164 research outputs found

    Multi-site rate control analysis identifies ribosomal scanning as the sole high-capacity/low-flux-control step in mRNA translation

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    Control of complex intracellular pathways such as protein synthesis is critical to organism survival, but is poorly understood. Translation of a reading frame in eukaryotic mRNA is preceded by a scanning process in which a subset of translation factors helps guide ribosomes to the start codon. Here, we perform comparative analysis of the control status of this scanning step that sits between recruitment of the small ribosomal subunit to the m7GpppG‐capped 5′end of mRNA and of the control exerted by downstream phases of polypeptide initiation, elongation and termination. We have utilized a detailed predictive model as guidance for designing quantitative experimental interrogation of control in the yeast translation initiation pathway. We have built a synthetic orthogonal copper‐responsive regulatory promoter (PCuR3) that is used here together with the tet07 regulatory system in a novel dual‐site in vivo rate control analysis strategy. Combining this two‐site strategy with calibrated mass spectrometry to determine translation factor abundance values, we have tested model‐based predictions of rate control properties of the in vivo system. We conclude from the results that the components of the translation machinery that promote scanning collectively function as a low‐flux‐control system with a capacity to transfer ribosomes into the core process of polypeptide production that exceeds the respective capacities of the steps of polypeptide initiation, elongation and termination. In contrast, the step immediately prior to scanning, that is, ribosome recruitment via the mRNA 5′ cap‐binding complex, is a high‐flux‐control step

    An in vivo control map for the eukaryotic mRNA translation machinery

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    Rate control analysis defines the in vivo control map governing yeast protein synthesis and generates an extensively parameterized digital model of the translation pathway. Among other non-intuitive outcomes, translation demonstrates a high degree of functional modularity and comprises a non-stoichiometric combination of proteins manifesting functional convergence on a shared maximal translation rate. In exponentially growing cells, polypeptide elongation (eEF1A, eEF2, and eEF3) exerts the strongest control. The two other strong control points are recruitment of mRNA and tRNAi to the 40S ribosomal subunit (eIF4F and eIF2) and termination (eRF1; Dbp5). In contrast, factors that are found to promote mRNA scanning efficiency on a longer than-average 5′untranslated region (eIF1, eIF1A, Ded1, eIF2B, eIF3, and eIF5) exceed the levels required for maximal control. This is expected to allow the cell to minimize scanning transition times, particularly for longer 5′UTRs. The analysis reveals these and other collective adaptations of control shared across the factors, as well as features that reflect functional modularity and system robustness. Remarkably, gene duplication is implicated in the fine control of cellular protein synthesis

    Low dose of GRP78-targeting subtilase cytotoxin improves the efficacy of photodynamic therapy in vivo

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    Photodynamic therapy (PDT) exerts direct cytotoxic effects on tumor cells, destroys tumor blood and lymphatic vessels and induces local inflammation. Although PDT triggers the release of immunogenic antigens from tumor cells, the degree of immune stimulation is regimen-dependent. The highest immunogenicity is achieved at sub-lethal doses, which at the same time trigger cytoprotective responses, that include increased expression of glucose-regulated protein 78 (GRP78). To mitigate the cytoprotective effects of GRP78 and preserve the immunoregulatory activity of PDT, we investigated the in vivo efficacy of PDT in combination with EGF-SubA cytotoxin that was shown to potentiate in vitro PDT cytotoxicity by inactivating GRP78. Treatment of immunocompetent BALB/c mice with EGF-SubA improved the efficacy of PDT but only when mice were treated with a dose of EGF-SubA that exerted less pronounced effects on the number of T and B lymphocytes as well as dendritic cells in mouse spleens. The observed antitumor effects were critically dependent on CD8(+) T cells and were completely abrogated in immunodeficient SCID mice. All these results suggest that GRP78 targeting improves in vivo PDT efficacy provided intact T-cell immune system

    Minimum-noise production of translation factor eIF4G maps to a mechanistically determined optimal rate control window for protein synthesis

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    Gene expression noise influences organism evolution and fitness. The mechanisms determining the relationship between stochasticity and the functional role of translation machinery components are critical to viability. eIF4G is an essential translation factor that exerts strong control over protein synthesis. We observe an asymmetric, approximately bell-shaped, relationship between the average intracellular abundance of eIF4G and rates of cell population growth and global mRNA translation, with peak rates occurring at normal physiological abundance. This relationship fits a computational model in which eIF4G is at the core of a multi-component– complex assembly pathway. This model also correctly predicts a plateau-like response of translation to super-physiological increases in abundance of the other cap-complex factors, eIF4E and eIF4A. Engineered changes in eIF4G abundance amplify noise, demonstrating that minimum stochasticity coincides with physiological abundance of this factor. Noise is not increased when eIF4E is overproduced. Plasmid-mediated synthesis of eIF4G imposes increased global gene expression stochasticity and reduced viability because the intrinsic noise for this factor influences total cellular gene noise. The naturally evolved eIF4G gene expression noise minimum maps within the optimal activity zone dictated by eIF4G’s mechanistic role. Rate control and noise are therefore interdependent and have co-evolved to share an optimal physiological abundance point

    Translation elongation can control translation initiation on eukaryotic mRNAs

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    Synonymous codons encode the same amino acid, but differ in other biophysical properties. The evolutionary selection of codons whose properties are optimal for a cell generates the phenomenon of codon bias. Although recent studies have shown strong effects of codon usage changes on protein expression levels and cellular physiology, no translational control mechanism is known that links codon usage to protein expression levels. Here, we demonstrate a novel translational control mechanism that responds to the speed of ribosome movement immediately after the start codon. High initiation rates are only possible if start codons are liberated sufficiently fast, thus accounting for the observation that fast codons are overrepresented in highly expressed proteins. In contrast, slow codons lead to slow liberation of the start codon by initiating ribosomes, thereby interfering with efficient translation initiation. Codon usage thus evolved as a means to optimise translation on individual mRNAs, as well as global optimisation of ribosome availability

    Translational control of gene expression noise and its relationship to ageing in yeast

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    Gene expression noise influences organism evolution and fitness but is poorly understood. There is increasing evidence that the functional roles of components of the translation machinery influence noise intensity. In addition, modulation of the activities of at least some of these same components affects the replicative lifespan of a broad spectrum of organisms. In a novel comparative approach, we modulate the activities of the translation initiation factors eIFG1 and eIF4G2, both of which are involved in the process of recruiting ribosomal 43S preinitiation complexes to the 5’ end of eukaryotic mRNAs. We show that tagging of the cell wall using a fluorescent dye allows us to follow gene expression noise as different yeast strains progress through successive cycles of replicative ageing. This procedure reveals a relationship between global protein synthesis rate and gene expression noise (cell‐to‐cell heterogeneity), which is accompanied by a parallel correlation between gene expression noise and the replicative age of mother cells. An alternative approach, based on microfluidics, confirms the interdependence between protein synthesis rate, gene expression noise and ageing. We additionally show that it is important to characterize the influence of the design of the microfluidic device on the nutritional state of the cells during such experiments. Analysis of the noise data derived from flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy measurements indicates that both the intrinsic and the extrinsic noise components increase as a function of ageing

    Dimeric peroxiredoxins are druggable targets in human Burkitt lymphoma

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    Burkitt lymphoma is a fast-growing tumor derived from germinal center B cells. It is mainly treated with aggressive chemotherapy, therefore novel therapeutic approaches are needed due to treatment toxicity and developing resistance. Disturbance of red-ox homeostasis has recently emerged as an efficient antitumor strategy. Peroxiredoxins (PRDXs) are thioredoxin-family antioxidant enzymes that scavenge cellular peroxides and contribute to red-ox homeostasis. PRDXs are robustly expressed in various malignancies and critically involved in cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis. To elucidate potential role of PRDXs in lymphoma, we studied their expression level in B cell-derived primary lymphoma cells as well as in cell lines. We found that PRDX1 and PRDX2 are upregulated in tumor B cells as compared with normal counterparts. Concomitant knockdown of PRDX1 and PRDX2 significantly attenuated the growth rate of lymphoma cells. Furthermore, in human Burkitt lymphoma cell lines, we isolated dimeric 2-cysteine peroxiredoxins as targets for SK053, a novel thiol-specific small-molecule peptidomimetic with antitumor activity. We observed that treatment of lymphoma cells with SK053 triggers formation of covalent PRDX dimers, accumulation of intracellular reactive oxygen species, phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and AKT and leads to cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. Based on site-directed mutagenesis and modeling studies, we propose a mechanism of SK053-mediated PRDX crosslinking, involving double thioalkylation of active site cysteine residues. Altogether, our results suggest that peroxiredoxins are novel therapeutic targets in Burkitt lymphoma and provide the basis for new approaches to the treatment of this disease

    Quantitative principles of cis-translational control by general mRNA sequence features in eukaryotes.

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    BackgroundGeneral translational cis-elements are present in the mRNAs of all genes and affect the recruitment, assembly, and progress of preinitiation complexes and the ribosome under many physiological states. These elements include mRNA folding, upstream open reading frames, specific nucleotides flanking the initiating AUG codon, protein coding sequence length, and codon usage. The quantitative contributions of these sequence features and how and why they coordinate to control translation rates are not well understood.ResultsHere, we show that these sequence features specify 42-81% of the variance in translation rates in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Arabidopsis thaliana, Mus musculus, and Homo sapiens. We establish that control by RNA secondary structure is chiefly mediated by highly folded 25-60 nucleotide segments within mRNA 5' regions, that changes in tri-nucleotide frequencies between highly and poorly translated 5' regions are correlated between all species, and that control by distinct biochemical processes is extensively correlated as is regulation by a single process acting in different parts of the same mRNA.ConclusionsOur work shows that general features control a much larger fraction of the variance in translation rates than previously realized. We provide a more detailed and accurate understanding of the aspects of RNA structure that directs translation in diverse eukaryotes. In addition, we note that the strongly correlated regulation between and within cis-control features will cause more even densities of translational complexes along each mRNA and therefore more efficient use of the translation machinery by the cell

    The RND-family transporter, HpnN, is required for hopanoid localization to the outer membrane of Rhodopseudomonas palustris TIE-1

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    Rhodopseudomonas palustris TIE-1 is a Gram-negative bacterium that produces structurally diverse hopanoid lipids that are similar to eukaryotic steroids. Its genome encodes several homologues to proteins involved in eukaryotic steroid trafficking. In this study, we explored the possibility that two of these proteins are involved in intracellular hopanoid transport. R. palustris has a sophisticated membrane system comprising outer, cytoplasmic, and inner cytoplasmic membranes. It also divides asymmetrically, producing a mother and swarmer cell. We deleted genes encoding two putative hopanoid transporters that belong to the resistance–nodulation– cell division superfamily. Phenotypic analyses revealed that one of these putative transporters (HpnN) is essential for the movement of hopanoids from the cytoplasmic to the outer membrane, whereas the other (Rpal_4267) plays a minor role. C30 hopanoids, such as diploptene, are evenly distributed between mother and swarmer cells, whereas hpnN is required for the C35 hopanoid, bacteriohopanetetrol, to remain localized to the mother cell type. Mutant cells lacking HpnN grow like the WT at 30 °C but slower at 38 °C. Following cell division at 38 °C, the ΔhpnN cells remain connected by their cell wall, forming long filaments. This phenotype may be attributed to hopanoid mislocalization because a double mutant deficient in both hopanoid biosynthesis and transport does not form filaments. However, the lack of hopanoids severely compromises cell growth at higher temperatures more generally. Because hopanoid mutants only manifest a strong phenotype under certain conditions, R. palustris is an attractive model organism in which to study their transport and function

    Potent, p53-independent induction of NOXA sensitizes MLL-rearranged B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells to venetoclax

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    The prognosis for B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients with Mixed-Lineage Leukemia (MLL) gene rearrangements (MLLr BCP-ALL) is still extremely poor. Inhibition of anti-apoptotic protein BCL-2 with venetoclax emerged as a promising strategy for this subtype of BCP-ALL, however, lack of sufficient responses in preclinical models and the possibility of developing resistance exclude using venetoclax as monotherapy. Herein, we aimed to uncover potential mechanisms responsible for limited venetoclax activity in MLLr BCP-ALL and to identify drugs that could be used in combination therapy. Using RNA-seq, we observed that long-term exposure to venetoclax in vivo in a patient-derived xenograft model leads to downregulation of several tumor protein 53 (TP53)-related genes. Interestingly, auranofin, a thioredoxin reductase inhibitor, sensitized MLLr BCP-ALL to venetoclax in various in vitro and in vivo models, independently of the p53 pathway functionality. Synergistic activity of these drugs resulted from auranofin-mediated upregulation of NOXA pro-apoptotic protein and potent induction of apoptotic cell death. More specifically, we observed that auranofin orchestrates upregulation of the NOXA-encoding gene Phorbol-12-Myristate-13-Acetate-Induced Protein 1 (PMAIP1) associated with chromatin remodeling and increased transcriptional accessibility. Altogether, these results present an efficacious drug combination that could be considered for the treatment of MLLr BCP-ALL patients, including those with TP53 mutations
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