189 research outputs found


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    PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN KOOPERATIF TIPE THINK PAIR SHARE UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KEAKTIFAN DAN PRESTASI BELAJAR SEJARAH Chaedar Afan Firoza, Sri Wahyuni, dan Isawati Program Pendidikan Sejarah, FKIP, UNS Surakarta, Indonesia Keperluan Korespondensi, email: [email protected] ABSTRACT Chaedar Afan Firoza. K4411018. THE APPLICATION OF COOPERATIVE LEARNING MODEL TYPE THINK PAIR SHARE TO IMPROVE ACTIVENESS AND LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT OF STUDENT HISTORY OF CLASS XI IPS 1 SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 1 CILACAP 2017/2018 ACADEMIC YEAR. Skripsi: The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, July 2018. This research aims to improve the activeness and learning achievement of the students of class XI IPS 1 Senior High School 1 Cilacap through cooperative learning model type Think Pair Share. This research used the classroom action research. The subject of this research is the students of class XI IPS 1 Senior High School 1 Cilacap 2017/2018 academic year which amounted to 31 students. Data collection techniques are done by interview, observation, document analysis, and test. They were validated by using triangulation technique and analyzed by using the descriptive comparative model of analysis and interactive analysis. The students learning activeness measured were visual activities, oral activities, and writing activities. The student’s activeness is observed by the observer, while the student’s learning achievement is measured using the evaluation test. Research procedures include the planning, implementation, observation, and reflection phases. The result of research shows that the application of cooperative learning model type Think Pair Share can improve the student’s activeness and learning achievement. In cycle 1 the average student activeness increased by 71,0% from the previous phases of precycle which is 60,6%. While the percentage of student achievement has increased by 77,4% with the average value of class 76,0. In cycle 2 the average student activeness increased by 77,0% from the previous phases of cycle 1. While the percentage of student achievement has increased by 90,3% with the average value of class 79,0. The success rate indicator is measured based on the standard Senior High School 1 Cilacap score, which is 75. The result data analysis of this research conclude that the application of cooperative learning model type Think Pair Share can improve the activeness and learning achievement students of class XI IPS 1 Senior High School 1 Cilacap 2017/2018 academic year. Keywords: Cooperation Learning, Think Pair Share, Learning activeness and achievemen

    Thinking time through difference and repetition: duration, memory, perception and the virtual time of media events

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    "This dissertation examines two ways by which duration can come to be experienced in analog cinema and digital installations: the interstice and the fold. Whereas the interstice is a material fissure that brings about temporal disruptions between shots/images, the fold is the ontological ground upon which the continuous relations between image and mind arise. These two conceptual figures of time are contradictory, asymmetrical and unequal, giving rise to the question: how might duration be examined from two contrasting and contradictory points of view? If interstices present temporal disjunctions, how might temporal continuities also be a valid point of view? The fold introduces a difference by which a different type of thinking might occur about duration: it introduces a rupture in the orientation of thought about the interstice. Each figure is a different node of thinking of the rhizome, making up the multiplicity by which duration can come under scrutiny in media-objectiles. Each is part of the difference that constitutes the whole. Time is also the method and process by which duration is examined. As method, time is examined through the difference and repetition of the image. Important to the return is the nature of what returns: does the return bring about the same duration, or does it bring difference? Whereas the time-images of cinema give rise to movements between pasts and futures, the digital installations examined give rise to a continual ""now,"" or to presentism. The digital-image as the returning difference to the analog-image presents its ontological difference, producing a different image of time. As process, the lived time of media-events queries the type of duration endured in nonlinear, asynchronous time. Pivoting between pasts and futures, this open and free time of duration gives rise to memories and visions in the experience of media. The media examples discussed are Claire Denis' s film L'lntrus (2004), Susan Collins's installations Glenlandia, Fenlandia and The Spectroscope (2004-7), Andrei Tarkovsky's film Mirror (1975), Sound Research Laboratories's performance in Barcelona (1991), Granular Synthesis's performances Modell 5 (1997) and POL (1998) and Toni Dove's interactive cinema Spectropia (2008).

    Coupling Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations and Statistical Moments for Designing Healthy Indoor Spaces

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    Cross-contamination between occupants in an indoor space may occur due to transfer of infectious aerosols. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) provides detailed insight into particle transport in indoor spaces. However, such simulations are site-specific. This study couples CFD with statistical moments and establishes a framework that transitions site-specific results to generating guidelines for designing “healthy” indoor spaces. Eighteen cases were simulated, and three parameters were assessed: inlet/outlet location, air changes per hour, and the presence/absence of desks. Aerosol release due to a simulated “sneeze” in a two-dimensional ventilated space was applied as a test case. Mean, standard deviation, and skewness of the velocity profiles and particle locations gave an overall picture of the spread and movement of the air flow in the domain. A parameter or configuration did not dominate the values, confirming the significance of considering the combined influence of multiple parameters for determining localized air-flow characteristics. Particle clustering occurred more when the inlet was positioned above the outlet. The particle dispersion pattern could be classified into two time zones: “near time”, \u3c60 \u3es, and “far time”, \u3e120 s. Based on dosage, the 18 cases were classified into three groups ranging from worst case scenario to best case scenario


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    Background: The trail of the transmission of COVID-19 in Africa needs to be understood and conceptualized. With the limited response time to curb the transmission, the pandemic is already in 52 countries in Africa. There is much anxiety about the devastating potential of this scourge in Africa, justifiably so because of the weak health systems, high levels of poverty, and overcrowded cities. Therefore, this report examined the association between the confirmed cases at 100 days of COVID-19 and some significant risk factors in 19 African countries that had at least 100 confirmed cases as of 09/04/2020. Methods: In this report, we evaluated four major risk factors associated with COVID-19 confirmed cases in 19 African counties with over 100 cases in 100 days after the official declaration of COVID-19 by WHO. Results: Three of the four risk factors (total population in urban areas, population age, and international exposure) correlated positively. In contrast, one (public health system) correlated negatively with the confirmed cases in the countries under study. International exposure was initially the main transmitter, but community transmission now becomes the driver of COVID-19 infections on the continent. Conclusion: Identification of confirmed cases, quick contact tracing with self-isolation, community engagement, and health systems measures are all-necessary to prevent the potentially harmful ramifications of an epidemic on the continent. There is, therefore, the need for a comprehensive and integrated approach between the government and society

    Antepartum myomectomy

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    Myomectomy perfonned during pregnancy is a rarity. Literatw·e survey showed few case reports on antepartum myomec­tomy. Though controversy persists among reports, but some case series reported the successfull antepartum myomectomy in carefully selected patients. Sometimes surgery is planned for ovarian tumour but incidentally found fibroid during surgery as itis also done in the present case. We here present a case report of a 28 years primigravida woman who had undergone laparotomy for antenatally diagnosed case of ovarian tumour at 13 weeks of gestation under spinal anesthesia. But on opening the abdominal cavity a large sub-serous degenerated fibroid was found to arise from the fundus. Myomec­tomy was performed ensuring minimum handling of the uterus. The patient had au uneventful postoperative period and was discharged on 8th post operative day. She delivered a healthy male baby of 3 kg at 39 weeks of gestation with good apgar score

    Rupture of primigravid uterus and recurrent rupture

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    Uterine rupture is a deadly obstetrical emergency endangering the life of both mother and fetus. In Bangladesh, majority of deliveries arc attended by unskilled traditional birth attendant and maternal mortality is still quite high. It is rare Ln developed country but unfortunately it is common in a developing country like Bangladesh. We report a case history of a patient age 32yrs from Daudkandi, Comilla admitted with H/0 previous two rupture uterus and repair with no living issue. We did caesarean section at her 31+ weeks of pregnancy when she developed Jabour pain. A baby of 1.4 kg was delivered. During cesarean section, focal rupture was noted in previous scar of rupture. Unfortunately the baby expired in neonatal ICU after 36 hours
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