9 research outputs found

    Toward a macromolecular approach for the actinides decorporation

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    Depuis le dĂ©veloppement de l'industrie nuclĂ©aire, les risques de contamination humaine avec des actinides subsistent et doivent ĂȘtre pris en considĂ©ration. Le dĂ©veloppement des arsenaux nuclĂ©aires, les accidents industriels liĂ©s Ă  la filiĂšre nuclĂ©aire civile (Tchernobyl, Fukushima) ou l’utilisation d’armement Ă  l’uranium appauvri dans les conflits armĂ©s (Guerre du Golfe, Kosovo) font des contre-mesures visant Ă  dĂ©corporer les actinides chez l'homme un enjeu stratĂ©gique majeur. Les actinides sont des Ă©lĂ©ments radiotoxiques et chimiotoxiques (dont la dangerositĂ© dĂ©pend de l'isotopie) qui, en cas d’absorption, peuvent provoquer des dommages (cancers, nĂ©croses, etc.) aux tissus et aux organes qu’ils ciblent (foie, reins, squelette). Actuellement l’efficacitĂ© de dĂ©corporation du chĂ©latant molĂ©culaire de rĂ©fĂ©rence, le DTPA (acide diĂ©thylĂšnetriamine pentaacĂ©tique), est limitĂ©e par sa faible distribution aux organes touchĂ©s par la rĂ©tention des actinides. Ce projet de thĂšse constitue une premiĂšre Ă©tape dans l’exploration d’une stratĂ©gie de fonctionnalisation macromolĂ©culaire pour vectoriser les agents chĂ©latants vers ces organes cibles de la rĂ©tention des actinides dans le but d’augmenter leur excrĂ©tion. Pour initier cette problĂ©matique, nous avons choisi de nous intĂ©resser aux capacitĂ©s de complexation de l’uranyle (U(VI)), du plutonium et du thorium (Pu(IV) et Th(IV)) par deux polyĂ©thylĂšneimines (PEI) fonctionnalisĂ©s avec des groupements carboxylate et phosphonate. L’élaboration des courbes de charge associĂ©es Ă  la formation des complexes polymĂ©riques d’actinides combinĂ©es Ă  des Ă©tudes de spectroscopie EXAFS et IR en milieu pseudo-biologique ont permis de dĂ©finir les capacitĂ©s de charge maximale de chaque polymĂšre et de caractĂ©riser les sites de complexation. Ces donnĂ©es permettent de mieux comprendre les mĂ©canismes d'affinitĂ© des polyĂ©thylĂšneimines fonctionnalisĂ©s pour les actinides considĂ©rĂ©s et donc de progresser dans le design de dĂ©corporants.Since the development of the nuclear industry, the risks of human contamination with actinides are not to be neglected and should be taken in account. Development of the nuclear weapon programs, nuclear plant accidents from civil use (Chernobyl, Fukushima) or use of depleted uranium ammunitions in war zones (Gulf War, Kosovo) have made countermeasures to decorporate actinides in humans an important strategic issue. Actinides are radiotoxic and chemotoxic elements (the relative dangerousness of which depends on their isotopy) which, if absorbed, can cause damages to the tissues and organs they target (bone, liver cancers or necrosis, etc.). To date the efficiency of the molecular decorporation agent of reference, DTPA (diethyleneiminetriamine pentaacetic acid), is limited by its weak distribution rate to the target organs (bone, liver, kidneys). This project explores the possibility to enhance the actinide body excretion using a targeting strategy of the decorporation agent towards the target organs. To initiate this question, we have chosen to focus on the complexing capacities of uranyl (U (VI)), plutonium and thorium (Pu (IV) and Th (IV)) by two polyethyleneimines (PEI) functionalized with carboxylate and phosphonate groups. The measurement of the uptake curves associated with the formation of the actinide polymer complexes combined with EXAFS and IR spectroscopic studies in a pseudo-biological medium made it possible to define the maximum loading capacities of each polymer and to characterize the complexation sites. These data allow to better understand the mechanisms of affinity of the functionalized polyethyleneimines for the above actinides and thus to progress in the design of new decorporation agents

    Approche macromolĂ©culaire pour la dĂ©corporation d’actinides

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    Since the development of the nuclear industry, the risks of human contamination with actinides are not to be neglected and should be taken in account. Development of the nuclear weapon programs, nuclear plant accidents from civil use (Chernobyl, Fukushima) or use of depleted uranium ammunitions in war zones (Gulf War, Kosovo) have made countermeasures to decorporate actinides in humans an important strategic issue. Actinides are radiotoxic and chemotoxic elements (the relative dangerousness of which depends on their isotopy) which, if absorbed, can cause damages to the tissues and organs they target (bone, liver cancers or necrosis, etc.). To date the efficiency of the molecular decorporation agent of reference, DTPA (diethyleneiminetriamine pentaacetic acid), is limited by its weak distribution rate to the target organs (bone, liver, kidneys). This project explores the possibility to enhance the actinide body excretion using a targeting strategy of the decorporation agent towards the target organs. To initiate this question, we have chosen to focus on the complexing capacities of uranyl (U (VI)), plutonium and thorium (Pu (IV) and Th (IV)) by two polyethyleneimines (PEI) functionalized with carboxylate and phosphonate groups. The measurement of the uptake curves associated with the formation of the actinide polymer complexes combined with EXAFS and IR spectroscopic studies in a pseudo-biological medium made it possible to define the maximum loading capacities of each polymer and to characterize the complexation sites. These data allow to better understand the mechanisms of affinity of the functionalized polyethyleneimines for the above actinides and thus to progress in the design of new decorporation agents.Depuis le dĂ©veloppement de l'industrie nuclĂ©aire, les risques de contamination humaine avec des actinides subsistent et doivent ĂȘtre pris en considĂ©ration. Le dĂ©veloppement des arsenaux nuclĂ©aires, les accidents industriels liĂ©s Ă  la filiĂšre nuclĂ©aire civile (Tchernobyl, Fukushima) ou l’utilisation d’armement Ă  l’uranium appauvri dans les conflits armĂ©s (Guerre du Golfe, Kosovo) font des contre-mesures visant Ă  dĂ©corporer les actinides chez l'homme un enjeu stratĂ©gique majeur. Les actinides sont des Ă©lĂ©ments radiotoxiques et chimiotoxiques (dont la dangerositĂ© dĂ©pend de l'isotopie) qui, en cas d’absorption, peuvent provoquer des dommages (cancers, nĂ©croses, etc.) aux tissus et aux organes qu’ils ciblent (foie, reins, squelette). Actuellement l’efficacitĂ© de dĂ©corporation du chĂ©latant molĂ©culaire de rĂ©fĂ©rence, le DTPA (acide diĂ©thylĂšnetriamine pentaacĂ©tique), est limitĂ©e par sa faible distribution aux organes touchĂ©s par la rĂ©tention des actinides. Ce projet de thĂšse constitue une premiĂšre Ă©tape dans l’exploration d’une stratĂ©gie de fonctionnalisation macromolĂ©culaire pour vectoriser les agents chĂ©latants vers ces organes cibles de la rĂ©tention des actinides dans le but d’augmenter leur excrĂ©tion. Pour initier cette problĂ©matique, nous avons choisi de nous intĂ©resser aux capacitĂ©s de complexation de l’uranyle (U(VI)), du plutonium et du thorium (Pu(IV) et Th(IV)) par deux polyĂ©thylĂšneimines (PEI) fonctionnalisĂ©s avec des groupements carboxylate et phosphonate. L’élaboration des courbes de charge associĂ©es Ă  la formation des complexes polymĂ©riques d’actinides combinĂ©es Ă  des Ă©tudes de spectroscopie EXAFS et IR en milieu pseudo-biologique ont permis de dĂ©finir les capacitĂ©s de charge maximale de chaque polymĂšre et de caractĂ©riser les sites de complexation. Ces donnĂ©es permettent de mieux comprendre les mĂ©canismes d'affinitĂ© des polyĂ©thylĂšneimines fonctionnalisĂ©s pour les actinides considĂ©rĂ©s et donc de progresser dans le design de dĂ©corporants

    Uranium speciation in weathered granitic waste rock piles: an XAFS investigation

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    International audienceInvestigation of uranium migration in the waste piles of granite rock in the Limousin region of France is vital for developing strategies which address related environmental issues. Despite the fact that the concentration of uranium is far below the lower end of the cut off level in these piles, the large volume of rocks-which measure in the hundreds of metric tons-and their conditions of repository make this type of waste a source of concern for the international community. In this work, X-ray absorption spectroscopy techniques (XAFS) were employed in order to identify the speciation of uranium in the different categories of samples collected from various regions of the rock piles which had undergone 50 years of weathering. The samples, such as weathered granite, arena and technosoils, were studied in order to probe the transformation of the U bearing complex. XANES indicates U(VI) valence with uranyl species in all samples. Using a linear combination analysis and shell fitting approach, distinct speciation of uranium was observed in the different categories of samples. In the weathered rock and arena samples with relics of magmatic U minerals, uranyl phosphates comparable to autunite are shown to be dominantly linked with monodentate PO 4 3À. However, the samples collected from technosoils are found to have a mixture of U-phosphate and U-clay minerals (phyllosilicates and silicates). Irrespective of the collection location, all the samples were found to contain U(VI)-oxo species The equatorial O ligands occur as two shells with an average separation of 0.14-0.21Å21˚21Å. Moreover, all the samples have an Al/Si/P shell around 3.1 ˚ A. A detailed EXAFS curve fit analysis shows that disorder afflicts the entire range of samples which can be attributed to either inhomogeneous binding sites on the disordered clay minerals or to the presence of a mixture of uranium-bearing minerals. XAFS investigations highlight the uranyl overriding forms of U (as U sorbed on clay minerals and secondary uranyl phosphates or silicates) contribute to the retention of U, even in oxidizing conditions known to enhance the mobility of U

    New paradigms in nuclear human decorporation using macromolecular systems

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    International audienceActinides elements (that are all radioactive) are the subject of special attention considering the important amount that has been produced for military and civil applications. They often present a dual toxicity: chemical and radiotoxicological from α and ÎČ decay. In case of dissemination during an accidental nuclear event, the consequences of contamination can initiate the vital process. Ingestion, inhalation and then retention in the target organs will occur. Currently, the golden standard of decorporation is DTPA (diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid) injected intravenously. It presents a strong complexing constant for some actinides but poor chemical specificity and it is only valid for removing actinides from blood, immediately after contamination. Objectives are to explore the design of biocompatible nano-particles or macromolecules able to release the decorporation agent directly into the target organ. This should constitute a new class of decorporation agents

    Carboxylate- and Phosphonate-Modified Polyethylenimine: Toward the Design of Actinide Decorporation Agents

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    International audiencePlutonium (Pu) is an anthropogenic element involved in the nuclear industry cycle. Located at the bottom of the periodic table within the actinide family, it is a chemical toxic but also a radiological toxic, regardless of isotopy. After nearly 80 years of Pu industrialization, it has become clear that inhalation and wounds represent the two main ways a person may become contaminated after an accident. In order to reduce the deleterious health effects of Pu, it is crucial to limit chronic exposure by removing it or preventing its incorporation into the body. Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) has emerged as the gold standard for Pu decorporation, although it suffers from very short retention time in serum. Other molecules like the hydroxypyridonate family with high chemical affinity have also been considered. We have been considering alternative polymeric chelates and, in particular, polyethylenimine (PEI) analogues of DTPA (the carbonate or phosphonate version), which may present a real breakthrough in Pu decorporation not only because of their higher loading capacity but also because of their indirect vectorization properties correlated with a specific biodistribution into the lungs, bone, kidney, or liver. In the first part of this Forum Article, new data on the structural characterization of the complexation of PuIV with polyethylenimine methylphosphonate (PEI-MP) were obtained using the combination of extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy and ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) calculations. The use of thorium (Th) as a Pu chemical surrogate is also discussed because its unique oxidation state is IV+ in solution. In the second part of the paper, we put this new set of data on PEI-MP-Pu into perspective with use of the PEI platform to complex ThIV and PuIV. Uptake curves of ThIV witth polyethylenimine methylcarboxylate (PEI-MC) are compared with those of PEI-MP and DTPA, and the AIMD data are discussed

    A Combined Spectroscopic/Molecular Dynamic Study for Investigating a Methyl-Carboxylated PEI as a Potential Uranium Decorporation Agent

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    International audienceNatural uranium has a very limited radioactive dose impact, but its chemical toxicity due to chronic exposure is still a matter of debate. Once inside the human body, the soluble uranium, under its uranyl form (U(VI)), is quickly removed from the blood system, partially excreted from the body, and partially retained in targeted organs, that is, the kidneys and bone matrix essentially. It is then crucial to remove or prevent the incorporation of uranium in these organs to limit the long-term chronic exposure. A lot of small chelating agents such as aminocarboxylates, catecholamides, and hydroxypyridonates have been developed so far. However, they suffer from poor selectivity and targeting abilities. Macromolecules and polymers are known to present a passive accumulation (size related), that is, the so-called enhanced permeability and retention effect, toward the main organs, which can be used as indirect targeting. Very interestingly, the methyl carboxylated polyethylenimine (PEI-MC) derivative has been described as a potent sequestering agent for heavy metals. It would be therefore an interesting candidate to evaluate as a new class of decorporation agents with passive targeting capabilities matching uranium preferential sequestering sites. In the present work, we explored the ability of a highly functionalized (89% rate) PEI-MC to uptake U(VI) close to physiological pH using a combination of analytical and spectroscopic techniques (inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES); extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS); and Fourier transformed infrared (FT-IR)) together with molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. A maximum loading of 0.47 mg U(VI) per milligram of PEI-MC was determined by ICP-OES measurements. From FT-IR data, a majority of monodentate coordination of the carboxylate functions of the PEI-MC seems to occur. From EXAFS and MD, a mix of mono and bidentate coordination mode was observed. Note that agreement between the EXAFS metrical parameters and MD radial distribution functions is remarkable. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive structural study of a macromolecular PEI-based agent considered for uranium decorporation purposes