47 research outputs found

    Evaluation of erosion rates in cadastral area Rovečné (Moravia) using GIS tools

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    Evaluation of the vulnerability of agricultural land by water erosion, including the erosion control measures design, was done using the geographic information systems (GIS) on example of the cadastral area Rovečné, the Czech Republic. Analytical operations that lead to evaluation of the basic runoff and especially erosion rates according to the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) were made in ArcGIS 10 Desktop, the software product ArcInfo using a set of integrated software applications ArcMap, ArcCatalog and user interface ArcToolbox, and also using programs LS-converter and USLE2D. The potential loss of soil by water erosion was determined before and after erosion control measures design. The proposed measures should improve the current situation and contribute to preservation of agricultural activity in this area in a form close to the current situation.O

    Flood Risk Assessment for Urban Drainage System in a Changing Climate Using Artificial Neural Network

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    Changes in rainfall patterns due to climate change are expected to have negative impact on urban drainage systems, causing increase in flow volumes entering the system. In this paper, two emission scenarios for greenhouse concentration have been used, the high (A1FI) and the low (B1). Each scenario was selected for purpose of assessing the impacts on the drainage system. An artificial neural network downscaling technique was used to obtain local-scale future rainfall from three coarse-scale GCMs. An impact assessment was then carried out using the projected local rainfall and a risk assessment methodology to understand and quantify the potential hazard from surface flooding. The case study is a selected urban drainage catchment in northwestern England. The results show that there will be potential increase in the spilling volume from manholes and surcharge in sewers, which would cause a significant number of properties to be affected by flooding

    An assessment of soil erosion prevention by vegetation in Mediterranean Europe: Current trends of ecosystem service provision

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    International audienceThe concept of ecosystem services has received increased attention in recent years, and is seen as a useful construct for the development of policy relevant indicators and communication for science, policy and practice. Soil erosion is one of the main environmental problems for European Mediterranean agro-forestry systems, making soil erosion prevention a key ecosystem service to monitor and assess. Here, we present a spatially and temporally explicit assessment of the provision of soil erosion prevention by vegetation in Mediterranean Europe between 2001 and 2013, including maps of vulnerable areas. We follow a recently described conceptual framework for the mapping and assessment of regulating ecosystem services to calculate eight pro cess-based indicators, and an ecosystem service provision profile. Results show a relative increase in the effectiveness of provision of soil erosion prevention in Mediterranean Europe between 2001 and 2013. This increase is particularly noticeable between 2009 and 2013, but it does not represent a general trend across the whole Mediterranean region. Two regional examples describe contrasting trends and illustrate the need for regional assessments and policy targets. Our results demonstrate the strength of having a coherent and complementary set of indicators for regulating services to inform policy and land management decisions. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

    Integration of GIS with USLE in assessment of soil erosion

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    A Geographic Information System (GIS) has been integrated with the USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation) model in identification of rainfall-based erosion and the transport of nonpoint source pollution loads to the Gediz River, which discharges into the Aegean Sea along the western coast of Turkey. The purpose of the study is to identify the gross erosion, sediment loads, and organic N loads within a small region of the Gediz River basin. Similar studies are available in literature, ranging from those that use a simple model such as USLE to others of a more sophisticated nature. The study presented here reflects the difficulties in applying the methodology when the required data on soil properties, land use and vegetation are deficient in both quantity and quality, as the case is with most developing countries

    Statistical downscaling of monthly precipitation using NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data for tahtali river basin in Turkey

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    Statistical downscaling methods describe a statistical relationship between large-scale atmospheric variables such as temperature, humidity, precipitation, etc., and local-scale meteorological variables like precipitation. This study examines the potential predictor variables selected from the National Center for Environmental Prediction and National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) reanalysis data set for downscaling monthly precipitation in Tahtali watershed in Turkey. An approach based on the assessment of all possible regression types was used to select the predictors among the NCEP reanalysis data set, and artificial neural network (ANN)-based downscaling models were designed separately for each station in the basin. The results of the study showed that precipitation, surface and sea level pressures, air temperatures at surface, 850-, 500-, and 200-hPa pressure levels, and geopotential heights at 850- and 200-hPa pressure levels are the most explanatory NCEP/NCAR parameters for the study area. It was concluded that ANN-based downscaling models can be implemented to downscale coarse-scale atmospheric parameters to monthly precipitation at station scale by using the above parameters as inputs in the study area. © 2011 ASCE

    The combined use of MODFLOW and precipitation-runoff modeling to simulate groundwater flow in a diffuse-pollution prone watershed

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    A numerical modeling case study of groundwater flow in a diffuse pollution prone area is presented. The study area is located within the metropolitan borders of the city of Izmir, Turkey. This groundwater flow model was unconventional in the application since the groundwater recharge parameter in the model was estimated using a lumped, transient water-budget based precipitation-runoff model that was executed independent of the groundwater flow model. The recharge rate obtained from the calibrated precipitation-runoff model was used as input to the groundwater flow model, which was eventually calibrated to measured water table elevations. Overall, the flow model results were consistent with field observations and model statistics were satisfactory. Water budget results of the model revealed that groundwater recharge comprised about 20% of the total water input for the entire study area. Recharge was the second largest component in the budget after leakage from streams into the subsurface. It was concluded that the modeling results can be further used as input for contaminant transport modeling studies in order to evaluate the vulnerability of water resources of the study area to diffuse pollution

    Projecting aridity from statistically downscaled and bias-corrected variables for the Gediz Basin, Turkey

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    Due to climatological changes, a study was conducted in the Gediz Basin, Turkey, where agricultural production holds an important place. In the study prepared, 12 general circulation models (GCMs) were utilized under representative concentration pathway (RCP)4.5, RCP6.0, and RCP8.5 scenarios of the fifth assessment report (AR5) of IPCC for the period 2015-2050. The statistical downscaling methods were employed and the projections were derived right after applying the weighted-averaged ensemble mean by the Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA) method and bias correction by equidistant quantile mapping (EDQM). The temperature-based potential evapotranspiration (PET) formulas were modified in accordance with the Penman-Monteith method and the aridity indexes were calculated by UNEP's formula. According to the projections, the mean annual temperature increases between 1.5 and 2.2 degrees C and the mean total annual PET increases between 5 and 8% are foreseen in the Gediz Basin for the near future. It is foreseen that a semi-arid climate regime may predominate over the region for all of the RCP scenarios under the increasing dryness in basin climate. In addition, it was obtained in the study that sub-humid climate state occurrence for all of the regions included by the basin may be unexpected in the future for the RCP8.5 scenario. The presence of semi-arid climate conditions may be more potent with the increasing trend of radiative forcing over time