51 research outputs found

    Newton’s Method for Distance Optimization in Firefly Algorithm in Determining Optimum Nutrition for Laying Hens

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    An accurate calculation of feed nutrition and more affordable price is an extremely complex. Firefly algorithm is an algorithm designed for optimization calculation whose output is highly dependent on light intensity (β), which is influenced by distance (r). Therefore, in order to produce maximum output values, an optimization of firefly distance should be done. The most appropriate method is Newton’s Method as it has the capability of solving roots of equations accurately. From the testing of distance optimization in firefly algorithm, a fairly good increase in the fitness value was obtained.Keywords: Newton Method, Firefly Algorith

    Newton\u27s Method for Distance Optimization in Firefly Algorithm in Determining Optimum Nutrition for Laying Hens

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    An accurate calculation of feed nutrition and more affordable price is an extremely complex. Firefly algorithm is an algorithm designed for optimization calculation whose output is highly dependent on light intensity (β), which is influenced by distance (r). Therefore, in order to produce maximum output values, an optimization of firefly distance should be done. The most appropriate method is Newton\u27s Method as it has the capability of solving roots of equations accurately. From the testing of distance optimization in firefly algorithm, a fairly good increase in the fitness value was obtained

    Feature extraction comparison for facial expression recognition using adaptive extreme learning machine

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    Facial expression recognition is an important part in the field of affective computing. Automatic analysis of human facial expression is a challenging problem with many applications. Most of the existing automated systems for facial expression analysis attempt to recognize a few prototypes emotional expressions such as anger, contempt, disgust, fear, happiness, neutral, sadness, and surprise. This paper aims to compare feature extraction methods that are used to detect human facial expression. The study compares the gray level co-occurrence matrix, local binary pattern, and facial landmark (FL) with two types of facial expression datasets, namely Japanese female facial expression (JFFE), and extended Cohn-Kanade (CK+). In addition, we also propose an enhancement of extreme learning machine (ELM) method that can adaptively select best number of hidden neurons adaptive ELM (aELM) to reach its maximum performance. The result from this paper is our proposed method can slightly improve the performance of basic ELM method using some feature extractions mentioned before. Our proposed method can obtain maximum mean accuracy score of 88.07% on CK+ dataset, and 83.12% on JFFE dataset with FL feature extraction

    The Segmentation of Printed Arabic Characters Based on Interest Point

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    Arabic characters are different compared to the other characters whether from their forms or the way they are read. Before conducting a recognition process, we should conduct segmentation or divide each character to identify each Arabic character of the word. The enormous problem of segmenting the connected Arabic characters is dividing each character with different positions, forms, and sizes for each character. Therefore, we suggested a method in segmentation process by using the interesting point, which successfully obtains the 86.5% average accuracy

    Image Processing for Rapidly Eye Detection based on Robust Haar Sliding Window

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    Object Detection using Haar Cascade Clasifier widely applied in several devices and applications as a medium of interaction between human and computer such as a tool control that utilizes the detection of eye movements. Obviously speed and precision in the detection process such as eyes, has an effect if implemented on a device. If the eye could not detect accurately, controlling device systems could reach bad detection as well. The proposed method can be used as an approach to detect the eye region of eye based on haar classifier method by means of modifying the direction of sliding window. In which, it was initially placed in the middle position of image on facial area by assuming the location of eyes area in the central region of the image. While the window region of conventional haar cascade scan the whole of image start from the left top corner. From the experiment by using our proposed method, it can speed up the the computation time and improve accuracy significantly reach to 92,4%

    Hand Gesture Recognition using Adaptive Network Based Fuzzy Inference System and K-Nearest Neighbor

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    The purpose of the study was to investigate hand gesture recognition. The hand gestures of American Sign Language are divided into three categories—namely, fingers gripped, fingers facing upward, and fingers facing sideways—using the adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system. The goal of the classification was to speed up the recognition process, since the process of recognizing the hand gesture takes a longer time. All pictures in all of the categories were recognized using K-nearest neighbor. The procedure involved taking real-time pictures without any gloves or censors. The findings of the study show that the best accuracy was obtained when the epochs score was 10. The proposed approach will result in more effective recognition in a short amount of time

    HOG Feature Extraction and KNN Classification for Detecting Vehicle in The Highway

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    Autonomous car is a vehicle that can guide itself without human intervention. Various types of rudderless vehicles are being developed. Future systems where computers take over the art of driving. The problem is prior to being attention in an autonomous car for obtaining the high safety. Autonomous car need early warning system to avoid accidents in front of the car, especially the system can be used in the Highway location. In this paper, we propose a vision-based vehicle detection system for Autonomous car. Our detection algorithm consists of three main components: HOG feature extraction, KNN classifier, and vehicle detection. Feature extraction has been used to recognize an object such as cars. In this case, we use HOG feature extraction to detect as a car or non-car. We use the KNN algorithm to classify. KNN Classification in previous studies had quite good results. Car detected by matching about trining data with testing data. Trining data created by extract HOG feature from image 304 x 240 pixels. The system will produce a classification between car or non-car

    Perbandingan Pretrained Model Transformer pada Deteksi Ulasan Palsu

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    Kemudahan untuk memperoleh informasi saat ini, telah sedikit membantu hidup kita. Seperti mencari ulasan untuk menimbang tempat atau barang yang akan dipilih. Beberapa orang memanfaatkan hal tersebut dengan membuat ulasan palsu untuk kepentingan mereka sendiri. Sehingga deteksi ulasan palsu sangat dibutuhkan. Model Transformer saat ini banyak diterapkan pada pemrosesan bahasa alami karena kinerja yang diperoleh nya sangat baik. Ada dua pendekatan yang dapat dilakukan dalam model Transformer yaitu pre-training dan fine-tuning. Penelitian sebelumnya telah banyak menggunakan fine-tuning dari model Transformer dikarenakan adanya kemudahan dalam pelatihan, waktu yang lebih sedikit, biaya dan kebutuhan lingkungan yang lebih rendah dibanding proses pre-training. Akan tetapi penelitian sebelumnya masih sedikit yang membandingkan model deep learning dengan fine-tuning yang khusus diterapkan pada deteksi ulasan palsu. Penelitian ini melakukan perbandingan model Transformer menggunakan pendekatan fine-tuning dengan metode deep learning yaitu CNN dengan berbagai pretrained word embedding untuk mengatasi deteksi ulasan palsu pada dataset Ott. Model RoBERTa mengungguli model Transformer dan deep learning dimana nilai akurasi 90,8%; precision 90%; recall 91,8% dan f1-score 90,8%. Namun dari segi waktu komputasi model pelatihan, DistilBERT memperoleh waktu komputasi terkecil yaitu dengan nilai 200,5 detik. Meskipun begitu, hasil yang diperoleh model Transformer maupun deep learning memiliki kinerja yang baik untuk deteksi ulasan palsu pada dataset Ott.AbstractThe ease of obtaining information today has helped our lives, like looking for reviews to weigh the place or item to choose. Some people take advantage of this by creating spam reviews for their benefit. So the detection of spam reviews is needed. Transformer models are currently widely applied to natural language processing because they have outstanding performance. Two approaches in the Transformer model is pre-training and fine-tuning. Previous studies have used a lot of fine-tuning due to the ease of training, less time, costs, and lower environmental requirements than the pre-training process. However, a few previous studies compare deep learning models with fine-tuning applied explicitly for detecting spam reviews. This study compares the Transformer model using a fine-tuning approach with a deep learning method, namely CNN, which uses various pre-trained word embedding to overcome the detection of false reviews in the Ott dataset. The result is RoBERTa model outperforms between Transformer and deep learning models, where the accuracy is 90.8%, precision is 90%, recall is 91.8%, and f1-score is 90.8%. Afterward, DistilBERT models obtained the shortest computation time with 200.5 seconds. However, the results obtained by both Transformer and deep learning models perform well to detect spam reviews in the Ott dataset

    Hybrid Head Tracking for Wheelchair Control Using Haar Cascade Classifier and KCF Tracker

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    Disability may limit someone to move freely, especially when the severity of the disability is high. In order to help disabled people control their wheelchair, head movement-based control is preferred due to its reliability. This paper proposed a head direction detector framework which can be applied to wheelchair control. First, face and nose were detected from a video frame using Haar cascade classfier. Then, the detected bounding boxes were used to initialize Kernelized Correlation Filters tracker. Direction of a head was determined by relative position of the nose to the face, extracted from tracker’s bounding boxes. Results show that the method effectively detect head direction indicated by 82% accuracy and very low detection or tracking failure

    Analisis Performa Pre-Trained Model Convolutional Neural Network dalam Mendeteksi Penyakit Tuberkulosis

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    Tuberkulosis (TB) merupakan salah satu penyakit berbahaya yang dapat menular lewat udara dan sering menyebabkan kematian apabila tidak cepat ditangani. Penyakit TB bisa disembuhkan dengan deteksi dini sehingga penderita dapat segera mendapatkan pengobatan yang tepat. Metode Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) digunakan untuk mendeteksi penyakit TB melalui foto rontgen dada. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan model CNN yang mampu menghasilkan performa paling baik dalam mendeteksi penyakit TB. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan lima pre-trained model yang telah disediakan oleh Keras yaitu ResNet50, DenseNet121, MobileNet, Xception, InceptionV3, dan InceptionResNetV2. Perbedaan ukuran gambar yag digunakan pada saat pelatihan dan pengujian juga akan dianalisis pengaruhnya terhadap nilai akurasi yang dihasilkan dan waktu komputasinya. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa model DenseNet121 mampu menghasilkan nilai akurasi tertinggi dalam mendeteksi penyakit TB, yaitu 91,57%. Sedangkan model MobileNet merupakan model dengan waktu komputasi tercepat untuk semua ukuran gambar yang diuji. Semakin besar ukuran citra maka semakin tinggi nilai akurasinya, namun di sisi lain waktu komputasi juga akan semakin lama.  Abstract Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the dangerous disease that can be transmitted through the air and often causes death if not treated quickly. This illness can be cured with early detection, so that sufferers can immediately get the right treatment. The Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) method is used to detect TB disease through chest X-rays. This study aims to determine which CNN model is able to produce the best performance in detecting TB disease. Testing was carried out using five pre-trained models provided by Keras namely ResNet50, DenseNet121, MobileNet, Xception, InceptionV3, and InceptionResNetV2. The difference in image size used during training and testing will also be analyzed for its effect on the resulting accuracy value and its computation time. The test results showed that the DenseNet121 model was able to produce the highest accuracy value in detecting TB disease, namely 91.57%. Meanwhile, the MobileNet model is the model with the fastest computation time for all image sizes tested. The bigger the image size, the higher the accuracy value, but on the other hand the computation time will also be longer
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