333 research outputs found

    Taidekasvattajasta visuaalisen alan asiantuntijaksi - muuttuuko taidekasvatuksen paradigma

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    Taidekasvatuksen ja yrityselämän yhteiselo

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    Kenguruhoidon aikaisen laulamisen ja kodin kieli- ja musiikkitoimintojen vaikutus keskosen kehitykseen 2–3 vuoden iässä

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    Keskosilla (sikiöikä < 37 rv tai syntymäpaino < 2500 g) on täysiaikaisia suurempi riski kognitiivisen, kielellisen ja motorisen kehityksen vaikeuksille. Keskosen myöhempään kehitykseen vaikuttavat sekä ennenaikainen syntymä että varhaiset ympäristötekijät. Ensimmäisten elinviikkojen sairaalassaolo tarjoaa epäoptimaalisen ympäristön keskosen aistitoimintojen sekä vanhemman ja vauvan varhaisen vuorovaikutuksen kehittymiselle. Keskosen kehitystä sekä vanhemman ja vauvan vuorovaikutusta on tuettu kenguruhoidolla (keskonen on ihokosketuksessa vanhemman rintakehällä) ja musiikki-interventioilla, joiden on kummankin todettu edesauttavan keskosen fysiologisia reaktioita ja lievittävän vanhempien stressiä. Lisäksi kenguruhoito saattaa edesauttaa keskosen myöhempää kognitiivista kehitystä. Kenguruhoidon ja musiikki-interventioiden yhdistelmän on alustavasti todettu edistävän joitakin keskosen fysiologisia toimintoja sekä vähentävän äidin stressiä, mutta sen vaikutuksia keskosen myöhempään kehitykseen ei ole vielä tutkittu. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, edesauttaako vanhemman laulaminen kenguruhoidon aikana keskosen kognitiivista, kielellistä tai motorista kehitystä 2–3 vuoden korjatussa iässä normaaliin kenguruhoitoon verrattuna. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin tutkittavien kodin kieli- ja musiikkitoimintojen yhteyttä keskosen kognitiiviseen ja kielelliseen kehitykseen. Keskosten sairaalahoidon aikana koeryhmän (N=20) vanhempia ohjeistettiin laulamaan tai hyräilemään lapselleen kenguruhoidon aikana ja kontrolliryhmän (N=11) vanhempia ohjeistettiin toteuttamaan pelkkää kenguruhoitoa ilman äänimaailmaan liittyvää ohjeistusta. Koe- ja kontrolliryhmän kognitiivista, kielellistä ja motorista kehitystä arvioitiin Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development III -testistöllä (Bayley-III) 2–3 vuoden korjatussa iässä. Kenguruhoidon aikaisen laulun ei havaittu edesauttavan keskosten kehitystä 2–3 vuoden korjatussa iässä Bayley-III -testistöllä arvioituna. Sen sijaan vanhempien raportoima kodin kieli- ja musiikkitoimintojen suurempi määrä tutkimushetkellä oli yhteydessä parempaan kognitiiviseen ja kielelliseen testisuoriutumiseen. On mahdollista, että keskosten standardihoito Suomessa tukee myöhempää kehitystä niin tehokkaasti, että laulun lisääminen siihen ei paranna entuudestaan hyvää tilannetta. Näyttäisi kuitenkin siltä, että keskosten kehitystä voidaan tukea ensimmäisten elinvuosien aikana. Näin ollen keskosten taaperoiän interventioita tulisi kehittää ja tutkia lisää. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella vanhempia voidaan rohkaista tukemaan keskosena syntyneen lapsensa kielellistä ja kognitiivista kehitystä yhteisen kieli- ja musiikkitoiminnan avulla.Infants born preterm (< 37 gestational weeks) or with low birth weight (< 2500 g) have an increased risk of cognitive, language and motor difficulties. Preterm infants’ later development can be compromised by premature birth and early environmental factors. First weeks of life at a hospital provides non-optimal environment for the development of preterm infants’ senses and infants and parents interaction. To alleviate potential developmental deficits, preterm infants’ development and parent-infant interaction are supported by kangaroo care (infant on skin-to-skin contact at parent’s chest) and music interventions which have been shown to improve infants’ physiological responses and alleviate parents stress. Kangaroo care is further reported to improve infants’ cognitive development. Preliminary findings show that combining kangaroo care with music can improve some of preterm infants’ physiological responses and reduce maternal stress. However, effects of combining kangaroo care and music have not been yet studied. The aim of this study was to examine if parental singing during kangaroo care can promote preterm infants’ cognitive, language, or motor development at 2–3 years of corrected age. Additionally, it was examined if language and music activities at home had an effect on preterm infants’ cognitive or language development. During their hospital stay parents of the experiment group (N=20) were instructed to sing or hum to their child during kangaroo care and the parents of the control group (N=11) were instructed to provide kangaroo care but with no instructions regarding sound environment. The cognitive, language and motor development of the preterm infants was assessed with Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development III (Bayley-III) in 2–3 years of age. Singing during kangaroo care had no effect on preterm infants’ development at 2-3 years of corrected age as assessed by Bayley-III. However, the more there were language and music activities at home at the time of the follow-up as reported by the parents, the better was the cognitive and language performance. Based on this study, parents can be encouraged to support their preterm born child’s language and cognitive development with joint language and music activities

    Sleep and behavioural problems associate with low mood in Finnish children aged 4-12 years : an epidemiological study

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    Background: Few studies have examined the associations between sleep, mood and behaviour in young children in the early stages of developing psychopathology. The purpose here was to examine the association of emotional problems, especially mood, with family and child characteristics, sleep and behavioural problems in 4-12 year-old children. Methods: The sample was population-based and included 1714 children. Parents filled in the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire and a background questionnaire on child and family characteristics. The associations between (a) emotional symptoms/mood and background variables, (b) emotional problems and conduct problems/hyperactivity and (c) mood and conduct problems/hyperactivity were examined with ordinal regression in univariate and multivariate models. Results: Of the background variables, child's sleeping problems had the most powerful association with emotional symptoms and mood. Abnormal emotional problems score and emotional symptoms were associated with abnormal conduct problems and hyperactivity scores. Of the emotional symptoms, low mood was the one associated most strongly with conduct problems and hyperactivity after controlling for all significant background variables and other emotional symptoms. Conclusions: We conclude that in young children sleep problems associate with low mood. Low mood associates with behavioural problems. When a child presents with low mood or behavioural problems, a comprehensive assessment of their psychiatric symptoms, as well as their sleep problems, is recommended.Peer reviewe

    NIRS JA EEG laitteiden testaaminen fantomeilla

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    Tiivistelmä. Tässä kandidaatintyössä tutkitaan lähi-infrapuna spektroskopia (NIRS) ja elektroenkefalografia (EEG) laitteiden testausmenetelmiä ja niiden merkitystä laitteiden toiminnan varmistamisessa ja potilasturvallisuuden takaamisessa. Lisäksi selvitettiin lääketieteellisten laitteiden standardeja ja käyttöturvallisuuteen liittyviä säädöksiä. Protokollat perustuvat ISO- ja IEC-standardeihin ja sisältävät erilaisia testejä, joiden tarkoituksena on varmistaa laitteiden turvallisuus ja suorituskyky terveydenhuollon sovelluksissa. Selkeät protokollat auttavat dokumentoimaan testien tulokset ja varmistamaan niiden toistettavuuden. Lääketieteellisissä laitteissa on tärkeää varmistaa niiden toiminta ja turvallisuus potilaan hoidon tehokkuuden varmistamiseksi.Testing NIRS and EEG devices with phantoms. Abstract. This bachelor’s thesis investigates testing methods for near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and electroencephalography (EEG) devices and their significance in ensuring device operation and patient safety. In addition, standards and safety regulations concerning medical devices were studied. The protocols are based on ISO and IEC standards and include various tests that aim to ensure device safety and performance in healthcare applications. Clear protocols help document test results and ensure their reproducibility. It is important to ensure the operation and safety of medical devices to ensure the effectiveness of patient treatment

    Vigias e vigiados: variáveis e elementos para pesquisa comparativa sobre a migração na fronteira Brasil-França

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    This paper intends to provide possibilities and notes for a comparative research analyzing the levels of cooperation involving Brazil and France regarding summit themes, such as the recurring problems of cooperation, focusing on what their foreign policies – and the resulting variety of actions, legislation and acts imply – point to the behavior of both States on the topic of high priority for the French Guiana-Amapa border and for the global and regional debate. Inevitably, aspects of state of art in foreign policy cooperation will be observed, more specifically on how concepts and basilar approaches to immigration issues can be pointed out.Este trabalho pretende ensejar possibilidades e notas para uma pesquisa comparativa analisando os níveis de cooperação envolvendo Brasil e França no que diz respeito a temas de cimeira, como os recorrentes problemas de cooperação, com foco no que as suas políticas externas – e a decorrente variedade de ações, legislações e atos implicam – apontam sobre o comportamento dos dois Estados diante do assunto de grande prioridade para a fronteira guiano-amapaense e para o debate global e regional. Inevitavelmente, serão observados aspectos sobre o estado-da-arte na cooperação em política externa, mais especificamente sobre como pode-se apontar conceitos e abordagens basilares para temas ligados à imigração

    Radar—CubeSat Transionospheric HF Propagation Observations: Suomi 100 Satellite and EISCAT HF Facility

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    Radio waves provide a useful diagnostic tool to investigate the properties of the ionosphere because the ionosphere affects the transmission and properties of high frequency (HF) electromagnetic waves. We have conducted a transionospheric HF-propagation research campaign with a nanosatellite on a low-Earth polar orbit and the EISCAT HF transmitter facility in Tromsø, Norway, in December 2020. In the active measurement, the EISCAT HF facility transmitted sinusoidal 7.953 MHz signal which was received with the High frEquency rAdio spectRomEteR (HEARER) onboard 1 Unit (size: 10 × 10 × 10 cm) Suomi 100 space weather nanosatellite. Data analysis showed that the EISCAT HF signal was detected with the satellite's radio spectrometer when the satellite was the closest to the heater along its orbit. Part of the observed variations seen in the signal was identified to be related to the heater's antenna pattern and to the transmitted pulse shapes. Other observed variations can be related to the spatial and temporal variations of the ionosphere and its different responses to the used transmission frequencies and to the transmitted O- and X-wave modes. Some trends in the observed signal may also be associated to changes in the properties of ionospheric plasma resulting from the heater's electromagnetic wave energy. This paper is, to authors' best knowledge, the first observation of this kind of “self-absorption” measured from the transionospheric signal path from a powerful radio source on the ground to the satellite-borne receiver
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