2,335 research outputs found

    AIP and MEN1 mutations and AIP immunohistochemistry in pituitary adenomas in a tertiary referral center.

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    Background: Pituitary adenomas have a high disease burden due to tumor growth/ invasion and disordered hormonal secretion. Germline mutations in genes such as MEN1 and AIP are associated with early onset of aggressive pituitary adenomas that can be resistant to medical therapy. Aims: We performed a retrospective screening study using published risk criteria to assess the frequency of AIP and MEN1 mutations in pituitary adenoma patients in a tertiary referral center. Methods: Pituitary adenoma patients with pediatric/adolescent onset, macroadenomas occurring ≤30 years of age, familial isolated pituitary adenoma (FIPA) kindreds and acromegaly or prolactinoma cases that were uncontrolled by medical therapy were studied genetically. We also assessed whether immunohistochemical staining for AIP (AIP-IHC) in somatotropinomas was associated with somatostatin analogs (SSA) response. Results: Fifty-five patients met the study criteria and underwent genetic screening for AIP/MEN1 mutations. No mutations were identified and large deletions/duplications were ruled out using MLPA. In a cohort of sporadic somatotropinomas, low AIP-IHC tumors were significantly larger (P = 0.002) and were more frequently sparsely granulated (P = 0.046) than high AIP-IHC tumors. No significant relationship between AIP-IHC and SSA responses was seen. Conclusions: Germline mutations in AIP/MEN1 in pituitary adenoma patients are rare and the use of general risk criteria did not identify cases in a large tertiary-referral setting. In acromegaly, low AIP-IHC was related to larger tumor size and more frequent sparsely granulated subtype but no relationship with SSA responsiveness was seen. The genetics of pituitary adenomas remains largely unexplained and AIP screening criteria could be significantly refined to focus on large, aggressive tumors in young patients

    Conditions for teacher leadership and professional development in challenging circumstances

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    This chapter reports on findings from a 3-year funded research project aimed at examining conditions for teacher leadership in challenging circumstances. A mixed-method research design was devised including three phases of data collection: a national survey (phase 1), focus groups with teachers and students and semi-structured interviews with principals (phase 2); and the development and evaluation of a professional development course in 5 schools (phase 3). This chapter reports on findings from the first phase of data collection through an online questionnaire administered nationwide between February and May 2012 (N= 2702). In general, ambiguity and ambivalence in teachers’ views and perceptions of leadership emerged from the data namely in regard to the encouragement they get to make decisions and to be involved in projects at school as well as to exercise leadership at the department level. Implications of the findings are discussed.CIEC – Research Centre on Child Studies, IE, UMinho (FCT R&D unit 317), PortugalNational Funds through the FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology) and co-financed by European Regional Development Funds (FEDER) through the Competitiveness and Internationalization Operational Program (POCI) with the reference POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007562info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A avaliação no Ensino Superior: um estudo com docentes universitários

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    Neste trabalho pretendemos analisar as conceções e práticas de avaliação dos docentes do Ensino Superior após a implementação do Processo de Bolonha; contribuir para a melhoria da qualidade das práticas de avaliação das aprendizagens; e compreender as suas implicações ao nível do ensino e da aprendizagem. Iremos apresentar os resultados preliminares da primeira fase de investigação que incluiu um inquérito por questionário com docentes universitários.CIEC - Centro de Investigação em Estudos da Criança, IE, UMinho (UI 317 da FCT), PortugalFundos Nacionais através da FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) e cofinanciado pelo Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) através do COMPETE 2020 – Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) com a referência POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007562info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Riesgo Crediticio Bancario : Evaluación de la cartera crediticia del banco BAC,S.A. mediante la aplicación EVIEWS en los periodos terminados de 1995 al 2011

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    La evaluación de la cartera de crédito de un banco requiere de métodos de mitigación del riesgo tales como Scoring, CAMEL, Eviews, entre otros, la cual muestran la estabilidad financiera de la cartera del banco y así poder tomar decisiones correctamente que no afecten la situación financiera del mismo. La realización de la teoría en un caso práctico es esencial ya que se ilustra de una manera más sencilla los métodos de mitigación de riesgo crediticio que demuestran la estabilidad y rentabilidad en las instituciones, haciendo uso de la aplicación Eviews para medir y analizar la relación que hay entre las variables endógenas y exógenas de dicha institución bancaria y demostrar el riesgo en que se incurre por posibles créditos impagos que muchas veces presentan las instituciones financieras. La elaboración de dicho trabajo se ha basado en el método documental con respecto a toda la bibliografía consultada del tema y sub tema desarrollado, así mismo la implementación de los cálculos necesarios para el análisis e interpretación de los datos estadísticos y macroeconómicos obtenidos. Dicho análisis permite a las instituciones financieras realizar planes estratégicos mediante el cual los riesgos de créditos impagos se logren disminuir para poder obtener resultados eficientes en sus operaciones

    Mercedes (La gitana, 1892, de Salvador Rueda): Cervantean scullery-maid in a andalusian farmhouse

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    A finales del siglo XIX, Salvador Rueda concede el protagonismo de una novela a una mujer gitana que ni es pordiosera, ni bailaora ni adivina; es criada en un cortijo andaluz. Y es de raigambre cervantina: en Mercedes —La gitana (1892)— parecen fundirse dos Costanzas cervantinas (La ilustre fregona; La gitanilla), pero si ninguna de las Costanzas es lo que parece, Mercedes, no parece lo que es. Ilustre fregona decimonónica, pues, que no obstante carece de esa elaboración psicológica necesaria para haber hecho frente a la tópica representación de los gitanos —que, ya en su época, era una tradición literaria bien asentada—. En la novela, por otra parte, falta un personaje deconstructor interior —representado en La ilustre fregona por Argüello y la Gallega— que le sirviera de contrapunto. Rueda, en fin, y a pesar de su brillante planteamiento, no atina a mostrar —como enseñara Cervantes— «con propiedad » su «desatino».At the end of the 19th century, Salvador Rueda granted prominence in a novel to a gypsy woman who is not a beggar, a dancer, or a fortune teller; she is a servant in an Andalusian farmhouse. And she is well rooted in Cervantes: Mercedes —La Gitana 1892— is a blend of two Cervantean Costanzas (The Illustrious Scullery-maid, The Gypsy Girl), but while none of the Costanzas is what she appears to be, Mercedes is not like she is supposed to be. A new and illustrious nineteenth-century scullery-maid is concocted here, but a maid lacking the psychological depth demanded to confront the literary portrayals of the gypsy ethnia —a topic having by then a well-established tradition—; in addition, Rueda’s novel lacks an internal deconstructing character providing a counterbalance —the role played by Argüello and la Gallega in La ilustre fregona—. Rueda, in short, and despite his brilliant framing of the story, fails to «properly » show —like Cervantes taught— his «nonsense».Este trabajo forma parte de los resultados de investigación del proyecto I+D+i, cofinanciado por la Unión Europea en el marco del Programa Operativo FEDER 2014-2020 y por la Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad de la Junta de Andalucía, con referencia: P18-RT-2763: «Andalucía y lo andaluz ante el gran público. Textos fundamentales para su representación en los siglos XVIII y XIX»

    Diabetes tipo 2 em doentes com mais de 35 anos na população de Villafranco Del Guadiana

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    A diabetes é uma das maiores epidemias do século XXI a nível mundial, especialmente a diabetes mellitus tipo 2, sendo esta situação agravada com as previsões futuras negativistas, tendo um impacto significativo tanto a nível da saúde como a nível económico, e, estando por outro lado intimamente relacionada com fatores de risco cardiovascular, como a presença de obesidade ou inatividade física, ambos fatores crescentes na população atual. Motivada pela necessidade de conhecer a distribuição desta doença na população onde presto cuidados, foi realizado um estudo "Prevalência de Diabetes tipo 2 em indivíduos com mais de 35 anos na localidade de Villafranco del Guadiana”, em uma amostra de 106 indivíduos, 65 homens e 41 mulheres, obtendo-se um resultado de 11,67%, que se assemelha ao resto da Espanha e ao mundo. Como aluna do Mestrado em Enfermagem Comunitária e Saúde Pública e de acordo com as Estratégias de Abordagem à Doença Crónica do SNS e da OMS efetuámos um projeto de intervenção comunitária, utilizando a metodologia de Planeamento em Saúde, e direcionado para o diagnóstico precoce da doença, bem como para a modificação de estilos de vida de doentes já diagnosticados e da população em geral com o objetivo final de tentar reduzir estes números alarmantes e procurando dar resposta a este problemaLa diabetes es una de las mayores epidemias del siglo XXI en todo el mundo, especialmente la diabetes mellitus tipo 2, y esta situación se ve agravada por previsiones futuras peores, teniendo un impacto significativo tanto a nivel sanitario como a nivel económico, y, por outro lado, estrechamente relacionada con factores de riesgo cardiovascular como la presencia de obesidad o inactividad física, ambos factores en creciente aumento en la población actual. Motivada por la necesidad de conocer la distribución de esta enfermedad en la población donde presto mis servicios, se llevó a cabo un estudio de “Prevalencia de Diabetes Tipo 2 en mayores de 35 años en la localidad de Villafranco del Guadiana”, en una muestra de 106 individuos, 65 hombres y 41 mujeres, obteniendo un resultado del 11,67%, que se asemeja al resto de España y del mundo. Como alumna del Master de Enfermería Comunitaria y Salud Pública y de acuerdo con las Estrategias en el Abordaje de la Cronicidad del Sistema Nacional de Salud y de la OMS planteamos un proyecto de intervención comunitaria, utilizando la metodología de Planificación en Salud, dirigido hacia el diagnóstico precoz de la enfermedad, así como a la modificación de los estilos de vida de los pacientes ya diagnosticados y de la población general con el objetivo final de tratar de reducir estos números alarmantes y tratar de abordar este problemaDiabetes is one of the largest epidemics of the 21st century worldwide, especially type 2 diabetes mellitus, and this situation is aggravated by future negativist forecasts, having a significant impact both in the terms of health and at the economic level, and, on the other hand, closely related to cardiovascular risk factors, such as the presence of obesity or physical inactivity, both increasing factors in the current population. Motivated by the need to know the distribution of this disease in the population where I care, a study was conducted "Prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes in individuals over 35 years of age in the locality of Villafranco del Guadiana", in a sample of 106 individuals, 65 men and 41 women, obtaining a result of 11.67%, which is similar to the rest of Spain and the world. As a student of the Master's degree in Community Nursing and Public Health and in accordance with the Strategies for Addressing Chronic Disease of the SNS and WHO we carried out a community intervention project, using the Methodology of Health Planning, and directed to the early diagnosis of the disease, as well as to the modification of lifestyles of patients already diagnosed and the general population with the ultimate goal of trying to reduce these alarming numbers and seeking to respond to this problem

    Nahum Situmorang dan Amir Pasaribu: Seniman Legendaris dari Tanah Batak dan Kontribusi terhadap Perkembangan Musik Indonesia

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    This study aims to find out the artists who came from the Batak Land during the Dutch colonial period in Indonesia, the independence period, and the post-independence period, as well as the specialty of the artists in motivating the workers in the millennial era or the present. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with a historical approach through heuristic steps (collection of data relevant to the topic of study, both primary and secondary), for verification (criticism of external and internal sources), for further interpretation. The analysis was carried out using the theory of semiotics (Ferdinand De Saussure), namely content analysis. The results show that North Sumatra, especially the Tapanuli region, is the hometown for many artists, especially musicians with various genres known at the national and international level. The strength of the lyrics and musicality from the traditional to the popular modern has strengthened the variety of themes and musical compositions so that they become part of the atmosphere that supports the emergence of "Batak the Singing Man". with musical colors, ranging from classical, pop, jazz, blues, country, cha-cha, tango, calypso, rumba, waltz, march, baleno, slow rock, bossanova, keroncong, hawaian beat, stambulan, soul, and faxtrot, respectively each with its derivatives

    Eficacia de los tratamientos basados en mindfulness para el trastorno de estrés postraumático en adultos

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    La presente revisión sistemática tuvo como objetivo sintetizar la información científica disponible sobre el abordaje clínico del trastorno de estrés postraumático (TEPT) en población adulta a través de procedimientos basados en mindfulness. Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica de investigaciones empíricas publicadas en los 5 últimos años (periodo de 2013-2017) a través de las bases de datos Web of Science, ProQuest y Scopus, seleccionándose un total de 13 artículos. El análisis sistemático de los estudios mostró que las intervenciones terapéuticas centradas en mindfulness resultan seguras, aceptables y factibles para el TEPT, logran una mejoría significativa en los síntomas, y facilitan la sensación de significado, paz, conexión y crecimiento personal. Asimismo, las evidencias revelaron cambios en las regiones cerebrales asociadas al miedo y una disminución de cortisol. Aunque estos enfoques basados de mindfulness resultan prometedores, se requieren más investigaciones rigurosas con ensayos controlados aleatorizados para establecer con claridad la eficacia de estas intervenciones en el TEPT.The aim of this systematic review was to synthesize the available scientific information on the clinical approach of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in adults through mindfulness-based procedures. A literature search of empirical research published in the last 5 years (2013-2017 period) was carried out through the Web of Science, ProQuest and Scopus databases, selecting a total of 13 articles. The systematic analysis of the studies showed that the therapeutic interventions focused on mindfulness are safe, acceptable and feasible for the PTSD, achieve a significant improvement in the symptoms, and facilitate the sensation of meaning, peace, connection and personal growth. Also, the evidence revealed changes in the brain regions associated with fear and a decrease in cortisol. Although these mindfulness-based approaches are promising, more rigorous research with randomized controlled trials is required to clearly establish the effectiveness of these interventions in PTSD