240 research outputs found

    International Conflicts and Peace Agreements: The Case of the Revolutionary Armed Forces and the Colombian State

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    This article, based on the inductive approach method, and monographic procedure, aims to approach international conflicts and peace agreements based on the study of the Armed Forces and the Colombian State case. Firstly, one expatiates on about the armed forces and its origins; secondly, we shall follow up the peace negotiation process; subsequently, we will analyze the peace agreement and its implications to mankind’s future through the question “Why war?”. It justifies the study due to the peace agreement importance, essential requirement for citizenship, harmony and welfare of the human being, in order to meet the own humanity and rescue the alterity, fraternity and peace values.  

    A Naturalização nos Estados Hispano-Americanos do Mercosul

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    É objetivo do presente trabalho tecer considerações sobre o instituto da naturalização nos Estados de fala espanhola do Mercado Comum do Sul, Mercosul, quais sejam, a Argentina, o Paraguai e o Uruguai

    Augusto Teixeira de Freitas - El Protojurista del Mercosur

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    Revista DIREITO E JUSTIÇA – Reflexões Sociojurídica

    Análise e classificação de sinais de EEG a partir de movimentação passiva em pacientes sedados

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    Recentemente, a eletroencefalografia é o foco de diversas pesquisas, como: análise de sinais, desenvolvimento de sistemas Brain Computer Interface (BCI), uso para diagnósticos e aumento sobre o conhecimento do cérebro humano. Estas pesquisas utilizam-se de diferentes fenômenos cerebrais. Um dos fenômenos estudados para distintas aplicações são os relacionados a Event-Related Potential (ERP) - potenciais relacionados a eventos. Neste trabalho são analisados dois fenômenos principais relacionados a eventos, o Event-related desynchronization (ERD) e Event-related synchronization (ERS). Estes fenômenos são relacionados à dessincronização/sincronização do sinal devido à realização de movimentos de forma ativa, passiva, ou ainda, imaginação de movimentos. O ERD e ERS podem ser analisados visualmente e através de classificadores em sinais adquiridos a partir de mobilização passiva em três pacientes sedados em UTI e dois voluntários não-sedados. Os sinais são divididos em trilhas, com mobilização passiva realizada em períodos síncronos nos braços esquerdo e direito. Este sinal é adquirido a partir da touca Emotiv, processado a partir de filtros butterworth digitais, filtros de outliers e filtros Common Spatial Pattern (CSP) a fim de aumentar a discriminação entre classes e permitir a visualização dos fenômenos. São extraídas as características no domínio tempo e frequência para utilização nos classificadores, sendo elas: RMS, Differential Entropy, PSD com o método de Welch e desvio padrão. São comparados os classificadores Discriminante Linear de Fischer (LDA) e Extreme Learning Machines (ELM). As melhores taxas de acerto obtidas a partir dos experimentos foram de 75,6±2%, para um voluntário do grupo de controle (voluntário não sedado) e de 78,3±2,8% para um paciente sedado, com a média aritmética das taxas de acertos dos grupos na mesma faixa percentual.Curenttly, electroencephalography is the focus of several researches, such as: signal analysis, development of BCI (Brain Computer Interface) systems, use for diagnostics and increased knowledge of the human brain. These researches use different brain phenomena. One of the phenomena studied for different applications are those related to ERP e9vent-related potentials). In this study, two main event-related phenomena are analyzed, ERD (Eventrelated desynchronization) and ERS (Event-related synchronization). These phenomena are related to desynchronization / synchronization of the signal due to the performance of movements in an active, passive way, or even, imagination of movements. ERD and ERS can be analyzed visually and through classifiers on signals acquired from passive mobilization in three ICU sedated patients and two non-sedated volunteers. The signals are divided into tracks, with passive mobilization performed in synchronous periods in the left and right arms. This signal is acquired from the Emotiv headset, filtered from digital butterworth filters, outliers filters and CSP filters (Common Spatial Pattern) in order to increase the discrimination between classes and allow visualization of the phenomena. Features in time and frequency domain for use in the classifiers are extracted: RMS, Differential Entropy, PSD with Welch method and standard deviation. LDA (Fischer Linear Discriminant) and ELM (Extreme Learning Machines) classifiers are compared. The best accuracy obtained from the experiments were 75.6 ± 2.2 % for a volunteer from control group and 78.3 ± 2.8 % from a sedated patient, with the arithmetic mean of accuracy of the groups in the same percentage range

    A política externa chinesa para América Latina : análise do investimento estrangeiro direto a partir dos anos 2000

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    Na América Latina, o Investimento Estrangeiro Direto (IED) advindo da China foi praticamente inexistente até o início do século XXI e muito restrito até 2010. A partir desse momento, principalmente em razão da crise financeira mundial, a região se apresentou como um importante destino destas inversões em virtude da grande urbanização chinesa e da sua consequente crescente demanda por recursos naturais. Assim, esses fluxos tornaram-se uma importante fonte de financiamento para a região, o que auxiliou no seu crescimento econômico. Portanto, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar os investimentos estrangeiros diretos chineses na América Latina desde o início dos anos 2000, objetivando verificar seus determinantes, além dos setores e países para os quais eles foram mais direcionados. Outrossim, como objetivo secundário, apresenta-se o processo de internacionalização e abertura econômica da China no cenário capitalista internacional. Então, conclui-se que as inversões chinesas na América Latina são altamente concentradas tanto setorialmente quanto geograficamente. Em relação ao primeiro, entretanto, há uma lenta transformação em direção à diversificação; já em relação ao segundo, os investimentos são destinados primeiramente a países com benefícios fiscais e, posteriormente, variam conforme o contexto das nações com as quais se negocia. Por fim, o presente trabalho traz para reflexão final a discussão acerca das consequências na relação América Latina-China serem benéficas ou não para o primeiro, ressaltando, assim, a importância em aprofundar os estudos sobre a inserção e o papel da China em âmbito mundial e sobre as consequentes mudanças na estrutura da divisão internacional do trabalho.In Latin America, Foreign Direct Investment from China was practically non-existent until the beginning of the 21st century and very limited until 2010. From then on, mainly due to the global financial crisis, the region presented itself as an important destination for these investments due to the great urbanization of the Asian giant and its growing demand for natural resources. Thus, these flows became an important source of financing for the region, which helped in its economic growth. Therefore, the present work aims to analyze Chinese foreign direct investments in Latin America since the early 2000s, aiming to verify their determinants, in addition to the sectors and countries to which they were most directed. Furthermore, as a secondary objective, the process of internationalization and economic opening of China in the international capitalist scenario is presented. So, it is concluded that Chinese investments in Latin America are highly concentrated both sectorally and geographically. In relation to the first, however, there is a slow transformation towards diversification; in relation to the second, investments are destined primarily to countries with tax benefits and, later, they vary according to the context of the nations with which the negotiation is carried out. Finally, the present work brings to a final reflection the discussion about the consequences in the Latin America-China relationship being beneficial or not for the first, thus emphasizing the importance of deepening the studies on the insertion and role of China in the world and on the consequent changes in the structure of the international division of labour

    A Extradição no Alvorecer do Século XXI

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    Integration of Geological, Petrographic and Abrasion Resistance Data of the Gneisses from Santa Catarina Granulithic Complex: An Application in the Road Paving Sector

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    Among the factors that contribute to the adequate performance of the aggregates, the abrasion resistance of these materials stands out, a parameter strongly related to the mineral composition of the rock. Therefore, this work aims to analyze and integrate data from Los Angeles abrasion tests to the petrographic analysis of gneisses of the Santa Catarina Granulithic Complex in order to understand the petrographic characteristics that can interfere or control the resistance results, such as: composition, texture, mineralogical alterations, granulometry and microfractures. The work was developed in four stages: (1) field activities, where descriptions of the outcrops of the four quarries studied were performed, focusing on the characterization of the compositional, textural and structural aspects of the rocks, in addition to sample collection and photographic survey; (2) petrography via conventional optical microscope and BSE images and semi quantitative analysis by electron microscope; (3) analysis of Los Angeles abrasion test data samples from the studied quarries and (4) their integration with petrographic data. Two main lithologies, enderbitic and tonalitic gneiss were identified. The results of the Los Angeles abrasion tests showed that the crushed aggregates (gneiss) of Gaspar Quarry presented the lowest abrasion values, followed by the Vale Selke, Rio Branco and 1001 quarries. Regarding composition, the enderbitic gneiss presented an average loss of 17.2%, while in the tonalitic gneiss the loss was 17.7%. The composition (high content of mafic minerals), texture and the presence of localized microfractures were the main factors that contributed to the higher values found in quarry 1001. However, both lithologies present acceptable abrasion results, in view of the specifications of the regulatory services, DNIT (031/2006) and DNIT (141/2010). The present study shows a good correlation between the result of the Los Angeles abrasion and the petrographic data, showing that composition is the main determining factor of Los Angeles abrasion results