27,222 research outputs found

    Non-axisymmetric relativistic Bondi-Hoyle accretion onto a Kerr black hole

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    In our program of studying numerically the so-called Bondi-Hoyle accretion in the fully relativistic regime, we present here first results concerning the evolution of matter accreting supersonically onto a rotating (Kerr) black hole. These computations generalize previous results where the non-rotating (Schwarzschild) case was extensively considered. We parametrize our initial data by the asymptotic conditions for the fluid and explore the dependence of the solution on the angular momentum of the black hole. Towards quantifying the robustness of our numerical results, we use two different geometrical foliations of the black hole spacetime, the standard form of the Kerr metric in Boyer-Lindquist coordinates as well as its Kerr-Schild form, which is free of coordinate singularities at the black hole horizon. We demonstrate some important advantages of using such horizon adapted coordinate systems. Our numerical study indicates that regardless of the value of the black hole spin the final accretion pattern is always stable, leading to constant accretion rates of mass and momentum. The flow is characterized by a strong tail shock, which, unlike the Schwarzschild case, is increasingly wrapped around the central black hole as the hole angular momentum increases. The rotation induced asymmetry in the pressure field implies that besides the well known drag, the black hole will experience also a lift normal to the flow direction. This situation exhibits some analogies with the Magnus effect of classical fluid dynamics.Comment: 33 pages, 20 figures, submited to MNRA

    Analysis and optimization of energy usage in Supermarkets

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    The thesis performed in this research is focused on a particular type of energy system, energy systems in supermarkets. As supermarkets are high-energy using buildings, their energy system optimization has been investigated in recent years, with the main focus in the refrigeration system, which can take up to 50% of the total energy of the supermarket. However, the complexity and interconnections of the different systems increase the difficulty of the task. The aim of this work is to contribute in SuperSmart project, an EU project which main objective is to reduce the impact of the supermarket sector overall Europe, through the development of an ecolabel criteria. To simulate the energy use in supermarkets, CyberMart software is bring forward. This tool is used both to determine the parameters which have a higher impact in the supermarket energy system and perform energy representation based on those parameters. Finally, the design of the most energy efficient store is also presented. According to CyberMart, some of the most determinant parameters in the supermarket energy system are refrigeration capacities, plug in cabinets used, lights power, heating system technologies used and whether the cabinets are covered or not. Using some of these parameters plus other important characteristics from the store, two energy representations are performed. The linear energy representation provides the increase or decrease of kWh per each parameter, enabling supermarkets owners to compare different parameters within the global system. These representations, which distinguish between heat recovery and floating condensing technologies, conclude that the most important parameters in the global system are the temperature inside at winter and the refrigeration capacity. However, some unreasonable events appear, like the decline of electricity demand when the height of the building increases or the drop of heat demand with the rise of opening hours. These facts occur due to the high complexity of the global system, implying different connections between the sub-systems within CyberMart. Concerning the most energy efficient store located in Stockholm, the obtained results show the most energy efficient supermarket is composed by CO2 refrigeration and heating systems, and a R410_A air conditioning system. The optimal electricity use of each establishment size from large to small area is 382, 394, 390 and 281 kWh/m2*year respectively, with the highest values obtained in Supermarkets and Discount stores, due to their higher rate of refrigeration power per store area

    Dynamics of thick discs around Schwarzschild-de Sitter black holes

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    We consider the effects of a cosmological constant on the dynamics of constant angular momentum discs orbiting Schwarzschild-de Sitter black holes. The motivation behind this study is to investigate whether the presence of a radial force contrasting the black hole's gravitational attraction can influence the occurrence of the runaway instability, a robust feature of the dynamics of constant angular momentum tori in Schwarzschild and Kerr spacetimes. In addition to the inner cusp near the black hole horizon through which matter can accrete onto the black hole, in fact, a positive cosmological constant introduces also an outer cusp through which matter can leave the torus without accreting onto the black hole. To assess the impact of this outflow on the development of the instability we have performed time-dependent and axisymmetric hydrodynamical simulations of equilibrium initial configurations in a sequence of background spacetimes of Schwarzschild-de Sitter black holes with increasing masses. The simulations have been performed with an unrealistic value for the cosmological constant which, however, yields sufficiently small discs to be resolved accurately on numerical grids and thus provides a first qualitative picture of the dynamics. The calculations, carried out for a wide range of initial conditions, show that the mass-loss from the outer cusp can have a considerable impact on the instability, with the latter being rapidly suppressed if the outflow is large enough.Comment: 12 pages; A&A, in pres

    Local characteristic algorithms for relativistic hydrodynamics

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    Numerical schemes for the general relativistic hydrodynamic equations are discussed. The use of conservative algorithms based upon the characteristic structure of those equations, developed during the last decade building on ideas first applied in Newtonian hydrodynamics, provides a robust methodology to obtain stable and accurate solutions even in the presence of discontinuities. The knowledge of the wave structure of the above system is essential in the construction of the so-called linearized Riemann solvers, a class of numerical schemes specifically designed to solve nonlinear hyperbolic systems of conservation laws. In the last part of the review some astrophysical applications of such schemes, using the coupled system of the (characteristic) Einstein and hydrodynamic equations, are also briefly presented.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, To appear in the proceedings of the workshop "The conformal structure of space-time", J. Frauendiener, H. Friedrich, eds, Springer Lecture Notes in Physic

    Non-Geometric Vacua of the Spin(32)/Z2\mathbf{\text{Spin}(32)/\mathbb Z_2} Heterotic String and Little String Theories

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    We study a class of 6d N=(1,0)\mathcal{N}=(1,0) non-geometric vacua of the Spin(32)/Z2\text{Spin}(32)/\mathbb Z_2 heterotic string which can be understood as fibrations of genus-two curves over a complex one-dimensional base. The 6d N=(1,0)\mathcal{N}=(1,0) theories living on the defects that arise when the genus-two fiber degenerates at a point of the base are analyzed by dualizing to F-theory on elliptic K3-fibered non-compact Calabi-Yau threefolds. We consider all possible degenerations of genus-two curves and systematically attempt to resolve the singularities of the dual threefolds. As in the analogous non-geometric vacua of the E8×E8E_8\times E_8 heterotic string, we find that many of the resulting dual threefolds contain singularities which do not admit a crepant resolution. When the singularities can be resolved crepantly, we determine the emerging effective theories which turn out to be little string theories at a generic point on their tensor branch. We also observe a form of duality in which theories living on distinct defects are the same.Comment: 39 pages, 3 figures, and 6 table

    Long life communication satellites: Electric power supply during the eclipse period

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    The electric batteries, essentially nickel-cadmium for French satellites such as D1 A, D1 C, D1 D, D2 B, D5 A, D5 B, etc. and the batteries for such satellites as Symphonie, ANS, INTASAT, ESRO 4, and COS-B are discussed. The experience obtained led to the development of long lifetime batteries for communication satellites. Real simulation tests showed a lifetime of four years and accelerated lifetime tests of twelve years. These batteries will be applied in OTS, METEOSAT, and Marots. At the same time, new batteries are being developed, based on nickel-hydrogen or on silver-hydrogen, which should provide longer lifetime and better reliability

    Higgsino mass matrix ansatz for MSSM

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    An ansatz, Det. MH~=0,M_{\tilde H}=0, for the Higgsino mass matrix in string orbifold trinification is suggested toward the minimal supersymmetric standard model(MSSM). Small instanton solutions effective around the GUT scale can fulfil this condition. An argument that the couplings contain a moduli field is given for a dynamical realization of this Higgsino mass matrix ansatz.Comment: 15 pages of LaTeX fil

    Unveiling vertical state downscaling: identity and/or the economy?

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    State rescaling may take a variety of shapes although scant research has been carried out into the mechanisms and economic incentives that underpin rescaling processes. Recent literature in economics, economic sociology and political economy has identified at least two broad rescaling mechanisms, namely the development of regional identity - operating at the cultural level and proxing preference heterogeneity-, and the heterogeneity in levels of economic development, which influence the extent of regional redistribution. This paper empirically examines the mechanisms of vertical state rescaling by drawing upon empirical evidence from Catalonia and the Basque Country, to explore the evolution of sub-state identity and the rise of inter-territorial fiscal grievances - weakening intraregional economic solidarity. Findings corroborate the idea that the combination of widening sub-national identity raises the costs of managing heterogeneous spatial identities and strengthens support for vertical state downscaling. Similarly, ending regional fiscal solidarity it is found to increase the average income of Catalonia by 37% and even 17% in the Basque Country. However, the effect of regional identity exceeds that of regional redistribution in explaining state rescaling support in the magnitude of one to seven. These findings speak to the debate on the formation of Europe, in that they reveal limits to regional redistribution and highlight the importance of a common spatial identity
