971 research outputs found

    Can Strikes Pay for Management? Pro Sports’ Major Turnarounds

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    Collective bargaining and antitrust law emancipated players. The advent of free agency and related contractual provisions created a battle line over splitting revenues. Work stoppages can foster players’ resisting or employers’ enforcing “salary restraint mechanisms.” Each major sport had a major showdown and corresponding turnaround in “survival bargaining.” My framework adds “litigious and other maneuvers” as backups to the traditional strategic choices of “reconfiguring” versus “forcing” or “resisting change.” It expands on Walton and McKersie’s “sanction as an investment device,” “intra-organizational bargaining,” and “attitudinal structuring” (1965). In each major turnaround management eventually achieved a stable contractual formula consistent with a three-pronged formula: (1) demonstrate a performance gap, (2) play on worst fears via sanctions or their threat, and (3) provide incentives to settle or change.La nĂ©gociation collective et la lĂ©gislation antitrust ont libĂ©rĂ© les joueurs d’une espĂšce de servitude Ă  long terme. L’arrivĂ©e des agents libres et des dispositions contractuelles qui s’y rapportent ont crĂ©Ă© une bataille en rĂšgle sur le partage des revenus. Les arrĂȘts de travail peuvent mousser la rĂ©sistance des joueurs ou renforcer chez les employeurs les mĂ©canismes de contraintes salariales. Chaque sport majeur a connu une Ă©preuve de force qui a menĂ© Ă  une « nĂ©gociation de survie ».Le graphique 1 prĂ©sentĂ© dans l’article s’appuie sur le modĂšle Ă©volutif du choix stratĂ©gique de Chaykowski et Verma (1992), tout en lui apportant un complĂ©ment. Selon ce modĂšle, un changement important dans l’environnement dĂ©clenche un « écart de performance » et crĂ©Ă© ainsi un « point de transition ». Tout en intĂ©grant la vision de l’avenir de la direction, son initiative de changement de type « signe de dĂ©tresse » dĂ©clenche d’une maniĂšre singuliĂšre une lutte pour s’emparer des esprits et des coeurs des membres de l’unitĂ© de nĂ©gociation : ceux qui vont voter pour un rĂšglement proposĂ© ou pour une Ă©ventuelle sanction.La reconfiguration proposĂ©e par la direction ou l’Option X incorpore un arrangement contractuel qui se veut ou qui se propose d’ĂȘtre Ă  l’avantage des deux cĂŽtĂ©s dans les circonstances. L’ordre du jour de nĂ©gociation du syndicat qui se propose de rĂ©sister et de maintenir le statu quo entraĂźne une descente en spirale de l’Option Y. La stratĂ©gie hybride de la direction d’introduire de force l’Option X comprend aussi la rĂ©duction du pouvoir de nĂ©gociation du Plan Y et, possiblement, le recours Ă  une sanction. Dans une nĂ©gociation de survie, cela entraĂźne un choix stratĂ©gique entre « gravir l’escalier abrupte de l’Option X » ou bien de « suivre la pente glissante de l’Option Y », incluant la possibilitĂ© d’aller jusqu’à la disparition du syndicat.Étant donnĂ© la nature conflictuelle des Options X et Y, la direction se sert normalement d’une formule comprenant trois volets, espĂ©rant changer l’attitude de son opposĂ© en cherchant Ă  rĂ©aliser l’Option X. PremiĂšrement, dĂ©montrer l’existence d’un problĂšme majeur; deuxiĂšmement, jouer la carte des pires craintes (celles de l’Option Y); troisiĂšmement, offrir ou fournir des incitatifs pour rĂ©gler maintenant (Option X). Cette double stratĂ©gie de jouer sur les deux Options X et Y est clairement une politique de la carotte et du bĂąton. La formule Ă  trois volets comprend Ă©galement la sanction (imposition d’un rĂšglement par la loi ou par voie de dĂ©cision arbitrale) comme un mĂ©canisme d’implication (Sanction Comme MĂ©canisme d’Implication) (SCMI) : le Plan A versus le Plan B. Dans la terminologie SCMI, le Plan A reprĂ©sente un rĂšglement sans sanction, alors que le Plan B implique un rĂšglement en cours de sanction.La formule Ă  trois volets apparaĂźt permettre un repositionnement stratĂ©gique aprĂšs l’atteinte du point de transition. L’approche SCMI vient Ă  l’encontre du mythe que les grĂšves ne paient pas. L’expĂ©rience plutĂŽt limitĂ©e examinĂ©e ici laisse croire que les arrĂȘts de travail peuvent ĂȘtre profitables Ă  la direction en amenant des concessions du syndicat. Les sanctions ont provoquĂ© des tournants qui ressemblaient fortement Ă  la vision initiale de la direction dans trois des quatre Ă©preuves de force Ă©tudiĂ©es : celle du football en 1987–1993, le basketball en 1998-1999 et le hockey en 2004-2005. La longue grĂšve du baseball des annĂ©es 1994-1995, qui fut certainement un Ă©vĂ©nement de perdant-perdant Ă  moyen terme, a officiellement donnĂ© lieu Ă  un amĂ©nagement contractuel qui favorise l’avenir de l’industrie. Depuis, les parties ont apparemment trouvĂ© la formule floue qui satisfasse leurs besoins.À titre de renforts aux Options X et Y, l’option Z implique des mĂ©canismes de retour reconnus par des droits, dont les dĂ©cisions viennent prĂ©ciser les intĂ©rĂȘts et le pouvoir des deux parties et renforcer leur vision respective de l’avenir. La lĂ©gislation sur le retour au travail impose Ă©galement une dĂ©cision, qui en bout de ligne confĂšre des droits impossibles Ă  atteindre par voie de nĂ©gociation. En laissant aux parties la dĂ©cision finale, le processus d’intervention repose avant tout sur la persuasion dans le but de changer les Ă©tats d’esprit.Le cadre de rĂ©fĂ©rence Ă©laborĂ© dans cette Ă©tude englobe un Ă©ventail assez large d’évĂ©nements et contribue Ă  leur donner une signification. Les dĂ©cisions des cours et des tribunaux administratifs ont jouĂ© un rĂŽle crucial dans la poursuite de rĂšglements au cours des Ă©preuves de force dans le football et le baseball. Certaines interventions dans le processus Ă  l’interne ont amenĂ© un glissement de paradigme de la recherche du pouvoir de marchandage pur et simple vers un pouvoir de nĂ©gociation au cours des rondes de 2002 dans le baseball et du lock-out du hockey en 2004-2005. Le rĂšglement lĂ©gislatif intervenu dans le baseball en 1997-1998 a contribuĂ© Ă  amĂ©liorer les relations entre les parties.Le cadre de rĂ©fĂ©rence modifie aussi l’approche SCMI de Walton et McKersie (1965) et lui donne plus d’ampleur en retenant « la nĂ©gociation intra organisationnelle » et la « structuration des attitudes ». Il Ă©tablit un pont entre l’approche SCMI et le paradigme « HIVE » envisageant la nĂ©gociation reprĂ©sentative et multidirectionnelle, ce qui inclut la nĂ©gociation avec l’agent principal (intra organisationnel). Dans les nĂ©gociations les plus rudes Ă  l’intĂ©rieur des Ă©quipes, les chefs nĂ©gociateurs adoptent le rĂŽle de quasi mĂ©diateurs dans leur tentative d’obtenir un arrangement entre les des Ă©lĂ©ments pondĂ©rateurs et non pondĂ©rateurs, c’est-Ă -dire les dissidents dans un comitĂ© de nĂ©gociation.L’agencement des deux approches « HIVE » et SCMI permet de saisir les ramifications importantes des politiques organisationnelles dans les nĂ©gociations. Un exemple frappant est celui du braquage avortĂ© des nĂ©gociations en 1995 dans le basketball par une poignĂ©e de joueurs Ă©toiles et leurs agents, ce qui a entrainĂ© l’instabilitĂ© politique interne et un changement du leadership syndical. Le « C Magique » du tableau 1 prĂ©sente une bonne vision de la maniĂšre dont les propriĂ©taires ont maintenu l’unitĂ© dans les rondes de nĂ©gociations dans le baseball en 2002 et dans le long conflit du hockey en 2004-2005.En abordant la gestion des relations, le graphique 2 jette un Ă©clairage utile, plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment, lorsqu’on fait le pont avec le concept clĂ© de nĂ©gociations de transformation en passant d’une lutte dĂ©moralisante pour le pouvoir Ă  une nĂ©gociation de pouvoir. Cette derniĂšre nĂ©gociation permet de promouvoir des intĂ©rĂȘts personnels, mais Ă©galement de rĂ©aliser des compromis de façon Ă  gagner le respect, tout en bĂątissant une relation de confiance et en favorisant un engagement Ă  l’endroit d’un accord. Tout comme dans le baseball en 2002, les nĂ©gociations dans le hockey en 2005, en introduisant les mĂȘmes modifications, ont contribuĂ© Ă  amĂ©liorer les relations entre les parties (voir le glissement vers le haut dans le graphique 2).Le cadre de rĂ©fĂ©rence devrait s’appliquer Ă  d’autres relations contractuelles Ă©tablies depuis longtemps dans les cas de renĂ©gociations pĂ©riodiques. Le Plan B de l’approche SCMI accentue le pouvoir de rĂ©sister ou de s’en aller. La formule Ă  trois volets inclut la stratĂ©gie du bĂąton et de la carotte, la stratĂ©gie hybride (Plan A versus Plan B) et la contrepartie en termes de choix stratĂ©gique (Option X versus Option Y). Le Plan Z comprend les supports en termes de rĂ©sistance ou de contrainte, en termes de recours en dernier ressort Ă  une lĂ©gislation, qui inciterait l’autoritĂ© compĂ©tence ou un tribunal Ă  mettre fin au conflit par voie de sanction. Il inclut aussi des interventions sur les processus de maniĂšre Ă  rĂ©orienter les nĂ©gociations. En effet, ce sont lĂ  des choix stratĂ©giques que nous retenons et que nous exerçons dans nos vies quotidiennes, ce qui inclut une prise de dĂ©cision individuelle (c’est-Ă -dire que nous nĂ©gocions avec nous-mĂȘmes) et une nĂ©gociation avec d’autres.La negociaciĂłn collectiva y la ley anti-trust liberaron los jugadores. El advenimiento de agentes libres y las provisiones contractuales respectivas crearon un campo de batalla en torno a la reparticiĂłn de los ingresos. Las paralizaciones laborales pueden fomentar la resistencia de los actores o la reacciĂłn drĂĄstica de los empleadores mediante “mecanismos de restricciĂłn salarial”. Cada deporte principal ha conocido un enfrentamiento principal y el subsiguiente retorno a la “negociaciĂłn de sobreviviencia”. Mi esquema añade los “litigios y otras maniobras” como sustento a las opciones estratĂ©gicas tradicionales de “reconfiguraciĂłn” versus “imposiciĂłn” o “resistencia al cambio”. Esto amplĂ­a los conceptos de Walton y McKersie (1965) de “sanciĂłn como mecanismo de inversiĂłn”, de “negociaciĂłn intra-organizacional” y de “estructuraciĂłn de la actitud”. En cada viraje principal, la direcciĂłn concluye eventualmente una formula contractual estable que concuerda con una formula a tres facetas : (1) demostrar una brecha en el rendimiento, (2) jugar con los peores temores mediante sanciones o amenazas, y (3) brindar incentivos a la adaptaciĂłn o al cambio

    Diagnosis and effects of cobalt deficiency in the pregnant ewe

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    The literature relating to the diagnosis and effects of cobalt (Co) deficiency, particularly in the pregnant ewe, was reviewed. Two housed experiments, both with 60 hill ewes, were undertaken with the aim of characterising the effects of Co deficiency on reproductive performance. The diagnosis of sub-clinical Co deficiency was also studied. Three treatment groups of 20 ewes each were established in both experiments. The NS (non-supplemented) groups of both experiments were maintained on a Co-deficient intake for the whole of pregnancy. Sheep in the HS (half- supplemented) group of Experiment 1 received a Cosufficient intake until mid-pregnancy after which they were maintained on a Co-deficient diet. The HS group of Experiment 2 received a Co-deficient intake until midpregnancy, after which it was replenished with Co. The FS (fully-supplemented) group of both experiments received a Co-sufficient intake for the whole of pregnancy. Co status of the ewes was monitored by fortnightly sampling and analysis for serum vitamin B12 and methylmalonic acid (MMA) concentrations. Serum B12 was determined by either microbiological assay or radio- immuno assay (RIA). In Experiment 1 the NS and HS ewes were sub-clinically Co-deficient before lambing. In Experiment 2 the NS and HS sheep were sub-clinically Co-deficient at the start of tupping and the clinical disease was detected in the NS ewes at the start of lambing. After Co repletion from mid-pregnancy, serum B12 and MMA concentrations in the HS sheep returned to normal levels and they were Cosufficient before lambing. The FS ewes of both experiments were Co-sufficient throughout the investigations. In Experiment 1 and 2 the differences amongst treatments for serum B12 and MMA concentrations were significant (P<0.001). Concentrations of MMA in serum were a more accurate and precise marker of sub-clinical and clinical Co deficiency, than serum B12 levels. Within treatments, serum B12 concentrations were more variable than serum MMA levels and could imply false positive diagnoses. In contrast, there were no problems from diagnosing false negatives with serum MMA concentrations. However, there was evidence to suggest that liver damage could lead to incidences of very high levels of MMA in serum. Concentrations of B12 in serum provided an effective indication of Co intake and responded to declining Co status before serum MMA levels. Thus, the joint analysis of serum B12 and MMA concentrations was necessary for the prognostic, as well diagnostic, detection of Co deficiency. The microbiological assay and RIA of serum B12 both provided effective diagnostic data. However, for ewes fed a diet high in concentrates, mean serum B12 concentrations determined by the RIA were 20 percent lower than those measured by the microbiological assay (r = 0.97, P<0.001). The diagnostic criteria applied to RIA data therefore required alteration in this situation. For the microbiological assay, values between 200 and 400 ng/1 were regarded as indicative of sub-clinical disease. If ewes were fed a high concentrate ration, the range 160 to 340 ng/1 applied to data from the RIA provided the same diagnostic inference. A small housed experiment with wethers was undertaken to determine the presence of diurnal fluctuations in serum B12 and MMA concentrations. Endogenously stimulated fluctuations, of either marker, were not detected. However, serum levels of both B12 and MMA in Co-deficient and sufficient sheep showed inconsistent but marked rises in response to the exogenous stimulation of twice daily feeding. The consequences of the results for the diagnosis and effects of Co deficiency in pregnant ewes in the field situation were discussed. A survey of Co status in pregnant sheep on 15 farms in Scotland with a history of Co deficiency, was also undertaken. However, the use of one sampling during pregnancy was not adequate to indicate the Co status of flocks during tupping, pregnancy and lactation. (Abstract shortened by ProQuest.)

    Frequency-dependent drag from quantum turbulence produced by quartz tuning forks in superfluid He4

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    We have measured the drag force from quantum turbulence on a series of quartz tuning forks in superfluid helium. The tuning forks were custom made from a 75-ÎŒm-thick wafer. They have identical prong widths and prong spacings, but different lengths to give different resonant frequencies. We have used both the fundamental and overtone flexure modes to probe the turbulent drag over a broad range of frequencies f=ω/2π from 6.5 to 300 kHz. Optical measurements show that the velocity profiles of the flexure modes are well described by a cantilever beam model. The critical velocity for the onset of quantum turbulence at low temperatures is measured to be vc≈0.7Îșω−−−−−√ where Îș is the circulation quantum. The drag from quantum turbulence shows a small frequency dependence when plotted against the scaled velocity v/v

    A quasiparticle detector for imaging quantum turbulence in superïŹ‚uid 3He-B

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    We describe the development of a two-dimensional quasiparticle detector for use in visualising quantum turbulence in superfluid 3He-B at ultra-low temperatures. The detector consists of a 5×5 matrix of pixels, each a 1mm diameter hole in a copper block containing aminiature quartz tuning fork. The damping on each fork provides a measure of the local quasiparticle flux. The detector is illuminated by a beam of ballistic quasiparticles generated from a nearby black-body radiator. A comparison of the damping on the different forks provides a measure of the cross-sectional profile of the beam. Further, we generate a tangle of vortices (quantum turbulence) in the path of the beam using a vibrating wire resonator. The vortices cast a shadow onto the face of the detector due to the Andreev reflection of quasiparticles in the beam. This allows us to image the vortices and to investigate their dynamics. Here we give details of the design and construction of the detector and show some preliminary results for one row of pixels which demonstrates its successful application tomeasuring quasiparticle beams and quantum turbulence

    Tomographic imaging of carbon dioxide in the exhaust plume of large commercial aero-engines

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    We report here the first implementation of chemically specific imaging in the exhaust plume of a gas turbine typical of those used for propulsion in commercial aircraft. The method used is chemical species tomography (CST) and the target species is CO2, absorbing in the near-infrared at 1999.4 nm. A total of 126 beams propagate transverse to the plume axis, along 7 m paths in a coplanar geometry, to probe a central region of diameter ≈1.5m. The CO2 absorption spectrum is measured using tunable diode laser spectroscopy with wavelength modulation, using the second harmonic to first harmonic (2f/1f) ratio method. The engine is operated over the full range of thrust, while data are recorded in a quasi-simultaneous mode at frame rates of 1.25 and 0.3125 Hz. Various data inversion methodologies are considered and presented for image reconstruction. At all thrust levels a persistent ring structure of high CO2 concentration is observed in the central region of the measurement plane, with a raised region in the middle of the plume assumed to be due to the engine’s boat tail. With its potential to target various exhaust species, the CST method outlined here offers a new approach to turbine combustion research, turbine engine development, and aviation fuel research and development

    Plasma Dynamics

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    Contains research objectives and summary of research on twenty-one projects split into three sections, with four sub-sections in the second section and reports on twelve research projects.National Science Foundation (Grant ENG75-06242)U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration (Contract E(11-1)-2766)U.S. Energy Research and Development Agency (Contract E(11-1)-3070)U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration (Contract E(11-1)-3070)Research Laboratory of Electronics, M.I.T. Industrial Fellowshi

    LSST: from Science Drivers to Reference Design and Anticipated Data Products

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    (Abridged) We describe here the most ambitious survey currently planned in the optical, the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST). A vast array of science will be enabled by a single wide-deep-fast sky survey, and LSST will have unique survey capability in the faint time domain. The LSST design is driven by four main science themes: probing dark energy and dark matter, taking an inventory of the Solar System, exploring the transient optical sky, and mapping the Milky Way. LSST will be a wide-field ground-based system sited at Cerro Pach\'{o}n in northern Chile. The telescope will have an 8.4 m (6.5 m effective) primary mirror, a 9.6 deg2^2 field of view, and a 3.2 Gigapixel camera. The standard observing sequence will consist of pairs of 15-second exposures in a given field, with two such visits in each pointing in a given night. With these repeats, the LSST system is capable of imaging about 10,000 square degrees of sky in a single filter in three nights. The typical 5σ\sigma point-source depth in a single visit in rr will be ∌24.5\sim 24.5 (AB). The project is in the construction phase and will begin regular survey operations by 2022. The survey area will be contained within 30,000 deg2^2 with ÎŽ<+34.5∘\delta<+34.5^\circ, and will be imaged multiple times in six bands, ugrizyugrizy, covering the wavelength range 320--1050 nm. About 90\% of the observing time will be devoted to a deep-wide-fast survey mode which will uniformly observe a 18,000 deg2^2 region about 800 times (summed over all six bands) during the anticipated 10 years of operations, and yield a coadded map to r∌27.5r\sim27.5. The remaining 10\% of the observing time will be allocated to projects such as a Very Deep and Fast time domain survey. The goal is to make LSST data products, including a relational database of about 32 trillion observations of 40 billion objects, available to the public and scientists around the world.Comment: 57 pages, 32 color figures, version with high-resolution figures available from https://www.lsst.org/overvie

    Height, selected genetic markers and prostate cancer risk:Results from the PRACTICAL consortium

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    Background: Evidence on height and prostate cancer risk is mixed, however, recent studies with large data sets support a possible role for its association with the risk of aggressive prostate cancer. Methods: We analysed data from the PRACTICAL consortium consisting of 6207 prostate cancer cases and 6016 controls and a subset of high grade cases (2480 cases). We explored height, polymorphisms in genes related to growth processes as main effects and their possible interactions. Results: The results suggest that height is associated with high-grade prostate cancer risk. Men with height 4180cm are at a 22% increased risk as compared to men with height o173cm (OR 1.22, 95% CI 1.01–1.48). Genetic variants in the growth pathway gene showed an association with prostate cancer risk. The aggregate scores of the selected variants identified a significantly increased risk of overall prostate cancer and high-grade prostate cancer by 13% and 15%, respectively, in the highest score group as compared to lowest score group. Conclusions: There was no evidence of gene-environment interaction between height and the selected candidate SNPs. Our findings suggest a role of height in high-grade prostate cancer. The effect of genetic variants in the genes related to growth is seen in all cases and high-grade prostate cancer. There is no interaction between these two exposures.</p
