30 research outputs found

    «Ambulant akutteam - Et sikkerhetsbelte for mennesker i psykisk krise?»

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    The objective of this study is to contribute with in-depth knowledge based on persons’ subjective experiences within mental health crisis and support and help from a Crisis Resolution/Home Treatment (CR/HT) team. The study has a qualitative, exploratory design and qualitative interviews were conducted with seven persons. They have experiences with both inpatient treatment in hospitals and support from a CR/HT teams. The informants revealed a variety of experiences as service users in the different helping contexts. The experiences of the CR/HT team’s accessibility, availability and flexibility, was highlighted as important.  The Service users felt they were taken more seriously and met as a fellow human being in the home setting as opposed to hospital ward. The informants also emphasized how the CR/HT team helped them to feel more safe and secure. This study offers some in-depth insights of being on the receiving end of mental health services. It is important to include experience based user knowledge in the evidence base of practice development

    Elusive Participation – Social Workers’ Experience of the Participation of Children with Disabilities in LSS Assessments

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    The aim of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of Swedish social workers’ experience of disabled children’s participation, to discover in what ways their knowledge about impairment and disability, combined with legal literacy and local context influence children’s participation in formal meetings and decision making. Seven focus-group interviews were conducted with 35 municipal social workers from communities in different parts of Sweden. The phenomenological analysis resulted in the overarching theme of elusive participation, in which participation was described as difficult to grasp both in relation to what was supposed to be achieved and what it was meant to result in. Elusive participation entailed a discrepancy between policy and practice, norms and perception of normality, conflicting perspectives and needs, judgment of children’s abilities. These findings underline the importance of creating safe spaces in which social workers have the opportunity for critical reflections and shared discussions about social work practice

    Trygghetscirkeln : En förÀldrautbildning som stÀrker förÀldraskap och vÀlbefinnande

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    Sedan 2009 Ă€r det en skyldighet i Sverige att erbjuda förĂ€ldraskapsstöd till alla förĂ€ldrar med barn under 18 Ă„r. Inom kommuner anvĂ€nds olika förĂ€ldraskapsutbildningar och GĂ€vle kommun och Svenska kyrkan GĂ€vle församling anvĂ€nds Trygghetscirkeln som utgĂ„r ifrĂ„n ett anknytningsteoretiskt perspektiv. Syftet med studien var att undersöka förĂ€ldrars erfarenheter och upplevelser av att delta i förĂ€ldraskapsstödsprogrammet Trygghetscirkeln. Vi ville ocksĂ„ veta om förĂ€ldrarnas vĂ€lbefinnande har pĂ„verkats av deltagandet. Nitton förĂ€ldrar, som deltagit i programmet intervjuades och datamaterialet analyserades med hjĂ€lp av kvalitativ innehĂ„llsanalys. I det hĂ€r arbetet fick författarna ocksĂ„ tillgĂ„ng till Svenska kyrkans redan insamlade enkĂ€ter och som ocksĂ„ analyserades. Resultatet visar att förĂ€ldrarna upplever att Trygghetscirkeln har givet dem de verktyg de behöver i sin vardag för att pĂ„ ett bĂ€ttre sĂ€tt bemöta och vĂ„rda sina barn. De beskriver minskat antal konflikter, reparerade relationer till sitt barn och hur de pratar med sina barn om dennes kĂ€nslor och att de lĂ€ttare kan se barnets behov och bemöta det. Genom att deras förĂ€ldraskap har stĂ€rkts har ocksĂ„ en kĂ€nsla av trygghet och ett lugn vuxit fram och man upplever en minskad stress Trygghetscirkeln har gett dem en kompetens som har ökat deras vĂ€lbefinnande. En kostnadseffektiv förĂ€ldraskapsutbildning Ă€r den som bĂ„de stĂ€rker förĂ€ldrar och frĂ€mjar hĂ€lsan, vilket Trygghetscirkeln visar göra i den hĂ€r studien.Since 2009, it has been an obligation in Sweden to offer parental support to all parents with children under 18. Various parenting educational programs are used within municipalities and in GĂ€vle municipality and the Swedish Church GĂ€vle parish the Circle of Security is used. Based on the lack of scientific studies on the program, GĂ€vle municipality and Swedish Church wanted Circle of Security evaluated. The aim of the study was to investigate parents’ experiences of participating in the parenting support program Circle of Security and whether their well-being has been affected, and it was chosen to conduct interviews with parents who had participated the program. The data was analyzed using qualitative content analysis. In this work, the authors also received the Swedish Church already collected questionnaires, which were also analyzed. The results show that the parents feel that the Circle of Security has given them the tools they need in their everyday life to better care for their children. They describe a reduced number of conflicts, repaired relationships with their children and how they talk to their children about their feelings and that they can more easily see the child’s needs and respond to them. The fact that their parenting has been strengthened has also given them a sense of security and calm in being a parent, with a reduced experience of stress. The Circle of Security has given them a competence that has increased their well-being.The Circle of Security gave the parents what they needed, deepened their knowledge of children’s needs, a group community and felt strengthened in their role as parents, and that is the very purpose of parenting support. A cost-effective parenting educational program is one that both strengthens parenting skills and promotes health, which the Circle of Security is shown to do in this study

    Trygghetscirkeln : En förÀldrautbildning som stÀrker förÀldraskap och vÀlbefinnande

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    Sedan 2009 Ă€r det en skyldighet i Sverige att erbjuda förĂ€ldraskapsstöd till alla förĂ€ldrar med barn under 18 Ă„r. Inom kommuner anvĂ€nds olika förĂ€ldraskapsutbildningar och GĂ€vle kommun och Svenska kyrkan GĂ€vle församling anvĂ€nds Trygghetscirkeln som utgĂ„r ifrĂ„n ett anknytningsteoretiskt perspektiv. Syftet med studien var att undersöka förĂ€ldrars erfarenheter och upplevelser av att delta i förĂ€ldraskapsstödsprogrammet Trygghetscirkeln. Vi ville ocksĂ„ veta om förĂ€ldrarnas vĂ€lbefinnande har pĂ„verkats av deltagandet. Nitton förĂ€ldrar, som deltagit i programmet intervjuades och datamaterialet analyserades med hjĂ€lp av kvalitativ innehĂ„llsanalys. I det hĂ€r arbetet fick författarna ocksĂ„ tillgĂ„ng till Svenska kyrkans redan insamlade enkĂ€ter och som ocksĂ„ analyserades. Resultatet visar att förĂ€ldrarna upplever att Trygghetscirkeln har givet dem de verktyg de behöver i sin vardag för att pĂ„ ett bĂ€ttre sĂ€tt bemöta och vĂ„rda sina barn. De beskriver minskat antal konflikter, reparerade relationer till sitt barn och hur de pratar med sina barn om dennes kĂ€nslor och att de lĂ€ttare kan se barnets behov och bemöta det. Genom att deras förĂ€ldraskap har stĂ€rkts har ocksĂ„ en kĂ€nsla av trygghet och ett lugn vuxit fram och man upplever en minskad stress Trygghetscirkeln har gett dem en kompetens som har ökat deras vĂ€lbefinnande. En kostnadseffektiv förĂ€ldraskapsutbildning Ă€r den som bĂ„de stĂ€rker förĂ€ldrar och frĂ€mjar hĂ€lsan, vilket Trygghetscirkeln visar göra i den hĂ€r studien.Since 2009, it has been an obligation in Sweden to offer parental support to all parents with children under 18. Various parenting educational programs are used within municipalities and in GĂ€vle municipality and the Swedish Church GĂ€vle parish the Circle of Security is used. Based on the lack of scientific studies on the program, GĂ€vle municipality and Swedish Church wanted Circle of Security evaluated. The aim of the study was to investigate parents’ experiences of participating in the parenting support program Circle of Security and whether their well-being has been affected, and it was chosen to conduct interviews with parents who had participated the program. The data was analyzed using qualitative content analysis. In this work, the authors also received the Swedish Church already collected questionnaires, which were also analyzed. The results show that the parents feel that the Circle of Security has given them the tools they need in their everyday life to better care for their children. They describe a reduced number of conflicts, repaired relationships with their children and how they talk to their children about their feelings and that they can more easily see the child’s needs and respond to them. The fact that their parenting has been strengthened has also given them a sense of security and calm in being a parent, with a reduced experience of stress. The Circle of Security has given them a competence that has increased their well-being.The Circle of Security gave the parents what they needed, deepened their knowledge of children’s needs, a group community and felt strengthened in their role as parents, and that is the very purpose of parenting support. A cost-effective parenting educational program is one that both strengthens parenting skills and promotes health, which the Circle of Security is shown to do in this study

    'If I whistled in her ear she'd wake up' : Children's narration about their experiences of growing up in alcoholic families

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    This article aims to investigate what it means to grow up in an alcoholic family environment. Nineteen children aged 6–11 who participated in a psycho-educational programme in the 1990s for children living with parents who misuse alcohol were interviewed about their experiences in a longitudinal study. A narrative analysis of their life stories demonstrates how, on the one hand, they positioned themselves as ‘vulnerable victims’ exposed to their parent’s alcoholism and to situations of severe neglect, domestic violence and sexual abuse. This position was characterized by a sense of powerlessness and lack of resources for coping with emotional distress and risk, as well as an urgent need for protection and care. On the other hand, the children positioned themselves as ‘competent agents’ who had developed purposeful strategies for managing their life situation, such as trying to reduce their parent’s drinking and undertaking the role of a ‘young carer’. The children primarily tried to normalize themselves in their social circle in a position of ‘silenced and invisible victims’. However, the alcoholism was usually exposed and the children occasionally also found themselves in the position of ‘help-seeking victims’ obliged to disclose the ‘family secret’. Remarkably, this rarely changed their situation very much. Instead, the children were commonly left in the position of ‘visible but unprotected victims’

    'If I whistled in her ear she'd wake up' : children's narration about their experiences of growing up in alcoholic families

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    This article aims to investigate what it means to grow up in an alcoholic family environment. Nineteen children aged 6-11 who participated in a psycho-educational programme in the 1990s for children living with parents who misuse alcohol were interviewed about their experiences in a longitudinal study. A narrative analysis of their life stories demonstrates how, on the one hand, they positioned themselves as 'vulnerable victims' exposed to their parent's alcoholism and to situations of severe neglect, domestic violence and sexual abuse. This position was characterized by a sense of powerlessness and lack of resources for coping with emotional distress and risk, as well as an urgent need for protection and care. On the other hand, the children positioned themselves as 'competent agents' who had developed purposeful strategies for managing their life situation, such as trying to reduce their parent's drinking and undertaking the role of a 'young carer'. The children primarily tried to normalize themselves in their social circle in a position of 'silenced and invisible victims'. However, the alcoholism was usually exposed and the children occasionally also found themselves in the position of 'help-seeking victims' obliged to disclose the 'family secret'. Remarkably, this rarely changed their situation very much. Instead, the children were commonly left in the position of 'visible but unprotected victims'.The study was supported by FORTE [grants 2018/01052], Systembolagets AlkoholforskningsrÄd [grants 2017/0062] and Stiftelsen AllmÀnna Barnhuset [2014/015]</p

    Barns upplevelser av en intervention i familjer dÀr vuxna har ett problematiskt bruk av alkohol och droger

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    Aim: To investigate children's experiences of the intervention Me and my Family. Me and my Family is an intervention, for families with parental substance use problems (SUP) provided by Swedish social services outpatient care, includes eight weekly sessions where family members communicate how the SUP affects the family. Method: Data consists of 17 qualitative interviews with children, 7 to 19 years old. The qualitative data were analysed using a thematic approach, initially inductively and then discussed by adding salutogenic perspective. Results: The results are presented in three themes. Regardless of the children's varying ages, the results indicate that participating in the intervention has helped the family break the taboo surrounding parental substance use and enabled the young participants to communicate with their family members differently. The intervention also contributed to stronger bonds between children and their parents.Översatt titel: Children's experiences of an intervention in families where adults have a problematic use of alcohol and drugs</p

    What do people agree to when stating willingness to donate? On the medical interventions enabling organ donation after death.

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    PURPOSE OF THE STUDY:The purpose of this study is to explore donor relatives' experiences of the medical interventions enabling organ donation, as well as to examine the donor relatives' attitudes towards donating their own organs, and whether or not their experiences have influenced their own inclination to donate. METHODS:The experiences of donor relatives were explored via in-depth interviews. The interviews covered every step from the deceased family member being struck by a severe bleeding in the brain till after the organ recovery, including the medical interventions enabling organ donation. The interviews were analysed through qualitative and quantitative content analysis. RESULTS:Brain death and organ donation proved to be hard to understand for many donor relatives. The prolonged interventions provided after death in order to enable organ donation misled some relatives to believe that their family member still was alive. In general, the understanding for what treatment aimed at saving the family member and what interventions aimed at maintaining organ viability was low. However, most donor relatives were either inspired to, or reinforced in their willingness to, donate their own organs after having experienced the loss of a family member who donated organs. CONCLUSIONS:There is a need for greater transparency regarding the whole chain of events during the donation process. Yet, having experienced the donation process closely did not discourage the donor relatives from donating their own organs-but rather inspired a willingness to donate. This indicates an acceptance of the medical procedures necessary in order to enable organ donation after death

    HÄllbart arbetsliv för nattarbetande sjuksköterskor och barnmorskor : Upplevelser av nattarbetets för- och nackdelar

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    Det övergripande syftet med det hĂ€r projektet var att bidra med kunskap som kan anvĂ€ndas för attmöjliggöra att natt- och skiftarbete ska kunna kombineras med god hĂ€lsa, motivation och engagemang i en stabil personalstyrka i hĂ€lso- och sjukvĂ„rden. Rapporten beskriver resultat baserade pĂ„29 intervjuer som gjordes med sjuksköterskor och barnmorskor i Region Stockholm under hösten2018 och vĂ„ren 2019. Inte ovĂ€ntat var möjligheten till Ă„terhĂ€mtning ett viktigt omrĂ„de, dĂ„ nattarbete Ă€r nĂ€ra sammankopplat med efterföljande trötthet. Resultaten pekar mot att individuella psykologiska, biologiskaoch sociala variationer kan pĂ„verka vad som Ă€r ett optimalt schema. Nattarbetets effekter pĂ„ livetutanför arbetet var ett annat omrĂ„de dĂ€r Ă„terhĂ€mtning hade stor betydelse. Men nattarbete handlar inte bara om trötthet och Ă„terhĂ€mtning. I sjuksköterskans och barnmorskans nattarbete fanns ocksĂ„ vissa speciella arbetsorganisatoriska förhĂ„llanden. En av de viktigastepusselbitarna i nattarbetets karaktĂ€r Ă€r kravet pĂ„ stor sjĂ€lvstĂ€ndighet, som – om förutsĂ€ttningarnaĂ€r de rĂ€tta – har möjlighet att öka arbetstillfredsstĂ€llelsen och bidra till en berikad arbetssituation.Under sĂ€mre förutsĂ€ttningar, ofta handlar det om begrĂ€nsad bemanning, kan kravet pĂ„ sjĂ€lvstĂ€ndighet istĂ€llet medföra stress och oro för patientsĂ€kerheten och upplevelsen av att vara ensam omett alltför stort ansvar. En annan aspekt av nattarbetets organisation handlade om att det kan gemöjlighet till klinisk kompetensutveckling inom vĂ„rd och omvĂ„rdnad.

    Health care professionals’ perceptions of health promotion with preschool children

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    Background: The growing burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) all over the world calls for a change in peoples’ lifestyles. One way to prevent NCDs is to work with health promotion. The burden of communicable diseases (CDs), however, is still high and resources are limited. Studies suggest that promotion of health should start early in life and in cooperation between preschool teachers and parents. Also health care workers should be included in such work. The aim of the present study was to explore health care professionals’ experiences and their reflections on health promotion in relation to children’s health in two different Western Cape settings, South Africa. Methods: Data was collected in two focus group discussions (FGDs) with twelve health care professionals from health clinics situated in two different settings; one upper-middle income urban suburb and one peri-urban township. Data was analysed with latent content analysis. Results: The findings are presented in four categories and twelve subcategories. The focus group (FG) participants had a holistic view on health and they talked about children’s health from a health promotion perspective where they saw children’s health as affected by an interplay between family, societal and structural factors. Further they saw several possibilities and expressed ideas about how to work from a health promotion perspective. They had a positive attitude to working intersectorally and interdisciplinary and believed that they could contribute to such a work. However, the cooperation with doctors and social service must be improved in order to succeed. Conclusions: The organizers of the health care sector should see to that health professionals have the possibility to work according to health promotion principles. Also the health care workers themselves must engage more actively in the work by considering the attitudes of the staff, the parents and grandparents and develop cultural awareness and sensibility