251 research outputs found

    Stable crystalline lattices in two-dimensional binary mixtures of dipolar particles

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    The phase diagram of binary mixtures of particles interacting via a pair potential of parallel dipoles is computed at zero temperature as a function of composition and the ratio of their magnetic susceptibilities. Using lattice sums, a rich variety of different stable crystalline structures is identified including AmBnA_mB_n structures. [AA (B)(B) particles correspond to large (small) dipolar moments.] Their elementary cells consist of triangular, square, rectangular or rhombic lattices of the AA particles with a basis comprising various structures of AA and BB particles. For small (dipolar) asymmetry there are intermediate AB2AB_2 and A2BA_2B crystals besides the pure AA and BB triangular crystals. These structures are detectable in experiments on granular and colloidal matter.Comment: 6 pages - 2 figs - phase diagram update

    Nanocrystalline tin oxide nanofibers deposited by a novel focused electrospinning method. Application to the detection of TATP precursors

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    A new method of depositing tin dioxide nanofibers in order to develop chemical sensors is presented. It involves an electrospinning process with in-plane electrostatic focusing over micromechanized substrates. It is a fast and reproducible method. After an annealing process, which can be performed by the substrate heaters, it is observed that the fibers are intertwined forming porous networks that are randomly distributed on the substrate. The fiber diameters oscillate from 100 nm to 200 nm and fiber lengths reach several tens of microns. Each fiber has a polycrystalline structure with multiple nano-grains. The sensors have been tested for the detection of acetone and hydrogen peroxide (precursors of the explosive triacetone triperoxide, TATP) in air in the ppm range. High and fast responses to these gases have been obtained. © 2014 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.This work has been supported by the Spanish Science and Innovation Ministry under the projects TEC2010-21357-C05-04 and TEC2013-48147-C6-4-R. Authors want to thank University of Extremadura for SEM and XRD analysis. We acknowledge support by the CSIC Open Access Publication Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI)Peer Reviewe

    Surface-charge-induced freezing of colloidal suspensions

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    Using grand-canonical Monte Carlo simulations we investigate the impact of charged walls on the crystallization properties of charged colloidal suspensions confined between these walls. The investigations are based on an effective model focussing on the colloids alone. Our results demonstrate that the fluid-wall interaction stemming from charged walls has a crucial impact on the fluid's high-density behavior as compared to the case of uncharged walls. In particular, based on an analysis of in-plane bond order parameters we find surface-charge-induced freezing and melting transitions

    Love-Wave Sensors Combined with Microfluidics for Fast Detection of Biological Warfare Agents

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    The following paper examines a time-efficient method for detecting biological warfare agents (BWAs). The method is based on a system of a Love-wave immunosensor combined with a microfluidic chip which detects BWA samples in a dynamic mode. In this way a continuous flow-through of the sample is created, promoting the reaction between antigen and antibody and allowing a fast detection of the BWAs. In order to prove this method, static and dynamic modes have been simulated and different concentrations of BWA simulants have been tested with two immunoreactions: phage M13 has been detected using the mouse monoclonal antibody anti-M13 (AM13), and the rabbit immunoglobulin (Rabbit IgG) has been detected using the polyclonal antibody goat anti-rabbit (GAR). Finally, different concentrations of each BWA simulants have been detected with a fast response time and a desirable level of discrimination among them has been achieved.This work was supported by the Spanish Science and Innovation Ministry under the project TEC2010-21357-C05-04, and a postdoctoral fellowship at the National Autonomous University of Mexico.We acknowledge support by the CSIC Open Access Publication Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI)Peer reviewe

    Preclinical Efficacy of Cabazitaxel Loaded Poly (2-alkyl cyanoacrylate) Nanoparticle Variants

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    \ua9 2024 Valsalakumari et al. This work is published and licensed by Dove Medical Press Limited.Background: Biodegradable poly(alkyl cyanoacrylate) (PACA) nanoparticles (NPs) are receiving increasing attention in anti-cancer nanomedicine development not only for targeted cancer chemotherapy, but also for modulation of the tumor microenvironment. We previously reported promising results with cabazitaxel (CBZ) loaded poly(2-ethylbutyl cyanoacrylate) NPs (PEBCA-CBZ NPs) in a patient derived xenograft (PDX) model of triple-negative breast cancer, and this was associated with a decrease in M2 macrophages. The present study aims at comparing two endotoxin-free PACA NP variants (PEBCA and poly(2-ethylhexyl cyanoacrylate); PEHCA), loaded with CBZ and test whether conjugation with folate would improve their effect. Methods: Cytotoxicity assays and cellular uptake of NPs by flow cytometry were performed in different breast cancer cells. Biodistribution and efficacy studies were performed in PDX models of breast cancer. Tumor associated immune cells were analyzed by multiparametric flow cytometry. Results: In vitro studies showed similar NP-induced cytotoxicity patterns despite difference in early NP internalization. On intravenous injection, the liver cleared the majority of NPs. Efficacy studies in the HBCx39 PDX model demonstrated an enhanced effect of drug-loaded PEBCA variants compared with free drug and PEHCA NPs. Furthermore, the folate conjugated PEBCA variant did not show any enhanced effects compared with the unconjugated counterpart which might be due to unfavorable orientation of folate on the NPs. Finally, analyses of the immune cell populations in tumors revealed that treatment with drug loaded PEBCA variants affected the myeloid cells, especially macrophages, contributing to an inflammatory, immune activated tumor microenvironment. Conclusion: We report for the first time, comparative efficacy of PEBCA and PEHCA NP variants in triple negative breast cancer models and show that CBZ-loaded PEBCA NPs exhibit a combined effect on tumor cells and on the tumor associated myeloid compartment, which may boost the anti-tumor response

    Isoprenylcysteine Carboxylmethyltransferase-Based Therapy for Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome.

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    Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS, progeria) is a rare genetic disease characterized by premature aging and death in childhood for which there were no approved drugs for its treatment until last November, when lonafarnib obtained long-sought FDA approval. However, the benefits of lonafarnib in patients are limited, highlighting the need for new therapeutic strategies. Here, we validate the enzyme isoprenylcysteine carboxylmethyltransferase (ICMT) as a new therapeutic target for progeria with the development of a new series of potent inhibitors of this enzyme that exhibit an excellent antiprogeroid profile. Among them, compound UCM-13207 significantly improved the main hallmarks of progeria. Specifically, treatment of fibroblasts from progeroid mice with UCM-13207 delocalized progerin from the nuclear membrane, diminished its total protein levels, resulting in decreased DNA damage, and increased cellular viability. Importantly, these effects were also observed in patient-derived cells. Using the Lmna G609G/G609G progeroid mouse model, UCM-13207 showed an excellent in vivo efficacy by increasing body weight, enhancing grip strength, extending lifespan by 20%, and decreasing tissue senescence in multiple organs. Furthermore, UCM-13207 treatment led to an improvement of key cardiovascular hallmarks such as reduced progerin levels in aortic and endocardial tissue and increased number of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). The beneficial effects go well beyond the effects induced by other therapeutic strategies previously reported in the field, thus supporting the use of UCM-13207 as a new treatment for progeria.This work was supported by grants from The Progeria Research Foundation (PRF 2016-65) and the Spanish MINECO (PID2019-106279RB-I00, PID2019-108489RBI00). The authors thank Fundación La Caixa (A.G.), CEI Moncloa (N.I.M.-R.), MINECO (F.J.O.-N. and M.B.) and Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (N.K.-F.) for predoctoral fellowships. The authors thank C. López-Otín for kindly donating LmnaG609G/G609G progeroid and their corresponding wild-type fibroblasts and UCM’s CAIs Cytometry and Fluorescence Microscopy, Genomics, NMR, and Mass Spectrometry, for their assistance. The CNIC is supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, and the pro-CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (grant SEV-2015- 0505). The generation of the antiprogerin antibody was funded by the Wellcome Trust (098291/Z/12/Z to S.N.).S

    A multi-site study on walkability, data sharing and privacy perception using mobile sensing data gathered from the mk-sense platform

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    Walking is a fundamental part of a physically active lifestyle, it is one of everyday activities that positively impacts health and wellbeing. In this paper we describe the challenges and experiences of conducting a sensing campaign in the wild. We make use of mk-sense; a software platform to facilitate the deployment of collaborative sensing campaigns. We elaborate on two cross-cultural studies conducted in four different countries (Mexico, Turkey, Spain, and Switzerland) with a total of 77 participants. We present a detailed description of the data collected from one of the studies aimed at measuring walkability around three different university campuses. The analysis of the data shows that walkability can be assessed using information from the sensors in the smartphones and results from surveys answered by participants. In addition, we analyze issues about data sharing and privacy awareness

    Human breast cancer-derived soluble factors facilitate CCL19-induced chemotaxis of human dendritic cells

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    Breast cancer remains as a challenging disease with high mortality in women. Increasing evidence points the importance of understanding a crosstalk between breast cancers and immune cells, but little is known about the effect of breast cancer-derived factors on the migratory properties of dendritic cells (DCs) and their consequent capability in inducing T cell immune responses. Utilizing a unique 3D microfluidic device, we here showed that breast cancers (MCF-7, MDA-MB-231, MDA-MB-436 and SK-BR-3)-derived soluble factors increase the migration of DCs toward CCL19. The enhanced migration of DCs was mainly mediated via the highly activated JNK/c-Jun signaling pathway, increasing their directional persistence, while the velocity of DCs was not influenced, particularly when they were co-cultured with triple negative breast cancer cells (TNBCs or MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-436). The DCs up-regulated inflammatory cytokines IL-1?? and IL-6 and induced T cells more proliferative and resistant against activation-induced cell death (AICD), which secret high levels of inflammatory cytokines IL-1??, IL-6 and IFN-??. This study demonstrated new possible evasion strategy of TNBCs utilizing their soluble factors that exploit the directionality of DCs toward chemokine responses, leading to the building of inflammatory milieu which may support their own growth.ope

    Efficient precision quantization in AdS/CFT

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    Understanding finite-size effects is one of the key open questions in solving planar AdS/CFT. In this paper we discuss these effects in the AdS_5xS^5 string theory at one-loop in the world-sheet coupling. First we provide a very general, efficient way to compute the fluctuation frequencies, which allows to determine the energy shift for very general multi-cut solutions. Then we apply this to two-cut solutions, in particular the giant magnon and determine the finite-size corrections at subleading order. The latter are then compared to the finite-size corrections from Luscher-Klassen-Melzer formulas and found to be in perfect agreement.Comment: 32 pages, 5 figures; v2: typos corrected, refs adde