95 research outputs found

    The annual ammonia budget of fertilised cut grassland – Part 2: Seasonal variations and compensation point modeling

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    The net annual NH<sub>3</sub> exchange budget of a fertilised, cut grassland in Central Switzerland is presented. The observation-based budget was computed from semi-continuous micrometeorological fluxes over a time period of 16 months and using a process-based gap-filling procedure. The data for emission peak events following the application of cattle slurry and for background exchange were analysed separately to distinguish short-term perturbations from longer-term ecosystem functioning. A canopy compensation point model of background exchange is parameterised on the basis of measured data and applied for the purposes of gap-filling. The data show that, outside fertilisation events, grassland behaves as a net sink for atmospheric NH<sub>3</sub> with an annual dry deposition flux of −3.0 kg N ha<sup>−1</sup> yr<sup>−1</sup>, although small NH<sub>3</sub> emissions by the canopy were measured in dry daytime conditions. The median Γ<sub><i>s</i></sub> ratio in the apoplast (=[NH<sub>4</sub><sup>+</sup>]/[H<sup>+</sup>]) estimated from micrometeorological measurements was 620, equivalent to a stomatal compensation point of 1.3 μg NH<sub>3</sub> m<sup>−3</sup> at 15 °C. Non-stomatal resistance to deposition <i>R<sub>w</sub></i> was shown to increase with temperature and decrease with surface relative humidity, and <i>R<sub>w</sub></i> values were among the highest published for European grasslands, consistent with a relatively high ratio of NH<sub>3</sub> to acid gases in the boundary layer at this site. Since the gross annual NH<sub>3</sub> emission by slurry spreading was of the order of +20 kg N ha<sup>−1</sup> yr<sup>−1</sup>, the fertilised grassland was a net NH<sub>3</sub> source of +17 kg N ha<sup>−1</sup> yr<sup>−1</sup>. A comparison with the few other measurement-based budget values from the literature reveals considerable variability, demonstrating both the influence of soil, climate, management and grassland type on the NH<sub>3</sub> budget and the difficulty of scaling up to the national level

    The annual ammonia budget of fertilised cut grassland – Part 1: Micrometeorological flux measurements and emissions after slurry application

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    Two commercial ammonia (NH<sub>3</sub>) analysers were customised to allow continuous measurements of vertical concentration gradients. The gradients were used to derive ammonia exchange fluxes above a managed grassland site at Oensingen (Switzerland) by application of the aerodynamic gradient method. The measurements from July 2006 to October 2007 covered five complete growth-cut cycles and included six applications of liquid cattle slurry. The average accuracy of the flux measurements during unstable and near-neutral conditions was 20% and the detection limit was 10 ng NH<sub>3</sub> m<sup>−2</sup> s<sup>−1</sup>. Hence the flux measurements are considered sufficiently accurate for studying typical NH<sub>3</sub> deposition rates over growing vegetation. Quantifying the overall emissions after slurry applications required the application of elaborate interpolations because of difficulties capturing the initial emissions during broadspreading of liquid manure. The emissions were also calculated with a mass balance method yielding similar fluxes. NH<sub>3</sub> losses after slurry application expressed as percentage of emitted nitrogen versus applied total ammoniacal nitrogen (TAN) varied between 4 and 19%, which is roughly a factor of three lower than the values for broadspreading of liquid manure in emission inventories. The comparatively low emission factors appear to be a consequence of the low dry matter content of the applied slurry and soil properties favouring ammonium adsorption

    Weak Interaction Studies with 6He

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    The 6He nucleus is an ideal candidate to study the weak interaction. To this end we have built a high-intensity source of 6He delivering ~10^10 atoms/s to experiments. Taking full advantage of that available intensity we have performed a high-precision measurement of the 6He half-life that directly probes the axial part of the nuclear Hamiltonian. Currently, we are preparing a measurement of the beta-neutrino angular correlation in 6He beta decay that will allow to search for new physics beyond the Standard Model in the form of tensor currents.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, proceedings for the Eleventh Conference on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics (CIPANP 2012

    Surface-atmosphere exchange of ammonia over peatland using QCL-based eddy-covariance measurements and inferential modeling

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    Recent advances in laser spectrometry offer new opportunities to investigate ecosystem-atmosphere exchange of environmentally relevant trace gases. In this study, we demonstrate the applicability of a quantum cascade laser (QCL) absorption spectrometer to continuously measure ammonia concentrations at high time resolution and thus to quantify the net exchange between a seminatural peatland ecosystem and the atmosphere based on the eddy-covariance approach. Changing diurnal patterns of both ammonia concentration and fluxes were found during different periods of the campaign. We observed a clear tipping point in early spring with decreasing ammonia deposition velocities and increasingly bidirectional fluxes that occurred after the switch from dormant vegetation to CO2 uptake but was triggered by a significant weather change. While several biophysical parameters such as temperature, radiation, and surface wetness were identified to partially regulate ammonia exchange at the site, the seasonal concentration pattern was clearly dominated by agricultural practices in the surrounding area. Comparing the results of a compensation point model with our measurement-based flux estimates showed considerable differences in some periods of the campaign due to overestimation of non-stomatal resistances caused by low acid ratios. The total cumulative campaign exchange of ammonia after 9 weeks, however, differed only in a 6% deviation with 911 and 857 gNH(3)-N ha(-1) deposition being found by measurements and modeling, respectively. Extrapolating our findings to an entire year, ammonia deposition was lower than reported by Hurkuck et al. (2014) for the same site in previous years using denuder systems. This was likely due to a better representation of the emission component in the net signal of eddy-covariance fluxes as well as better adapted site-specific parameters in the model. Our study not only stresses the importance of high-quality measurements for studying and assessing land surface-atmosphere interactions but also demonstrates the potential of QCL spectrometers for continuous observation of reactive nitrogen species as important additional instruments within long-term monitoring research infrastructures such as ICOS or NEON at sites with strong nearby ammonia sources leading to relatively high mean background concentrations and fluxes.Peer reviewe

    Sources and Sinks of Greenhouse Gases from European Grasslands and Mitigation Options: The ‘GreenGrass’ Project

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    Adapting the management of grasslands may be used to enhance carbon sequestration into soil, but could also increase N2O and CH4 emissions. In support of the European post-Kyoto policy, the European \u27GreenGrass\u27 project (EC FP5, EVK2-CT2001-00105) has three main objectives: i) to reduce the large uncertainties concerning the estimates of CO2, N2O and CH4 fluxes to and from grassland plots under different climatic conditions and assess their global warming potential, ii) to measure net greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes for different management which reflect potential mitigation options, iii) to construct a model of the controlling processes to quantify the net fluxes and to evaluate mitigation scenarios by up-scaling to a European level

    Carbon-nitrogen interactions in European forests and semi-natural vegetation - Part 2: Untangling climatic, edaphic, management and nitrogen deposition effects on carbon sequestration potentials

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    The effects of atmospheric nitrogen deposition (Ndep_{dep}) on carbon (C) sequestration in forests have often been assessed by relating differences in productivity to spatial variations of Ndep_{dep} across a large geographic domain. These correlations generally suffer from covariation of other confounding variables related to climate and other growth-limiting factors, as well as large uncertainties in total (dry+wet) reactive nitrogen (Nr_{r}) deposition.We propose a methodology for untangling the effects of Ndep_{dep} from those of meteorological variables, soil water retention capacity and stand age, using a mechanistic forest growth model in combination with eddy covariance CO2_{2} exchange fluxes from a Europe-wide network of 22 forest flux towers. Total Nr_{r} deposition rates were estimated from local measurements as far as possible. The forest data were compared with data from natural or semi-natural, non-woody vegetation sites. The response of forest net ecosystem productivity to nitrogen deposition (dNEP= dNdep_{dep}) was estimated after accounting for the effects on gross primary productivity (GPP) of the co-correlates by means of a meta-modelling standardization procedure, which resulted in a reduction by a factor of about 2 of the uncorrected, apparent dGPP/dNdep_{dep} value. This model-enhanced analysis of the C and Ndep_{dep} flux observations at the scale of the European network suggests a mean overall dNEP/dNdep_{dep} response of forest lifetime C sequestration to Ndep_{dep} of the order of 40–50 g C per g N, which is slightly larger but not significantly different from the range of estimates published in the most recent reviews. Importantly, patterns of gross primary and net ecosystem productivity versus Ndep_{dep} were non-linear, with no further growth responses at high Ndep_{dep} levels (Ndep_{dep} >2.5–3 gNm−2^{-2} yr−1^{-1}) but accompanied by increasingly large ecosystem N losses by leaching and gaseous emissions. The reduced increase in productivity per unit N deposited at high Ndep_{dep} levels implies that the forecast increased Nr_{r} emissions and increased Ndep levels in large areas of Asia may not positively impact the continent’s forest CO2_{2} sink. The large level of unexplained variability in observed carbon sequestration efficiency (CSE) across sites further adds to the uncertainty in the dC/dN response

    Detection and attribution of an anomaly in terrestrial photosynthesis in Europe during the COVID-19 lockdown

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    Carbon dioxide (CO2) uptake by plant photosynthesis, referred to as gross primary production (GPP) at the ecosystem level, is sensitive to environmental factors, including pollutant exposure, pollutant uptake, and changes in the scattering of solar shortwave irradiance (SWin) - the energy source for photosynthesis. The 2020 spring lockdown due to COVID-19 resulted in improved air quality and atmospheric transparency, providing a unique opportunity to assess the impact of air pollutants on terrestrial ecosystem functioning. However, detecting these effects can be challenging as GPP is influenced by other meteorological drivers and management practices. Based on data collected from 44 European ecosystem-scale CO2 flux monitoring stations, we observed significant changes in spring GPP at 34 sites during 2020 compared to 2015-2019. Among these, 14 sites showed an increase in GPP associated with higher SWin, 10 sites had lower GPP linked to atmospheric and soil dryness, and seven sites were subjected to management practices. The remaining three sites exhibited varying dynamics, with one experiencing colder and rainier weather resulting in lower GPP, and two showing higher GPP associated with earlier spring melts. Analysis using the regional atmospheric chemical transport model (LOTOS-EUROS) indicated that the ozone (O-3) concentration remained relatively unchanged at the research sites, making it unlikely that O-3 exposure was the dominant factor driving the primary production anomaly. In contrast, SWin increased by 9.4 % at 36 sites, suggesting enhanced GPP possibly due to reduced aerosol optical depth and cloudiness. Our findings indicate that air pollution and cloudiness may weaken the terrestrial carbon sink by up to 16 %. Accurate and continuous ground-based observations are crucial for detecting and attributing subtle changes in terrestrial ecosystem functioning in response to environmental and anthropogenic drivers

    Carbon-nitrogen interactions in European forests and semi-natural vegetation - Part 1: Fluxes and budgets of carbon, nitrogen and greenhouse gases from ecosystem monitoring and modelling

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    The impact of atmospheric reactive nitrogen (Nr_{r}) deposition on carbon (C) sequestration in soils and biomass of unfertilized, natural, semi-natural and forest ecosystems has been much debated. Many previous results of this dC/dN response were based on changes in carbon stocks from periodical soil and ecosystem inventories, associated with estimates of Nr_{r} deposition obtained from large-scale chemical transport models. This study and a companion paper (Flechard et al., 2020) strive to reduce uncertainties of N effects on C sequestration by linking multi-annual gross and net ecosystem productivity estimates from 40 eddy covariance flux towers across Europe to local measurement-based estimates of dry and wet Nr_{r} deposition from a dedicated collocated monitoring network. To identify possible ecological drivers and processes affecting the interplay between C and Nr_{r} inputs and losses, these data were also combined with in situ flux measurements of NO, N2_{2}O and CH4_{4} fluxes; soil NO3_{3}̅ leaching sampling; and results of soil incubation experiments for N and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, as well as surveys of available data from online databases and from the literature, together with forest ecosystem (BASFOR) modelling. Multi-year averages of net ecosystem productivity (NEP) in forests ranged from -70 to 826 gCm−2^{-2} yr−1^{-1} at total wet+dry inorganic Nr_{r} deposition rates (Ndep_{dep}) of 0.3 to 4.3 gNm−2^{-2} yr−1^{-1} and from -4 to 361 g Cm−2^{-2} yr−1^{-1} at Ndep_{dep} rates of 0.1 to 3.1 gNm−2^{-2} yr−1^{-1} in short semi-natural vegetation (moorlands, wetlands and unfertilized extensively managed grasslands). The GHG budgets of the forests were strongly dominated by CO2_{2} exchange, while CH4_{4} and N2_{2}O exchange comprised a larger proportion of the GHG balance in short semi-natural vegetation. Uncertainties in elemental budgets were much larger for nitrogen than carbon, especially at sites with elevated Ndep_{dep} where Nr_{r} leaching losses were also very large, and compounded by the lack of reliable data on organic nitrogen and N2_{2} losses by denitrification. Nitrogen losses in the form of NO, N2_{2}O and especially NO3_{3}̅ were on average 27%(range 6 %–54 %) of Ndep_{dep} at sites with Ndep_{dep} 3 gNm−2^{-2} yr−1^{-1}. Such large levels of Nr_{r} loss likely indicate that different stages of N saturation occurred at a number of sites. The joint analysis of the C and N budgets provided further hints that N saturation could be detected in altered patterns of forest growth. Net ecosystem productivity increased with Nr_{r} deposition up to 2–2.5 gNm−2^{-2} yr−1^{-1}, with large scatter associated with a wide range in carbon sequestration efficiency (CSE, defined as the NEP = GPP ratio). At elevated Ndep_{dep} levels (> 2.5 gNm−2^{-2} yr−1^{-1}), where inorganic Nr_{r} losses were also increasingly large, NEP levelled off and then decreased. The apparent increase in NEP at low to intermediate Ndep_{dep} levels was partly the result of geographical cross-correlations between Ndep_{dep} and climate, indicating that the actual mean dC/dN response at individual sites was significantly lower than would be suggested by a simple, straightforward regression of NEP vs. Ndep_{dep}
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