21 research outputs found

    Viticulture durable dans le contexte du Brésil : une proposition

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    The thesis involves the proposition of a framework for the sustainability of viticulture in Brazil using a territorial approach built from two exploratory studies in Brazilian wine regions of Campanha Gaúcha and Vale do São Francisco based on preliminary studies. Those studies involved technical visits in three countries (France, Italy and Spain) and frameworks’ observations in another five (South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, USA and Chile). The framework proposed is called BaccuS. It is structured on a matrix basis, with an axis corresponding to dimensions and other to guidelines, both in ascending order of complexity and development. There are eighteen topics that represent areas to act to promote the sustainability in the wine territories. They articulate the five sustainability dimensions (environment, economic, social, political-institutional and territorial) and the four guidelines (management, articulation and cooperation, innovation and learning and sustainability). Each topic has indicators, in which factors to consider and practical examples in Brazil or internationally are detailed. Additionally, ten synthesis indicators specify initiatives or programs that can be implemented to impact positively on several indicators. The BaccuS framework can be applied in several scales, in the winery or the territory.La thèse porte sur la proposition d’un protocole pour le développement durable de la viticulture du Brésil, avec un approche territorial, a partir de deux études exploratoires au Brésil, dans les régions viticoles de la Campanha Gaúcha et de la Vale do São Francisco, et basée sur des investigations préliminaires, ce qui impliquait des pratique de terrain dans trois pays (la France, l’Italie et l’Espagne) et l’observation des standards et programmes dans autres cinq (l’Afrique du Sud, l’Australie, la Nouvelle Zélande, les États Unis et le Chili). Le protocole proposé s’appelle BaccuS, qui est structurée sous forme matricielle, avec un axe correspondant à des dimensions et d'autres à des lignes directrices, organisées dans une ordre croissant de complexité et de développement. Les cinq dimensions (environnemental, économique, social, politique-institutionnelle et territorial) et les quatre directrices (la gestion, l’articulation et coopération, l’innovation et l’apprentissage et le développement durable) sont articulés par dix-huit thèmes, qui représentent les aspects principaux pour l’action pour promouvoir le développement durable dans les territoires du vin. Chaque thème a des indicateurs, qui sont détaillés en facteurs à considérer et des exemple pratique d’application au Brésil ou dans le contexte international. Ainsi, dix indicateurs de synthèse indiquent des initiatives ou programmes que peuvent être démarrés et répercuter positivement dans d’autres indicateurs. Le BaccuS peut être utilisé dans des échelles diverses, dans les producteurs ou territoires.A tese envolve a proposição de um protocolo para a sustentabilidade da vitivinicultura do Brasil com uma abordagem territorial a partir de dois estudos exploratórios na Campanha Gaúcha e no Vale do São Francisco baseados em pesquisas prévias. Essas pesquisas contaram com trabalho de campo em três países (França, Itália e Espanha) e observação de protocolo em outros cinco (África do Sul, Austrália, Nova Zelândia, Estados Unidos e Chile). O protocolo proposto é chamado BaccuS. É estruturado em forma matricial, com um eixo correspondendo a dimensões e outro a diretrizes, ambas em ordem crescente de complexidade e desenvolvimento. As cinco dimensões de sustentabilidade (ambiental, econômica, social, político-institucional e territorial) e as quatro diretrizes (gestão, articulação e cooperação, inovação e aprendizado e sustentabilidade) são articuladas por 18 temas, que representam áreas principais para a ação, de modo a promover a sustentabilidade no território do vinho. Cada tema possui indicadores, nos quais exemplos práticos de aplicação no Brasil ou internacionalmente são considerados. Além disso, dez indicadores de síntese indicam iniciativa ou programas que podem ser implantados e repercutir positivamente em diversos indicadores. O protocolo BaccuS pode ser aplicado em diversas escalas, na vinícola ou no território


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    A pesquisa consiste no estudo do Arranjo Produtivo Local (APL) da cachaça e derivados da cana de açúcar, na região de Santo Antônio da Patrulha localizado, Litoral Norte do Rio Grande do Sul. Neste APL, pequenas empresas produtoras de cachaça utilizando o processo artesanal (conhecidas como alambiques), juntamente com empresas produtoras de doces, formam a “Rota da cachaça e da rapadura”, um roteiro turístico que compreende um aglomerado de empresas no território pesquisado, constituindo um APL. A partir de uma metodologia predominantemente qualitativa, de natureza exploratória, a pesquisa busca compreender a organização deste APL, destacando fatores e perspectivas para a inovação, sustentabilidade e a competitividade das empresas, entre outros aspectos das empresas do setor pensando no desenvolvimento de praticas sustentáveis do território. Focando na produção de cachaça, pode ser observado que há cooperação das empresas neste APL, sua formação cultural e histórica, os atores sociais que envolvem o APL, mesmo que simbolicamente, fatores como inovação como novos rótulos e embalagens das bebidas e na competitividade na pouca cooperação das empresas existentes no APL, constatações obtidas através de visitas e entrevistas em trabalho de campo nas empresas produtoras de cachaça (em alambiques) existentes na região e em dados coletados em entrevistas as intuições de apoio como sindicatos e secretarias do município em que se situa o APL, como por pesquisa bibliográfica que reforçam e apóiam as informações obtida

    A dimensão territorial da inovação e sustentabilidade no território de cachaça e dos derivados da cana – Litoral Norte do Rio Grande do Sul

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    The paper aims to analyze the territory of "Cachaça and Sugarcane’s products", in Santo Antônio Patrulha, noticing factors that contribute to processes of innovation and sustainability in the territory. The city stands out for a different profile in one of the poorest regions of the state, and has GDP per capita almost twice the average of the Northern Coast. The insertion of sugarcane in the state took place in the eighteenth century, late compared to the rest of the country; a specificity of RS is the structure in small farms aimed at handmade producing of sugarcane based candies to supply the domestic market. From the nineteenth century the region is recognized as a sugarcane producer, in an industrial perspective. After successive crises, this territory has rescued some local characteristics and traditions, which have resulted, from the 80s, to candy factories based of brown sugar and molasses, and later, the “alambiques” (still), from the 90s. Thus, reinventing itself and using local resources and traditions, the sector ensured their continuity. The territory based innovation process was essential to ensure the sustainability of the territory to date. Today, the cluster is an institutionalized network, recognized and supported by public policies. The territorial-based innovation processes took place not only inside the companies, but also in its organization and relationship with the territory. Local factors linked to products and processes provide specific characteristics to the products, as well as the culture among the institutions and products of this territory also act in order to strengthen local identity. They are points of stability that allow reinterpretation and innovation, bringing proposals to better utilize the land resources and thus ensure its sustainability in broad

    Vitivinicultura sustentável no contexto do Brasil : uma proposta de abordagem

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    A tese envolve a proposição de um protocolo para a sustentabilidade da vitivinicultura do Brasil com uma abordagem territorial a partir de dois estudos exploratórios na Campanha Gaúcha e no Vale do São Francisco baseados em pesquisas prévias. Essas pesquisas contaram com trabalho de campo em três países (França, Itália e Espanha) e observação de protocolo em outros cinco (África do Sul, Austrália, Nova Zelândia, Estados Unidos e Chile). O protocolo proposto é chamado BaccuS. É estruturado em forma matricial, com um eixo correspondendo a dimensões e outro a diretrizes, ambas em ordem crescente de complexidade e desenvolvimento. As cinco dimensões de sustentabilidade (ambiental, econômica, social, político-institucional e territorial) e as quatro diretrizes (gestão, articulação e cooperação, inovação e aprendizado e sustentabilidade) são articuladas por 18 temas, que representam áreas principais para a ação, de modo a promover a sustentabilidade no território do vinho. Cada tema possui indicadores, nos quais exemplos práticos de aplicação no Brasil ou internacionalmente são considerados. Além disso, dez indicadores de síntese indicam iniciativa ou programas que podem ser implantados e repercutir positivamente em diversos indicadores. O protocolo BaccuS pode ser aplicado em diversas escalas, na vinícola ou no território.La thèse porte sur la proposition d’un protocole pour le développement durable de la viticulture du Brésil, avec un approche territorial, a partir de deux études exploratoires au Brésil, dans les régions viticoles de la Campanha Gaúcha et de la Vale do São Francisco, et basée sur des investigations préliminaires, ce qui impliquait des pratique de terrain dans trois pays (la France, l’Italie et l’Espagne) et l’observation des standards et programmes dans autres cinq (l’Afrique du Sud, l’Australie, la Nouvelle Zélande, les États Unis et le Chili). Le protocole proposé s’appelle BaccuS, qui est structurée sous forme matricielle, avec un axe correspondant à des dimensions et d'autres à des lignes directrices, organisées dans une ordre croissant de complexité et de développement. Les cinq dimensions (environnemental, économique, social, politique-institutionnelle et territorial) et les quatre directrices (la gestion, l’articulation et coopération, l’innovation et l’apprentissage et le développement durable) sont articulés par dix-huit thèmes, qui représentent les aspects principaux pour l’action pour promouvoir le développement durable dans les territoires du vin. Chaque thème a des indicateurs, qui sont détaillés en facteurs à considérer et des exemple pratique d’application au Brésil ou dans le contexte international. Ainsi, dix indicateurs de synthèse indiquent des initiatives ou programmes que peuvent être démarrés et répercuter positivement dans d’autres indicateurs. Le BaccuS peut être utilisé dans des échelles diverses, dans les producteurs ou territoires.The thesis involves the proposition of a framework for the sustainability of viticulture in Brazil using a territorial approach built from two exploratory studies in Brazilian wine regions of Campanha Gaúcha and Vale do São Francisco based on preliminary studies. Those studies involved technical visits in three countries (France, Italy and Spain) and frameworks’ observations in another five (South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, USA and Chile). The framework proposed is called BaccuS. It is structured on a matrix basis, with an axis corresponding to dimensions and other to guidelines, both in ascending order of complexity and development. There are eighteen topics that represent areas to act to promote the sustainability in the wine territories. They articulate the five sustainability dimensions (environment, economic, social, politicalinstitutional and territorial) and the four guidelines (management, articulation and cooperation, innovation and learning and sustainability). Each topic has indicators, in which factors to consider and practical examples in Brazil or internationally are detailed. Additionally, ten synthesis indicators specify initiatives or programs that can be implemented to impact positively on several indicators. The BaccuS framework can be applied in several scales, in the winery or the territory

    Desenvolvimento territorial sustentável a partir dos territórios do vinho : o caso dos vinhos da campanha

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    O atual quadro de tensão sócio-ambiental obriga que sustentabilidade seja adotada como variável transversal em qualquer programa ou projeto. Dessa forma, o Desenvolvimento Territorial Sustentável (DTS) surge a partir da união da abordagem territorial com os princípios de sustentabilidade e evidencia a necessidade de propostas efetivas de aplicação, atendendo às especificidades do local (nos âmbitos político, social, ambiental, econômico e territorial). Tal abordagem enfatiza o desenvolvimento endógeno, pautado na valorização das potencialidades locais e na formação de Arranjos Produtivos Locais (APLs), baseado em endogeneidade, territorialidade e instituições. Dessa forma, o terroir vitivinícola é a expressão de fatores físicos e imateriais ligados a um produto, trazendo elementos da região e da cultura a ele relacionados, além de potencializar um tipo especial de turismo – o enoturismo – e assim configura os territórios do vinho. O terroir caracteriza e diferencia cada produto, conferindo-lhe uma identidade, que pode ser materializada nas Indicações Geográficas (IG’s). Assim, a pesquisa trata da constituição de territórios do vinho em um contexto de desenvolvimento territorial e sustentabilidade, tendo como objetivo geral compreender como a constituição destes territórios está relacionada aos princípios de desenvolvimento territorial sustentável, através de estudo de caso no território dos Vinhos da Campanha. A produção vitivinícola na Campanha Gaúcha é relativamente antiga, mas seu maior impulso teve início na década de 80, a partir de pesquisas que indicaram o potencial edafoclimático da região, acompanhadas de investimentos de multinacionais. Em um segundo momento de expansão, a partir do ano 2000, novos atores se apresentam: os vitivinicultores independentes e os empreendedores que constituirão suas próprias vinícolas. Aliado a isso, começa a ocorrer a nacionalização dos investimentos e um movimento de expansão de vinícolas tradicionais da Serra Gaúcha para a região da Campanha. No presente momento, além de nova aceleração nos investimentos, começa a organização e a articulação dos atores locais, que culmina na criação da Associação dos Produtores de Vinhos Finos da Campanha Gaúcha e na busca por uma Indicação Geográfica. Assim, o trabalho analisa os atores sociais que constituem esse território, seu percurso e seu posicionamento com relação às dimensões de sustentabilidade propostas, buscando elementos para elucidar se a constituição de territórios do vinho pode estar alinhada aos princípios de desenvolvimento territorial sustentável, identificando as oportunidades e barreiras nesse sentido.The current picture of social environment tension compels that sustainability is adopted as a transversal variable in any program or project; this way, Sustainable Territorial Development (STD) appears from the union of the territorial approach with the sustainability principles and it evidences the necessity of effective application proposals, meeting the places specific needs (in the political, social, environmental, economical and territorial scope). This approach emphasizes the endogenous development, based in the in the valuation of the local potentialities and in the setting of Local Productive Arrangements (APLs), based in endogeneity, territoriality and institutions. In this way, winery terroir is the expression of physical and incorporeal factors linked to a product, bringing elements of a region and it´s culture, and it potencializes a special type of tourism - the wine tourism – therefore configuring the wine territories. Terroir characterizes and differentiates each product, conferring it an identity, which can be materialized in the Geographic Indications (IG's). Thus, this research deals with the constitution of wine territories in a context of territorial development and sustaintability, and it´s main objective is to understand how the wine territories´s constitution is related to the principles of sustainable territorial development, through the case study of the “Vinhos da Campanha”. The winemaking production in the Campanha Gaúcha is relatively old, but its bigger impulse took place in the Eighties, from researches that had indicated the edafoclimatic potential of the region, accompanied by multinational investments. At a second moment of expansion, in the year 2000, new players showed themselves: the independent winemakers and the entrepreneurs, who went on developing their own wineries. At the same time, the nationalization of investments started to occur, and the movement of expansion of the traditional wineries from the Serra Gaúcha to the Campanha Region. Actually, beyond the new investments`s acceleration, the local players starts to organize and articulate themselves, which culminates in the creation of the Association of Fine Wines Producers of the Campanha, and in the search of a Geographic Indication. Therefore this work analyses the social players that constitutes this territory, its course and position regarding the dimensions of the proposed sustainability, looking for elements to elucidate if the constitution of the wine territory can be aligned with the principles of sustainable territorial development, identifying the opportunities and barriers in this direction

    Burgundy from the tropics: Images and references in Brazil / La Bourgogne vue des tropiques : images et références au Brésil

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    Relationships between Burgundy and Brazilian wine production are diverse, such as, the use of emblematic vine varieties or the fraternities and the wine tourism routes. The aim of this paper is to analyze how Brazilian experts and broad public perceive Burgundy, in order to identify influences of the Burgundy region in the Brazilian wine industry. The presence and the influence of Burgundy in the Brazilian wine industry were analyzed from an exploratory study based on the perception of experts was made using an electronic structured questionnaire, and publications available to the general public, observed from sites and blogs on the Internet using Google search, with two keywords in Portuguese and French: “Borgonha”, “vinho + Borgonha”, “Bourgogne” et “vin + Bourgogne”. The results were analyzed and organized and it can be observed that, even in different historical and environmental contexts, Burgundy is present in the wine production of Brazil, as a territory of reference and inspiration

    BaccuS: A framework for sustainability in the wine industry / BaccuS : un framework pour le développement durable dans la vitiviniculture

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    The BaccuS is a proposal of framework intended to support the internalization of sustainability principles in the wine industry, enhancing the actors' performance in this sense. The framework was built from two exploratory studies in Brazilian wine regions of Campanha Gaúcha (RS) and Vale do São Francisco (BA/PE) and preliminary studies which involved technical visits in three countries (France, Italy and Spain) and frameworks' observations in another five (South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, USA and Chile). The BaccuS is structured on a matrix basis, with an axis corresponding to dimensions and other to guidelines, both in ascending order of complexity and development. The five sustainability dimensions (environment, economic, social, political- institutional and territorial) and the four guidelines (management, articulation and cooperation, innovation and learning and sustainability) are articulated by eighteen topics that represent areas to act to promote the sustainability in the wine territories. Each topic was unfolded in indicators. Additionally, ten synthesis indicators specify initiatives or programs that can be implemented to impact positively on several indicators. The BaccuS framework can be applied in several scales, in the winery or the territory

    Universidade Sem Lixo

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    BaccuS: A framework for sustainability in the wine industry / BaccuS : un framework pour le développement durable dans la vitiviniculture

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    The BaccuS is a proposal of framework intended to support the internalization of sustainability principles in the wine industry, enhancing the actors' performance in this sense. The framework was built from two exploratory studies in Brazilian wine regions of Campanha Gaúcha (RS) and Vale do São Francisco (BA/PE) and preliminary studies which involved technical visits in three countries (France, Italy and Spain) and frameworks' observations in another five (South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, USA and Chile). The BaccuS is structured on a matrix basis, with an axis corresponding to dimensions and other to guidelines, both in ascending order of complexity and development. The five sustainability dimensions (environment, economic, social, political- institutional and territorial) and the four guidelines (management, articulation and cooperation, innovation and learning and sustainability) are articulated by eighteen topics that represent areas to act to promote the sustainability in the wine territories. Each topic was unfolded in indicators. Additionally, ten synthesis indicators specify initiatives or programs that can be implemented to impact positively on several indicators. The BaccuS framework can be applied in several scales, in the winery or the territory