56 research outputs found

    ANALISIS PENGENDALIAN WAKTU DAN BIAYA SISA PEKERJAAN DENGAN METODE TIME COST TRADE OFF (Studi Kasus : Pada Proyek Pembangunan Gedung Pelayanan Paviliun RSUD Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang)

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    The implementation of a construction project can be influenced by several factors which result in delays in project completion. Therefore, it is necessary to accelerate the process by considering the increasing costs. The Time Cost Trade Off (TCTO) method can be used to optimize project acceleration relative to costs. By using TCTO, it is possible to determine the maximum acceleration level as well as control costs in order to obtain the most effective costs. Based on the results of calculations and analysis of duration acceleration based on data on the Dr. Hospital Pavilion Service Building Construction project. SAIFUL ANWAR Malang. Then, in accordance with the problem formulation and research objectives, the conclusions obtained in this research are: The optimal acceleration time obtained is the addition of 4 working hours with a total project duration of 104.5 days, 31.5 days faster than the normal duration of 136 days. . The costs resulting from the additional 4 hours of overtime work with a total duration of 104.5 days are IDR. 218,125,237 Total project cost after acceleration is IDR 7,553,282,25

    Kesesuaian Lahan Permukiman Terhadap Kawasan Rawan Bencana Longsor

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    ABSTRACTIndonesia is a country with varying regional topography conditions. This varied topography also means that Indonesia has varying slope levels as well. With the slope of this varied slope increases the potential for landslide disasters. Some areas with steep slope levels are utilized not as they should increase the risk of losses experienced in the event of a disaster. This research aims to identify and analyze the suitability of residential land to landslide-prone areas and to identify mitigation efforts against landslides. This analysis begins by identifying the factors that affect landslide disaster insecurity. After that, identify the distribution of settlements. After the two were identified, an analysis was carried out to determine the suitability of the landslide-prone settlement. Based on the analysis that has been done, then the next step is to classify landslide disaster prone areas where the number of classes obtained is 5 (five) classes. The classification of landslide disaster insanity is divided into very low, low, medium, high, and very high levels of insanity.Keywords: Settlements, Disaster Insecurity, LandslideĀ ABSTRAKIndonesia merupakan negara dengan kondisi topografi wilayah yang bervariasi. Topografi yang bervariasi ini juga mengartikan bahwa Indonesia memiliki tingkat kemiringan lereng yang bervariasi pula. Dengan kemiringan lereng yang bervariasi ini meningkatkan potensi terjadinya tanah longsor. Beberapa wilayah dengan tingkat kemiringan lereng curam ini dimanfaatkan tidak sebagaimana mestinya sehinggaĀ  meningkatkan risiko kerugian yang dialami saat terjadi bencana. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis kesesuaian lahan permukiman terhadap kawasan rawan bencana longsor serta mengetahui upaya mitigasi terhadap bencana tanah longsor. Analisis ini dimulai dengan melakukan identifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kerawanan bencana longsor. Setelah itu, melakukan identifikasi persebaran lokasi permukiman. Setelah keduanya diidentifikasi, maka dilakukan analisis guna mengetahui kesesuaian lahan permukiman terhdap kawasn rawan bencana longsor. Berdasarkan analisis yang telah dilakukan, maka langkah selanjutnya adalah melakukan klasifikasi kawasan rawan bencana tanah longsor dimana jumlah kelas yang diperoleh adalah 5 (lima) kelas. Klasifikasi kerawanan bencana tanah longsor terbagi menjadi tingkat kerawanan sangat rendah, rendah, sedang, tinggi, dan sangat tinggi.Kata Kunci : Permukiman, Kerawanan Bencana, Tanah Longso

    Sosialisasi Strategi Packaging dan Branding untuk Meningkatkan Daya Saing Produk

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    The purpose of this activity is to promote the socialization of packaging and branding strategies to increase the competitiveness of UMKM products. The activity partner is the UMKM Forum of Mega Mendung District, Bogor Regency. The problem partners is the lack of product competitiveness in the market, related to the use of product packaging that is not yet innovative and contemporary and still lacks member knowledge about packaging strategies and building good product brand identification. The activities are carried out in three stages. The first stage is a survey of service locations and conducting interviews with partners; the second stage is identifying partner problems and socialization needs; and the third stage is implementing activities. This community service activity was held on Saturday, August 7th, 2021. The method of implementing the activity is through material socialization on packaging and branding strategies, questions and answers, discussions, and video playback through the Zoom application. From the evaluation before and after socialization, it can be seen that there is an increase in participants' understanding of the importance of packaging and branding strategies in increasing product competitiveness


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    Abstract: This study aims to describe the findings related to the affective aspects of the novel ā€œMuhammad: Lelaki Penggenggam Hujanā€ by Tasaro GK. This is motivated by the facts which show that learning of Islamic History and Culture is still mostly done based on cognitive aspects alone. This is certainly not in line with the characteristics of these learning which not only include the development of the cognitive aspects of students, but also demands empowerment in the affective and psychomotor aspects. So that one alternative problem solving that can be offered is to use novels as a source of affective learning. The discussion in this study was carried out with a content analysis consisting of four steps; data procurement, data reduction, data analysis, and inference. The results of data analysis show that there are various forms of simulations on the level of affective aspects in the novel ā€œMuhammad: Lelaki Penggenggam Hujanā€

    Faktor Risiko Pterygium pada Kelompok Tani di Desa Petir Kecamatan Kalibagor Kabupaten Banyumas

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    Latar Belakang: Pterygium adalah pertumbuhan jaringan fibrovaskuler pada konjungtiva bulbi yang bersifat multifaktorial. Petani merupakan profesi yang rentan mengalami pterygium karena banyak melakukan aktivitas di luar ruangan dan terpapar faktor risiko yang menyebabkan pterygium. Tujuan: Mengetahui prevalensi dan faktor risiko pterygium pada kelompok tani di Desa Petir Kecamatan Kalibagor Kabupaten Banyumas. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitik dengan menggunakan pendekatan cross-sectional study. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 69 petani di Desa Petir Kecamatan Kalibagor Banyumas yang dipilih dengan metode consecutive sampling. Pengumpulan data dengan wawancara menggunakan kuisioner, dan pemeriksaan pterygium dengan menggunakan pen light. Analisis data menggunakan Rasio Prevalensi. Hasil: Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa prevalensi pterygium pada kelompok tani di Desa Petir Kecamatan Kalibagor Banyumas adalah 15,9%. Hasil analisis rasio prevalensi menunjukkan nilai rasio prevalensi dari faktor keturunan (RP = 1,200 dan CI = 1,077 ā€“ 1,337), usia (RP = 1,196 dan CI = 1,076 ā€“ 1,330), jenis kelamin (RP = 0,865 dan CI = 0,722 ā€“ 1,037), lama masa kerja (RP = 1,212 CI = 1,081 ā€“ 1,357), durasi kerja (RP = 0,884 dan CI = 0,665 ā€“ 1,175), penggunaan alat pelindung diri (RP = 1,016 dan CI = 0,814 ā€“ 1,268). Kesimpulan: Keturunan, usia, dan lama masa kerja merupakan faktor risiko pterygium pada kelompok tani di Desa Petir Kecamatan Kalibagor Banyumas. Jenis kelamin, durasi kerja, dan penggunaan alat pelindung diri bukan merupakan faktor risiko pterygium pada kelompok tani di Desa Petir Kecamatan Kalibagor Banyumas

    LKP : Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Penjualan dan Pengadaan Barang di Koperasi Karyawan Perguruan Tinggi Swasta ABC

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    Kemajuan teknologi saat ini menjadikan kegiatan manusia dapat berjalan cepat dan akurat. Ketiadaan sistem yang terkomputerisasi telah membuat Koperasi Karyawan Perguruan Tinggi Swasta ABC di Surabaya sulit untuk melakukan pengolahan data transaksi baik penjualan maupun pengadaan barang. Koperasi Karyawan yang didalamnya terdapat unit toko ini, memerlukan suatu aplikasi untuk menunjang tenaga administrasi dan kasir dalam menjalankan kegiatan operasionalnya. Pencatatan transaksi penjualan serta pengadaan barang pada unit toko sangat dibutuhkan guna melakukan maintenance barang serta mengetahui keuntungan yang diperoleh. Masalah yang sering terjadi adalah ketelitian yang kurang dalam pendataan, transaksi jual-beli dan pengadaan barang. Hal ini dapat terjadi antara lain disebabkan pencatatan transaksi dan pengadaan barang yang dilakukan kurang akurat. Solusi yang bisa diterapkan guna mengatasi masalah tersebut adalah dengan memanfaatkan aplikasi penjualan dan pengadaan barang. Dengan adanya penerapan aplikasi ini, data yang ada menjadi lebih terintegrasi antara data pengadaan dan penjualan barang, sehingga data lebih akurat dan real-time

    Impact of economic growth on regional development in Jambi Province

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    This research work aims to, firstly, analyze the structure of economic growth based on regency/city typology in Jambi Province in 2008-2007, and secondly, to analyze regional development inequality in Jambi Province in 2008-2017. The analytical methods used are cluster analysis and Williamson Index. In this study, regions are grouped based on similar characteristics of economic growth in Regency/City in Jambi Province using cluster analysis in the period 2008 to 2007. The results of the cluster analysis generated three regional groups with different economic characteristics each year. Through Williamson Index it is found that the average value of development inequality in Jambi Province in 2008-2017 is 0.389, indicating that Jambi Provinceā€™s inequality index is in the intermediate level. The results of panel data regression analysis show that HDI and Expenditure on Goods and Services have a significant effect on economic growth


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    Subject matter in this research is how the methodology of interpretation of Said Nursi in Scripture Isyarat al-Iā€™jaz fi Mazann al-IjazĀ The purpose of this research is to 1) to know the method of interpretation of Said Nursi in Scripture Isyarat al-Iā€™jaz fi Mazann al-Ijaz, 2) to know the approach to and interpretation of Said Nursi in Isyarat al-Iā€™jaz fi Mazann al-Ijaz, 3) to know the techniques of interpretation of Said Nursi in Scripture Isyarat al-Iā€™jaz fi Mazann al-Ijaz, 4) to know the advantages and limitations of the interpretation of Said Nursi in Scripture Isyarat al-Iā€™jaz fi Mazann al-Ijaz. This type of research is the research library research. Research approach in this research is the approach of science of tafseer. As for the data sources used are primary and secondary sources. The next method of data collection was done by affirming the theme data is searchable, affirmed the source data, do data coding or classification to facilitate the researchers in this study. And techniques of processing and data analysis is performed using data reduction system, data and cereal drawdown conclusion. The results showed that: 1) method of interpretation used Said Nursi in Scripture Isyarat al-Iā€™jaz fi Mazann al-Ijaz is a method of tahliliĀ or analysis, 2) approach is Said Nursi use in Scripture Isyarat al-Iā€™jaz fi Mazann al-Ijaz is the theological approach. And the pattern is the pattern of Isyari, Ā 3) Said Nursi interpretation techniques apply in the book Isyarat al-Iā€™jaz fi Mazann al-Ijaz textual interpretation and technique is contextual, 4) the advantages of book Isyarat al-Iā€™jaz fi Mazann al-Ijaz are: a) the sentence that concisely, b) use three stages in interpreting the Qur'an, verse by verse previous relationships, relationship verse in the form of phrases, the texts in each relationship, c) reveal the secrets and wisdom which contained in every verse of the Qur'an, d) forms of questioning in its interpretation, e) proposes nazm al-Qur'an, f) independently thinking israiliyyat, g) combines several disciplines in interpreting the Qur'an. As for the limitations that are owned are: a) interpreted the surah al-Fatihah and surah al-Baqarah, b) the language used is very elusive, c) understanding book of Isyarat al-Iā€™jaz fi Mazann al-Ijaz limited to people who had the insight a vast, d) does not mention the asbab al-nuzul ayah, e) are not listed the sources reference. The implications of research in this research study is expected to contribute to the academic community in reviewing the methodology of interpretation of which has a significant role in helping understand the Systematics of the scholars in the interpret the verses of the Qur'an

    Improved performance in aluminium oxide tool inserts via post sintering using hybrid microwave energy

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    This research investigates the effect of hybrid microwave energy toward the enhancement of tool life in Alā‚‚Oā‚ƒ inserts. Post sintering was done using conventional and hybrid microwave sintering at 600Ā°C for 15 mins and compared the findings with the original available commercial inserts. Mechanical testing such as density, hardness and compression strength were performed together with the micro structural analysis using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) was done. Tool life of these Alā‚‚Oā‚ƒ inserts were analysed through dry machining using three different cutting speeds ( 245, 305 and 381 m/min) at the feed rate of 0.2 mm/rev and depth of cut of 0.2 mm. Two different workpieces were used in this research; T6061 Aluminium Alloy and Hardened Steel. Results have shown that the density and hardness remain quite similar with or without the post sintering effect. However, the material became slightly more brittle upon post sintering where conventional sintering produced a compression strength of 0.07 MPa while the hybrid microwave sintering produced a compression strength of 0.21 MPa. Tool life of Alā‚‚Oā‚ƒ inserts in dry machining of T6061 Aluminium alloy and Hardened Steel has increased by 27.0-40.0 % and 30.6-39.1 % respectively for the hybrid microwave post sintering
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