46 research outputs found

    A escolaridade na doença

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    This reflective study visits references that deal with the reality of schooling offered to sick pupils. The impressions one can have when considering teaching in the hospital or home school environment are discussed. The official documents related to this type of educational provision are considered and problematized as well as the possible contributions that the national meetings, half-yearly newsletters, research and studies and organizations that are focused on this part of the population can bring to this field in particular. The considerations point out that studies and researches, certainly contribute to the formalization of events for the dissemination of the findings of this specific field of knowledge, to the improvement of the training of teachers who work with this group, as well as may be providing subsidies for the elaboration of public policies and legal support that adequately contemplate this specific type of teaching. However, it stresses that the failure to observe the tenuous relationship between theory and practice can only lead to the dissemination of results in scientific events that may not be necessarily applied in the daily school routine of the sick ones.Este estudo reflexivo visita referências que tratam da realidade do atendimento escolar oferecido aos doentes. As impressões que se pode ter quando considerando a atuação docente no ambiente escolar hospitalar ou domiciliar são discutidas. Os documentos oficiais sobre esta modalidade de ensino são analisados e problemati-zados, assim como se considera as possíveis contribuições dos encontros nacionais, dos informativos semestrais, de pesquisas e estudos e de organizações que estão focadas nessa parcela da população para esse campo específico. As considerações apontam que estudos e pesquisa podem, certamente, contribuir para a formalização tanto de eventos para a disseminação desse conhecimento específico e aperfeiçoa-mento da formação dos professores que atuam com esse alunado, quanto fornecer subsídios para a elaboração de políticas públicas e respaldo legal que adequada-mente contemplem essa modalidade de ensino. Entretanto, salienta que, a não observação da relação tênue entre a teoria e a prática, pode resultar em apenas divulgar resultados em eventos científicos que, não necessariamente serão aplicados no cotidiano escolar hospitalar ou domiciliar

    Exsanguinación y fijación de tejidos en cadáveres embalsamados

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    Animal exsanguination under general anesthesia is part of procedure to prepare corpses for teaching in Veterinary Anatomy. In order to assess whether the bleeding during this process influences tissue fixation, a study was made. The animals were subjected to general anesthesia with propofol (4-6 mg/kg), exsanguination was performed by incision of the common carotid artery and amount of blood collected was measured. Once the death was verified, corpses were perfused with a fixing-conservative solution by arterial way, and were kept at room temperature for 24 hours and then they were refrigerated at 4 °C about one week. After this period they were dissected and eviscerated to perform macroscopic evaluation. Aspects evaluated were degree of fixation of lungs, heart, liver, spleen, intestines, kidneys and muscles, as well as, presence or absence of putrefaction odor. Results showed that animals had an exsanguination average of 4.04%, the organs with highest percentage of bad fixation were liver, spleen, kidneys and intestines. Statistical analysis was performed whit the SPSS 19.0 software using contingency tables (Somers gamma and d coefficients), which showed that there are no statistically significant differences for fixation between animals that lost more blood and the who lost less blood. We had concluded that the amount of blood lost during exsanguination has no significant influence on the degree of corpse tissue fixation.La exsanguinación de los animales, bajo anestesia general, forma parte del procedimiento de preparación de cadáveres destinados a la docencia en Anatomía Veterinaria. Con el propósito de evaluar si la cantidad de sangre perdida durante este proceso tiene influencia sobre el grado de fijación de los tejidos, se realizó un estudio en el que los animales fueron sometidos a anestesia general con propofol (4-6 mg/kg), se les realizó exsanguinación mediante incisión de la arteria carótida común y se midió la cantidad de sangre colectada. Una vez verificada la muerte, los cadáveres fueron perfundidos con una solución fijadora-conservadora por vía arterial, permanecieron a temperatura ambiente por 24 horas y luego fueron refrigerados a 4°C por una semana. Pasado este lapso de tiempo fueron disecados y eviscerados para realizar la evaluación macroscópica. Los aspectos evaluados fueron el grado de fijación de los pulmones, corazón, hígado, bazo. intestinos, riñones y músculos, así como, la presencia o ausencia de olor a putrefacción. Los resultados reflejaron que los animales presentaron en promedio 4,04% de desangrado, los órganos con mayor porcentaje de mala fijación fueron el hígado, bazo, riñones y intestinos. El análisis de los datos se realizó con el  paquete estadístico SPSS 19.0 para Windows mediante el uso tablas de contingencia (coeficientes gamma y d de Somers), lo que demostró que no existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas para la fijación entre los animales que perdieron más sangre y los que perdieron menos sangre. Por lo antes expuesto se puede concluir que la cantidad de sangre perdida durante la exsanguinación no tiene influencia significativa sobre el grado de fijación de los tejidos del cadáver

    DIREITO DE BRINCAR DA CRIANÇA BRASILEIRA subsídios das políticas públicas

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    Análise das principais legislações de proteção aos direitos da criança. Destaca aquelas relacionadas ao brincar e à oferta de educação infantil pública e gratuita  nos seis primeiros anos de vida, incluindo a Lei 11.104 que dispõe sobre obrigatoriedade de instalação de brinquedotecas nas unidades de saúde com atendimento pediátrico em regime de internação. Ressalta que a educação infantil estimula o desenvolvimento de habilidades específicas, tem o potencial de aumentar a capacidade de interação social e promover a formação de sujeitos autônomos. .Aponta os notórios avanços nas orientações relativas à educação infantil nos últimos anos no Brasil, comentando que os direitos da infância estão pelo menos teoricamente protegidos nessa legislação, porque esse país apresenta uma das legislações m ais avançadas no tocante a esse aspecto. Constata, entretanto, que a grande dificuldade é fazer cumprir as leis, ou seja, passar do papel à ação. Comenta que a proteção e a efetivação dos direitos da infância não são responsabilidades somente do Estado, mas da família e de toda sociedade. Conclui que é necessário proteger os diferentes direitos da criança para que as políticas públicas, principalmente àquelas relacionadas a educação e ao brincar, sejam devidamente efetivadas, oportunizadas à criança  um futuro promissor

    Epidemiologic Behavior of Obesity in the Maracaibo City Metabolic Syndrome Prevalence Study

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    Introduction: Obesity is a worldwide public health issue. Since the epidemiological behaviour of this disease is not well established in our country, the purpose of this study was to determinate its prevalence in the Maracaibo City, Zulia State- Venezuela. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was undertaken using the data set from the Maracaibo City Metabolic Syndrome Prevalence Study. The sample consists of 2108 individuals from both genders and randomly selected: 1119 (53.09%) women and 989 (46.91%) men. The participants were interrogated for a complete clinical history and anthropometric measurements. To classify obesity, the WHO criteria for Body Mass Index (BMI), and Waist Circumference (WC) from the IDF/NHLBI/AHA/WHF/IAS/IASO-2009 (IDF-2009) and ATPIII statements were applied. Results: For BMI, obesity had an overall prevalence of 33.3% (n = 701), and according to gender women had 32.4% (n = 363) and men had 34.2% (n = 338). Overweight had a prevalence of 34.8% (n = 733), Normal weight had 29.8% (n = 629), and Underweight had 2.1% (n = 45). Adding Obesity and Overweight results, the prevalence of elevated BMI (.25 Kg/m2) was 68.1%. Using the IDF-2009 WC’s cut-off, Obesity had 74.2% prevalence, compared to 51.7% using the ATPIII parameters. Conclusions: These results show a high prevalence of abdominal obesity in our locality defined by the WHO, IDF-2009 and ATPIII criteria, which were not designed for Latin-American populations. We suggest further investigation to estimate the proper values according to ethnicity, genetic background and sociocultural aspects

    Informe del encuentro de Universidades Latinoamericanas y Europeas en pedagogía hospitalaria. Red UNITWIN-UNESCO de pedagogía hospitalaria.

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    El presente informe da cuenta del trabajo realizado con instituciones de Educación Superior de América Latina y Europa, representantes de Ministerios de Educación y Salud, representantes de organizaciones sin fines de lucro dedicadas a la Pedagogía Hospitalaria de Latinoamérica y El Caribe

    Valores de referencia de las hormonas tiroideas y TSH en individuos adultos de Maracaibo, Venezuela

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    Introducción: A nivel mundial, nacional o regional no existe un consenso ampliamente aceptado para los valores de referencia de hormonas tiroideas. Por ello, el objetivo de este estudio fue determinar los valores de referencia de TSH, FT3 libre y FT4 libre en individuos adultos del Municipio Maracaibo, Estado Zulia. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó historia clínica completa y se determinó la concentración plasmática de TSH, T3L, T4L y anticuerpos anti-tiroideos a 425 individuos seleccionados al azar del Estudio de Prevalencia de Síndrome Metabólico en la ciudad de Maracaibo, un estudio descriptivo, transversal, con muestreo aleatorio multietápico que cuenta con una muestra de 2.230 individuos mayores de 18 años de ambos sexos. Para obtener la población de referencia (n=266) y establecer los intervalos de referencia se excluyeron individuos con antecedentes personales y familiares de enfermedad tiroidea, anticuerpos antitiroideos positivos (anti-tiroglobulina y anti-peroxidasa tiroidea), antecedentes personales de enfermedades cardiovasculares o autoinmunes, diabetes mellitus y uso de medicamentos tales como betabloqueantes, esteroides, anticonceptivos orales, amiodarona y levotiroxina. Resultados: Los valores de referencia de TSH, T3L y T4L  fueron establecidos mediante los percentiles 2,5 y 97,5 para establecer el límite inferior y superior en la población de referencia. De esta manera se obtuvieron los siguientes resultados TSH 0,70-5,52 mUI/L, T3L 1,80-4,40 pg/mL, T4L 0,80-1,80 ng/dL. Conclusiones: Los valores de referencia obtenidos en nuestra población difieren a los reportados en otros países, siendo necesario determinar valores de referencia en cada población con la finalidad de diagnosticar de forma adecuada las patologías relacionadas con hipo e hiperfunción tiroidea.Introduction: Currently there is no consensus regarding reference values for thyroid hormone profile. The purpose of this study was to determine the references values of TSH, Free T3 and Free T4 in adults from the Maracaibo Municipality, Zulia State. Materials and Methods: the Maracaibo city Metabolic Syndrome Prevalence Study is a cross-sectional study which enrolled 2.230 individuals of both sexes over 18 years of age, out of which 425 were selected due to medical history and availability of thyroid function quantification. The reference population subsample was obtained (n=266) by excluding those with personal and family history of thyroid disease, positive anti-thyroid antibodies, cardiovascular or autoimmune diseases, diabetes mellitus and medication usage. Results: the references values for TSH, FT3 and FT4 are between 2.5th and 97.5th to establish an upper and lower limit respectively: TSH 0.70-5.52 mIU/L, FT3 1.80-4.40 pg/ mL, FT4 0.80-1.80 ng/dL. Conclusions: the reference values obtained for our population differ from previous reports from other countries, strengthening the notion that each populace needs their own threshold values, facilitating a proper and efficient diagnosis tool to detect thyroid abnormalities&nbsp

    Reforestation as a Transversal Axis: an Integrative Proposal

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    La reforestación ha resultado en la actualidad una estrategia de alto impacto, que incentiva a la protección del medio ambiente, generando conductas proambientales y sostenibles. Por lo anterior, el presente artículo se enfoca en la integración curricular del Eje Temático de Reforestación en la IEDR Rinconada, en concordancia con la especialidad de la institución en Explotaciones Agropecuarias Ecológicas. Se asume un abordaje cualitativo, se tomó como muestra 40 estudiantes de diferentes grados. Dentro de los hallazgos encontrados, existe gran afinidad entre los estudiantes y las actividades ecológicas, en su mayoría manifiestas tener conocimientos sobre las problemáticas medio ambientales que se presentan en su comunidad, han tenido la oportunidad de participar en actividades de reforestación, lo que contribuye a la mejora del entorno. El proyecto tiene un alto nivel de aceptación, sin embargo, es necesario el compromiso de las directivas de la institución y las autoridades locales para obtener resultados significativosReforestation has now resulted in a high impact strategy, which encourages the protection of the environment, generating pro-environmental and sustainable behaviors. Therefore, this article focuses on the curricular integration of the Thematic Area of Reforestation in the IEDR Rinconada, in accordance with the specialty of the institution in Ecological Farming Operations. A qualitative approach is assumed; 40 students of different grades were taken as sample. Among the findings, there is great affinity between the students and the ecological activities, most of them manifest knowledge of the environmental problems that arise in their community, they have had the opportunity to participate in reforestation activities, which contributes to the improvement of the environment. The project has a high level of acceptance, however, it is necessary the commitment of the directives of the institution and local authorities to obtain significant result