254 research outputs found

    La ricerca e il gruppo esperienziale nell’ambito del progetto “www…parliamonepure.it” realizzato nel carcere di Castelvetrano (TP)

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    Nel panorama nazionale si discute poco degli autori dei reati sessuali, infatti l’attenzione dell’opinione pubblica e dei diversi attori sociali è più rivolta alle vittime dei reati sessuali. Ancora poco si affronta il problema legato al trattamento dei pedofili e dei violentatori di donne, nonostante l’argomento meriti approfondimenti anche in ambito penitenziario. Appare necessario ed opportuno individuare, nell’ambito del lavoro trattamentale, un modello operativo finalizzato alla ricerca di strategie che orientino il condannato per reati sessuali verso un percorso di analisi degli agiti. Ciò assume una rilevanza particolare nel trattamento dei detenuti sex offenders, pur riconoscendo la valenza del percorso trattamentale rivolto a qualsiasi tipologia di detenuti. L’esperienza realizzata presso la Casa Circondariale di Castelvetrano, descritta nel presente articolo, ha consentito, attraverso l’uso di una metodologia di lavoro di gruppo, di rilevare a carico dei soggetti partecipanti un quadro di consistente difficoltà nei percorsi di approfondimento e di analisi personale. In Italy, there has been little discussion about sex offenders. In fact, public and social actors’ attention has focused more on the victims of sex crimes rather than on criminals, so little importance is given to resocialization programs for paedophiles and rapists, even if this topic is worth exploring particularly in prisons. In the treatment phase, it is necessary and considered appropriate to identify an operational model aimed to orientate the sex offenders towards a process of analysis of their deviant behaviours. Through the methodology of the experiential group, the project carried out at Castelvetrano prison has highlighted the severe difficulties in personal analysis encountered by the sex offenders involved

    Seismic response of Cfs strap-braced stud walls: Experimental investigation

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    The development of light weight steel structures in seismic area as Italy requires the upgrading of National Codes. To this end, in the last years a theoretical and experimental study was undertaken at the University of Naples within the Italian research project RELUIS-DPC 2010–2013. The study focused on “all-steel design” solutions and investigated the seismic behavior of strap-braced stud walls. Three typical wall configurations were defined according to both elastic and dissipative design criteria for three different seismic scenarios. The lateral in-plane inelastic behavior of these systems was evaluated by twelve tests performed on full-scale Cold-formed strap-braced stud wall specimens with dimensions 2400×2700 m2 subjected to monotonic and reversed cyclic loading protocols. The experimental campaign was completed with seventeen tests on materials, eight shear tests on elementary steel connections and twenty-eight shear tests on strap-framing connection systems. This paper provides the main outcomes of the experimental investigation. Furthermore, the design prescriptions, with particular reference to the behavior factor and the capacity design rules for these systems, have been proved on the basis of experimental results

    Interdisciplinary Knowledge for Conservation of Ruins: Stratigraphic Investigations of San Giovanni Battista Church (Sardinia, Italy)

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    The debate over how best to preserve and reuse ruins continues apace among academics around the world, remaining a still unresolved issue. In modern ages, different approaches have defined several solutions for rehabilitating these complex architectures. However, these do not appropriately consider their role of chrono-typological and material benchmark for the whole understanding of the fabric and consequent basis for their future sustainable enhancement. In particular, this is even more discussed in Sardinia where the high presence of ruined structures as well as the lack of documentary sources and funding has led mostly towards non-intervention policies. For these reasons, the present research contributes to this debate proposing an interdisciplinary methodology of knowledge specifically designed for buildings in a state of ruin. It involves different scientific areas: 3D survey with laser scanning technologies, archaeological graphic restitutions, stratigraphic surveys and classification of masonries types and diagnostic laboratory tests on materials (mortars, plasters, stones). The study highlights the valuable archaeological and documentary relevance of ruins for the understanding of their history, building technologies, materials and a state of conservation. It contributes to the definition of a design project, and to the identification of the typological and dimensional features referred to a specific context, also useful tool for dating coeval minor architectures, difficult to date. The investigation plan is here tested on the rural church of Saint Giovanni Battista (Bortigali, Sardinia, Italy), dating back to the XIII-XIV century and actually in a state of ruin. The case study is particularly representative of the complexity related to the investigation of Sardinian rural churches characterized by the lack of archival sources and an interesting variety of masonries types due to their different chronologies, even if it makes the buildings themselves the only available document for the comprehension of their constructive phases. The illustrated knowledge plan also provides a substantial contribution for the definition of possible actions for the conservation, re-functionalization and valorisation of these ruins

    Seismic response of Cfs strap-braced stud walls: Theoretical study

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    The use of cold-formed steel (CFS) profiles in low-rise residential buildings has increased in European construction sector. The reason of this interest is related to potentialities offered by this constructive system, which are the high structural performance, lightness, short construction time, durability and eco-efficiency. Nevertheless, the current structural codes, such as Eurocodes, do not provide enough information about the seismic design of this structural typology. In an effort to investigate the seismic response of CFS structures, a theoretical and experimental research has been carried out at University of Naples Federico II, with the main aim to support the spreading of these systems in seismic areas. This study focuses on an “all-steel design” solution in which strap-braced stud walls are the main lateral resisting system. In the present paper the outcomes of theoretical phase are shown with the aim of defining the criteria for the seismic design of such structures. In particular, a critical analysis of the requirements for CFS systems provided by the American code AISI S213 has been carried out by comparing it with those given by Eurocodes for traditional braced steel frames

    Investigation protocols for dating defence architecture

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    This article was instigated by an awareness of the complete absence of studies aimed at dating both monumental and minor historical architectures in Sardinia. This situation led us to begin our research with the analysis of fortified systems, such as urban and suburban walls, castles, fortresses, bunkers, and defence and lookout towers. These systems were chosen because they are usually in a rather precarious condition, which greatly facilitates the analysis of masonry structures, both in elevation and in sections. Furthermore, they are generally philologically dated and may therefore represent a benchmark for dating other architectures, particularly ‘minor’ structures, which are otherwise difficult to be placed chronologically. The research, which is still in progress, is based on a multidisciplinary approach that includes the representation of historical architecture, the architectural history, the stratigraphy of the masonries and analysis techniques. From a construction point of view, the dimensions and materials used are also being investigated, with particular attention to the mineralogical and petrographic characteristics of the components. Following the collection of data through archaeometric and other investigations, management of the data plays a key role in the definition of chronological classes for similar construction techniques

    A comparative evaluation of 3 different free-form deformable image registration and contour propagation methods for head and neck MRI : the case of parotid changes radiotherapy

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    Purpose: To validate and compare the deformable image registration and parotid contour propagation process for head and neck magnetic resonance imaging in patients treated with radiotherapy using 3 different approachesthe commercial MIM, the open-source Elastix software, and an optimized version of it. Materials and Methods: Twelve patients with head and neck cancer previously treated with radiotherapy were considered. Deformable image registration and parotid contour propagation were evaluated by considering the magnetic resonance images acquired before and after the end of the treatment. Deformable image registration, based on free-form deformation method, and contour propagation available on MIM were compared to Elastix. Two different contour propagation approaches were implemented for Elastix software, a conventional one (DIR_Trx) and an optimized homemade version, based on mesh deformation (DIR_Mesh). The accuracy of these 3 approaches was estimated by comparing propagated to manual contours in terms of average symmetric distance, maximum symmetric distance, Dice similarity coefficient, sensitivity, and inclusiveness. Results: A good agreement was generally found between the manual contours and the propagated ones, without differences among the 3 methods; in few critical cases with complex deformations, DIR_Mesh proved to be more accurate, having the lowest values of average symmetric distance and maximum symmetric distance and the highest value of Dice similarity coefficient, although nonsignificant. The average propagation errors with respect to the reference contours are lower than the voxel diagonal (2 mm), and Dice similarity coefficient is around 0.8 for all 3 methods. Conclusion: The 3 free-form deformation approaches were not significantly different in terms of deformable image registration accuracy and can be safely adopted for the registration and parotid contour propagation during radiotherapy on magnetic resonance imaging. More optimized approaches (as DIR_Mesh) could be preferable for critical deformations

    Evaluation of the Seismic Performance of Light Gauge Steel Walls Braced with Flat Straps

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    The development of light weight steel structures in seismic area as Italy requires the upgrading of National Codes. To this end, in the last years a theoretical and experimental study was carried out at the University of Naples within the research project RELUIS-DPC 2010-2013. The study focused on all steel design solutions and investigated the seismic behaviour of strap braced stud shear walls. Three wall configurations were defined according to both elastic and dissipative design criteria for three different seismic scenarios. The lateral in-plane behavior of these systems were evaluated by 12 tests performed on full-scale CFS strap-braced stud wall specimens with dimensions 2.4 m x 2.7 m subjected to monotonic and reversed cyclic loading protocols. The experimental campaign was completed with 17 tests on materials, 8 shear tests on elementary steel connections and 28 shear tests on strap-framing connection systems. On the basis of the experimental results, and taking into account the AISI S213 provisions, behaviour factors were evaluated. This paper provides the main outcomes of the experimental tests on walls and behaviour factors evaluation

    Experimental Tests for the Seismic Response Evaluation of Cold-Formed Steel Shear Walls Sheathed with Nailed Gypsum Boards

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    The European project named Energy Efficient LIghtweight-Sustainable-SAfe- Steel Construction (Project acronym: ELISSA) is devoted to the development and demonstration of cold-formed steel (CFS) modular systems. In particular, these systems are nano-enhanced prefabricated lightweight steel skeleton/dry wall construction with improved thermal, vibration/seismic and fire performance, resulting from the inherent thermal, damping and fire spread prevention properties. The different building performances are studied and improved by means of experimental and numerical activities organized on three scale levels: micro-scale, meso-scale and macro-scale. In particular, the evaluation of the seismic performance is carried out at the University of Naples by means tests on connections (micro), seismic-resistant systems (meso) and full-scale two stories house prototype (macro). From a structural point of view, the system is a sheathed-braced CFS solution, in which the seismic resistant elements are made of CFS stud shear walls laterally braced by gypsum-based panels. In the adopted solution, the sheathing panels are attached to the CFS frame by means of ballistic nails, whereas clinching points are used for steel-to-steel connections. The present paper illustrates the results of meso-scale tests performed on four full scale shear walls, in which the influence of the aspect ratio, the type of loading and the effect of finishing was investigated

    Molecular bases of diabetic nephropathy

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    The determinant of the diabetic nephropathy is hyperglycemia, but hypertension and other genetic factors are also involved. Glomerulus is the focus of the injury, where mesangial cell proliferation and extracellular matrix occur because of the increase of the intra- and extracellular glucose concentration and overexpression of GLUT1. Sequentially, there are increases in the flow by the poliol pathway, oxidative stress, increased intracellular production of advanced glycation end products (AGEs), activation of the PKC pathway, increase of the activity of the hexosamine pathway, and activation of TGF-beta1. High glucose concentrations also increase angiotensin II (AII) levels. Therefore, glucose and AII exert similar effects in inducing extracellular matrix formation in the mesangial cells, using similar transductional signal, which increases TGF-beta1 levels. In this review we focus in the effect of glucose and AII in the mesangial cells in causing the events related to the genesis of diabetic nephropathy. The alterations in the signal pathways discussed in this review give support to the observational studies and clinical assays, where metabolic and antihypertensive controls obtained with angiotensin-converting inhibitors have shown important and additive effect in the prevention of the beginning and progression of diabetic nephropathy. New therapeutic strategies directed to the described intracellular events may give future additional benefits.O principal determinante da nefropatia diabética é a hiperglicemia, mas hipertensão e fatores genéticos também estão envolvidos. O glomérulo é o foco de lesão, onde proliferação celular mesangial e produção excessiva de matriz extracelular decorrem do aumento da glicose intracelular, por excesso de glicose extracelular e hiperexpressão de GLUT1. Seguem-se aumento do fluxo pela via dos polióis, estresse oxidativo intracelular, produção intracelular aumentada de produtos avançados da glicação não enzimática (AGEs), ativação da via da PKC, aumento da atividade da via das hexosaminas e ativação de TGF-beta1. Altas concentrações de glicose também aumentam angiotensina II (AII) nas células mesangiais por aumento intracelular da atividade da renina (ações intrácrinas, mediando efeitos proliferativos e inflamatórios diretamente). Portanto, glicose e AII exercem efeitos proliferativos celulares e de matriz extracelular nas células mesangiais, utilizando vias de transdução de sinais semelhantes, que levam a aumento de TGF-beta1. Nesse estudo são revisadas as vias que sinalizam os efeitos da glicose e AII nas células mesangiais em causar os eventos-chaves relacionados à gênese da glomerulopatia diabética. As alterações das vias de sinalização implicadas na glomerulopatia, aqui revisadas, suportam dados de estudos observacionais/ensaios clínicos, onde controle metabólico e anti-hipertensivo, especificamente com inibidores do sistema renina-angiotensina, têm-se mostrado importantes - e aditivos - na prevenção do início e progressão da nefropatia. Novas estratégias terapêuticas dirigidas aos eventos intracelulares descritos deverão futuramente promover benefício adicional.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)HC Instituto do Coração Unidade de HipertensãoUSP FMUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM) Laboratório de NefrologiaFundação Universitária de Cardiologia Instituto de Cardiologia Laboratório de Cardiologia Molecular e CelularUNIFESP, EPM, Laboratório de NefrologiaSciEL