15 research outputs found


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    NANTES-BU Médecine pharmacie (441092101) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Analyse à long terme des transplantés rénaux traités par tacrolimus en monothérapie au CHU d Angers

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    Propos.Le devenir à long terme des transplantés rénaux traités par anticalcineurines en monothérapie a été rarement décrit. Nous rapportons notre expérience d immunosuppression au long cours par tacrolimus en monothérapie. Méthodes.Cette étude monocentrique, rétrospective a été conduite chez 91 patients, transplantés de façon consécutive de 1998 à 2003. Le protocole comprenait une trithérapie initiale relayée par du tacrolimus en monothérapie à partir du 6ieme mois. A la fin de la période observationnelle, deux groupes de patients ont été individualisés : le groupe poursuivant la monothérapie par tacrolimus (sTac), et le groupe dans lequel la monothérapie a échoué (unTac). L analyse a porté sur la cohorte et les groupes individualisés. Résultats.Le suivi moyen de la cohorte était de 6.1 ans. La survie cumulée patient et greffon de la cohorte était de 96.7 et 93.4% respectivement à 4 ans de suivi. La monothérapie a pu être initiée chez 93.3% des patients au 6ieme mois et maintenue chez 57.8% des patients. L incidence cumulée de rejets aigus et de néphropathie d allogreffe était identique : 13.2%. La créatininémie moyenne de la cohorte était de 122 mol/L et 132 mol/L à 2 et 4 ans de suivi respectivement, contre 112 mol/L à 4 ans dans le groupe sTac. L incidence cumulée de diabète post-transplantation, de cancer et de maladie à CMV était de 21.7, 13.2, et 14.3% respectivement. Un seul évènement cardiovasculaire est survenu. Conclusion.Une monothérapie par tacrolimus au long cours est possible chez la majorité des transplantés rénaux à faible risque immunologique. Ce traitement était associé à une excellente fonction rénale et survie patient/greffon dans notre cohorte.ANGERS-BU Médecine-Pharmacie (490072105) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Grossesse et transplantation rénale

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    ANGERS-BU Médecine-Pharmacie (490072105) / SudocSudocFranceF

    A multicenter, randomized trial of increased mycophenolic acid dose using enteric-coated mycophenolate sodium with reduced tacrolimus exposure in maintenance kidney transplant recipients.

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    International audienceMycophenolic acid (MPA) dose is frequently reduced in tacrolimus-treated kidney transplant patients, but alternatively the recommended MPA dose can be maintained with reduced tacrolimus exposure. In a 6-month, multicenter, randomized, openlabel study, maintenance kidney transplant patients receiving MPA (mycophenolate mofetil 1g/d or enteric-coated mycophenolate sodium (EC-MPS) 720 mg/d) and tacrolimus were randomized to convert to EC-MPS 1,440 mg/d with reduced tacrolimus (n = 46), or receive EC-MPS 720 mg/d with unchanged tacrolimus (n = 48). Mean estimated GFR (eGFR, aMDRD) at Month 6 was 49.1 ± 11.1 and 44.7 ± 11.5 ml/min/1.73 m2 in the EC-MPS 1,440 mg and 720 mg groups, respectively (p = 0.07). The primary endpoint, change in eGFR from Day 0 to Month 6, was 2.48 ± 0.95 ml/min/1.73 m2 with EC-MPS 1,440 mg and -0.48 ± 0.93 ml/min/1.73 m2 with EC-MPS 720 mg (difference 2.96 ml/min/1.73 m2; 95% CI 0.32 - 5.60; p = 0.028). There were no deaths, graft losses or acute rejections. Adverse events were more frequent with EC-MPS 1,440 mg than 720 mg (66.7% vs. 44.7%, p = 0.034). Adverse events with suspected relation to EC-MPS occurred in 26.7% and 21.3% of patients, respectively (p = 0.59). Conversion of kidney transplant patients to increased MPA dosing using EC-MPS 1,440 mg/d, with reduced tacrolimus exposure, appears an effective immunosuppression strategy and may improve renal function. Adverse events overall, but not those with a suspected relation to EC-MPS, were higher with ECMPS 1,440 mg/d

    The DESCARTES-Nantes survey of kidney transplant recipients displaying clinical operational tolerance identifies 35 new tolerant patients and 34 almost tolerant patients.

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    BACKGROUND Kidney recipients maintaining a prolonged allograft survival in the absence of immunosuppressive drugs and without evidence of rejection are supposed to be exceptional. The ERA-EDTA-DESCARTES working group together with Nantes University launched a European-wide survey to identify new patients, describe them and estimate their frequency for the first time. METHODS Seventeen coordinators distributed a questionnaire in 256 transplant centres and 28 countries in order to report as many 'operationally tolerant' patients (TOL; defined as having a serum creatinine <1.7 mg/dL and proteinuria <1 g/day or g/g creatinine despite at least 1 year without any immunosuppressive drug) and 'almost tolerant' patients (minimally immunosuppressed patients (MIS) receiving low-dose steroids) as possible. We reported their number and the total number of kidney transplants performed at each centre to calculate their frequency. RESULTS One hundred and forty-seven questionnaires were returned and we identified 66 TOL (61 with complete data) and 34 MIS patients. Of the 61 TOL patients, 26 were previously described by the Nantes group and 35 new patients are presented here. Most of them were noncompliant patients. At data collection, 31/35 patients were alive and 22/31 still TOL. For the remaining 9/31, 2 were restarted on immunosuppressive drugs and 7 had rising creatinine of whom 3 resumed dialysis. Considering all patients, 10-year death-censored graft survival post-immunosuppression weaning reached 85% in TOL patients and 100% in MIS patients. With 218 913 kidney recipients surveyed, cumulative incidences of operational tolerance and almost tolerance were estimated at 3 and 1.5 per 10 000 kidney recipients, respectively. CONCLUSIONS In kidney transplantation, operational tolerance and almost tolerance are infrequent findings associated with excellent long-term death-censored graft survival