201 research outputs found

    Ketinggian Tulang Kortikal Mandibula Dibandingkan dengan Tinggi Tulang Mandibula melalui Radiografi Panoramik pada Suku Sunda

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    Setiap suku bangsa memiliki ciri dan kerakteristikberbeda. Suku sunda khususnya diwilayah Bandung jugamemiliki karakteristik tersendiri. Tulang mandibulasebagai tulang rahang paling besar didalam tubuhmemiliki ukuran berbeda dari tulang lainnya. Denganmengetahui rata-rata ketinggian tulang mandibula danketinggian tulang kortikalnya maka perawatan padamandibula lebih mudah dilakukan terutama apabilaperawatan yang dilakukan meliputi daerah tulang.Tujuan penelitian untuk menemukan ukuran rata-rataketinggian tulang kortikal dan tulang mandibula padasuku sunda. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode surveydeskripsi. Populasi dan sampel dalam penelitian iniadalah data sekunder berupa data radiografi panoramikdigital pasien suku sunda yang datang ke klinik RSGMFKG Unpad tahun 2007-2012 dan data dibagi dalamjenis kelamin, rentang usia 20-40, 41-55 dan diatas 56tahun. Hasil penelitian bahwa menunjukkan bahwarata-rata ketinggian tulang mandibula dibandingkankortikal pada usia 20-40 dan 41-55 tahun bernilai sama,baik pada wanita ataupun pria yaitu 1:8, sedangkanuntuk usia diatas 56 tahun memiliki nilai lebih kecil padawanita yaitu: 3:8, sedangkan untuk pria: 2:8 dengan nilaisd= 0,05. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah perbandingantulang mandibula dan kortikal, pria memiliki nilaiperbandingan yang lebih besar dibandingan wanita,sedangkan untuk usia tua tidak terdapat perbedaan

    Factores que afectan el funcionamiento de instalaciones fotovoltaicas autónomas en regiones del Noreste Argentino

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    En un contexto actual de gran expansión de los sistemas de generación fotovoltaica, las experiencias de  terreno en aplicaciones para el sector rural son limitadas y se hace urgente comenzar a analizar en detalle los factores que más afectan el funcionamiento de tales sistemas. Tomando como base, datos de mantenimiento correspondientes a 85 sistemas fotovoltaicos autónomos (SFA) instalados en escuelas rurales de la Provincia de Corrientes, se realizó un estudio de los principales problemas registrados durante los dos primeros años de operación y de sus causas. Como elemento primordial surge la calidad del diseño inicial del SFA, comprobándose que para corrientes no se seleccionaron elementos adaptados a las condiciones reales de la zona. Otro factor clave, y no menos importante para lograr un grado de confiabilidad aceptable, es respetar una buena planificación en el mantenimiento tal como se ha verificado con la experiencia acumulada en Corrientes

    Weight-loss Independent Clinical and Metabolic Biomarkers Associated with Type 2 Diabetes Remission Post-bariatric/metabolic Surgery

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    PURPOSE: Remission of type 2 diabetes (T2D) can be achieved by many, but not all, people following bariatric/metabolic surgery. The mechanisms underlying T2D remission remain incompletely understood. This observational study aimed to identify novel weight-loss independent clinical, metabolic and genetic factors that associate with T2D remission using comprehensive phenotyping. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ten patients without T2D remission (non-remitters) were matched to 10 patients with T2D remission (remitters) for age, sex, type of surgery, body weight, BMI, post-operative weight loss, duration from surgery and duration of T2D. Detailed body composition assessed using magnetic resonance imaging, gut hormones, serum metabolomics, insulin sensitivity, and genetic risk scores for T2D and anthropometric traits were assessed. RESULTS: Remitters had significantly greater β-cell function and circulating acyl ghrelin levels, but lower visceral adipose tissue (VAT): subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) ratio than non-remitters. Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) and VLDL particle size were the most discriminant metabolites between groups. A significant positive correlation between, VAT area, VAT:SAT ratio and circulating levels of BCAAs was observed, whereas a significant negative correlation between BCAAs and β-cell function was revealed. CONCLUSION: We highlight a potentially novel relationship between VAT and BCAAs, which may play a role in glucoregulatory control. Improvement in β-cell function, and the role ghrelin plays in its recovery, is likely another key factor influencing T2D remission post-surgery. These findings suggest that adjunctive approaches that target VAT loss and restoration of BCAA metabolism might achieve higher rates of long-term T2D remission post-surgery

    Effects of Sperm Conjugation and Dissociation on Sperm Viability In Vitro

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    Sperm conjugation is an unusual variation in sperm behavior where two or more spermatozoa physically unite for motility or transport through the female reproductive tract. Conjugation has frequently been interpreted as sperm cooperation, including reproductive altruism, with some sperm advancing their siblings toward the site of fertilization while ostensibly forfeiting their own ability to fertilize through damage incurred during conjugate break-up. Conversely, conjugation has been proposed to protect sensitive regions of spermatozoa from spermicidal conditions within the female reproductive tract. We investigated the possibility of dissociation-induced sperm mortality and tested for a protective function of conjugation using the paired sperm of the diving beetle, Graphoderus liberus. Sperm conjugates were mechanically dissociated and exposed to potentially damaging tissue extracts of the female reproductive tract and somatic tissue. We found no significant difference in viability between paired sperm and dissociated, single sperm. The results further indicate that the reproductive tract of female G. liberus might not be spermicidal and conjugation is not protective of sperm viability when damaging conditions do exist. Our results support the interpretation that, at least in some taxa, sperm conjugation is neither protective nor damaging to sperm viability

    The Privatization of Metropolitan Jakarta's (Jabodetabek) Urban Fringes:The Early Stages of "Post-Suburbanization" in Indonesia

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    Problem, research strategy, and findings: Recent metropolitan development in developed countries is associated with post-suburbia, or a decline in population in the former central city and the growth of polycentric structures outside the traditional core. Current urban development in Asian cities, particularly in the Jakarta metropolitan region (Jabodetabek), also reflects an early stage of post-suburbia. We examine physical development patterns and the changing role of public and private sectors, although our approach is descriptive in nature. The rapid growth in fringe areas that have developed from dormitory communities into independent towns, triggered by privatization of industrial estates and multifunction new towns, shows typical post-suburban patterns. The national government's pro-growth economic policies and the local autonomy granted to local governments have given the private sector the power to largely control the acquisition, development, and management of land in fringe areas, accelerating post-suburban development patterns.Takeaway for practice: Planners in developing nations must be alert to the rapidly increasing role of the private sector, recognizing how the private sector can help the government to respond to regional needs for housing, jobs, shopping and educational opportunities, and infrastructure while understanding the key role that planning can and should play in ensuring private sector actions do not exacerbate regional problems and lead to uncoordinated public responses

    Sperm competition-induced plasticity in the speed of spermatogenesis

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    Background: Sperm competition between rival ejaculates over the fertilization of ova typically selects for the production of large numbers of sperm. An obvious way to increase sperm production is to increase testis size, and most empirical work has focussed on this parameter. Adaptive plasticity in sperm production rate could also arise due to variation in the speed with which each spermatozoon is produced, but whether animals can respond to relevant environmental conditions by modulating the kinetics of spermatogenesis in this way has not been experimentally investigated. Results: Here we demonstrate that the simultaneously hermaphroditic flatworm Macrostomum lignano exhibits substantial plasticity in the speed of spermatogenesis, depending on the social context: worms raised under higher levels of sperm competition produce sperm faster. Conclusions: Our findings overturn the prevailing view that the speed of spermatogenesis is a static property of a genotype, and demonstrate the profound impact that social environmental conditions can exert upon a key developmental process. We thus identify, to our knowledge, a novel mechanism through which sperm production rate is maximised under sperm competition

    Efficient preparation of internally modified single-molecule constructs using nicking enzymes

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    Investigations of enzymes involved in DNA metabolism have strongly benefited from the establishment of single molecule techniques. These experiments frequently require elaborate DNA substrates, which carry chemical labels or nucleic acid tertiary structures. Preparing such constructs often represents a technical challenge: long modified DNA molecules are usually produced via multi-step processes, involving low efficiency intermolecular ligations of several fragments. Here, we show how long stretches of DNA (>50 bp) can be modified using nicking enzymes to produce complex DNA constructs. Multiple different chemical and structural modifications can be placed internally along DNA, in a specific and precise manner. Furthermore, the nicks created can be resealed efficiently yielding intact molecules, whose mechanical properties are preserved. Additionally, the same strategy is applied to obtain long single-strand overhangs subsequently used for efficient ligation of ss- to dsDNA molecules. This technique offers promise for a wide range of applications, in particular single-molecule experiments, where frequently multiple internal DNA modifications are required

    Loss of the nuclear receptor corepressor SLIRP compromises male fertility

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    Nuclear receptors (NRs) and their coregulators play fundamental roles in initiating and directing gene expression influencing mammalian reproduction, development and metabolism. SRA stem Loop Interacting RNA-binding Protein (SLIRP) is a Steroid receptor RNA Activator (SRA) RNA-binding protein that is a potent repressor of NR activity. SLIRP is present in complexes associated with NR target genes in the nucleus; however, it is also abundant in mitochondria where it affects mitochondrial mRNA transcription and energy turnover. In further characterisation studies, we observed SLIRP protein in the testis where its localization pattern changes from mitochondrial in diploid cells to peri-acrosomal and the tail in mature sperm. To investigate the in vivo effects of SLIRP, we generated a SLIRP knockout (KO) mouse. This animal is viable, but sub-fertile. Specifically, when homozygous KO males are crossed with wild type (WT) females the resultant average litter size is reduced by approximately one third compared with those produced by WT males and females. Further, SLIRP KO mice produced significantly fewer progressively motile sperm than WT animals. Electron microscopy identified disruption of the mid-piece/annulus junction in homozygous KO sperm and altered mitochondrial morphology. In sum, our data implicates SLIRP in regulating male fertility, wherein its loss results in asthenozoospermia associated with compromised sperm structure and mitochondrial morphology.Shane M. Colley, Larissa Wintle, Richelle Searles, Victoria Russell, Renee C. Firman, Stephanie Smith, Kathleen DeBoer, D. Jo Merriner, Ben Genevieve, Jacqueline M. Bentel, Bronwyn G. A. Stuckey, Michael R. Phillips, Leigh W. Simmons, David M. de Kretser, Moira K. O, Bryan, Peter J. Leedma