19 research outputs found


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    Abstrak: Tingkat kepuasan pe1aku wisata jika ditinjau dari konteks lansekap, akan memberikan gambaran penting penataan suatu kawasan wisata. Aspek kenyamanan dalam penataan suatu lansekap melibatkan beberapa bagian penting. Tentunya dengan tujuan akhir berupa kepuasan pelaku wisata, akan meningkatkan kineIja serta berdampak positif bagi meningkatnya jumlah wisatawan ke Candi Prambanan. Kata Kunci: Kepuasan, Pelaku Wisata, Landscaping

    The Effect of Composite Brushing with Different Types of Toothpaste on Stain Due to Immersion in Coffee, Tea and Cuko Pempek Water

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    ABSTRACTComposite is a tooth-colored filling material that can change color by extrinsic staining such as coffee, tea and cuko pempek. Abrasive toothpaste can reduce stains but increase surface roughness. This study aims to determine the effect of the type of toothpaste for brushing on the formation of stains caused by coffee, tea and cuko pempek. This research is a quasi-experimental with pre and post control group design. 39 composite discs with a diameter of 1 cm and a thickness of 5 mm were prepared and divided into several groups, 1 group of negative control without treatment, 3 groups of immersion. Each immersion group was divided into 4 brushing groups, namely without brushing, brushing without toothpaste, brushing with abrasive paste and brushing with non-abrasive paste. Pre and post treatment discs were photographed and color changes were assessed using the CIE L*a*b and E system. Friedman, Kruskall Wallis and Mann Whitney U non-parametric analysis test was used to compare color values and color differences within groups and between groups. Based on this study, it can be concluded that there were significant color changes before and after the soaking treatment with coffee, tea and cuko pempek. The color change in coffee was significantly greater than that of tea and cuko pempek. There was no significant difference in color change between tea and cuko pempek. Conclusion: Brushing with toothpaste Keywords: composite; coffee; tea; cuko pempek; CIE LA


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    Metode Kromatografi Cair Kinerja Tinggi Fase Terbalik telah dikembangkan dan divalidasi untuk penetapan kadar ke-tiga konstituen dalam tablet 4-FDC anti tuberkulosis secara simultan yaitu: rifampisin, isoniazid & pirazinamid. Untuk meningkatkan serapan etambutol terhadap sinar uv digunakan fenil isotiosianat (PITC) pada proses derivatisasi pra-kolom. Optimasi parameter derivatisasi menghasilkan rasio molar analit terhadap PITC yaitu 1:40. Derivat dipisahkan menggunakan fase diam Phenomenex Luna C18, 5 µm (250 x 4,6 mm). Dapar fosfat 8 mM; pH 4,8 dan asetonitril digunakan sebagai fase gerak dengan sistem gradien, laju alir 1,0 mL/menit dan panjang gelombang 254 nm. Metode ini linear (r > 0,9995), % RSD presisi berturut-turut untuk rifampisin, isoniazid & pirazinamid: intra-day: 3,58%; 1,75% & 3,99% dan inter-day: 4,12%; 2,03% & 7,00%), % perolehan kembali: 98,71% - 108,66%, LOD (µg/mL): 2,87; 2,33 & 6,82 serta LOQ (µg/mL): 8,70; 7,08 & 20,67. Kata Kunci : Derivatisasi pra-kolom, rifampisin, isoniazid, pirazinamid, etambutol hidroklorid

    The space privatization : the forming process of social space in kampung, Prawirotaman, Yogyakarta

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    Prawirotaman is an urban village called kampung that has changed into a tourist village since the 1980s. Tourism development has evoked changes in social spaces and the community. There has been a phenomenon of territorial deprivation leading to the privatization of space. Hence, this research used a qualitative approach to identify how the privatization of space influenced the forming of social spaces within the kampung. Data were collected through observation and interviews to understand the transformation of social space and residents’ social activities changes. These methods were conducted in the afternoon or after Asr prayer until before Maghrib prayer, focusing on transition areas. Next, the analysis used behaviour mapping assisted by ArcGIS to show the nodes of residents' social activities and visual-spatial analysis to understand the transformation of social spaces. This research resulted that the space privatization impacted the forming of kampung social spaces that were influenced by 1) residents' daily movement, 2) connectivity and openness of the transition area, 3) gathering habits, and 4) availability of social space in the transition area. The space privatization did not reduce residents' opportunities for social activities; nevertheless, it stimulated residents to form their social spaces continuously. The research found the important factors that form social space in the urban village. The finding also contributed to sustaining the urban villages, particularly those that have transformed into tourist villages

    The Chemical Quality of Maggot Flour Uses Sangrai Method Processing

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the differences of chemical quality of fresh maggot flour processed by using sangrai method. Currently maggot flour is popular among breeders because it contents high enough protein and has potential as a substitution of fish meal which has been imported at in very costly price. This research is conducted experimental methods on April 2021. The research consists of making maggot flour and continued to chemical analysis (proximate). Maggot which is processed into flour is obtained from maggot breeders in Blitar district. Maggot is processed by using sangrai method is carried out in Dayu Village, Nglegok District, Blitar Regency. Proximate analysis is carried out at the Nutrition and Animal Feed Laboratory of the Fisheries and Livestock Service Office of Blitar Regency. The sangrai method processing produces lower moisture content (5.69%) so that it is predicted to have a better shelf life. The rough protein is 28.73%, the rough fat content is 15.79%, and the rough fiber content is 10.60%. The results are considering higher. The maggot processed by using sangrai method can be applied, but it needs to be accompanied by further researches to reduce the higher rough fat and rough fiber content, one of them is fermentation

    Toksisitas Oral Akut Arthrospira maxima dan Chlorella vulgaris Isolat Glagah Pada Tikus (Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout, 1769) Galur Wistar

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    AbstrakArthrospira (Spirulina) dan Chlorella adalah mikroalga yang telah dikenal bermanfaat bagi kesehatan sehingga banyak dikembangkan sebagai produk suplemen makanan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari tingkat ketoksikan dan keamanan mengkonsumsi A. maxima dan C. vulgaris yang diisolasi dari perairan Pantai Glagah di Provinsi D.I. Yogyakarta menggunakan tikus Wistar sebagai model praklinis. Studi toksisitas merupakan langkah awal sebelum dilakukan eksplorasi potensi, pemanfaatan, dan pengolahan kedua mikroalga ini sebagai produk suplemen kesehatan. Prosedur uji toksisitas mengikuti Guideline OECD No. 420. Parameter yang diamati meliputi berat badan, profil hematologis, evaluasi fungsi hati (aktivitas ALT dan kadar bilirubin), serta fungsi ginjal (kadar kreatinin dan asam urat). Berdasarkan hasil, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian per oral A. maxima dan C. vulgaris hingga dosis 5.000 mg/kg bb tidak menunjukkan tanda-tanda ketoksikan, ditunjukkan dengan nilai untuk sebagian besar variabel yang berada dalam kisaran normal. Fluktuasi nilai yang terjadi merupakan wujud dinamika fisiologis normal. Dalam penelitian ini kami mendapat temuan bahwa C. vulgaris menunjukkan potensi sebagai antianemia. Oleh karena studi toksisitas ini adalah dosis tunggal dan terbatas untuk periode akut, maka perlu dilanjutkan dengan studi toksisitas dosis berulang dan periode yang lebih panjang, selain untuk mempelajari ketoksikan dan keamanan juga untuk menggali potensinya.AbstractArthrospira (Spirulina) and Chlorella are microalgae that possess benefits for health, therefore they are Arthrospira (Spirulina) and Chlorella are microalgae that possess benefits for health, therefore they are developed as food supplement products. This study aimed to determine the toxicity and the safety of consuming A. maxima and C. vulgaris isolated from Glagah coastal water in D.I. Yogyakarta Province using Wistar rats as preclinical model. Toxicity study is the first step before exploring the potential, utilization and processing of these microalgae as health supplement products. Toxicity test procedure was performed following OECD Guideline No. 420. Parameters observed included: body weight, hematological profile, and evaluation of liver function (ALT activity and bilirubin level) and renal function (creatinine and uric acid levels). Based on the results, it is concluded that oral administration of A. maxima and C. vulgaris up to dose of 5,000 mg/kg bw demonstrated no signs of toxicity, indicated by values for most of variables were within normal range. Fluctuation in values were manifestation of normal physiological dynamic. In this study, we found that C. vulgaris could be an antianemia potential. Since this toxicity study was a single-dose and limited to acute period, it is suggested to continue with repeated-dose toxicity studies with longer periods to examine the toxicity and the safety of both species besides exploring their potential


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    Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) UPZ UIN Sunan Kalijaga Charity difungsikan sebagai panduan teknis pengumpulan dan pentasarupan ZIS di lingkungan UIN Sunan Kalijga di bawah Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (BAZNAS) Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Besar harapan dan doa kami semoga dengan diterbitkan SOP UPZ UIN Sunan Kalijaga ini sivitas akademika UIN Sunan Kalijaga, masyarakat lingkungan kampus, dan masyarakat yang membutuhkan bantuan sosial akan dapat membantu meringankan beban bagi keluarga mahasiswa yang kurang mampu ekonomi dan bagi masyarakat yang sangat membutuhkan bantuan. Teriring doa semoga UIN Sunan Kalijaga semakin makmur sejahtera lahir batin dalam lindungan dan ridla Allah SW