14 research outputs found


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    In the present financial context first affected by the lack of trust generated by the important bankruptcies in the USA and secondly by the global economic crisis, financial institutions are more than ever focused on applying market research, customer segmentation procedures and based upon them adapted credit strategies. The process is based on the fundaments of the marketing mix, much more carefully than before in order to maximize efficiency and market position or to consolidate, increase market share by taking advantage of opportunities or diminishing the effects of the present unfavorable economic climate. Analysis procedures based on differential risk models can be identified, the starting point being precisely the involvement of marketing by the market segmentation process and the concepts of “customer centricity” and “client relationship management”, specific credit policies being based upon them. The present paper intends to bring forth the client segmentation criteria practiced by top Romanian commercial banks, as the right segmentation process will reflect on the typology of financing over time. Furthermore, client segmentation tends to influence banking management in order to administer the risks arising from the credit activities, as it is in strict connection to the elements and processes involved in determining a correct rating of the applicants for funding


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    Financial crisis devastating consequences and effects started in 2008, lead to several reactions coming from the most important international organizations and entities. This article aims to present in a logic manner, synthetic, and easily understand why these prudential reactions occurred and implemented on international level, under a new Basel III framework. Moreover, this article shall encompass also regulation environment for its implementation on the European level, known as CRD IV. This article is actual and important by identifying and underlines main measures applicable in present, their implementation schedule, as well as possible effects especially in SMEs financing. Although their effects are not yet entirely known, creates heated debates and discussions, as consequences may be major for banks and financial entities, as well as for each actor who is playing on economic environment where financing is need. I consider that all my personal conclusions and opinions on this article are important for readers, clarify and bringing into the light, simply and friendly the issues of banking environment and impact of financing under the new Basel III framework, and also presenting few measures in avoiding negative possible effects

    Comparative Research on Romanian SMEs Crediting

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    In an efficient market economy, economic growth and welfare is based on the existence of a powerful SME sector. As proven in the context of the nowadays crisis, a powerful and well-developed SME sector can successfully cope with economic challenges and can adapt more easily to a negative economic context, insuring, in the same time, the premises for the economic recovery and the population welfare. Therefore, one of the most important concerns for the developing countries is the development of the SME segment, which obviously supposes the accumulation of capital. Considering the post-revolutionary economic history of Romania, the shift from a centrally planned economy to the market economy, and afterwards the financial crisis that has started in 2008, at present the SME segment is being developed especially through loans granted by the commercial banks, taken into account the low absorption rate of European funds and the insignificant and incoherent governmental financing programs. Therefore, this paper is important and actual as it synthetically and relatively simply presents the way in which Romanian commercial banks determine which SMEs may be financed, after performing a quantitative / financial analysis of the applicants in order to correctly determine the credit risk as a result of assessing and interpreting the main economic and financial indexes. We will also present the actual macro-economical stage (crediting terms, credit risk, credit demand, etc), as well as the main similarities and differences occurring in the SMEs crediting process at the Romanian commercial banks

    A Novel Deep Learning-Based Relabeling Architecture for Space Objects Detection from Partially Annotated Astronomical Images

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    Space Surveillance and Tracking is a task that requires the development of systems that can accurately discriminate between natural and man-made objects that orbit around Earth. To manage the discrimination between these objects, it is required to analyze a large amount of partially annotated astronomical images collected using a network of on-ground and potentially space-based optical telescopes. Thus, the main objective of this article is to propose a novel architecture that improves the automatic annotation of astronomical images. To achieve this objective, we present a new method for automatic detection and classification of space objects (point-like and streaks) in a supervised manner, given real-world partially annotated images in the FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format. Results are strongly dependent on the preprocessing techniques applied to the images. Therefore, different techniques were tested including our method for object filtering and bounding box extraction. Based on our relabeling pipeline, we can easily follow how the number of detected objects is gradually increasing after each iteration, achieving a mean average precision of 98%

    Research and Science Today Supplement 1/2014

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    CoCoNet: Towards coast to coast networks of marine protected areas (From the shore to the high and deep sea), coupled with sea-based wind energy potential

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    This volume contains the main results of the EC FP7 "The Ocean of Tomorrow" Project CoCoNet, divided in two sections: 1) a set of guidelines to design networks of Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean and the Black Seas; 2) a smart wind chart that will allow evaluating the possibility of installing Offshore Wind Farms in both seas. The concept of Cells of Ecosystem Functioning, based on connectivity, is introduced to define natural units of management and conservation. The definition of Good Environmental Status, as defined in the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, is fully embraced to set the objectives of the project, by adopting a holistic approach that integrates a full set of disciplines, ranging from physics to bio-ecology, economics, engineering and many sub-disciplines. The CoCoNet Consortium involved scientist sfrom 22 states, based in Africa, Asia, and Europe, contributing to build a coherent scientific community

    Editorial. A supplement of Scires-it on the COCONET european project

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    The Supplement to vol. 6, 2016 of SCIRES-IT contains the result of CoCoNet (Towards COast to COast NETworks of marine protected areas, coupled with sea-based wind energy potential), a project of the EU Oceans of Tomorrow programme (http://www.coconet-fp7.eu). The European Union requires Open Access to the results of the projects resulting from its support to scientific advancement. This is in full accordance with the policy of SCIRES-IT, an eco-sustainable open–access journal, which joins the main principles of the Berlin Declaration on Open Access with the aims of the International Convention on Biological Diversity. CoCoNet tackled two problems that are closely linked with each other: the protection of the marine environment and clean energy production. Hence, the Supplement is divided into two parts that, together, form a unicum

    CoCoNet: towards coast to coast networks of marine protected areas (from the shore to the high and deep sea), coupled with sea-based wind energy potential

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    This volume contains the main results of the EC FP7 “The Ocean of Tomorrow” Project CoCoNet, divided in two sections: 1) a set of guidelines to design networks of Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean and the Black Seas; 2) a smart wind chart that will allow evaluating the possibility of installing Offshore Wind Farms in both seas. The concept of Cells of Ecosystem Functioning, based on connectivity, is introduced to define natural units of management and conservation. The definition of Good Environmental Status, as defined in the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, is fully embraced to set the objectives of the project, by adopting a holistic approach that integrates a full set of disciplines, ranging from physics to bio-ecology, economics, engineering and many sub-disciplines. The CoCoNet Consortium involved scientist sfrom 22 states, based in Africa, Asia, and Europe, contributing to build a coherent scientific community

    CoCoNet: Towards coast to coast networks of marine protected areas (From the shore to the high and deep sea), coupled with sea-based wind energy potential

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    This volume contains the main results of the EC FP7 "The Ocean of Tomorrow" Project CoCoNet, divided in two sections: 1) a set of guidelines to design networks of Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean and the Black Seas; 2) a smart wind chart that will allow evaluating the possibility of installing Offshore Wind Farms in both seas. The concept of Cells of Ecosystem Functioning, based on connectivity, is introduced to define natural units of management and conservation. The definition of Good Environmental Status, as defined in the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, is fully embraced to set the objectives of the project, by adopting a holistic approach that integrates a full set of disciplines, ranging from physics to bio-ecology, economics, engineering and many sub-disciplines. The CoCoNet Consortium involved scientist sfrom 22 states, based in Africa, Asia, and Europe, contributing to build a coherent scientific community