151 research outputs found

    La gestión del tiempo por parte de los profesores principiantes

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    En el curso 2010-2011 se ha constituido en el Departamento de Derecho Financiero y Tributario de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Sevilla un equipo docente, formado por un profesor principiante y un profesor mentor con amplia experiencia docente para participar en el Programa de Formación de Profesores Noveles de la Universidad de Sevilla. La finalidad del proyecto era facilitar la introducción en la función docente del profesor novel y, específicamente, dotarle de los instrumentos adecuados para una adecuada gestión del tiempo, herramientas para una comunicación eficaz y pautas sobre el uso correcto de los medios de apoyo a la exposición en clase, particularmente medios TIC.A teaching group was created in the Department of Tax Law (Faculty of Law, University of Seville) for the 2010-2011 academic year in order to participate in the teacher training program at the University of Seville. This group consisted of a novice teacher and a mentor teacher with extensive teaching experience. The objective of the project was to ease the introduction of the novice teachers into their educational role, and specifically to provide them with the right tools both for planning and scheduling, and for effective communication, and with guidelines on the proper use of ICT and other resources as an aid to class presentation

    Una nota sobre la conjetura del grupo de autotopismos de los presemicuerpos de Figueroa

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    In [4] was stated the following conjecture: If a Figueroa’s presemifield P(K; alfa; beta; A;B) admits an autotopism of order a p-primitive prime divisor of p^n-1, then its autotopism group is isomorphic to a subgroup of GL(K) x GL(K). In [5] this conjecture was settled under an additional normality condition. In this article, we show that the assumption in the hypothesis of the conjecture is necessary in the sense that there exist a Figueroa’s presemifield, that does not admit such autotopism, for which the conjecture is not met.En [4] se estableció la siguiente conjetura: Si un presemicuerpo de Figueroa P(K; alfa; beta; A;B) admite un autotopismo de orden un divisor primo p-primitivo de p^n-1, entonces su grupo autotopismo es isomórfo a un subgrupo de GL(K) x GL(K). En [5] esta conjetura se resolvió bajo una condición adicional de normalidad.En este artículo, mostramos que la suposición hecha en la hipótesis de la conjetura es necesaria en el sentido de que existe un presemicuerpo de Figueroa, que no admite tal autotopismo, para el cual la conjetura no se cumple

    Preventive treatments for breast cancer: recent developments

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    Breast cancer is a burden for western societies, and an increasing one in emerging economies, because of its high incidence and enormous psychological, social, sanitary and economic costs. However, breast cancer is a preventable disease in a significant proportion. Recent developments in the armamentarium of effective drugs for breast cancer prevention (namely exemestane and anastrozole), the new recommendation from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence to use preventative drugs in women at high risk as well as updated Guidelines from the US Preventive Services Task Force and the American Society of Clinical Oncology should give renewed momentum to the pharmacological prevention of breast cancer. In this article we review recent major developments in the field and examine their ongoing repercussion for breast cancer prevention. As a practical example, the potential impact of preventive measures in Spain is evaluated and a course of practical actions is delineated

    BOMET-QoL-10 questionnaire for breast cancer patients with bone metastasis: the prospective MABOMET GEICAM study

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    Bone metastasis (BM) is the most common site of disease in metastatic breast cancer (MBC) patients. BM impacts health-related quality of life (HRQoL). We tested prospectively the psychometric properties of the Bone Metastasis Quality of Life (BOMET-QoL-10) measure on MBC patients with BM. Patients completed the BOMET-QoL-10 questionnaire, the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) for pain, and a self-perceived health status item at baseline and at follow-up visits. We performed psychometric tests and calculated the effect size of specific BM treatment on patients´ HRQoL. Almost 70% of the 172 patients reported symptoms, 23.3% experienced irruptive pain, and over half were receiving chemotherapy. BOMET-QoL-10 proved to be a quick assessment tool performing well in readability and completion time (about 10 min) with 0–1.2% of missing/invalid data. Although BOMET-QoL-10 scores remained fairly stable during study visits, differences were observed for patient subgroups (e.g., with or without skeletal-related events or adverse effects). Scores were significantly correlated with physician-reported patient status, patient-reported pain, symptoms, and perceived health status. BOMET-QoL-10 scores also varied prospectively according to changes in pain intensity. BOMET-QoL-10 performed well as a brief, easy-to-administer, useful, and sensitive HRQoL measure for potential use for clinical practice with MBC patientsThis work was sponsored by GEICAM and Novartis. Roche funded the publication fees for this articl

    Free energy of binding of coiled-coil complexes with different electrostatic environments: the influence of force field polarisation and capping

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    Coiled-coils are well known protein–protein interaction motifs, with the leucine zipper region of activator protein-1 (AP-1) consisting of the c-Jun and c-Fos proteins being a typical example. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations using the MM/GBSA method have been used to predict the free energy of interaction of these proteins. The influence of force field polarisation and capping on the predicted free energy of binding of complexes with different electrostatic environments (net charge) were investigated. Although both force field polarisation and peptide capping are important for the prediction of the absolute free energy of binding, peptide capping has the largest influence on the predicted free energy of binding. Polarisable simulations appear better suited to determine structural properties of the complexes of these proteins while non-polarisable simulations seem to give better predictions of the associated free energies of bindin

    Test beam results of a stereo preshower integrated in the liquid argon accordion calorimeter

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    This paper describes the construction of an integrated preshower within the RD3 liquid argon accordion calorimeter. It has a stereo view which enables the measurement of two transverse coordinates. The prototype was tested at CERN with electrons, photons and muons to validate its capability to work at LHC ( Energy resolution, impact point resolution, angular resolution, πo\pi^o/γ\gamma rejection )

    Performance of a large scale prototype of the ATLAS accordion electromagnetic calorimeter

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    A 2 m long prototype of a lead-liquid argon electromagnetic calorimeter with accordion-shaped electrodes, conceived as a sector of the barrel calorimeter of the future ATLAS experiment at the LHC, has been tested with electron and pion beams in the energy range 10 to 287 GeV. A sampling term of 10%/root E(GeV) was obtained for electrons in the rapidity range 0 < eta < 1, while the constant term measured over an area of about 1 m(2) is 0.69%. With a cell size of 2.7 cm the position resolution is. about 4 mm/root E(GeV)

    Performance of an endcap prototype of the ATLAS accordion electromagnetic calorimeter

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    The design and construction of a lead-liquid argon endcap calorimeter prototype using an accordion geometry and conceived as a sector of the inner wheel of the endcap calorimeter of the future ATLAS experiment at the LHC is described. The performance obtained using electron beam data is presented. The main results are an energy resolution with a sampling term below 11%/E(GeV)11\%/\sqrt{E(\rm GeV)} and a small local constant term, a good linearity of the response with the incident energy and a global constant term of 0.8\% over an extended area in the rapidity range of 2.2<η<2.92.2 < \eta <2.9. These properties make the design suitable for the ATLAS electromagnetic endcap calorimeter

    Construction and test of a fine-grained liquid argon preshower prototype

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    A separate liquid argon preshower detector consisting of two layers featuring a fine granularity of 2.5~103^{\mathrm{-3}} was studied by the RD3 collaboration. A prototype covering approximately 0.8 in pseudo-rapidity and 9 degrees in azimuth was built and tested at CERN in July 94. CMOS and GaAs VLSI preamplifiers were designed and tested for this occasion. The combined response of this detector and an accordion electromagnetic calorimeter prototype to muons, electrons and photons is presented. For minimum ionizing tracks a signal-to-noise ratio of 4.5 per preshower layer was measured. Above 150~GeV the space resolution for electrons is better than 250~μ\mum in both directions. The precision on the electromagnetic shower direction, determined together with the calorimeter, is better than 4 mrad above 50~GeV. It is concluded that the preshower detector would adequately fulfil its role for future operation at CERN Large Hadron Collider