651 research outputs found

    Multi-contrast imaging and digital refocusing on a mobile microscope with a domed LED array

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    We demonstrate the design and application of an add-on device for improving the diagnostic and research capabilities of CellScope--a low-cost, smartphone-based point-of-care microscope. We replace the single LED illumination of the original CellScope with a programmable domed LED array. By leveraging recent advances in computational illumination, this new device enables simultaneous multi-contrast imaging with brightfield, darkfield, and phase imaging modes. Further, we scan through illumination angles to capture lightfield datasets, which can be used to recover 3D intensity and phase images without any hardware changes. This digital refocusing procedure can be used for either 3D imaging or software-only focus correction, reducing the need for precise mechanical focusing during field experiments. All acquisition and processing is performed on the mobile phone and controlled through a smartphone application, making the computational microscope compact and portable. Using multiple samples and different objective magnifications, we demonstrate that the performance of our device is comparable to that of a commercial microscope. This unique device platform extends the field imaging capabilities of CellScope, opening up new clinical and research possibilities

    Hot X-ray Onsets of Solar Flares

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    The study of the localized plasma conditions before the impulsive phase of a solar flare can help us understand the physical processes that occur leading up to the main flare energy release. Here, we present evidence of a hot X-ray onset interval of enhanced isothermal plasma temperatures in the range of 10-15~MK up to tens of seconds prior to the flare's impulsive phase. This `hot onset' interval occurs during the initial soft X-ray increase and prior to the detectable hard X-ray emission. The isothermal temperatures, estimated by the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) X-ray sensor, and confirmed with data from the Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI), show no signs of gradual increase, and the `hot onset' phenomenon occurs regardless of flare classification or configuration. In a small sample of four representative flare events we identify this early hot onset soft X-ray emission mainly within footpoint and low-lying loops, rather than with coronal structures, based on images from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA). We confirm this via limb occultation of a flaring region. These hot X-ray onsets appear before there is evidence of collisional heating by non-thermal electrons, and hence they challenge the standard flare heating modeling techniques.Comment: Submitted to MNRAS 6 July 202

    Statistical analysis of the onset temperature of solar flares in 2010-2011

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    Understanding the physical processes that trigger solar flares is paramount to help with forecasting space weather and mitigating the effects on our technological infrastructure. A previously unknown phenomenon was recently identified in solar flares: the plasma temperature, derived from soft X-ray (SXR) data, at the onset of four flares, was revealed to be in the range 10-15 MK, without evidence of gradual heating. To investigate how common the hot-onset phenomenon may be, we extend this investigation to solar flares of B1.2- X6.9 classes recorded by the X-ray Sensor (XRS) on-board the GOES-14 and GOES-15 satellites between 2010 and 2011. For this statistical study, we employed the same methodology as in recent work, where the pre-flare SXR flux of each flare is obtained manually, and the temperature and emission measure values are obtained by the flux ratio of the two GOES/XRS channels using the standard software. From 3224 events listed in the GOES flare catalog for 2010-2011, we have selected and analyzed 745 events for which the flare heliographic location was provided in the list, to investigate center-to-limb effects of the hot-onset phenomenon. Our results show that 559 out of 745 flares (75%) exhibit an onset temperature above 8.6 MK (the first quartile), with respective log10 of the emission measure values between 46.0 - 47.25 cm-3, indicating that small amounts of plasma are quickly heated to high temperatures. These results suggest that the hot-onset phenomenon is very common in solar flares.Comment: 6 pages,7 figure

    Unexpected Long-Term Variability in Jupiter's Tropospheric Temperatures

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    An essential component of planetary climatology is knowledge of the tropospheric temperature field and its variability. Previous studies of Jupiter hinted at periodic behavior that was non-seasonal, as well as dynamical relationships between tropospheric and stratospheric temperatures. However, these observations were made over time frames shorter than Jupiter's orbit or they used sparse sampling. We derived upper-tropospheric (300-mbar) temperatures over 40 years, extending those studies to cover several orbits of Jupiter, revealing unexpected results. Periodicities of 4, 7 8-9 and 10-14 years were discovered that involved different latitude bands and seem disconnected from seasonal changes in solar heating. Anti-correlations of variability in opposite hemispheres were particularly striking at 16, 22 and 30 degrees from the equator. Equatorial temperature variations are also anticorrelated with those 60-70 km above. Such behavior suggests a top-down control of equatorial tropospheric temperatures from stratospheric dynamics. Realistic future global climate models must address the origins of these variations in preparation for their extension to a wider array of gas-giant exoplanets.Comment: Primary file: 16 pages, 5 figures. Supplemental File (attached): 12 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Emergent dynamic chirality in a thermally driven artificial spin ratchet

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    Modern nanofabrication techniques have opened the possibility to create novel functional materials, whose properties transcend those of their constituent elements. In particular, tuning the magnetostatic interactions in geometrically frustrated arrangements of nanoelements called artificial spin ice1, 2 can lead to specific collective behaviour3, including emergent magnetic monopoles4, 5, charge screening6, 7 and transport8, 9, as well as magnonic response10, 11, 12. Here, we demonstrate a spin-ice-based active material in which energy is converted into unidirectional dynamics. Using X-ray photoemission electron microscopy we show that the collective rotation of the average magnetization proceeds in a unique sense during thermal relaxation. Our simulations demonstrate that this emergent chiral behaviour is driven by the topology of the magnetostatic field at the edges of the nanomagnet array, resulting in an asymmetric energy landscape. In addition, a bias field can be used to modify the sense of rotation of the average magnetization. This opens the possibility of implementing a magnetic Brownian ratchet13, 14, which may find applications in novel nanoscale devices, such as magnetic nanomotors, actuators, sensors or memory cells

    A CCR4 antagonist reverses the tumor-promoting microenvironment of renal cancer

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    CRUK programme grant C587/A16354 and a research grant from Affitech AS.The study was supported by Cancer Research UK (CRUK) programme grant C587/A16354 and a research grant from Affitech AS

    Variability and change in the Canadian cryosphere

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    Abstract During the International Polar Year (IPY), comprehensive observational research programs were undertaken to increase our understanding of the Canadian polar cryosphere response to a changing climate. Cryospheric components considered were snow, permafrost, sea ice, freshwater ice, glaciers and ice shelves. Enhancement of conventional observing systems and retrieval algorithms for satellite measurements facilitated development of a snapshot of current cryospheric conditions, providing a baseline against which future change can be assessed. Key findings include: 1. surface air temperatures across the Canadian Arctic exhibit a warming trend in all seasons over the past 40 years. A consistent pan-cryospheric response to these warming temperatures is evident through the analysis of multi-decadal datasets; 2. in recent years (including the IPY period) a higher rate of change was observed compared to previous decades including warming permafrost, reduction in snow cover extent and duration, reduction in summer sea ice extent, increased mass loss from glaciers, and thinning and break-up of the remaining Canadian ice shelves. These changes illustrate both a reduction in the spatial extent and mass of the cryosphere and an increase in the temporal persistence of melt related parameters. The observed changes in the cryosphere have important implications for human activity including the close ties of northerners to the land, access to northern regions for natural resource development, and the integrity of northern infrastructure

    Understanding the interaction between cytomegalovirus and tuberculosis in children: The way forward

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    Over 1 million children develop tuberculosis (TB) each year, with a quarter dying. Multiple factors impact the risk of a child being exposed to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), the risk of progressing to TB disease, and the risk of dying. However, an emerging body of evidence suggests that coinfection with cytomegalovirus (CMV), a ubiquitous herpes virus, impacts the host response to Mtb, potentially influencing the probability of disease progression, type of TB disease, performance of TB diagnostics, and disease outcome. It is also likely that infection with Mtb impacts CMV pathogenesis. Our current understanding of the burden of these 2 diseases in children, their immunological interactions, and the clinical consequence of coinfection is incomplete. It is also unclear how potential interventions might affect disease progression and outcome for TB or CMV. This article reviews the epidemiological, clinical, and immunological literature on CMV and TB in children and explores how the 2 pathogens interact, while also considering the impact of HIV on this relationship. It outlines areas of research uncertainty and makes practical suggestions as to potential studies that might address these gaps. Current research is hampered by inconsistent definitions, study designs, and laboratory practices, and more consistency and collaboration between researchers would lead to greater clarity. The ambitious targets outlined in the World Health Organization End TB Strategy will only be met through a better understanding of all aspects of child TB, including the substantial impact of coinfections

    Plasma cell output from germinal centers is regulated by signals from Tfh and stromal cells

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    Germinal centers (GCs) are the sites where B cells undergo affinity maturation. The regulation of cellular output from the GC is not well understood. Here, we show that from the earliest stages of the GC response, plasmablasts emerge at the GC-T zone interface (GTI). We define two main factors that regulate this process: Tfh-derived IL-21, which supports production of plasmablasts from the GC, and TNFSF13 (APRIL), which is produced by a population of podoplanin+CD157highfibroblastic reticular cells located in the GTI that are also rich in message for IL-6 and chemokines CXCL12, CCL19, and CCL21. Plasmablasts in the GTI express the APRIL receptor TNFRSF13B (TACI), and blocking TACI interactions specifically reduces the numbers of plasmablasts appearing in the GTI. Plasma cells generated in the GTI may provide an early source of affinity-matured antibodies that may neutralize pathogens or provide feedback regulating GC B cell selection
