural countermeasure against cross-device profiled attacks which differentiates the side-channel behavior of different instances of the same hardware design, preventing the reuse of a model derived on a device other than the target one. In particular, we describe an instance of our solution providing a protected hardware implementation of the AES block cipher and experimentally validate its resistance against both Bayesian templates and machine learning approaches based on support vector machines also considering different state of the art feature reduction techniques to increase the effectiveness of the profiled attacks. Results show that our countermeasure foils the key retrieval attempts via profiled attacks ensuring a key derivation accuracy equivalent to a random guess

    Investigation of the vibrations transmitted by agricultural tractor to the driver under operative conditions

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    Professional risk from mechanical vibrations is contemplated, in the national legislation, by the Legislative Decree 187/05, receiving the 2002/44/CE Directive that indicates the minimum prescriptions, in safety and health matter, concerning workers\u2019 exposure to the risk from vibrations. From an health point of view, the vibrations transmitted to the workers are traditionally classified as whole body vibrations or hand harm system vibrations. The present paper took into consideration the levels of the whole body vibrations transmitted to the drivers by a series of agricultural tractors of different dimensions and power, under typical conditions of utilisation. The tests have been conducted according to the ISO 2631-1:1997 standard concerning the measurement of vibration levels at the driver seat. Each tractor has been used in two operations typical for its characteristics, using proper operating machines, with the aim of characterizing the level of vibrations produced by each operation, in terms of total acceleration, axial acceleration and time of exposure, calculated by means of a suitable Excel data-sheet, providing both the \u201climit value\u201d and the \u201csafety value\u201d

    Enlarged vascular foramina and lytic lesions in vertebral bodies: a diagnostic dilemma

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    Among the skeletal material from the sites of Alghero, Mesumundu and Sant’Antioco di Bisarcio (Sassari, Sardinia) and dated back to the period comprises between the 13th and the late 16th century 5 subadult individuals aged between 5 and 15 years and a mature male showed peculiar osteolytic phenomena of the vertebral bodies. These lesions have the appearance of enlarged vascular foramina, affecting several vertebrae mainly of the thoracic and lumbar spine, sometimes with involvement of the sacrum; on the same vertebral body several lesions are generally visible. In the literature similar features have been attributed to brucellosis or tuberculosis. As for the Sardinian skeletal material, an imaging study on the vertebrae of the adult individual was carried out in order to evaluate the appearance of the lesions within the body. Computed Tomography evidenced internal irregular elongated cavitations, sometimes joined together; erosive rounded lesions, whose presence is not detectable externally, were also showed. The molecular analysis has so far been performed on the subadult from Sant’Antioco di Bisarcio, but at initial analysis the DNA resulted degraded. Therefore, the nature of these lesions remains unclear, as it is not sure if they should be referred to tuberculosis, brucellosis or other pathological conditions [hemolytic anemias (eg. Thalassemia), lymphomas, multiple myeloma and infection by Echinococcus]. Further molecular analyses will be carried out on the remains belonging to the other five individuals in an attempt to clarify the etiology of the above mentioned lesions