1,599 research outputs found
El rol de terceras partes en el proceso de conciliación de relaciones bilaterales colombo - ecuatorianas tras el conflicto en Angostura
The rupture of bilateral relations between Ecuador and Colombia took place after the conflict in Angostura, which became a critical violation of sovereignty and a figure of International Law. The war effort carried out by the Colombian government Álvaro Uribe in 2008 produced the most severe diplomatic crisis with its neighbor Ecuador. Consequently, the actions of international agencies to find peaceful solutions began to develop with the Carter Center and the Binational Dialogue Group, the Organization of American States, and the United Nations playing a significant role. In this way, their strategies and methods of cooperation and unity for the States' parties to the conflict are beginning to execute, thus having a relevant role as third parties involved in the process of reconciliation between nations.La ruptura de las relaciones bilaterales entre Ecuador y Colombia, se produce tras el conflicto en Angostura, el cual se convirtió en una crítica violación a la soberanía y a la figura del Derecho Internacional. La acción bélica realizada por el gobierno colombiano Álvaro Uribe en el año 2008, produjo una grave crisis diplomática con su vecino Ecuador. Consecuentemente, el accionar de organismos internacionales para encontrar soluciones pacíficas se comenzó a desarrollar, teniendo un rol significante el Centro Carter y el Grupo Binacional de Diálogo, la Organización de Estados Americanos y las Naciones Unidas. De esta manera sus estrategias y métodos de cooperación y unidad para los Estados parte del conflicto se empiezan a ejecutar teniendo así un rol relevante como terceras partes involucradas en el proceso de conciliación entre las naciones
A Versatile Method of Resolution Enhancement for Tactile Sensor Array Used as Synthetic Skin: Modeling and Implementation
Tactile sensors are one of the major devices that enable robotic systems to interact with the surrounding environment. In particular, modern assistive robotic systems need to carry out many human-like activities. Thus, it is desired to have sensor arrays that can acquire different environmental information just like human skin. In the past two decades, various types of tactile sensor arrays have been developed to acquire different physical properties, such as temperature, force, and geometric shapes. However, though the measurement of a single sensor can be accurate, the planar resolution is limited due to fabrication difficulties. This research aims to propose a mathematical model to describe the behavior of a tactile sensor based on experimental and statistical analyses. Moreover, to develop a versatile algorithm that can be applied to different tactile sensor arrays to enhance the limited resolution. With the proposed algorithm, the resolution can be increased up to twenty times if multiple measurements are available.;To verify if the algorithm can be used for tactile sensor arrays that are used in robotic system, a 16 x 10 force sensing array (FSR) is adopted. The force was first measured by a scanning data acquisition device integrated by a synthesized electronic circuit, DAQ station and an interface developed using MATLAB. The acquired two dimensional measurements were then processed by the Proposed Resolution Enhancement Algorithm (PREA) to enhance the resolution. The proposed algorithm can be used to improve the resolution for single image or multiple measurements. In this study, the developed MATLAB scripts can automatically identify the location of the targeted objects if multiple measurements are recorded. As a result, the resolution of the sensor is increased and it can be used as synthetic skin to identify accurate shapes of objects and applied forces
Gender Dynamics in Charreria Mexicana
This research and analysis about the experiences of women in charrería show the pervasive negotiation of needs that they engage as practicing in an Escaramuza Charra. Inside this study, it is introduced the term Sisterhood Paradox, used to describe the struggle that represents the Escaramuza’s constant collective performance, in comparison to charros, but that paradoxically serves a tool of resistance of charra women inside this patriarchal institution. In this piece of work, it is also argued that women in charrería, in many cases, are not aware of the subordinate position they occupy and in an unconscious way function as agents that reinforce gender roles, idealized femininity, and even internalized misogyny in order to protect traditions. This study managed to prove that charrería institution functions as a microcosm of Mexico’s society at large where women learn and reproduce gender expectations in the “real world.
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There is an increased risk in college aged students to engage in problematic substance use. The culture and perceived college experience endorse substance use, whether it is through alcohol, marijuana, or other related drugs. Students are susceptible to these behaviors that can later turn into addictions. Literature supports that this population benefits from the availability of on-campus support groups and services related to substance use. This study provides insight into the perceived effectiveness of campus-based services that are directed to assisting students with substance use. More specifically, this study explored the views of staff members that deliver these services in order to gain insight about how students benefit from accessing these resources. The data was gathered by conducting face-to-face interviews in which responses were audio recorded on an electronic device and later transcribed into transcripts. The transcripts were analyzed and coded for themes and concepts that surfaced throughout the participants’ responses. The results obtained demonstrate significant aspects of how services can impact the student’s struggles with substance use. Ultimately, this research builds on the need for this population to have campus-based services accessible and the importance of integrating social work practice to further assist them
De la necesidad de fortalecer el aprovechamiento en una unidad de aprendizaje de alta complejidad, por los índices de reprobación registrados, se derivaron dos preguntas de investigación:
¿Cuál es el tema de la unidad de aprendizaje Teorías de la Educación, de mayor complejidad para los estudiantes que cursaron de 2009 a 2013? ¿Con la temática identificada como la de mayor complejidad para los estudiantes consultados, sería posible integrar un material electrónico remedial?
Para dar respuesta a la primera pregunta, se recurrió a indagar entre estudiantes y maestros que cursaron e impartieron la asignatura señalada, donde se encontró el tema específico de mayor complejidad, así como las estrategias utilizadas para impartirla. Posteriormente se realizó un estudio de dos enfoques conceptuales: el Método Montessori y el Conectivismo; para identificar la estrategia didáctica más adecuada para alcanzar el aprovechamiento de la unidad identificada. Se abordaron también los lineamientos para el diseño de material didáctico digital que establece la propia Universidad y a partir de ello se procedió a tratar de dar respuesta a la segunda pregunta.El propósito de la tesis es mostrar los avances tecnológicos en el ámbito educativo y a su vez mostrar como el avance de las tecnologías de la información, en particular la multimedia, pueden mejorar el desempeño académico de los alumnos, facilita el conocimiento del alumno por medio de diferentes estrategias de aprendizaje que engloban tres canales sensoriales de tal manera que el alumno sea capaz de reforzar los conocimientos vistos en clase.Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Méxic
Supportive Leadership at distance: The effect of innovation processes and climate
The rapid growth in use of home office creates the opportunity for leaders to embrace new ways of working in order to drive innovation. This study aims to investigate how leaders can support employees to foster an innovation climate that can lead to better innovation processes, when working from home. To gain a more in-depth understanding, this study examines how innovation processes and innovation climate are related to each other. Moreover, the aim is to investigate to what extent the individual dimensions (work engagement, age, and gender), the team dimension (social support) and the organizational dimensions (autonomy, home office and supportive leadership) predict innovation processes and innovation climate. Furthermore, it is desired to study to what extent the patterns of relationships are similar for innovation processes and innovation climate when investigating the effects from the three levels.
To conduct this study a quantitative method was used where data was collected from 1531 participants representative of the Norwegian workforce during Covid-19. Reliability and validity were tested by factor and reliability analyses. Furthermore, a correlation analysis and multiple hierarchical regression analyses were conducted. The findings indicate a strong relationship and effect between innovation processes and innovation climate; thus, these two concepts reflect a strong predictability between each other. This study showed a complex association between age and gender with innovation processes and climate. Moreover, the results show that giving autonomy in the working method, increasing work engagement, providing social support, and having a leader that is supportive, have a positive effect on the innovation processes. However, supportive leadership presented no effect in one component of the innovation processes. There is a similar pattern for innovation climate, but in this case supportive leadership presented a stronger relationship and effect with innovation climate. Despite the stigma around the use of home office, this study revealed a favourable relationship between innovation processes and climate. Nonetheless the results of this study suggest further research on use of home office, age, and gender with innovation climate
Supportive Leadership at distance: The effect of innovation processes and climate
The rapid growth in use of home office creates the opportunity for leaders to embrace new ways of working in order to drive innovation. This study aims to investigate how leaders can support employees to foster an innovation climate that can lead to better innovation processes, when working from home. To gain a more in-depth understanding, this study examines how innovation processes and innovation climate are related to each other. Moreover, the aim is to investigate to what extent the individual dimensions (work engagement, age, and gender), the team dimension (social support) and the organizational dimensions (autonomy, home office and supportive leadership) predict innovation processes and innovation climate. Furthermore, it is desired to study to what extent the patterns of relationships are similar for innovation processes and innovation climate when investigating the effects from the three levels.
To conduct this study a quantitative method was used where data was collected from 1531 participants representative of the Norwegian workforce during Covid-19. Reliability and validity were tested by factor and reliability analyses. Furthermore, a correlation analysis and multiple hierarchical regression analyses were conducted. The findings indicate a strong relationship and effect between innovation processes and innovation climate; thus, these two concepts reflect a strong predictability between each other. This study showed a complex association between age and gender with innovation processes and climate. Moreover, the results show that giving autonomy in the working method, increasing work engagement, providing social support, and having a leader that is supportive, have a positive effect on the innovation processes. However, supportive leadership presented no effect in one component of the innovation processes. There is a similar pattern for innovation climate, but in this case supportive leadership presented a stronger relationship and effect with innovation climate. Despite the stigma around the use of home office, this study revealed a favourable relationship between innovation processes and climate. Nonetheless the results of this study suggest further research on use of home office, age, and gender with innovation climate
“Conservación ex situ de la orquídea (Masdevallia amabilis) mediante el empleo de sustratos orgánicos en el distrito de Cajay- Huari, 2017”
El presente trabajo de investigación titulado “Conservación ex situ de la orquídea
(Masdevallia amabilis) mediante el empleo de sustratos orgánicos en el distrito de
Cajay- Huari, 2017”; tiene como fin de conservar esta especie originaria del Perú,
empleando sustratos alternativos que integran residuos orgánicos. La investigación
fue de tipo experimental, basándose en la técnica de observación directa; donde se
evaluó el comportamiento de la orquídea frente a sustratos alternativos. Se
denominaron T1, T2 y T3 a los diferentes composiciones de los sustratos siendo:
T1 (Humus de Lombriz 50% + fibra de coco 50 %), T2 (Humus de Lombriz 50% +
cáscara de trigo 50%) y T3 (Humus de Lombriz 50% + fibra de coco 25% + cáscara
de trigo 25%). El T2 presentó mayor eficacia en la conservación ex situ de la
orquídea, teniendo un comportamiento semejante al de la muestra testigo; siendo
significativas al 5% de probabilidad estadística según la prueba Tukey respecto a
los indicadores: altura de la planta (cm) y el número de flores (Unid.). En lo que
refiere al número de hojas (Unid.) y cantidad de nuevos individuos (Unid.), no se
presentaron diferencias significativas estadísticamente, es decir todos los
tratamientos tuvieron un comportamiento semejante. En relación a la
caracterización de los sustratos; se observó que los parámetros físicos y químicos
influyeron en la conservación ex situ de la orquídea; siendo el T2 quien presentó
los niveles más óptimos para el correcto desarrollo de la planta; a excepción del
contenido de sales solubles y la capacidad de intercambio catiónico, donde se
determinaron altas concentraciones para los tratamientos: T1, T2 y T3. Asimismo
se determinó que la muestra testigo y el T3 presentan un pH fuertemente ácido y
muy ligeramente alcalino, respectivamente. A pesar de ello; las 24 unidades
experimentales, las cuales representan el 100% de individuos de la orquídea se
adaptaron al efecto de los tratamientos a los 120 días que duró el ensayo
experimental. Concluyendo que los sustratos orgánicos influyeron positivamente en
la conservación es la especie Masdevallia amabilis
Evaluación de los Riesgos Laborales en el área de producción del Beneficio de café seco EGER S, A. en el municipio de Matagalpa en el segundo semestre del 2016
La presente investigación fue realizada en el Beneficio EGER, ubicado en las 3M, kilómetro 124 carretera Managua Matagalpa., cuyo objetivo fue evaluar los Riesgos Laborales en el área de producción del Beneficio de café seco EGER S, A. en el municipio de Matagalpa en el segundo semestre del 2016 de este modo contribuir a la empresa en la prevención de riesgos laborales y garantizar la calidad de vida del trabajador.
Este tema es de vital importancia e interés para la empresa de estudio, debido a que es preciso el uso de normas de seguridad de trabajo. De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos se pudo conocer si el beneficio cumple con lo estipulado en la ley 618, además si las condiciones de seguridad son las adecuadas para el trabajador, concluyendo que el beneficio cuenta con condiciones inseguras que pueden provocar lesiones, accidentes o cualquier peligro, lo que resulta perjudicial tanto para el trabajador como él empleador.
Las principales propuestas que han resultado de la investigación están relacionadas al empleo de señalización en las principales áreas de acceso del beneficio, llevar un registro y control de accidentes, proporcionar a los trabajadores los principales equipos de protección personal, así como establecer un plan de mantenimiento periódico para evitar averías, con el único fin de crear ambientes y puestos de trabajos seguro
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