81 research outputs found

    Les ambiguïtés de la thèse de l'État naturel et du modèle organiciste à Junimea

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    Following on from the previous article on the founding principles of the State in Eminescu's works, this article strives to show that the reference to nature, far from elucidating the question of the State in Junimea, in fact makes it more complicated. The notion of "nature" can take on different meanings and lead both to a rational, potentially universal, "natural right" and to a specific normativity, peculiar to a being/to a people and which differentiates it from others. Embedded in the naturalist model, the organism model allows the thinking out of both an authoritarian conservatism and an individualistic liberalism. It is therefore not certain that these two theses achieve a summary of Junimea's political ideology. However, the Junimists, just like the Forty-Eighters before them, knew very well how to exploit the diverging and complementary orientations of those themes in order to develop their national ideology

    Eminescu et l'État: un pacte social sur des fondements schopenhaueriens

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    Part of Eminescu's political thought still needs to be elucidated. In this paper, I offer to strongly qualify the (received) opposition between his theory of "the natural State" and the concept of "the social contract", which he rejects. While Eminescu does not subscribe to the contract's democratic and liberal premises, the notion of "a social pact" -if not the word itself- is definitely one he resorts to when expounding his theory of the "social compensation". He puts it together by combining the most recent theoretical developments in economy (Malthus…) with philosophical theories taken from the works of Spinoza, Locke, Rousseau, and last but not least, Schopenhauer. A comparative reading of the texts shows that Eminescu borrows whole passages from the German philosopher, whose influence on Eminescu's political philosophy should be strongly reassessed. The metaphysics of "the will to live" provided him with the foundation for his own original version of the social pact which he developed within the evolutionary framework of Junimea, after Maiorescu encouraged him to move in this direction

    Grèce-Roumanie : héritages communs, regards croisés

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    La Roumanie et la Grèce, aux deux extrémités de la péninsule balkanique, l’une imprégnée du monde de l’Europe centrale, l’autre du monde méditerranéen, partagent un héritage commun abondant, nourri par l’histoire. Sur ce vaste sujet déjà bien exploré, il ne saurait être question ici de trancher des débats de spécialistes ni de faire une présentation exhaustive. Enclencher une dynamique de travail collectif et interdisciplinaire en provoquant la rencontre de collègues proches ou lointains trav..

    SAPOLL : A cross-border action plan for wild pollinators

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    Wild pollinators in the France-Wallonia-Vlaanderen cross-border zone represent a valuable but highly endangered resource. In order to protect these pollinators, it is essential to set up a cross-border organization that enables coordinated actions and synergies between regions. Indeed, isolated actions on both sides of the border are unlikely to lead to the sustainable management of this indispensable resource. The challenge is huge because wild pollinators, wild bees, syrphs and butterflies, are essential to maintaining agriculture and ecosystems in our regions. In order to meet this challenge, the SAPOLL project initiates the implementation of a cross-border action plan for wild pollinators with the actors from Wallonia, Flanders and northern France. This plan is the initiator of actions in favor of pollinators, bringing the necessary scientific, didactic and applied context to citizens, decision-makers, entrepreneurs or enrionmental managers. It is also adapted to the regional context of each area. The action plan, which is co-built with the partners in the cross-border territory. The SAPOLL project also organizes activities that aim to homogenize and share scientific knowledge, awareness-raising experience and naturalistic competences

    A persistent prefrontal reference frame across time and task rules.

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    Behavior can be remarkably consistent, even over extended time periods, yet whether this is reflected in stable or 'drifting' neuronal responses to task features remains controversial. Here, we find a persistently active ensemble of neurons in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) of mice that reliably maintains trajectory-specific tuning over several weeks while performing an olfaction-guided spatial memory task. This task-specific reference frame is stabilized during learning, upon which repeatedly active neurons show little representational drift and maintain their trajectory-specific tuning across long pauses in task exposure and across repeated changes in cue-target location pairings. These data thus suggest a 'core ensemble' of prefrontal neurons forming a reference frame of task-relevant space for the performance of consistent behavior over extended periods of time

    Long-term Cross-reactivity Against Nonvaccine Human Papillomavirus Types 31 and 45 After 2- or 3-Dose Schedules of the AS04-Adjuvanted Human HPV-16/18 Vaccine

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    This analysis focused on long-term cross-reactive immunogenicity against nonvaccine human papillomavirus (HPV) types 31 and 45 following 2 doses of AS04-adjuvanted HPV-16/18 vaccine in girls aged 9-14 years or following 3 doses in women aged 15-25 years, for up to 3 years (HPV-070 study) and up to 5 years (HPV-048 study) after the first vaccination. Both schedules elicited antibodies against HPV-31 and HPV-45 up to 5 years after first dose. The antibody concentration was similar in young girls as compared to women. Specific CD4+ T-cell and B-cell responses to HPV-31 and HPV-45 at month 36 were similar across groups. Clinical trials registration: NCT01381575 and NCT00541970

    Sustained Immunogenicity of 2-dose Human Papillomavirus 16/18 AS04-adjuvanted Vaccine Schedules in Girls Aged 9-14 Years: A Randomized Trial

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    Background: We previously reported the noninferiority 1 month after the last dose of 2-dose human papillomavirus 16/18 AS04-adjuvanted (AS04-HPV-16/18) vaccine schedules at months 0 and 6 (2D_M0,6) and months 0 and 12 (2D_M0,12) in girls aged 9-14 years compared with a 3-dose schedule at months 0, 1, and 6 (3D_M0,1,6) in women aged 15-25 years. Here, we report the results at study end (month 36 [M36]).Methods: Girls were randomized 1:1 and received 2 vaccine doses either 6 months (2D_M0,6) or 12 months apart (2D_M0,12); women received 3 doses at months 0, 1, and 6 (3D_M0,1,6). Endpoints included noninferiority of HPV-16/18 antibodies for 2D_M0,6 versus 3D_M0,1,6; 2D_M0,12 versus 3D_M0,1,6; and 2D_M0,12 versus 2D_M0,6; and assessment of neutralizing antibodies, T cells, B cells, and safety.Results: At M36, the 2D_M0,6 and 2D_M0,12 schedules remained noninferior to the 3D_M0,1,6 schedule in terms of seroconversion rates and 3D/2D geometric mean titers for anti-HPV-16 and anti-HPV-18. All schedules elicited sustained immune responses up to M36.Conclusions: Both 2-dose schedules in young girls remained noninferior to the 3-dose schedule in women up to study conclusion at M36. The AS04-HPV-16/18 vaccine administered as a 2-dose schedule was immunogenic and well tolerated in young girls

    Siderophore-based detection of Fe(iii) and microbial pathogens

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    Siderophores are low-molecular-weight iron chelators that are produced and exported by bacteria, fungi and plants during periods of nutrient deprivation. The structures, biosynthetic logic, and coordination chemistry of these molecules have fascinated chemists for decades. Studies of such fundamental phenomena guide the use of siderophores and siderophore conjugates in a variety of medicinal applications that include iron-chelation therapies and drug delivery. Sensing applications constitute another important facet of siderophore-based technologies. The high affinities of siderophores for both ferric ions and siderophore receptors, proteins expressed on the cell surface that are required for ferric siderophore import, indicate that these small molecules may be employed for the selective capture of metal ions, proteins, and live bacteria. This minireview summaries progress in methods that utilize native bacterial and fungal siderophore scaffolds for the detection of Fe(III) or microbial pathogens.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Chemistr

    Émile Picot, secrétaire du prince de Roumanie : Correspondance de Bucarest (1866-1867)

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    Connu dans le monde savant français pour ses talents de bibliographe et comme spécialiste du théâtre médiéval, Émile Picot fut aussi le premier professeur de roumain à l’École des langues orientales entre 1875 et 1909. C’est un événement historique important qui l’a amené à Bucarest en 1866 : l’arrivée sur le trône des Principautés roumaines du prince Charles de Hohenzollern, dont le jeune Picot devient alors le secrétaire français. Ses lettres privées, en majeure partie inédites, relatent les circonstances et le déroulement de sa mission, témoignent de la vie politique et culturelle roumaine de l’époque, éclairent l’implication française dans cet épisode de la question d’Orient et nous font connaître la personnalité du prince de Roumanie mais aussi celle du futur savant français découvrant alors les confins danubiens