437 research outputs found


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    A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar como os discentes da Universidade Federal do Pampa- Campus Santana do Livramento avaliam os serviços educacionais prestados no âmbito deste campus universitário. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa de levantamento tipo Survey, de abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa e de natureza descritiva. Os dados foram coletados a partir da aplicação de um questionário adaptado de Colombo (2005), tendo como amostra 159 discentes da UNIPAMPA. Os resultados evidenciam a satisfação dos acadêmicos com os serviços prestados pela instituição de ensino. No entanto, encontram-se lacunas que demostram a necessidade de melhoria em processos que contribuam para que a universidade possa satisfazer de forma completa seus principais consumidores

    Desenvolvimento de uma Interface Cérebro-Computador Não Invasiva Baseada em Potenciais Evocados Visuais de Regime Permanente Aplicada à Comunicação Alternativa e Robô de Telepresença

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    Uma parcela da população é composta por pessoas que são acometidas de doenças ou vítimas de acidentes graves que as impossibilitam de interagir e se comunicar. Novas tecnologias têm surgido para prover a essas pessoas um canal de comunicação alternativo através de sinais cerebrais. Esses sistemas são conhecidos como Interfaces Cérebro-Computador (ICCs). Este trabalho descreve o desenvolvimento de uma ICC baseada no paradigma de Potenciais Evocados Visuais de Regime Permanente (Steady State Visual Evoked Potential - SSVEP) aplicada à Comunicação Alternativa e Robô de Telepresença. A interface foi construída para quatro comandos de seleção atráves de estímulos visuais desenvolvidos em um software utilizando a biblioteca gráfica OpenGL e executados em frequências distintas (5,6Hz, 6,4Hz, 6,9Hz e 8,0Hz). Todos os voluntários avaliados nos testes utilizando o sistema online conseguiram completar as tarefas propostas com uma taxa de acerto média de 88,3% ± 5,4%, tempo de classificação de 5,6s ± 0,5s e ITR média de 14,2 bits/min ± 3,5 bits/min, não necessitando de treinamento e utilizando apenas um canal para aquisição do sinal eletroencefalográfico. Os resultados demonstraram a possibilidade da construção de uma ICC que poderá ser utilizada nos futuros projetos de tecnologias assistivas desenvolvidos no Laboratório de Automação Inteligente da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (LAI-UFES)

    Quality of Life in Glaucoma: A Review of the Literature

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    The ultimate goal of glaucoma management is the preservation of patients’ visual function and quality of life (QoL). The disease itself as well as the medical or surgical treatment can have an enormous impact on a patient’s QoL. Even the mere diagnosis of a chronic, irreversible, potentially blinding disorder can adversely affect the patient’s sense of well-being and QoL by eliciting significant anxiety. Patients with primary open-angle glaucoma rarely present with visual symptoms, at least early in the course of the disease. A better understanding of patient-reported QoL can improve patient–physician interaction and enhance treatment adherence by customizing treatment options based on individual patient profile, thus optimizing long-term prognosis. These aspects are summarized and critically appraised in this article

    Evaluación del área trabecular por digitalización de imágenes en el callo de fractura: estudio experimental

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    Se presenta un método de evaluación del área trabecular por medio de digitalización de imágenes de microscopía óptica. Se estudia la evolución de 20 callos de fractura en ratas de cepa Wistar, obteniendo un incremento progresivo del área trabecular desde los 14 a los 49 días, correlacionando ésta directamente con la actividad neoformativa. Se concluye proponiendo el uso de este método por su uniformidad, objetividad y reproductibilidad en todo el estudio, permitiendo la independencia del anatomopatológico.We present a method for assessment of the bone trabecular area by using optic microscope digitalized imaging. We studied 20 fracture callus performed at the tibia in Wistar rats. The bone trabecular area had a progressive increased from 14 to 49 days, post-fracture, been directly related with the neoformative activity. We propose this method because of this uniformity, objetivity and reliability. This method akows fracture repair analysis independently of the subjetivity of the pathologist

    CARMENES input catalogue of M dwarfs. I. Low-resolution spectroscopy with CAFOS

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    Context. CARMENES is a stabilised, high-resolution, double-channel spectrograph at the 3.5 m Calar Alto telescope. It is optimally designed for radial-velocity surveys of M dwarfs with potentially habitable Earth-mass planets. Aims. We prepare a list of the brightest, single M dwarfs in each spectral subtype observable from the northern hemisphere, from which we will select the best planet-hunting targets for CARMENES. Methods. In this first paper on the preparation of our input catalogue, we compiled a large amount of public data and collected low-resolution optical spectroscopy with CAFOS at the 2.2 m Calar Alto telescope for 753 stars. We derived accurate spectral types using a dense grid of standard stars, a double least-squares minimisation technique, and 31 spectral indices previously defined by other authors. Additionally, we quantified surface gravity, metallicity, and chromospheric activity for all the stars in our sample. Results. We calculated spectral types for all 753 stars, of which 305 are new and 448 are revised. We measured pseudo-equivalent widths of Halpha for all the stars in our sample, concluded that chromospheric activity does not affect spectral typing from our indices, and tabulated 49 stars that had been reported to be young stars in open clusters, moving groups, and stellar associations. Of the 753 stars, two are new subdwarf candidates, three are T Tauri stars, 25 are giants, 44 are K dwarfs, and 679 are M dwarfs. Many of the 261 investigated dwarfs in the range M4.0-8.0 V are among the brightest stars known in their spectral subtype. Conclusions. This collection of low-resolution spectroscopic data serves as a candidate target list for the CARMENES survey and can be highly valuable for other radial-velocity surveys of M dwarfs and for studies of cool dwarfs in the solar neighbourhood.Comment: A&A, in pres

    A Search for FeH in Hot-Jupiter Atmospheres with High-Dispersion Spectroscopy

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    Most of the molecules detected thus far in exoplanet atmospheres, such as water and CO, are present for a large range of pressures and temperatures. In contrast, metal hydrides exist in much more specific regimes of parameter space, and so can be used as probes of atmospheric conditions. Iron hydride (FeH) is a dominant source of opacity in low-mass stars and brown dwarfs, and evidence for its existence in exoplanets has recently been observed at low resolution. We performed a systematic search of archival CARMENES near-infrared data for signatures of FeH during transits of 12 exoplanets. These planets span a large range of equilibrium temperatures (600 Teq\lesssim T_{eq} \lesssim 4000K) and surface gravities (2.5 logg\lesssim \mathrm{log} g \lesssim 3.5). We did not find a statistically significant FeH signal in any of the atmospheres, but obtained potential low-confidence signals (SNR\sim3) in two planets, WASP-33b and MASCARA-2b. Previous modeling of exoplanet atmospheres indicate that the highest volume mixing ratios (VMRs) of 107^{-7} to 109^{-9} are expected for temperatures between 1800 and 3000K and log g3g \gtrsim3. The two planets for which we find low-confidence signals are in the regime where strong FeH absorption is expected. We performed injection and recovery tests for each planet and determined that FeH would be detected in every planet for VMRs 106\geq 10^{-6}, and could be detected in some planets for VMRs as low as 109.5^{-9.5}. Additional observations are necessary to conclusively detect FeH and assess its role in the temperature structures of hot Jupiter atmospheres.Comment: Accepted to AAS journal

    O humor em manuais escolares de matemática

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    O humor tem larga presença na vida das pessoas, combinando elementos afetivos e cognitivos com o intuito de bem-dispor. Para além dos contextos de lazer, o humor tem também sido utilizado em contextos associados ao trabalho, nomeadamente nas escolas, colocado ao serviço do ensino. Sendo os manuais escolares um recurso muito utilizado pelos professores, particularmente pelos de Matemática, pareceu-nos pertinente: (i) averiguar a utilização do humor em manuais escolares de Matemática; e (ii) descrever o humor utilizado nos manuais, discutindo o seu enquadramento didático. Para isso, submetemos a análise de conteúdo quatro manuais escolares de Matemática (dos 4.º e 5.º anos de escolaridade) com larga difusão nacional. Os resultados revelam que o humor, tanto no texto como na ilustração, não tem praticamente expressão nos manuais. Ainda assim, todos os manuais valorizam, ao nível da ilustração, situações de boa disposição, apresentando, recorrentemente, pessoas a rir.Humor has a wide presence in people's lives, combining affective and cognitive elements with the intention of well-being. In addition to the leisure contexts, humor has also been used in contexts associated with work, namely schools, placed at the service of teaching. Since school textbooks are a resource widely used by teachers, particularly those of mathematics, it seems pertinent to us: (I) to access the usage of humor in Mathematics school textbooks; and (ii) describe the humor used in textbooks and discuss their didactic framework. For this, we submitted, to content analysis, four textbooks of Mathematics (of the 4th and 5th grades) with wide national diffusion. The results reveal that humor, both in the text and in the illustration, has practically no expression in the textbooks. Even so, all textbooks value, at the illustration level, light-hearted situations, presenting repeatedly, people laughing.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio