14 research outputs found

    Análisis del infrarregistro de la mortalidad perinatal y sus factores asociados en una región sanitaria de Cataluña

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    ResumenObjetivosEvaluar la magnitud del infrarregistro de las muertes perinatales de la Región Sanitaria «Centre» (RSC) (Cataluña). Estimar las tasas de mortalidad reales y analizar los factores asociados al infrarregistro.MétodosEstudio observacional retrospectivo del infrarregistro de la mortalidad perinatal durante el período 1991–1992 en la RSC. Mediante una recogida activa se han identificado las muertes perinatales de peso igual o superior a 500 gr o de 22 semanas o más, ocurridas en los hospitales del RSC, comparándolas, mediante un apareamiento informático, con las muertes perinatales del registro oficial de mortalidad. Las variables de apareamiento utilizadas han sido: nombre y apellidos del recién nacido, sexo, municipio y fecha de la defunción. Se ha aplicado el análisis de regresión logística para detectar los factores asociados al infrarregistro.ResultadosLa mortalidad perinatal en la RSC en el período 1991–92 se ha infraestimado en un 34% (IC 95%: 26%–42%). La mayor parte de las muertes no declaradas corresponde a muertes fetales y/o recién nacidos de muy bajo peso o de gran prematuridad que mueren a las pocas horas de vida. Durante el fin de semana el infrarregistro es unas cuatro veces mayor. Una vez recogida, la tasa de mortalidad perinatal en la RSC para los años 1991–1992 pasa de 6,3 por 1.000 nacimientos a 9,6 por 1.000 nacimientos.ConclusionesPara disponer de una información precisa de las necesidades de salud de las mujeres en edad fértil y de los recién nacidos de la RSC, y de cada uno de sus sectores, debe mejorarse la declaración de las muertes perinatales.SummaryObjectivesTo assess the degree of undereporting of perinatal deaths in the «Centre» Region (CR) during 1991 and 1992.MethodsObservational retrospective study of the undereporting of perinatal deaths in the CR during 1991 and 1992. Perinatal deaths above 499 grams or 21 weeks of gestation which occurred in the hospitals of the CR were identified by reviewing hospital records, and then compared through linkage with perinatal deaths recorded in vital statistics. The following variables were used for the matching: name and surname, sex, county and date of death. Logistic regression was used to identify factors associated with undereporting.ResultsThe degree of undereporting of perinatal deaths in the CR during 1991–1992 was 34% [95% CI: (26%–42%)]. Most undereported perinatal deaths corresponded to fetal deaths, or very low birthweight or preterm livebirths that died shortly after birth. Over the weekend, undereporting increases by four-fold. The official perinatal mortality rate for the CR, 6.3 per 1,000 births, increased to 9.6 per 1,000 births, after taking into account undereporting.ConclusionsIn order to have valid information of the health needs of mothers and newborns reporting of perinatal deaths must be improved

    Oxidação da pirita e seus efeitos em argamassas de cimento Portland sujeitas ao ataque por sulfatos de origem interna

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    RESUMO O ataque por sulfatos de origem interna é resultante da reação química entre os íons Fe2+ e SO4 2-, provenientes da oxidação de agregados sulfetados, e os compostos da pasta cimentícia, e tende a promover a degradação do concreto devido formação de produtos expansivos que geram fissuração e desagregação do material. Neste trabalho, a morfologia da pirita, presente em alguns tipos de agregado, foi avaliada. O mineral foi utilizado em substituição parcial à areia (10%, em massa) na dosagem de argamassas, para estudo das modificações microestruturais e da variação dimensional linear sob envelhecimento natural durante 42 dias. A caracterização microestrutural foi executada em equipamento FEG/SEM com sonda analítica de EDS. Verificou-se, na superfície da pirita oxidada, a formação de óxidos de ferro, os quais afetaram a interface entre a pasta de cimento e o agregado nos materiais produzidos com a pirita. Quanto a variação dimensional, a argamassa apresentou apenas contrações durante o período de estudo. Verificou-se a ocorrência de fissuração e a predominância na formação de cristais aciculares de etringita aos 42 dias enquanto aos 90 dias a presença de gipsita predomina. Óxidos de ferro oriundos da oxidação da pirita são evidentes nas argamassas aos 90 dias

    On the early irrigation of gypseous lands in Spain

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    2 Files (11 Pags., 18 Pags.). The second file is the Supplementary material published with the article. This supplementary material is the transcript of a typewritten Report, in Spanish, authored by F. de los Ríos. This transcription was made by J. Herrero from a badly damaged carbon copy on onionskin paper. The definitive version is available at: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1099-145XGypseous lands occur mainly in arid regions of the world, where irrigation is required for profitable agriculture. The study of gypseous soils has been neglected for years in the main stream of the soil science. Agriculture and, more recently, the environmental concerns are challenging research in the countries that have extensive gypsum outcrops. Those challenges have been obvious since at least the 1960s, when economic development in some of these countries led to the construction of new irrigation schemes and associated infrastructures. This paper presents examples of documents about agriculture on gypseous soils in Spain that might be applicable to similar situations elsewhere in the world.This work has been funded by the Spanish Government under the project CGL2015-71360-P and by the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) under the project Icoop-2016SU0015.Peer reviewe

    Assessment of two complementary influenza surveillance systems : Sentinel primary care influenza-like illness versus severe hospitalized laboratory-confirmed influenza using the moving epidemic method

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    Monitoring seasonal influenza epidemics is the corner stone to epidemiological surveillance of acute respiratory virus infections worldwide. This work aims to compare two sentinel surveillance systems within the Daily Acute Respiratory Infection Information System of Catalonia (PIDIRAC), the primary care ILI and Influenza confirmed samples from primary care (PIDIRAC-ILI and PIDIRAC-FLU) and the severe hospitalized laboratory confirmed influenza system (SHLCI), in regard to how they behave in the forecasting of epidemic onset and severity allowing for healthcare preparedness. Epidemiological study carried out during seven influenza seasons (2010-2017) in Catalonia, with data from influenza sentinel surveillance of primary care physicians reporting ILI along with laboratory confirmation of influenza from systematic sampling of ILI cases and 12 hospitals that provided data on severe hospitalized cases with laboratory-confirmed influenza (SHLCI-FLU). Epidemic thresholds for ILI and SHLCI-FLU (overall) as well as influenza A (SHLCI-FLUA) and influenza B (SHLCI-FLUB) incidence rates were assessed by the Moving Epidemics Method. Epidemic thresholds for primary care sentinel surveillance influenza-like illness (PIDIRAC-ILI) incidence rates ranged from 83.65 to 503.92 per 100.000 h. Paired incidence rate curves for SHLCI-FLU/PIDIRAC-ILI and SHLCI-FLUA/PIDIRAC-FLUA showed best correlation index' (0.805 and 0.724 respectively). Assessing delay in reaching epidemic level, PIDIRAC-ILI source forecasts an average of 1.6 weeks before the rest of sources paired. Differences are higher when SHLCI cases are paired to PIDIRAC-ILI and PIDIRAC-FLUB although statistical significance was observed only for SHLCI-FLU/PIDIRAC-ILI (p-value Wilcoxon test = 0.039). The combined ILI and confirmed influenza from primary care along with the severe hospitalized laboratory confirmed influenza data from PIDIRAC sentinel surveillance system provides timely and accurate syndromic and virological surveillance of influenza from the community level to hospitalization of severe cases