2,565 research outputs found

    Coping styles and learning in fish: developing behavioural tools for welfare-friendly aquaculture

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    - Given the known stressful effects of many husbandry practices in carp aquaculture and the desirability of improving the welfare of farmed fish, the main aim of the study described in this thesis was to explore the possibility of developing a low-stress sorting system for common carp, based on a conditioned response to a visual cue signalling the presence of food. An additional aim was to investigate possible effects of individual stress coping strategy, which necessitated recording the behaviour of and keeping track of known individuals over periods of weeks to months. Photographic images of scales patterns in common carp can be used reliably for individual identification over periods of months. These individual identifiers, together with dye marks, were deemed sufficient for the purposes of the programme of research described in this thesis (Chapter 2). In general, rate of emergence from shelter into a potentially-dangerous novel environment containing food (a commonly-used method for screening fish for risk-taking) proved to be a consistent individual trait in common carp, even when fish were tested in different, randomly composed groups of fish on different occasions (Chapter 2). Consistent individual differences were also found in frequency of inspection of an unfamiliar object and in ability to gain access to a restricted food source. However, individual differences in performance in these 3 tests (novel environment, novel object and food competition) were unrelated when carp were tested in unfamiliar groups (Chapter 3). An examination was carried out on 5 data sets in which morphometric data were collected from common carp or goldfish assigned to a risk-taking phenotype on the basis of a novel environment test. Statistical differences were found in only 2 of these studies; both on common carp, with risk-takers in better condition than risk-avoiders. These support the “growth-mortality trade off” model (Chapter 6). Common carp classified as risk-taking, risk-avoiding and intermediate (on the basis of a series of novel environment tests) were given a simple conditioning treatment in which the presence of food in one of two potential feeding compartments was signalled by one of two movable coloured lights. Patterns of settlement (emergence from shelter to explore the learning tank and time to feed) confirmed the original classification into risk-taking phenotype (Chapter 3). Over successive trials, the carp learned to forage fast and efficiently. 51.67% achieved this by using the coloured landmark; the remainder adopted a different strategy, swimming to one of the feeding compartments at random and switching immediately to the other compartment if no food was found. This was an efficient foraging strategy because of the close proximity of the two feeding chambers (Chapter 3). Once the criterion for learning had been reached, the fish that had learned to associate a particular visual cue were given a reversal learning test, in which food was associated with the previously un-rewarded colour. 83.33% of fish adjusted their behaviour (choosing LC/RS strategy), learning to swim to the previously un-rewarded colour within an average of 12 training sessions (Chapter 3). The colour red seems to be more efficient for training carp. In chapter 3, more fish learned to follow the red light compared to the yellow light and in chapter 4, fish trained with red light had a higher percentage of correct choices than fish trained with blue or green lights (Chapter 3 and 4). Some differences in behaviour between risk-taking categories were found during both the learning and the reversal learning phase. Risk-taking fish were faster to emerge and find food than risk-avoiders during the learning phase and tended to adopt the random switch strategy during the learning phase. Fish classified as risk-avoiders in terms tended to follow the cue (Chapter 3). Small groups comprising one risk-taking, one risk-avoiding and one intermediate carp (tentatively assigned on the basis of a series of novel environment tests) were exposed to a demand-feeding system in which pellets of food were delivered whenever a fish approached and/or touched a sensor identified by a coloured light of a specific colour (red, green or blue). 62% of the 18 groups (with a slight predominance of fish trained using a red light) tested were able to form this association and to feed efficiently under the demand regime. Within these groups, in general the individual that touched the sensor most gained most food. The behaviour of the groups that had failed to learn was unaffected by the addition of a trained “tutor” fish from one of the groups that had learned to touch the sensor for food (Chapter 4). For those groups that had learned to approach and touch the sensor, the fish were then exposed to three sensors located in different parts of the training tank signalled by different coloured lights, only one of which (that on which the fish had been trained) delivered food. The position of the sensors was changed between trials. In general, the fish tended to move towards and exploit the sensor signalled by the light colour on which they had originally been trained; this was particularly the case for fish trained on the red light. Carp classified as risk-avoiders made fewer correct choices early on in the three-light phase, but made predominantly correct choices in later trials (Chapter 4). Groups of 3 carp that had reached a criterion for having learned to approach a light of each of the three colours (i.e. one red-trained, one blue-trained and one green-trained) were then placed at the centre of a large tank with three lights, one of each colour, in the corner and the light approached by each fish recorded. In general, the fish were significantly more likely to approach the colour of light on which they had been trained, even though this meant separating from their companions. This effect was stronger for fish trained on the red light and disappeared after several (unrewarded) trials (Chapter 4). This result suggests that it might be possible to apply spatial separation of individuals within groups of carp on the basis of a learned association between the delivery of food and a light cue of a specific colour. During the course of this programme of work, the opportunity arose through the COST STSM programme to examine risk-taking phenotype, physiological stress response and brain structure in common carp of the 4 families reared either at high densities, in tanks under intensive farming condition or in natural ponds. A disease outbreak compromised the aims of this study, but significant family effects were found among both pond- and tank-reared fish for length, weight and condition factor as well as for emergence time in a novel environment test and approach to a novel object, indicating a heritable component to the variation in these traits. There was no relationship at the family level between emergence time and tendency to approach a novel object (Chapter 5) Fish from families that, on average, were heavier and longer took a long time to emerge from shelter, while those from families that were smaller and in poorer condition took more risks in this set up. Tank-reared fish were much slower to emerge than were pond-reared fish, possibly because the latter were in poorer condition (Chapter 5). Plasma cortisol levels were markedly higher in pond-reared fish compared to tank-reared fish of the same family, presumably due to the stressful experience of both harvesting and disease. In contrast, plasma glucose levels were lower in pond-reared fish, presumably due to their poor nutritional status (Chapter 5). The relationship between an estimate of forebrain size and overall brain size was different in pond and tank reared fish, with most pond reared families having a larger forebrain area than tank reared fish (Chapter 5). Also during the course of this programme of work, two related studies were carried out in collaboration with colleagues in the Division of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology. Together with Hussein Jen-Jan, we explored some hidden costs of an aggressive, proactive life style by examining respiratory function in relation to coping strategy in common carp (chapter 6). Morphometric analysis of the fine structure of the gills was used to estimate respiratory area and histological analysis of sections through the gill filaments was used to measure the extent to which the secondary lamellae were obscured by epithelial cells. There was a significant relationship between risk-taking phenotype and both the size of the respiratory surface and the extent to which this is exposed as opposed to covered with epithelial cells. Risk-taking fish had larger and more exposed respiratory surfaces than did risk-avoiding fish, with fish with intermediate risk-taking phenotype having intermediate scores. These differences are interpreted as an adaptation to the known high resting metabolic rate of risk-taking fish (Chapter 6). Together with Priyadarshini, we look at social interactions and growth in relation to risk-taking phenotype in goldfish. Within the social groups, though most goldfish showed no aggressive behaviour, some of the fish attacked their companions at least once per minute of observation and some individuals showed as many as 8 attacks per minute. These levels are surprisingly high for what is usually seen as a non-aggressive species. In groups comprising 3 goldfish of each risk-taking category, the risk-avoiding fish showed relatively little aggression. Overall, fish that showed any aggression within social groups gained preferential access to a restricted food supply (Chapter 6). There were no differences in weight, length or condition between risk-taking and risk-avoiding goldfish at the point of initial screening, but by the end of the experiment the risk-avoiding fish held in groups with other risk-avoiders had gained less weight and had strikingly lower condition factors compared to the other categories of fish (i.e. all risk-avoiders and risk-takers held in mixed groups). It is suggested that some sort of social facilitation of fear keeps levels of stress high in groups composed entirely of risk-avoiding fish (Chapter 6). The implications of all these results are considered in a final general discussion (Chapter 7)

    Perspectivas para o marco legal do terceiro setor

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    A existência de um ambiente regulatório moderno, claro e estável é fator fundamental para promover a expansão e a qualificação do investimento social privado no Brasil. Com base nessa premissa, o GIFE -- Grupo de Institutos, Fundações e Empresas desenvolve, desde 2003, ações com o objetivo de contribuir para o aperfeiçoamento da legislação brasileira do terceiro setor, construindo um ambiente mais favorável ao investimento social e à atuação das organizações da sociedade civil. Essa publicação tem como objetivo orientar a atuação de advocacy do GIFE

    Las iatrogenias en las unidades de terapia intensiva: lo dramático de los problemas bioéticos contemporáneos

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    Se trata de una investigación cualitativa, fundamentada en la perspectiva foucaultiana con aproximaciones en el referencial teórico post-estructuralista, explora las iatrogenias como una de las tensiones en el hacer/saber enfermería que pueden ser discursivamente articuladas a la bioética y a la tecnobiomedicina. Las fuentes documentales y de entrevistas con enfermeros intensivistas permitieron activar una reflexión sobre el actuar del enfermero en un contexto impregnado por la posibilidad siempre latente de fallar tanto en el procedimiento, como en la conducta y, a partir de esta posibilidad, estos profesionales encuentra que es su obligación corregir esta falla no tanto o no apenas en el conocimiento, no tanto o no apenas en la ley, pero más bien en la práctica de sí mismo.This qualitative investigation, based in Foucauldian analysis with approximations to the post-structuralism theoretical framework, explores iatrogenesis as one of the tensions in the nursing to do/to know which can be discursively articulated to bioethics and to technobiomedicine. The documentary sources and intensive interviews with nurses, permitted the activation of a reflection on the act of the nurse in a context permeated by the ever-present possibility of failure in both the procedure and in the conduct and, from this possibility, they should meet their obligation to correct this failure not so much or not only in knowledge, not so much or not only in law but in practice itself.Esta é uma investigação qualitativa, balizada na analítica foucaultiana com aproximações ao referencial teórico pós-estruturalista, explora as iatrogenias como uma das tensões no fazer/saber enfermagem que podem ser discursivamente articuladas à bioética e à tecnobiomedicina. As fontes documentais e de entrevistas com enfermeiros(as) intensivistas permitiram ativar reflexão sobre o agir do(a) enfermeiro(a) em contexto permeado pela possibilidade, sempre latente, de falhar tanto no procedimento como na conduta, e, a partir dessa possibilidade, ele(a) encontra sua obrigação de corrigir essa falha não tanto ou não apenas no conhecimento, não tanto ou não apenas na lei, mas na prática de si mesmo

    A temática da educação inclusiva em projetos pedagógicos de cursos de licenciatura em ciências biológicas

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    This investigation aimed to analyze how inclusive education is proposed in the Pedagogical Projects of Courses (PPC) of degree in Biological Sciences of the federal universities of the state of Minas Gerais. For this, a qualitative research of the documentary type was carried out, having as material for analysis, the PPC of the 17 mapped licensure courses. The data were analyzed based on the analysis of qualitative data by Robert Yin, which made it possible to recompose the data in terms of the “places” intended for the discussion of the topic in the curricula and the “purposes” associated with its presence in the disciplines. Regarding places, it was evident that the theme is addressed in mandatory curricular components, optional curricular components and in the space of extracurricular activities. Of the 78 disciplines identified, 79.5% (62) are mandatory disciplines, while only 20.5% (16) are optional, which shows a beginning of recognition of the theme of inclusive education in the surrounded territory of the curricula of Biology teacher training. It is noteworthy that this achievement of spaces in the curriculum was also represented by the diversity of purposes associated with the presence of the theme that could be identified and analyzed. These were organized into six categories, namely: i) Learn about Libras and aspects of education for the deaf; ii) Have teaching experience with PAEE students; iii) Train the Biology teacher to create inclusive didactic proposals; iv) Understand inclusive education in its different aspects; v) Reflect inclusion/exclusion beyond school; and vi) Develop scientific research on special education. It is expected that the analyzes constructed in this work will support future updates in the curricular structures of teacher training courses, mainly by pointing out and analyzing different paths for the inclusion of the theme inclusive education in the curricula. This will make it possible to transcend the space/time of the Libras discipline and focus on resources and teaching materials, in which inclusive education has been restricted.Este trabalho objetivou analisar de que forma a educação inclusiva é proposta nos Projetos Pedagógicos de Cursos (PPC) de licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas das universidades federais do estado de Minas Gerais. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa do tipo documental, tendo como material de análise os PPC dos 17 cursos de licenciatura mapeados. Os dados foram analisados baseando-se na análise de dados qualitativos proposta por Robert Yin, o que permitiu que os dados fossem recompostos quanto aos “lugares” destinados à discussão da temática nos currículos e quanto aos “propósitos” associados à sua presença nas disciplinas. Acerca dos lugares, evidenciou-se que a temática é abordada em componentes curriculares obrigatórios, componentes curriculares optativos e no espaço das atividades extracurriculares. Das 78 disciplinas identificadas, 79,5% (62) são disciplinas de cunho obrigatório, enquanto 20,5% (16) são disciplinas de cunho optativo, o que evidencia um início do reconhecimento da temática da educação inclusiva no cercado território dos currículos de formação de professores de Biologia. Destaca-se que esta conquista por espaços no currículo também foi representada pela diversidade de propósitos associados à presença da temática que puderam ser identificados e analisados. Estes foram organizados em seis categorias, a saber: i) Aprender sobre a Libras e sobre aspectos da educação de alunos surdos; ii) Experienciar a docência com alunos PAEE; iii) Instrumentalizar o professor de Biologia para a criação de propostas didáticas inclusivas; iv) Compreender a educação inclusiva em seus diferentes aspectos; v) Refletir a inclusão/exclusão para além da escola; e vi) Desenvolver pesquisas científicas sobre a educação especial. Espera-se que as análises construídas neste trabalho subsidiem futuras atualizações nas estruturas curriculares dos cursos de formação de professores, principalmente ao apontar e analisar diferentes caminhos para a inserção da temática da educação inclusiva nos currículos, permitindo, assim, transcender ao espaço/tempo da disciplina de Libras e ao enfoque nos recursos e materiais didáticos, os quais a educação inclusiva tem sido cerceada

    Do satisfied customers recommend restaurants? the moderating effect of engagement on social networks on the relationship between satisfaction and eWOM

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    PurposeAcademics and managers scour to understand which perceived quality factors are paramount to consumers during their restaurant experiences and how they influence their emotions, satisfaction, propensity to loyalty and electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM). However, previous studies are divergent regarding the impacts of satisfaction on eWOM. This survey aims to (a) investigate the impacts of perceived quality by restaurant consumers on positive emotions, negative emotions and satisfaction; (b) verify the impacts of satisfaction on the propensity to loyalty and eWOM; (c) test whether the consumers' behavioural engagement in the SNS (CBE-SNS) moderates the relationship between satisfaction and eWOM.Design/methodology/approachThis survey included 416 university students in Peru who completed an electronic form about their experiences at a la carte restaurants. PLS-SEM tested the hypothetical model based on S-O-R Theory (Mehrabian and Russell, 1974).FindingsThe perceived quality by consumers regarding their restaurant experiences positively impacts satisfaction and positive emotions and negatively affects negative emotions. Satisfaction strongly influences the propensity to loyalty but weakly the eWOM. The CBE-SNS moderates the intensity of the relationship between satisfaction and eWOM.Originality/valueThis study is the first to concomitantly test the relationships between perceived quality, positive and negative emotions, satisfaction, the propensity to loyalty, e-WOM and CBE-SNS. Consumer engagement moderates the relationship between satisfaction and eWOM. Accordingly, to stimulate positive eWOM, restaurants must provide their customers with experiences with high perceived quality, impacting their satisfaction, emotions and propensity for loyalty, and developing strategies to increase CBE-SNS.CENTRUMinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Investiga??o do crescimento topotaxial de hematita em magnetita.

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    Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Evolu??o Crustal e Recursos Naturais. Departamento de Geologia, Escola de Minas, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.O crescimento topotaxial ? caracterizado quando os cristais de uma nova fase, produto de rea??es qu?micas no estado s?lido, como a oxida??o, se desenvolvem de forma orientada, influenciados pelas orienta??es cristalogr?ficas da fase reagente. Na oxida??o de magnetita para hematita, os cristais de hematita tendem a se desenvolver segundo algumas rela??es topotaxiais, que s?o descritas por rela??es de paralelismo entre planos cristalinos das duas fases. Para esses minerais, o paralelismo entre os planos octa?dricos {111} da magnetita e o plano basal {0001} da hematita ? a condi??o de orienta??o mais comum. A fim de se melhorar o entendimento sobre a transforma??o de fase magnetita-hematita e as rela??es topotaxiais envolvidas neste processo, foram estudados aqui cristais octa?dricos de magnetita parcialmente transformados em hematita. Eles foram retirados de um agregado dr?sico de cristais de magnetita intercrescidos proveniente do distrito de Rodrigo Silva, na cidade de Ouro Preto, por??o sudeste do Quadril?tero Ferr?fero. Os cristais de magnetita foram seccionados paralelamente a um de seus planos octa?dricos {111} e a superf?cie interna foi preparada para an?lises de difra??o de el?trons retroespalhados (EBSD), o que inclui polimento mec?nico e polimento qu?mico-mec?nico com s?lica coloidal. As ?reas com evid?ncias de transforma??o de fase foram selecionadas em microsc?pio ?ptico e posteriormente analisadas por EBSD. As figuras de polo, figuras de polo inversa e mapas de orienta??o evidenciaram uma nova condi??o de orienta??o entre os cristais de magnetita e hematita, em que planos octa?dricos {111} da magnetita est?o paralelos aos planos rombo?dricos {101?1} da hematita, o que nunca foi descrito. Al?m disso, foi identificado o paralelismo entre planos octa?dricos {111} da magnetita e basais {0001} da hematita, e entre planos dodeca?dricos {110} da magnetita e prism?ticos {112?0} da hematita. Nesse contexto, ? poss?vel concluir que a transforma??o de fase ocorre nos planos octa?dricos {111} da magnetita e que existem duas posi??es de crescimento poss?veis para os cristais de hematita em rela??o a um plano {111}. O cristal de hematita pode se desenvolver com o seu plano basal (0001) paralelo ao plano (111) ou ent?o, com o seu plano rombo?drico (101?1) paralelo ao plano (111).Topotaxial growth is typified when the crystals of a new phase, the product of chemical reactions in the solid state, such as oxidation, develop in an oriented way, influenced by the crystallographic orientations of the reactive phase. In the oxidation from magnetite to hematite, hematite crystals tend to develop according to some topotaxial relationships, which are described by parallel relationships between crystalline planes of the two phases. For these minerals, the parallelism between the octahedral planes {111} of magnetite and the basal plane {0001} of hematite is the most common orientation condition. In order to improve the understanding of magnetite-hematite phase transformation and the topotaxial relationships involved in this process, octahedral crystals of magnetite partially transformed into hematite were studied. They were taken from a drusic aggregate of intergrown magnetite crystals that come from the district of Rodrigo Silva, in the city of Ouro Preto, southeastern portion of the Quadril?tero Ferr?fero. The magnetite crystals were sectioned parallel to one of their octahedral planes {111} and the internal surface was prepared for backscattered electron diffraction (EBSD) analyses, which includes mechanical polishing and chemical-mechanical polishing with colloidal silica. The areas with evidence of phase transformation were selected under an optical microscope and subsequently analyzed by EBSD. The pole figures, inverse pole figures and orientation maps showed a new orientation condition between the crystals of magnetite and hematite, in which octahedral planes {111} of magnetite are parallel to the rhombohedral planes {101?1} of hematite, which has never been described. In addition, a parallelism was identified between octahedral planes {111} of magnetite and basal planes {0001} of hematite, and between dodecahedral planes {110} of magnetite and prismatic {112? 0} of hematite. Under these conditions, it is possible to conclude that magnetite-hematite phase transformation occurs in the octahedral planes {111} of the magnetite and that there are two possible growth positions for the hematite crystals in relation to one plane {111}. The hematite crystal can develop with its basal plane (0001) parallel to the plane (111) or else, with its rhombohedral plane (101?1) parallel to the plane (111)

    Trabalho infantil : repercussões do PETI em famílias usuárias

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    Orientadora: Silvana Marta TumeleroMonografia (graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor Litoral, Curso de Graduação em Serviço SocialInclui referênciasResumo: Sob o prisma da importância da defesa dos direitos das crianças e adolescentes, especialmente quando se trata de combater o trabalho precoce e acabar de vez com esta mazela, o presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar as repercussões do acesso aos benefícios e ao trabalho sócio-educativo realizado no PETI – Tabuleiro no município de Matinhos/PR. Busca ainda, observar se o Programa tem despertado nas famílias usuárias a percepção da negatividade da incorporação precoce das crianças às atividades laborativas. Este trabalho reúne dados e depoimentos construídos a partir de uma pesquisa de caráter qualitativo com as famílias de crianças inseridas no Programa em virtude da ocorrência do trabalho infantil. Faz-se necessário esclarecer que nem todas as crianças integrantes do PETI vivenciavam a realidade do trabalho precoce, mas, segundo técnicos e familiares, se encontravam expostas a riscos sociais e/ou pessoais, com suspeitas de abuso sexual, bem como se encontravam envolvidas em atividades no mercado de drogas ilícitas. A pesquisa demonstrou que a dimensão cultural favorável ao trabalho de crianças e adolescentes persiste fortemente, apontando para a necessidade de formulação de novas estratégias de sensibilização dessas famílias com relação às implicações do trabalho precoce. Contudo, verificamos que a dependência das famílias em relação ao Programa ultrapassa a dimensão financeira, ao passo que o PETI tem se caracterizado como um espaço seguro para o qual as mães e/ou pais trabalhadores delegam o cuidado com seus filhos

    A outra face do empreendedorismo no contexto capitalista

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    Orientadora: Profª Msc. Silvana Marta TumeleroArtigo (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor Litoral. Questão Social pela Perspectiva interdisciplinar. Defesa em: 07/12/2013.Inclui referênciasResumo: Este artigo objetiva analisar o empreendedorismo como uma estratégia do capital em favor da desresponsabilização do Estado, tendo como um dos elementos determinantes, a precarização das relações de trabalho. Para isto, contextualizamos o mundo do trabalho contemporâneo buscando entender alterações instituídas na legislação trabalhista e social que impactam na condição do trabalhador formal assalariado e no crescimento do trabalho informal. Para tanto, o presente texto baseou-se em análise de artigos que abordam o tema do trabalho e suas interfaces no campo dos direitos sociais e a ênfase estabelecida em políticas sociais públicas ao empreendedorismo social, como alternativa à informalidade, com objetivo de evidenciar a falácia do discurso empreendedor para o enfrentamento da questão social.a

    Os Menores Abandonados Ou Pervertidos No Juízo De Menores Do Estado De São Paulo - Comarca Da Capital, Na Segunda Metade Da Década De 1920

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    The establishment of the republican government and the intention of the leaders to grow Brazil into a civilized nation, led to the emergence of various discourses on theso - called Disfavoured Childhood. At the time, the ones called “Law Intellectuals”, worked to develop a specific legal framework to assist children and adolescents given as helpless or offenders. As consequence, in São Paulo, it was created under the Law no. 2.059 of December 31, 1924, the first Juvenile Court, which was regulated by Decree no. 3.828 of March 25, 1925. In accordance with the referred legislation, the Minors were classified as abandoned, perverted and offenders, and the Juvenile Court would be responsible for assisting, protecting and regenerating them. Having the Judicial decrees as their main instrument of work, through them the Judgment declared children in state of abandonment, determining their admittance to institutions proper for this purpose; determined the non - admittance of children and adolescents, aiming to restore them to the paternal power of one of the parents or leave them to the care of tutors, through a service contract; authorized the operation and supervised the public or private institutions, which would shelter the minors, among other types of procedures. Assuming as its focus the childhood that was submitted to action of the Juvenile Court of the State of São Paulo – the district of the capital city, in the second half of the 1920s, the present research aims to verify who these minors considered abandoned and pervert were, how their (dis) institutionalization process was, as well as how the assistance and protection were provided to them, according to the Law no. 2.059 of December 31, 1924 and by the decree no. 3.828 of March 25, 1925, by the Juvenile Court of the State of São Paulo - the district of the capital city. There were 53 (fifty-three) Judicial Orders related to the abandoned or perverted childhood analyzed, chosen by the random survey of 60 (sixty) judicial procedures referred to the years of 1925 (first year of performance of the Juvenile Court) and 1927 (year in which the first Minors Code came into force).Com o advento da República e com a intenção dos dirigentes de tornar o Brasil uma nação civilizada, surgiram no país diversos discursos sobre a chamada infância desvalida. À época, os "Intelectuais do Direito" trabalharam pela criação de um arcabouço legal específico para atender as crianças e adolescentes dados como desamparados ou delinquentes. Como consequência, surge em São Paulo, criado pela Lei n° 2.059 de 31 de dezembro de 1924, o primeiro Juízo de Menores, cuja regulamentação se deu pelo Decreto n° 3.828 de 25 de março de 1925. De acordo com a referida legislação, os menores eram classificados em abandonados, pervertidos e delinquentes, sendo que ao órgão caberia a função de assisti-los, protegê-los e regenerá-los. Tendo os Autos Judiciais como seu principal instrumento de trabalho, através deles o Juízo declarava crianças em estado de abandono, determinando sua internação em instituições próprias para este fim; determinava a desinternação de crianças e adolescentes, com o fim de restituí-las ao pátrio poder ou de deixá-las aos cuidados de tutores, mediante um contrato de soldada; autorizava o funcionamento e fiscalizava instituições públicas ou privadas, que abrigassem os menores, dentre outros tipos de procedimentos.Tomando, pois, como foco, a infância submetida à ação do Juízo de Menores do Estado de São Paulo - Comarca da Capital, na segunda metade da década de 1920, a presente pesquisa tem como objetivo verificar quem eram os menores tidos como abandonados e pervertidos, como ocorria sua (des)institucionalização e como se dava a assistência e a proteção, conferidos a eles pela Lei n° 2.059 de 31 de dezembro de 1924 e pelo Decreto n° 3.828, de 25 de março de 1925, por parte do Juízo de Menores do Estado de São Paulo - Comarca da Capital. São analisados 53 (cinquenta e três) Autos Judiciais, relativos à infância abandonada ou pervertida, escolhidos de um levantamento aleatório de 60 (sessenta) procedimentos judiciais, referentes aos anos de 1925 (primeiro ano de exercício do Juízo) e 1927 (ano em que entrou em vigor o primeiro Código de Menores).Dados abertos - Sucupira - Teses e dissertações (2017