261 research outputs found

    El agón entre sofística y filosofía : Entre la esclavitud del alma y la esclavitud del cuerpo

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    Este trabajo analiza una de las instancias del clásico agón entre sofística y filosofía, tal como aparece planteado en el Fedón de Platón. El eje de mi abordaje está constituido por las diversas relaciones de esclavitud que se pueden establecer entre el alma y el cuerpo. La hipótesis que aspiro a demostrar es que mientras la esclavitud del cuerpo al alma es postulada como la condición filosófica por excelencia, la esclavitud inversa (del alma al cuerpo) admite ser calificada de "sofística". Esto no significa que el sofista sea el creador de tal esclavitud anti-filosófica; la misma no es más que la forma de vida cotidiana del pueblo ateniense, regulada por deseos corporales que persiguen constantemente la consecución del placer. El rol del sofista en este contexto consistiría específicamente en la justificación y profundización de esa disposición preexistente, tanto a través de sus enseñanzas teóricas como de su práctica políticaThis paper examines one instance of the classic agón between sophistry and philosophy, as it appears raised in Plato's Phaedo. The focus of my approach is constituted by the various relationships of slavery that can be established between the soul and body. The hypothesis that I hope to prove is that while the slavery of the body to the soul is postulated as the quintessential philosophical condition, the reverse slavery (of the soul to the body) admits to be described as ?sophistic?. This does not mean that the sophist is the creator of such anti-philosophical slavery; it is the everyday lifestyle of the Athenian people, regulated by bodily desires constantly pursuing pleasure. The role of the sophist in this respect consists specifically in the justification and deepening of that existing disposition, through both its theoretical teachings and its political practic

    The eroticism of statues and the rhetoricism of phantasms. A contrast between the mimetic productions of the philosopher and of the sophist in Plato

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    En este trabajo comparo el vínculo erótico entre el filósofo y su joven amado, tal como es descripto en Fedro 249b-256b, con la relación retórica que el sofista establece con el pueblo, según Sofista 232b-236d y 265a-268d. Postulo que se trata de dos casos estructuralmente análogos de producciones miméticas. El primero da como resultado un ágalma, (estatua sagrada), mientras que el segundo genera un phántasma (simulacro). Identifico las semejanzas y diferencias entre los elementos que participan de cada producción, para concluir poniendo en cuestión la pretendida inocuidad de la erótica filosófica, así como la supuesta nocividad de la retórica sofística.In this paper I compare the erotic bond between the philosopher and his young beloved, as described in Phaedrus 249b-256b, with the rhetorical relationship established between the sophist and the people, as described in Sophist 232b-236d and 265a-268d. I postulate that these are two structurally analogous cases of mimetic production. The first results in an ágalma (“holy statue”), while the second produces a phántasma (“simulation”). I identify the similarities and differences between the elements involved in each production, and conclude by questioning the supposed safety of philosophic erotics on the one hand and the alleged harmfulness of sophistic rhetoric on the other.Fil: Forciniti, Martín Sebastián. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Filosofía "Dr. Alejandro Korn"; Argentin

    Kusch, el peronismo indigenista y la “infiltración marxista”: Un análisis de la función ideológica del discurso filosófico

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    This article analyzes Rodolfo Kusch's The indigenous and popular thought in America as a political intervention in the year 1973. Being the reissue of a 1970 work, it is established that in both Peronism constitutes a political expression of the indigenous and popular American culture, threatened by a recent “Marxist infiltration”. A review of the use of this topic in the publications of the Peronist right-wing in the 60s and the 70s shows the convergence between that sector’s position and the indigenist Peronism of Kusch. Emphasizing that in each edition the philosopher points out different people responsible for the Marxist infiltration, it is concluded that the greater danger attributed to them in 1973 is explained by the intensity of the confrontation between the left and the right-wing of Peronism in that year, in which Kusch takes sides in favor of the second. [Peer-reviewed article] Received: 15/7/2022 Accepted: 05/09/2022Este artículo analiza El pensamiento indígena y popular en América de Rodolfo Kusch como una intervención política en el año 1973. Tratándose de la reedición de una obra de 1970, se establece que en ambas el peronismo constituye una expresión política de la cultura indígena y popular americana, amenazada por una reciente “infiltración marxista”. Un relevamiento de la utilización de este tópico en las publicaciones de la derecha peronista de los años 60 y 70 exhibe la convergencia entre el posicionamiento de dicho sector y el peronismo indigenista de Kusch. Destacando que en cada edición el filósofo señala diferentes responsables de la infiltración marxista, se concluye que la mayor peligrosidad que les atribuye en 1973 se explica por la intensidad del enfrentamiento entre la izquierda y la derecha del peronismo en ese año, en el cual Kusch toma partido a favor de la segunda.  [Artículo evaluado por pares] Recibido: 15/7/2022 Aceptado: 05/09/202

    Emotion recognition in Italian political language to predict positionings and crises government.

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    The paper aims to analyze the political language adopted on Twitter by the main Italian parties’ leaders during the first two waves of Covid-19 pandemic. A two-step model based on sentiment emotion recognition (ER) and Correspondence analysis detected which emotions characterized the political language and which changes happened between the two waves. The results showed the use of a language with a strong emotional weight for some political actors as opposed to others who used a neutral register of political language in both waves. The comparison between two waves denoted a shift from anger to sadness and fear for Meloni and a moving away Salvini by predicting through ER the rift of the right-wing

    A stated preference survey for evaluating pedestrians’ expectations on walkways

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    Trabajo presentado en: R-Evolucionando el transporte, XIV Congreso de Ingeniería del Transporte (CIT 2021), realizado en modalidad online los días 6, 7 y 8 de julio de 2021, organizado por la Universidad de BurgosPedestrian mobility is the oldest form of transport in urban areas. Due to the increase of private vehicles, transport planning has mainly focused on traffic congestion problems, neglecting pedestrian mobility and public transport. Given the current situation of pollution and climate change, walkability is again one of the most important transport modes to achieve urban sustainable mobility in the next future. As reported in the literature, city dwellers are willing to walk to carry out daily activities but complain about the lack of adequate pedestrian infrastructure. For promoting pedestrian mobility, the quality levels of pedestrian paths should be increased. Many researchers suggest methodologies for determining the pedestrian level of service. Among these, some studies consider both path physical characteristics and users' perception about the walkway. Investigating on users’ perception represents a good strategy for implementing interventions aimed at increasing the quality of service. In addition to users’ perception about the different characteristics of the pedestrian path, it is also necessary to take over the importance that users assign to each aspect. This work proposes the design of a Stated Preferences survey and the analysis of the preliminary results. A questionnaire was addressed to a sample of 240 pedestrians on a walkway located in the University Campus of Rende (Italy). The aim is recording pedestrians’ perception about the characteristics of the path and detecting the choices they would make in a hypothetical scenario. Then, the collected data has been analysed by means of a discrete choice model for assessing the weights assigned by pedestrians to each aspect included in the analysis. The results have allowed the most relevant pedestrian path aspects for users to be identified. Just on these aspects it is necessary to intervene in order to make pedestrian paths increasingly attractive and to encourage users towards active mobility.Support from “POR Calabria FESR-FSE 2014/2020 – Linea B) Azione 10.5.12” is gratefully acknowledged

    Ironía y refutación: el elenchos de Calicles en el Gorgias de Platón

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    In this work I use the concept of irony to analyze the elenchos that Socrates practices on the opinions of Callicles in the Gorgias. I assume as a starting point that Socrates aims at the modification of his interlocutor ́s animic disposition, adopting a philosophical way of life and abandoning the rhetorical one. To do this, he develops an ironic elenchos that has three moments: a feigned acceptance by Socrates of the dichotomy presented by Callicles between the life of the politician, worthy of imitation, and that of the philosopher, worthy of reproach; a reversal of that dichotomy; and finally, a questioning of that reversal. I will conclude by arguing that this third moment constitutes a new Socratic maneuver to urge Callicles to suspend his political activities, and previously examine philosophically with him the way to become virtuous.En este trabajo tomo como eje el concepto de ironía para analizar el elenchos que Sócrates practica sobre las opiniones de Calicles en el diálogo Gorgias. Asumo como punto de partida que Sócrates aspira a que su interlocutor modifique su disposición anímica y adopte un modo de vida filosófico, abandonando el retórico. Para ello, desarrolla un elenchos irónico que posee tres momentos: una fingida aceptación por parte de Sócrates de la dicotomía presentada por Calicles entre la vida del político, digna de imitación, y la del filósofo, merecedora de reproche; una inversión de dicha dicotomía; y finalmente una puesta en cuestión de dicha inversión. Concluiré sosteniendo que este tercer momento constituye una nueva maniobra socrática para instar a Calicles a que suspenda sus actividades políticas y examine previamente con él, de manera filosófica, el camino para volverse virtuoso

    Effect of Differences in the Primary Structure of the A-Chain on the Aggregation of Insulin Fragments

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    Bovine and human insulin have similar primary structures. In this article, the region of the insulin A-chain of bovine and human insulin where the amino acid composition is different was studied. Bovine insulin fragment (BIF) and human insulin fragment (HIF) were synthesized in solid-phase peptide synthesis. The effects of pH, temperature, urea, ionic strength, and stirring on the formation of fibrils were studied using a fractional factorial resolution III experimental design. Fibrillation was monitored by fluorescence and infrared spectroscopy and optical microscopy. Both fragments formed fibrils at pH 1.6 and a temperature of 60 °C. The lag time and apparent aggregation growth rate constant were determined using a two-parameter kinetic model. It was found that the bovine insulin fragment has a shorter lag time than the human insulin one, whereas the exponential phase rate was faster for HIF than for BIF. An increase in β-sheets content with time was observed in both fragments. The increase in β-sheets was preceded by an initial decrease in α-helices followed by an intermediate increase during the transition from the lag phase to elongation phase. Temperature and ionic strength are among the most important experimental factors during the lag phase, whereas ionic strength is replaced by pH during the elongation phase for both the fragments. Congo red binding confirmed the presence of ringlike oligomer structures rich in antiparallel β-sheets, which tend to form fibrils rich in parallel β-sheets